#fire damage hot springs ar
hotspringrestoration · 3 months
The Importance of Quick Response in Fire Damage Restoration: Lessons Learned in Hot Springs
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Fire is a force of nature that can devastate everything in its path within moments, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. In the aftermath of such a calamity, the importance of swift action cannot be overstated. Hot Springs, a city acquainted with the relentless power of wildfires, has learned invaluable lessons about the significance of quick response in fire damage restoration.
The Initial Shock: Understanding the Impact of Fire Damage
When flames engulf a property, the repercussions are immediate and profound. Beyond the visible destruction of structures and belongings, there lies a deeper impact on the lives of those affected. The sense of loss, displacement, and uncertainty can be overwhelming. In such moments, the need for rapid intervention becomes glaringly apparent.
Mitigating Further Damage: The Urgency of Quick Response
The aftermath of a fire extends far beyond the extinguishing of flames. Lingering smoke, soot, and water damage pose additional threats to the integrity of the property. Without prompt action, these secondary effects can exacerbate the situation, rendering restoration efforts more challenging and costly. Quick response is, therefore, paramount in mitigating further damage and salvaging as much as possible from the wreckage.
Preserving Safety and Health: Prioritizing Well-being in Restoration Efforts
In the wake of a fire, safety concerns loom large. Structural instability, electrical hazards, and toxic fumes are just a few of the dangers that demand immediate attention. By swiftly initiating restoration procedures, professionals can address these risks and create a safer environment for both occupants and workers. Furthermore, prompt cleanup helps prevent the proliferation of mold and other health hazards, safeguarding the well-being of all involved.
Minimizing Downtime: Restoring Normalcy Through Timely Action
For homeowners and businesses alike, the aftermath of a fire can disrupt daily life and operations. Swift restoration efforts aim to minimize downtime by expediting the return to normalcy. Whether it's rebuilding structural components, restoring utilities, or salvaging belongings, every moment counts in restoring a semblance of order amidst the chaos left by the fire.
Embracing Resilience: Finding Strength in Adversity
In the face of devastation, communities often demonstrate remarkable resilience. Hot Springs, with its history of grappling with wildfires, serves as a testament to this resilience. By rallying together and responding swiftly to emergencies, residents and professionals alike exemplify the importance of solidarity and proactive measures in overcoming adversity.
The lessons learned in Hot Springs underscore a universal truth: when it comes to fire damage restoration, time is of the essence. The importance of quick response cannot be overstated, as it not only minimizes further damage but also preserves safety, health, and well-being. As communities continue to confront the ever-present threat of wildfires, let us heed these lessons and stand ready to act decisively in the face of adversity. By doing so, we can pave the way for a swifter recovery and a brighter future, one built upon the foundations of resilience, compassion, and collective action. If you need assistance in fire damage, contact our professional fire damage restoration Hot Springs AR for more details.
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733 https://hotspringsrestoration.com/
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hotsprings0382 · 3 months
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Our Premium Water Damage Restoration Services in Hot Springs AR offer a swift, reliable, and professional solution to the daunting aftermath of water-related emergencies. When faced with the unexpected challenges of water damage, our dedicated team is your steadfast ally. With a commitment to swift action, we promptly assess and address the extent of the damage, working tirelessly to restore your property to its former state.
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733 https://hotspringsrestoration.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8412020258367260095
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Service Pro Restoration is a full-service restoration firm that serves Hot Springs City in Arkansas. As a company that’s licensed and insured to offer fire and water damage restoration services, you can be sure that we’ll handle every task to the best of our ability.
Our group of IIRC-certified professionals is always ready to serve day and night, every week for a full year. As such, we can handle even emergencies, considering that disasters don’t give a warning. As if with the able team of technicians isn’t enough, we have also acquired state-of-the-art technology for efficient service delivery. Our business is not just about restoring your property but also your peace of mind also.
Hot Springs Service Pro Restoration is a family-owned business, therefore we have a fantastic understanding of what type of impact fire, water, storm, or flood damage can cause if it strikes your house and loved ones. That’s why we’ve made restoring not only your home but also your peace of mind as fast as we possibly can our primary aim.
Our services include
Water Damage Restoration
Water can cause considerable damage to your property. If help isn’t available immediately, water damage can encourage mold growth. To save your premises, our experts are available, 24/7.
Fire Damage Restoration
In case your commercial or residential property is on fire, reach out to us at any given time. We dispatch our team immediately after the call to make sure that we salvage most of the undamaged property.
Mold Removal
Have you discovered mold in your home or business property? Mold can lead to health effects. With a moisture detection test, we can check for hidden water damage and save your own property.
Reconstruction & Roofing
We are extremely pleased with our discerning craftsmanship, so let our storm damage reconstruction professionals assist you with the reconstruction of your office or home. Let our highly-experienced project managers and estimators help you to choose your finishes, stains, and paint colors.
We’re a full-service restoration company that will do all it takes to reconstruct your Hot Springs property so that it looks even better than the pre-loss state. Our group of IIRC-certified technicians are at your service 24 hours a day each week, for a whole year.
Contact us:
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733
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Hot Springs Village Restoration
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We Are the Hot Springs Village Restoration Company That Always Stands for Integrity
Hot Springs Village Restoration is a full-service water damage restoration service located in Hot Springs Village, AR, we’re the ideal water damage restoration business in the city, including fire, water, and smoke damage. We also restore materials, repair damaged roofs and structures. We have been offering emergency recovery services to the Hot Springs Village area since 1981, and we promise to respond to your phone immediately, 24/7, seven days per week.
As a family-owned business, we can empathize with other people who have experienced water damage to their houses. So we are committed to restoring your house as quickly as possible so that you and your family can have peace of mind.
