scientiaetlabor · 5 years
Ok so
I've taken vestibular, which is the entrance exam required here in Brazil. Every uni writes their own test, so usually when you have a dream school you should study for that specific test. In Brazil there is also ENEM (exame nacional do ensino medio) which any person can take and use their grade to apply to Sisu, a government-based selective process through which you can apply for several different institutions by selecting two course options you'd like to take. 
Anyway, I've been accepted to uni! I'm going to study at the Federal University of Paraná! I had been accepted to this course in 2014, but I had to quit it for financial reasons and to help care for my mom. At the time I was also severely depressed and it was hard for the to get through even the most basic life tasks. Fortunately the last couple of years I have felt a lot better due to correct treatment, therapy, better eating habits and a lot of other factors that have contributed to my healing. With that in mind I got to resume my undergrad journey! I'm super happy and I feel like now I have a clearer idea of what I want and how to achieve my goals <3
This is also to let you know that this studyblr is about my studying nutrition at ufpr from now on. Scientia et Labor!
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chefrebeccaaguiar · 6 years
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Obrigada pessoal do Coco Bambu Curitiba. Adoramos o carinho com os nossos Calouros da UFPR #calouroufpr2018 #cocobambucuritiba #ufpr #administracaoufpr #arquiteturaufpr #federaldoparana #soDeus (em Coco Bambu Curitiba)
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