#feimin is also spending the day with a quadrant myersi would STRONGLY disapprove of. dhjdjshshdj
wormstuck · 3 months
Quadrants' Day plans, Myersi?
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MYERSI: i'm SO- glad yo-u asked!
MYERSI: cielle is planning a tea party with all her quadrants! she's quite the po-pular girl, yo-u kno-w.
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MYERSI: i'm lo-o-king fo-rward to- it ever such a lo-t. tho-ugh i do- ho-pe certain, ahem, guests will behave themselves...
This may be the most distaste one woman has ever put into the word 'guest'.
MYERSI: um... feimin do-esn't kno-w abo-ut cielle yet, and she'd pro-bably run a mile at the sight o-f her, so- i'm trying to- avo-id cro-ssing tho-se two- streams until she sto-ps being so-... afraid o-f highblo-o-ds.
MYERSI: but we made plans fo-r her to- visit me in the evening like we always do-!
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