#myersi aiguil
windy-trickster · 10 months
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Women in dresses? Women in dresses. I couldn't help myself from doing that strawberry dress and black dress like... Meme, or whatever it is! And since I liked the piece so much, I did another version! Blueberry dresses need more appreciation... Reblogs appreciated! Myersi Aiguil - @wormstuck
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wormstuck · 3 months
What about your other quadrants, Myersi?
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MYERSI: no-w that's mo-re like it!
MYERSI: i've actually been seeing so-meo-ne new recently fo-r the first time in sweeps! her name is cielle, and she's the sweetest, mo-st darling girl yo-u'll ever meet. no-t to- mentio-n ado-rable! and that beautiful hair!
MYERSI: o-o-ps, i'm gushing a little... but she really do-es just give me butterflies.
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MYERSI: she hasn't had the easiest time o-f it, the po-o-r thing, but since she's been staying with me she seems a lo-t mo-re at ease.
MYERSI: no-w, if yo-u'll excuse me, i need to- go- and find her so- i can squish her cheeks. ciao-!
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windy-trickster · 1 year
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Hehe!!! James??? Doodling a Wormstuck troll who isn't Dracma??? Who'd taught! I love their girl Myersi and I just HAD to draw her at some point. Absolute darling and I can't wait for when Orla brings her to their blog! I referenced an image from Pinterest and decided to use the Heart-Bound colors for it! There's some aspects I don't super like about this, but all around I think I did a good job! Reblogs appreciated! Myersi Aiguil - @wormstuck -> Reference outfit in the undercut <-
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wormstuck · 3 months
Hi Myersi!!! I've heard you're into fashion! Is there a particular era/style of fashion you like the most? Any you aren't too thrilled by?
MYERSI: i see my reputation precedes me! =:)
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MYERSI: i think all styles have so-mething impo-rtant to- say abo-ut the wearer, do-n't you?
MYERSI: but i prefer a classic, feminine style myself. and i'm o-f the firm belief that o-ne can never be to-o- dressed up!
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wormstuck · 3 months
Quadrants' Day plans, Myersi?
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MYERSI: i'm SO- glad yo-u asked!
MYERSI: cielle is planning a tea party with all her quadrants! she's quite the po-pular girl, yo-u kno-w.
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MYERSI: i'm lo-o-king fo-rward to- it ever such a lo-t. tho-ugh i do- ho-pe certain, ahem, guests will behave themselves...
This may be the most distaste one woman has ever put into the word 'guest'.
MYERSI: um... feimin do-esn't kno-w abo-ut cielle yet, and she'd pro-bably run a mile at the sight o-f her, so- i'm trying to- avo-id cro-ssing tho-se two- streams until she sto-ps being so-... afraid o-f highblo-o-ds.
MYERSI: but we made plans fo-r her to- visit me in the evening like we always do-!
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wormstuck · 3 months
Myersi what do you think of Lustra?
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MYERSI: has miss dro-po-ut been dragging my name thro-ugh the mud again?
MYERSI: no-t that i'm surprised. it's no-t like she has anything better to- do-.
MYERSI: listen, i'd gladly have no-thing to- do- with her if she didn't keep BUGGING me even after all this time!
MYERSI: and yet here i am, at the ripe o-ld age o-f nine sweeps, talking abo-ut her to- a stranger.
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MYERSI: erm, no- o-ffence. i'm sure yo-u're a lo-vely perso-n.
MYERSI: sigh. i just wish she'd get her act to-gether, yo-u kno-w? it's as they say; yo-u can run fro-m the cavern, but yo-u can't run fro-m the clo-ister. and yo-u certainly can't run fro-m the culling dro-ne.
MYERSI: she was very impo-rtant to- me o-nce. i do-n't want that fo-r her.
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wormstuck · 3 months
who were u talkin abt then?
LUSTRA: okay... you... got... me...
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LUSTRA: shes... a... fake... BITCH... who... thinks... she... knows... whats... best... for... everyone...
LUSTRA: and... shes... OBSESSED... with... me...
LUSTRA: always... poking... her... nose... into... my... business...
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LUSTRA: sad... really...
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wormstuck · 3 months
You have a moirail? Could we possibly know more about them, Myersi? :D
MYERSI: i do-, and she's the mo-st delightful little critter o-n the who-le o-f alternia!
MYERSI: tho-ugh i'm sure she'd take issue if she heard me saying that, haha.
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MYERSI: feimin is very shy, so- i wo-uld prefer to- avo-id talking abo-ut her to-o- much. it's liable to- upset her, yo-u see.
MYERSI: we're wo-rking o-n it, tho-ugh! i ho-pe o-ne day she'll have the co-nfidence to- jo-in me here. =:)
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wormstuck · 3 months
Do you have a favorite bug, Myersi? Or a favorite like... Group/species of bug? :0
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MYERSI: o-h, this o-ne is easy. mademo-iselle demo-iselle, my lusus, is a magnificent giant drago-nfly! so- naturally, tho-se are my favo-urite.
MYERSI: that reminds me! recently my mo-irail to-ld me that the lo-wblo-o-d term fo-r a drago-nfly is 'co-pterbug'.
MYERSI: that... isn't really relevant, but i tho-ught it was interesting!
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wormstuck · 3 months
myersi i love your outfit!!! what do u do for work?
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MYERSI: thank yo-u! it's a custo-m piece fro-m my o-wn label, atelier aiguil. which also- happens to- be my jo-b!
MYERSI: it's been my dream to- be a haunt co-uture designer since i was an itty bitty grub. =:)
MYERSI: granted, it's no-t an easy industry fo-r us teals to- break into-... i expect i'll have to- juggle it alo-ngside my fleet jo-b so-o-n...
MYERSI: ah, well! what's o-ne mo-re thing to- juggle, hm?
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wormstuck · 3 months
le myersi has arrived
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windy-trickster · 1 year
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When you get a sweater from the nice Teal lady you met Myersi Aiguil - @wormstuck
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windy-trickster · 8 months
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When you're denying you have pitched feelings for the local Indigo kid you've grown up around Finally! All of the fankids between me and @wormstuck have been drawn. Ophrys Ravvna, ectoson to Amdala Ravvna and Myersi Aiguil [who belongs to Orla <3]
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