Our specialists are IIRC (Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration Certification) trained and prepared to respond to any emergency.
Water Damage Restoration
In case you have been affected by significant flooding in and around the Hot Springs Village, AR region, call us as soon as possible for expert guidance, and we’ll come to your rescue immediately. Remember, the longer you wait, the more extensive the damage becomes.
Fire Damage Restoration
We are available round the clock to prevent fire damage to your house. Our teams of technicians have received full training in regards to the best methods to take care of fire damage and do this thoroughly.
Our technicians are trained in the most innovative mold removal techniques and procedures the industry offers. Water is the number one culprit for mold infestation, and can often occur within 48 hours of the episode. Our technicians can move fast to halt the infestation.
Reconstruction & Roofing
Fires, storms, and flooding can inflict enormous damage on your home. Service Pro Restoration is your premier storm damage contractor in the state and will move your home quickly to its former condition. Our staff has been providing outstanding service to the Hot Springs Village, AR, area for over ten years.
Call Us Today For Emergency Help
Water accidents occur, and Hot Springs Village Restoration will be at your disposal in these cases. We handle mold remediation, water, fire, and storm damage. Above all, we provide emergency assistance. For more information please click here.
Contact us:
Hot Springs Village Restoration 412 Ponce De Leon Dr Hot Springs Village AR, 71909 501-273-1455
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
#5 for Hades and Kore/Persephone.
The gods do not mark the passing of time as humans do. One moment they turn their back on the Peloponnesian Wars, the next moment Rome has fallen, and in the next, knights are raising crosses on high and swearing to take back the Holy Land from the Saracens. It is all a great deal of frantic noise and bustle and swarm, the way mortals with their short lives are so desperate to get anything done, and how it rarely seems as if they accomplish anything consequential by it. It should be noted, of course, that the gods’ intervention is not necessarily something to be welcomed, something that comes in fear and fire, in steel and ships, black ships before Troy, even as Athena spent years and years trying to guide guileful Odysseus on his journey homeward. It is years and decades, centuries, time unmarked, unmissed, for – unless you are Zeus, and apparently cannot help yourself – why dally with the mortals at all? A god’s birthright offers them a different home, if not always a safer one. And yet, Persephone thinks. For all of it, for all the thousands of years this has been so, she never entirely forgets the time, nor ceases to feel its bone-deep weight.
The ancient bargain still holds her, though sometimes less than before. The rules remain the same. Half of the year below, in the secret dark realm of the Underworld, and half of the year above. She begins to wonder these days what her visits even accomplish. She has seen Greece change and change, has emerged from what used to be lush wheat fields into the middle of a six-lane motorway, has tasted the reek of oil in the industrial harbor, has seen cruise ships of tourists turn loose and rush past her with cameras (she wonders what they would say, these eager humans, if they had any hint of who the small woman with the golden hair and the flowers truly was). She has stepped out to the ruins of the Parthenon at night, in her elegant overcoat and boots, the lights of the modern city twinkling below, and wondered when all the humans who used to live here have gone like the tide. There are other words in Greece these days, other concerns. EU, budget concerns, wildfires, debt. The last time Persephone remembers, it was in the middle of a war against Nazis, blown and bombarded. This is better, but not by much.
She still loves it, the overworld, despite its grime and damage, its forgetting of the old ways. She has gone to eat at sidewalk cafes in Athens where the walls are blinding white and the food is to die for, has thanked the old women in the Greek that is to their ears charmingly antique. She has watched the sun rise over the Santorini caldera, scattered flowers on Mount Athos (the Christians say that women cannot set foot there, but they have not met the goddess of spring). She has done her best to ease suffering and bring bounty where she can, to smooth the edges of those motorways and encourage trees to grow. And she has stood in the shadow of Mount Olympus, in an old payphone booth one night in 1977, fed drachmas into the slot, and sought in vain to call home.
Persephone still hates it, being separated from her husband for half the year, even as sometimes being with him is no balm either. The role of the Lord of the Dead has grown increasingly complicated these days, darker, weighed with things that linger like the scent of sorrow. War in her mind was those black ships, hoplites with bronze shields, chariots with spiked wheels and phalanxes of spearmen rushing together upon the rocks, the drumming as the warships beat their oars, the thud of catapults on tall city walls, Ares grown sleek and mighty on the humans’ rage. War these days is much more terrifying. Hades bears his eternal charge as he always has, but still, sometimes, he breaks. What ultimate fate is there for a god in this world, Persephone wonders? Come and help me. I am disappearing.
It has been a long summer, and the humans are restless and hot and sore. Persephone has made her travels, and done her best, and sat in a bus station in Thessaloniki and conjured bread in the bags of weary travelers, and gazed on the acropolis of Athens in its fragile amber light, and she is burned brown and gold and copper, still ageless and immortal but far older than a girl, a beautiful woman with threads of silver in her hair, and lines around her eyes. She sips black coffee at a cafe overlooking the Colossus of Rhodes, and swims in the gleaming salt sea, and she is happy and free as a bird. Yet finally, she returns that evening, to the place in the one meadow that no humans have ever found, a garden rich and dark and hung with vines and flowers, birds circling in faint wingbeats overhead, and she waits as she does with the fear every year that this time the gate will not be open to her, the way will remain shut –
At first she hears and sees nothing, except for the deepening of the shadows, the stillness of the great rush. Then she breathes the whiff of chthonic air, the coldness that turns the edges of the verdant leaves, and her husband is standing beneath the trees.
