#ferb I know what we're gonna queue today!
ketchup-chup · 5 years
Psychological Thrillers that make you realize your life isn’t so bad after all
Another manga rec no one asked for yay! Now featuring my favourite genre psychological thriller! There are a lot of good ones so I’ll have to make more lists. Also a separate one for western thrillers as I’m mainly focusing on Asian ones. 
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Summary: Jin is living a never ending nightmare with his father as a serial killer and him as his unwilling accomplice
Yo this shit is so good. Like from the first chapter it got me hooked. You grow to really love the characters (other then the dad of course lol) and the story just really has you on the edge of your seat the whole time wondering what’s gonna happen next. 10/10 would recommend.
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Save Me 
Summary: Hyeongoh, a disabled and extremely intelligent boy,  is relentlessly bullied and harassed at school with no sign of relief. Until one day they get a new student…
No, not the BTS webtoon. This webcomic was so frustrating and enthralling I couldn’t stop reading it. You really feel for Hyeongoh and will want nothing more than to punt his bullies into another dimension. They take bullying to an extreme and shit just gets more intense as it goes on. Hyeongoh himself is extremely strong and stubborn which makes you only want to root for him more. Seriously do recommend.
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Beauty Game 
Summary: An unattractive woman gets the chance to change her appearance with an app, but only after completing a series of tasks.
Basically a story of, everyone is a dick unless you’re attractive. It’s pretty crazy the things people will do for beauty and although the protagonist isn’t an awful person it’s interesting seeing her slowly be pushed off the edge after everyone is just a plain ol’ jerk to her for not being conventionally attractive.
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Ghost Teller
Summary: Sometimes what’s scariest isn’t ghosts rather humans themselves. Come join these ghosts as they tell stories of the evil of mankind
I wouldn’t really say this is a psychological thriller, but it is pretty psychological. Kinda shows you how fucked up people can be. Plus the art is super cute which is a plus.
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Distant Sky
Summary: A boy wakes up surrounded by corpses in a building that seems to have collapsed. Upon investigation it seems to be not just the building but the whole town.
This one isn’t going to be for everyone. Not because it’s super disturbing or anything but the way the story is told is a bit strange, and not very linear which confuses a lot of people. It’s a pretty surreal experience but something about it just made it so I couldn’t stop reading.
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Tohyo Game
Summary: With the start of a popularity contest the students don’t take it too seriously until they discover that losing means death
So there are a lot of these where it’s a stereotypical Japanese class and suddenly everyone gets a message of some sort (in this case it’s a popularity poll of students in the class) and then suddenly it becomes a death game with a protagonist a little too intent on saving everyone. This is one of the few I didn’t find too boring.
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ketchup-chup · 5 years
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I have not seen too many disney/pixar movies but here is a ranking of the ones I have seen + ones I plan on watching eventually
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