Hades is still as he ever was. He is tall and dark and solemn of gaze, handsome and stern, with eyes that see to a mortal’s soul and a mouth from which only she pulls flirtation or smiles or outright irreverence. He is wearing a dark suit, an open-necked white shirt, the sleeves rolled up in the late-summer heat; he is not fond of the warmth, her husband. He looks at her, tangled and golden and burnt to a crisp, a beautiful seashell washed up on his shores, and she sees his shoulders slump in relief, the final release of his own fear, that this year he will come and she will have gone. Thousands of years they have been married, and they love each other too much to ever not be afraid.
“Persephone,” he says, no more, and holds out his hand to her.
Persephone rises to her feet, and comes to him, and puts her arms around his neck, pressing herself into him, as he wraps both arms around her and they sink to their knees together, in the light of the lush and rising moon. They have conducted their mysteries such many times, their reunion, on the occasions he comes to meet her, rather than wait for her to arrive in the underworld. It was their first marriage bed, and it has been so again many times, as she turns up her mouth, raw and hungry to be kissed, and he does so with intent and deliberate attention. They tumble down, secure in the knowledge that they are safe here, they will not be interrupted by mortal or Olympian, and she clings to his cool steadiness, and he burns from her heat, and so, again, they unite. In all the many eternities of her life, she has known no pleasure like it.
When they are finished, Hades rolls off her and gets up, lifting her against his chest, and Persephone puts her arms around his neck, resting against his shoulder. I am disappearing, she thinks, for she is, beneath the earth, beneath the hill, into the night, and after her, the silence of winter. But it does not matter so much if she is a goddess, even if all the people of Greece should forget her, because she is here now, and so is he, and they still love, and so the world spins on, and the Queen of the Underworld, as ever, one more time, goes home.
(september prompt list)
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docfuture · 5 years
Seeing Blue
     [This story occurs between Chapter 36 and 38 of The Maker’s Ark.  The latest chapter of The Maker’s Ark is here, and links to some of my other work are here.  Updates are posted irregularly–theoretically every two weeks, a schedule I still aspire to return to someday.]
      Flicker was seeing blue.       It brought back memories.  Strobe-like images, vivid and unwanted.       Now she was back on the Bonneville Salt Flats, killing the Xelian fleet.       The Xelians themselves hadn't mattered--the battlecomp-directed ships were the foes.  They were the only entities fast enough to harm her.  And they had.  A chunk of Flicker's leg was gone from a hit by a petawatt laser.       But she could hit them too, and did.  Again and again, with ion pulses that started as rocks and iron shot.  She aimed with the help of her visor--green crosshairs pulsing through the blue haze in her eyes.  Then threw rocks up through shockwave-cleared holes in the air.  Enough hits in the right pattern could bring down those damned shields and they'd die.  She'd learned their secret.  How they stopped so many 0.15c rocks without vaporizing the ships inside.       They stretched into little pockets around each hit, reflecting almost everything long enough for the temperature to spike above 100 billion kelvins.  Most of each rock's energy was dissipated by photodisintegration, exotic particles, and a sudden flood of neutrinos--which then escaped in all directions, unperturbed by intervening force fields and mass.  As they did from the cores of supernovae.       Which was why she needed to throw five million rocks instead of five thousand.  She had always been throwing, always would throw.  It was hard to remember anything else.  Knowing about the neutrinos brought cold comfort, a comfort of relative cold--the part of Earth in line of sight to the fleet was just getting lightly cooked under a dull red sky rather than burnt to a crisp by a fire a hundred times more intense than the sun.       The Xelian fleet had gotten the Volunteer and Doc and Stella, but they hadn't stopped Flicker.  Now they were finally almost all gone, only a dozen ships left, and they were dying and dying--       "Flicker?  You there?"       Flicker blinked and returned to the present.  "Yeah," she said.       She'd awoken from her early-morning nightmare with a real need to talk to a friend, and limited options.  They were at an old safe spot, an overgrown set of tailings piles from a now-closed mine.  Flicker had dressed 'mild hazard casual'; a second-line visor, shorts and a black t-shirt with a radiation trefoil, all of which were slightly radioactive from previous use.  The Skystone necklace was a new addition.       "Flashback?" asked Armadillo.       "Yeah," said Flicker.  "But to the fleet battle, not the accident."       Armadillo nodded and put her radiation detector back in its protective case with careful and precise movements.  She looked like a bipedal snapping turtle with banded armor instead of a shell--an eight-foot-tall, four-foot-wide kaiju.  She took her name from her favorite tactic of curling up in midair before smashing into foes and obstacles like an organic cannonball.  Many assumed from her appearance that she had to be clumsy or slow-witted.  She was neither.  Her funny and informative anecdotes had helped Flicker learn the fine art of leaving things unbroken in a too-fragile world.       "Well, I can't tell what's going on inside, but what's getting out isn't too bad for a nearby human.  Sit close to someone for an hour, you'll give 'em half a millisievert at most."       "Thanks," said Flicker.  "I'm still pretty fuzzy.  I wanted a double check by someone I knew was radiation resistant.  It would probably be worse, but the Skystone seems to be stopping a lot.  It affects radiation going out as well as in, but I'm not sure how much.  Golden Valkyrie didn't tell me, Doc didn't know, and I haven't had a chance to characterize it very well yet."       Armadillo grinned.  "Glad to help.  The radiation profile was pretty strange, though.  How did you manage to get so much potassium-40 and carbon-14?  Normal levels of carbon-14 would barely be detectable.  Carbon dating would probably show you as negative a hundred thousand years old or something."       "Priorities," said Flicker.  "Both of those are naturally occuring and regular metabolism can cycle them, so I didn't make any special effort yesterday.  And I had lots of both left over from the fleet battle.  I pretty much hosed carbon dating then anyway--that put more carbon-14 into the air than every atomic test.  The potassium is hard for me to burn because the half-life is more than a billion years--I can drop everything by a factor of ten billion and still hardly touch it in a day.  But it's more a chemical imbalance threat to me than anything else, for the same reason."       "Does your 'burning' work the same way as Doc's isotope burner?"       "Not really.  It's magic for physicists--it makes decay more probable, dropping the half-life of most isotopes by about the same factor.  I just have to be careful to repair the damage as it comes and not fry anyone nearby.  I don't have to use the pool by the Tree, but it makes things easier."       "Handy.  Well, you might set off some alarms, but you don't have to completely avoid your friends."       Flicker pressed her lips together and didn't say anything.       "Hey, now.  Journeyman is alive and recovering.  I checked with DASI right after I got off the phone with you.  He'll be okay."       "I'm not," said Flicker.  "I'm still messed up pretty bad.  I just had to stop fixing things to sleep--and the nightmares interrupted that."       "Messed up physically or mentally?"       "Both.  My hand isn't even close to better, and I'm seeing blue."       "Seeing blue?"       "It's this... pain of a radiation biology thing."  Flicker frowned.  "How to explain..."       Armadillo snorted and grinned again.  "Flicker, I was coping with messy radiation biology before your father was born.  Try me."       "Yeah, sorry.  It's a faint haze of Cherenkov radiation in my eyes.  The problem is, it doesn't stop when I close them and darkness makes it worse, because it's coming from inside the eyeballs.  This bout is from the radioisotopes that I haven't been able to burn yet, because I didn't have a breathing mask with me at the pool, so I couldn't do much above my neck without irradiating Yiskah--and she wouldn't leave.  It's hard to ignore when I try to sleep because my eyes adjust.  And it's triggering PTSD flashbacks from the fleet battle."       "Hoo boy," said Armadillo.  "I've seen that.  The Volunteer has, too.  Seeing blue is a nice name for it, will it bother you if I use it?"       "No.  A cool name is something positive.  Not..."       Flicker trailed off and looked down.       "Flicker?" asked Armadillo after a time.  "Where are you at?  You want me to call anyone else?"       "I..."  Flicker looked up again.  "I'm not currently a hazard to myself or others.  And I'm not about to run away to a dark cave again.  But I'm right on the edge of not being able to talk coherently.  About not-physics, I mean.  I can talk about physics in my sleep."       "I'm not okay."  She waved her hand.  "But I'm never okay.  Not human okay.  I never have been.  I probably never will be.  All I can hope for is to be ready for the next thing, and to be able to pretend I'm okay for little bits at a time, while staying aware enough people are still safe.  Donner calls it being 'human compatible'."       "That's one way to put it," said Armadillo.  "What can I do to help?"       Flicker stared at a fringe of reeds growing partway up one of the piles.  A red-winged blackbird perched on one, proclaiming his territory to the spring sky.       "Right now I'm not ready for the next thing," she said, "which should probably be finishing off my excess radioactivity.  And it's hard to be compatible when you're radioactive.  So I'm not even going to try to pretend.  But being outside helps.  Sound helps, if I can hold still.  The voice of a friend."       She looked over at Armadillo bleakly.  "Tell me stories?  Dark humor, maybe?  The kind health physicists tell when they're drunk?  You must know some good ones."       "A few," said Armadillo.  "But I have another idea.  When Golden Valkyrie left, she didn't give you any guarantee she'd be back, right?"       "No.  She didn't."       "Okay.  Ignore for a minute the bit where she might not come back because the world has ended.  Are you bothered personally?"       "No sh--" said Flicker.  She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.  The ghostly blue flickering was still there.  "Sorry.  Yeah, it bugs me."       "Then there are a few stories I can share with you.  I worked with your mother a lot, and we got along pretty well.  I picked up some things I don't think she told anyone else on Earth, not even Doc.  Some of it is dark humor, but it's family dark humor.  Interested?"       "Um... Yeah."       "Then let's move over to the east side of the pile, where I'm parked."  Armadillo grinned.  "I brought chairs and drinks.  And I don't think you've seen my new ride yet."       *****       Flicker had to smile when she saw the vehicle.  "It's painted to look like you!" she said.  "Was it a Xelian military transport?"       "Yeah," said Armadillo.  "They used it for field redeployment of suited infantry and artillery.  Extravagant, but it can carry things--like me--on the outside and drop them without stopping.  That's what the gripper assembly is for.  Stella gave it to me, and DASI supervises the autopilot.  Gives me a lot more range when I'm on my own.  Which is a lot lately, with both the Volunteer and Golden Valkyrie gone."       "Did you paint it?"       "Nah, that was a couple of the Builders that are working at Jetgirl's shop. The first two are training some others, and they're as happy as hot rodders getting to work on a real sweet car.  One of them was good at heraldry, so she designed the paint job.  I talked to her a bit, she's a fine craftswoman."       "Heraldry?  You mean like costumes?"       Another grin.  "Think of it as visual IFF.  You could tell the flyer was mine just by looking at it.  Very handy--if I come tearing in for a fast drop, I want people thinking 'Here comes Armadillo!'  Not 'Ahhh!  Alien invasion!'"       "Oh.  Yeah."       Soon they were both seated comfortably, Armadillo in her custom portable chair--most human furniture was not designed to cope with someone who weighed a metric ton.       "Now I can give you an apology I've wanted to for a while," she said.  "I was pretty damn sure who your parents were for a long time before you found out."       "Golden Valkyrie told you?"       "Not directly.  But it was clear from the way she talked around some things--and she once asked me not to speculate 'before the time is ripe'.  I knew what that meant."       Flicker thought about that for bit.  "Was that like how pre-Lost Years superheroes handled family stuff back when secret identities still sort-of worked?"       "Yeah.  Most of the smart ones, anyway."       "Then you don't have to apologize.  She invoked a protocol and you respected it.  And she'd have known you would or she wouldn't have told you--she's a Seer and Chooser."       "I could tell how much not knowing bothered you, though.  So I'm sorry."       "Fair," said Flicker.  "Accepted."       "Okay.  Let's see," said Armadillo.  "You always like people to start at the beginning.  Did the Volunteer ever tell you much about superhero projection?"       "A little.  I'm not very good at it.  Most kinds require holding still for longer than I want to.  It's interesting to watch though--Nighthaunt is really good at it."       "He is.  There are some quieter forms of it that I found particularly handy.  Learned them from the Volunteer back in... Gosh, must have been the fifties?  The simplest one is 'On Duty'.  Makes any nearby trouble more likely to head for you than anywhere else.  Nobody really knows why it works, but it does."       "Yeah, I saw that in the Database statistics when I was first studying superhero crisis response data, and I always wondered.  Journeyman told me he thinks it's because there are all these little magicians casting NIMBY spells, and other people doing similar stuff, but everything has to happen somewhere, so how about over there where that superhero is standing?  It seems to be stronger in cities, because of the higher population density."       "Eh, I'm not sure it's stronger.  More trouble starts in cities, too.  And it's safer if you can manage it somewhere isolated.  Heck, I've done it here--that's why the top of that pile is missing."  Armadillo pointed at a truncated tailings cone to the south.  "Punched out a bunch of giant locusts there back in the eighties.  It does seem easier to pull off in cities, I'll give you that."       "Yeah, it's hard to untangle the biases."  Flicker yawned.  "Sorry, I'm still tired, I just can't sleep."       "No worries."  Armadillo grinned.  "And if you do nod off in a comfy chair during story time, well, that's one problem solved, isn't it?"       "True.  But I'd still like to hear about Golden Valkyrie."       "Right.  Anyway, about twenty years ago, I was out in the country, On Duty, when I saw this flying woman with a spear headed for me.  Things were a little unsettled.  This was the middle of the Lost Years, a lot of people had already died, and I was the only heavy-hitter free.  The Volunteer was off helping with a hurricane and Doc was out of touch.  So I was a bit wary.  But she wanted to talk, so I just waved, and she landed."       Armadillo smiled.  "Another thing I learned--when you're On Duty, you don't just attract stuff that wants to fight.  You can get visitors from who knows where that are lost or have questions.  That's how the Volunteer met Sealord.  And it was a good thing that the Volunteer is always ready to talk first, because Sealord was plenty mad, with reason.  So I had that on my mind, too.  Anyway, I asked her if she was lost, and she said 'not anymore'.  She looked a lot like one of your Choosers--she didn't have her armor yet--except kind of off."       "Off how?" asked Flicker.       "I knew she was some kind of shapeshifter or mimic, because there were parts of 'human' she could manage, and others that really needed work.  The way she talked...  Some of it was like she was reading a script, but the rest of the time she had to pause and hunt for words, like she was consulting an invisible phrasebook."       Flicker frowned.  "There was no reliable record of Golden Valkyrie in the main Database until fourteen years ago, except for the month after she first met Doc--and he hid that.  This would have been even earlier.  And I looked thoroughly."       "A lot less got recorded twenty years ago.  And her Sight could help her stay hidden in 'unreliable' reports if she wanted--and she did."       "But... Um.  Okay.  What did she want?"       "It took a bit for me to figure out, because she had language trouble with past, present and future.  Seer stuff, but it was hard to follow at first.  She finally got across one reason she was on Earth--something important was out of place.  I told her the person she probably needed to talk to was Doc Future, and started to explain who he was, and she cut me off and said he was the thing that was out of place.       "That worried me a bit.  Because Doc was gone, had been for a week, and no one knew where to.  His Database was just telling folks he was on an 'important mission'."       "Wait," said Flicker.  "Was this when he was helping Zirjack?  And she couldn't tell?"       "Yup, and apparently not.  She did wonder if he was off getting his 'chariot', which I found very interesting in hindsight after Doc came back with a flying car."       Armadillo grinned.  "Anyway, I couldn't help her with that, but I could help her with some other stuff, which sounded like just the sort of things someone smart but really alien would want to know about Earth before setting up a superhero secret identity.  I had it backwards, though; being a superhero was her secret identity, sort of.  We talked a lot after that and worked together, and it was obvious to me what was going on the month or so she was with Doc."       "Did she need help learning how to pass for a human?"       "Well, yes.  She needed help learning how to pass for a mammal."       "Oh."  Flicker managed a weak smile.  "Yeah.  Sealord had that problem, too, when he first started using his human form. And the Database had records of a few conversations she had with Sealord.  He seemed to get stuff about her that others didn't.  Which would fit with..."       She looked down.  "Okay, this is really personal.  But I'm afraid I might not get to talk to her again, and she warned me that I'll probably have a brother and a sister show up looking for me at some point, and I am so not ready to think about family that might expect me to answer questions like 'What are we?' when I don't know, and--"  She looked back up.  "Why are you smiling?"       "You don't have to make excuses.  This is family talk.  Of course it's personal."       "Point.  But she said she got advice from 'a human' and I think maybe the human was you."       "It was.  She mimicked the first human-looking person she ever saw, and apparently picked up some of her memories and skills, too.  But while she had many admirable qualities, the woman she mimicked didn't have children and didn't want them.  So--"       "Who did she mimic?"       Armadillo looked surprised.  "You haven't already figured that out?  It--"       Flicker sped up and used the virtual keyboard in her visor.  "DASI?" she sent.  "Spin up my adaptive local information model.  I'm trying to avoid a privacy block here."       "Activated," replied DASI.       "Assume Golden Valkyrie mimicked a Chooser and kept her appearance.  Rank order the candidates by probability."       "Osk, 97%.  Another Chooser who previously mimicked Osk, 2%.  Other possibilities negligible."       Flicker thought about how carefully Osk had chosen her words, when they had talked after her Japan trip.  She slowed back down, to the familiar feeling of social embarrassment.       "Osk?" she said.  "No wonder she was mad at Golden Valkyrie.  Yiskah and Sam both mentioned it.  But Osk wouldn't get upset without a good reason.  That's a good reason.  And I'm terrible at seeing family resemblances."       "No worries," said Armadillo.  "You missed out on a lot of childhood practice.  Anyway, Golden Valkyrie wanted advice on human motherhood.  Preferably from a superhero.  Her Sight could give her the general idea, but she still needed messy details.  Fortunately, her Sight could also find her someone to ask about them.  Like me."       Flicker sighed.  "Now I'm worried about your privacy, because you're marked as 'family off-limits' in the Database, and the old superhero privacy customs require making social inferences in ways I'm really bad at.  And when I asked Jetgirl if you have children, she told me you have grandchildren."       "Family is a flexible concept.  You didn't find any record of this until I decided it was time to tell you, right?  Jetgirl knew what she was doing.  We weren't sure who you'd find time to talk to first.  Worrying about family is reasonable, but you're a grown-up now."  Armadillo grinned again.  "You can worry along with the rest of us."       "Does she know one of your grandchildren?  Am I allowed to ask about that?"       "She's my great-granddaughter.  Her mother is my eldest granddaughter.  Which had a little bit to do with why Jetgirl was allowed to fly around in a jetpack doing superhero things at thirteen."       Flicker sped up to think about that.  She'd made so many assumptions, from limited data.  So many wrong assumptions.  She slowed back down, head still spinning.  "Oh," she said.       Armadillo looked at her sympathetically.  "We knew how family was a touchy subject for you.  Jetgirl told you I had grandchildren because she didn't want to go into details; all of my children are dead now--cancer, auto accident, and old age."       "Old age.  That's..."  Flicker trailed off.       "They call it 'death by natural causes' now, because coroners aren't supposed to call it 'old age' any more, but that's what it was.  He had a full life.  I don't make a point of my age, but my accident was in 1947--I know that's in the Database.  I wasn't going to have any more kids after that.  Not that I was likely to.  I was already in my thirties, and my husband died in World War II."  She smiled.  "Mutagor's serum worked on me, but it was a near thing, and I didn't have much to lose--I was dying of radiation poisoning.  It killed him when he tried it.  So even if the formula hadn't been lost, I wouldn't have wanted my children to try it.  I was very lucky."       Armadillo studied the blackbird, who was still chirping away.  "What happened to my youngest bothers me more.  He was so bright-eyed and enthusiastic back when he started, investigating crime and mischief of all sorts as a reporter.  And using his alarm watch to call the Volunteer for help when he got into more trouble than he could handle, which was all the damn time.  He got more cynical as he got older, but he never stopped digging into things to help people.  He was a reckless driver, though, and eventually that killed him."       She looked back and smiled.  "At least you got to meet him.  When Golden Valkyrie hinted to me that it was time for someone to be found, I knew who to call.  Didn't take him too long, and he knew to call the Volunteer and Doc when he found you."       Flicker felt her eyes filling with tears.  "Your son was Gumshoe?!"       "Determination runs in my family."  A gentler smile.  "My family of choice, too.  I could tell just how hard you worked to learn to talk understandably, when you were speeding up and slowing down all the time."       Flicker blinked a few times.  "Well, yeah.  I had no hope of making it out of the uncanny valley without that.  But I'm still not very...  Normal people don't have to avoid their friends because they're radioactive.  Again."       "Sometimes they do," said Armadillo.  "Like, say, if they're having internal radiation therapy for cancer.  And it was years after my accident before I could visit my kids.  The radioactivity at first, and then it was a long time before the doctors were confident enough I wouldn't be a biohazard to blood relatives.  This was still the fifties.  So they had to finish growing up without me."       She waved a hand.  "It hurt, on both sides, but what can you do?  It did prepare me for the Lost Years--and let me help your mother, who had the same problem.  And you."       "Oh," said Flicker, as she thought about the implications.  "Thank you.  But she's a lot farther from human than I think you realize.  She doesn't even live completely in three spatial dimensions.  And neither do I."       Flicker held up her injured hand, which looked healed, and wiggled the fingers, sending sensory tingles through unseen paths.  "My 'shell', Skybreaker, can't possibly connect to my human body in just the dimensions we see.  Doc proved that.  But he wasn't willing to experiment to find out exactly how it worked, because it was too dangerous.  We didn't know enough and there was no safe way to find out.  So how did my mother get me inside it in the first place?  Before I was born, even?  She had to be able to see and affect it somehow."       "We did discuss that a bit," said Armadillo.  "Have you ever heard of a critter called an anglerfish?"       Flicker's eyes widened.  "She used that analogy with you, too?"       "We talked about it before she even met Doc.  Seems the part of her that everyone sees, the part that can shapeshift and mimic a human body, is like the lure of an anglerfish.  And the rest of her body is somewhere else.  Not in our three dimensions, as you put it, or at least not the same part of them.  That part wasn't clear to me."       "Me neither," said Flicker.  "But she uses her lure, her human body, to interact with our world.  And to hunt, like an anglerfish."       Armadillo grinned.  "She used it to attract a mate, too.  Did she mention that bit of anglerfish biology?"       "...yes.  I'm still not handling it very well," said Flicker.  "Wait.  If you told her about Doc when you first met, why didn't you warn him?"       "I did.  Didn't seem to bother him.  He was a lot less uptight when he came back from his trip."       Flicker squeezed her eyes shut, involuntarily remembering Doc's words:  "At least she what?  Looked human?  I knew what kind of being I was letting in before I opened the door the first time--I was neither ignorant nor beguiled.  Reckless, I'll grant."       "Oh," she said.  "Well that's... nice, I guess.  But you know what really bothers me?  I asked Golden Valkyrie if I was like that, or would become like that, and she said 'not in any great way, anytime soon', which was not a no.  I wasn't able to deal with anything more until I processed.  I was planning on asking her later, and now she's gone."       "Eh.  I put on forty pounds a year for decades.  Complicated a lot of things, and I didn't know when, or even if, it would slow down.  But it did.  So I can give you advice on changes."       "I imagine clothes were a problem," said Flicker.  Then she yawned despite herself.  The nightmare panic was wearing off.       "Oh, clothes were just the start," said Armadillo, grinning again.  "Why I remember..."       Armadillo's voice was soothing, as was the wind and sunlight and the blackbird.  Flicker closed her eyes for just a moment...       She woke up, startled, from a vaguely pleasant dream.  She sped up to check alerts--everything was green.  But the time--it was afternoon.       "Augh," she said.  Her mouth was dry and sticky.       Armadillo looked up from her handcomp--it looked like she had been reading a book.  "Did you have a nice nap?" she asked.       "Yes, but I'm late!  I missed--"       "I warned everybody.  They all said to let you sleep.  Without exception."       "Okay, but--  Okay, thanks for the talk, and everything, and the family stuff, and I'll want to talk more sometime but there's things I really have to do, like getting rid of some more radioactivity before I go talk to Journeyman--I'm way late for that--and--"       "No problem," said Armadillo.  She waved a hand in farewell.       As Flicker sped away, she looked up.  The flashes in her eyes were still there, but they didn't bother her as much.       The sky was blue, too.
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homewizguy-blog · 4 years
Fire Damage – Common Causes of Home Fires | Home Wiz Guy
Fire is a destructive force of nature. Either it is caused by natural disasters or major accident, the best action on that time is leave your property as soon as possible. At-least it can save lives. When you feel that you are safe from that fire hazard then immediately call for help.
As you know that fire damage is devastating it is better to know the common causes of home fires. There are so many things in our house that can cause the fire and potential damages to our property. So it is important to know common causes and how to take precautions.
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Carelessness is one of the most common and most silly reason for the home fires. We all know that no one is perfect. Mistakes can happen anytime. So we can consider that. But negligence is not mistake. It is not tolerable in case of potential fire hazard. We need to be more careful about this. Being careless in kitchen area like not storing the matches and lighters in safe ares, not turning off the gas tank when not in use are just few example of careless actions. These careless actions has high potential to lead a major fire damage in your home. Let me give more examples. Burning candles when you are not there, heating devices near combustible items, fail to put out the cigarettes, all those are the common examples of careless actions that we commonly do in our house. So please be careful and save your house from fire.
Surprised to see the title here? Don’t. Because according to the U. S. Fire Administration cooking is cause of half of all house fires. Yes, it is true. Why not when kitchen is full of flammable objects. Here you can highly relate our previous cause “Carelessness” here. To prevent this first thing and most important thing that you can do is never leave the kitchen when you are cooking. Who knows when you are away from kitchen and accident take your place. Second thing that you can do is keep clean your cooking equipment and appliances. Ovens, microwaves are flammable and those can lead to fire anytime. So the third thing that you can do is keep those and other flammable objects away from stove and other heat sources.
Electrical Malfunction
Electrical malfunction is another common causes of home fires. Damage cords, plugging too many cords in same outlet, frayed wires etc are the few reasons that can easily lead to fire. Don’t over plug outlets. If you over plug an outlet then what happen is too much current running through that outlet, or extension cord. By any chance if the running current is over the rated current then it will cause heat and spark which can lead to fire. Damage and exposed wires are dangerous. Immediately you need to replace those.
Heating devices are the second most common cause of home fire. Most of the time we left the heating devices unattended. Suppose a room heater is turned on during a cold winter night and left unattended. If that one is placed near the other objects then it may cause over heated them burn them which can easily lead to fire. So whenever you are leaving the room remember to turn off your heating device and also maintain its distance from other objects. If you are using wood stoves and chimneys, don’t forget to clean and maintain them to prevent fire.
So these are few common causes of home fire. You can’t ignore them. So I am hoping that you will remember those and able to prevent home fires. But suppose accidentally your home caught by fire and you need help. So first thing you need to call the fire department and then you need some professionals to clean up those fire damages and restore your home.
So I thought why not I mention some of my clients here. So here are the big shout-out for some professional companies who can cleanup all the fire and water damage from your home.
Dalworth Restoration – Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas/Fort Worth
Cyclone Kleen Up – Fire Damage Restoration in Colorado Springs, CO
Concraft – Fire Damage Restoration in Greater Detroit, MI
Chenal Restoration – Fire & Smoke Damage In Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway & Benton, Arkansas
Builder Services Inc of NC – Fire Damage Restoration in North Carolina
Best Cleaning & Disaster Restoration Services, Inc – Fire Damage Restoration Service in Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs
All American Cleaning & Restoration – Fire Damage Restoration in Idaho
So this is it for today. Hope this will help you guys. Let me know in the comment section.
Stay Safe and Stay home. Bye.
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests, Champagne Is Changing Its Methods
Champagne, much of the world’s go-to drink for celebrations, may not be quite so dependable down the road.
In recent years, France’s Champagne producers have noted record-high temperatures and unpredictable harvests. As climate change continues to alter growing conditions, winemakers are being forced to reconsider their techniques, including vinification methods, harvest periods, and even the grapes they use. In other words, Champagne is in a constant state of flux.
“Adaptation is fully part of our daily work,” Cyril Brun, chef de caves at France’s Champagne Charles Heidsieck since 2015, says. He’s not alone: Major houses and small, independent growers alike are impacted by the rapidly changing conditions.
According to the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), the region’s trade association for winegrowers and houses, the average temperature in the Champagne region has risen 1.1 degree Celsius, or about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, over the past 30 years. This may sound small, but even a fraction of a degree of warming dramatically decreases global crop yields. This year’s growing season was no exception, reaching a record high of 42.9 degrees Celsius, or 109 degrees Fahrenheit.
Champagne’s primary grape varietals — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — require very specific growing conditions. The historically wet, cool climate of northeastern France is imperative to producing the crisp, elegant flavors that are hallmarks of Champagne wines.
That’s because grapes from cooler regions don’t ripen as quickly as those from hot climates, and so they historically retain a great deal of acidity. In fact, many of the region’s signature winemaking practices, including the esteemed méthode champenoise, originated as a way to compensate for unripe grape harvests.
Now, however, winemakers are concerned their vines are maturing too quickly, producing grapes with acid levels that are too low. The Comité Champagne reports the total acidity of the region’s wines has dropped an average of 1.3 grams per liter over 30 years.
To address declining acidity levels, winemakers have leaned on blending. At Champagne AR Lenoble, reserve wine comprised an unprecedented 45 percent of this year’s non-vintage release, the Brut Intense “mag 15.” Christian Holthausen, AR Lenoble’s head of export sales and international communications, says it was necessary. “We now need reserve wines to bring freshness to our base wines each year,” he says.
AR Lenoble keeps reserves in its cellars in Damery, roughly 70,000 magnums under natural cork and under a bar and a half of atmospheric pressure. This is working for the time being, but it’s a pricey solution. “For a small, 100 percent family-owned, independent house like AR Lenoble, the investment was, and continues to be, massive,” Holthausen says.
Producers are also trying to retain their winemaking styles by blocking malolactic fermentation, a vinification process that converts fresh-tasting malic acid into softer lactic acid. The idea is that wines with detectable “malo” are often perceived to have less acidity. In 2015 and 2018, the hottest years in Champagne, AR Lenoble ended up blocking more than 90 percent of malolactic fermentation.
Charles Heidsieck’s Cyril Brun has also taken the “no malo” approach with some wines he’s worked with since 2015. Brun is experimenting with new types of yeasts to avoid oxidation, too. “I have had to gently move some cursors within my recipe to stick to my signature,” he says.
Dosage, the small amount of sugar added to most Champagnes to soften their acidity, has been reduced nearly everywhere in Champagne. It helps that zero-dosage Champagnes are having a moment, of course; but for many, the addition is simply no longer necessary.
“Sugar used to hide some unripe Champagnes. This is not the case anymore,” Michel Drappier, the seventh-generation head of Champagne Drappier in the Aube region’s Côte des Bar, says. “We produce more and more brut nature, and the quantity of liqueur added to all other cuvées has been reduced to at least half the amount.”
Florent Roques-Boizel, CEO of Champagne Boizel in Épernay, says his family has been producing a zero-dosage Champagne for the past decade for this very reason. “The trend for zero dosage will continue to develop as the climate gets warmer,” he says. “But this also means we have to be more precise and demanding to achieve perfect ripeness of our grapes with reasonable yields to achieve good concentration levels.”
Champagne Larmandier-Bernier estimates that 20 percent of the 2019 harvest was damaged due to spring frost. Credit: Champagne Larmandier / facebook.com
For growers, the greatest challenge is arguably the rise of unpredictable harvests. Weather is erratic by nature, but recent events have made this more difficult to accommodate, even for those with decades of experience. Extreme weather patterns like frost, hail, storms, fires, and drought have more than doubled across the board since 1980, and, in Champagne, harvest has arrived an average of 18 days earlier in the past 30 years.
“Unfortunately, today we do not have any effective way to fight against frost or hail,” Jean-Jacques Cattier, chef de cave at Champagne Armand de Brignac, says. However, he adds, “reserve wines can be used to protect quality and quantity in the case of a climatic problem decreasing harvest potential.”
Sophie Larmandier, of the grower-producer Champagne Larmandier-Bernier in Vertus, estimates that 20 percent of the year’s harvest was damaged due to spring frost. It’s not a worst-case scenario — that would be 2003, when a severe frost destroyed 75 percent of the crop — but her family has learned to prepare in case nature is not feeling generous. “We don’t fight it,” she says. “We just keep several years of stock in our cellars.”
Additionally, some producers are reconsidering the four other varietals that can be used to make Champagne: Arbane, Petit Meslier, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris. These grapes have mostly fallen out of use, and currently represent less than 0.3 percent of the wine grown in Champagne. Still, they present a viable option for producers looking to adapt within the strict regulations of the region.
A few growers are experimenting by replanting the varietals in trial plots or blending them into less commonly seen cuvées, like Champagne Drappier’s Quattuor, which is equal parts Chardonnay, Arbane, Pinot Blanc, and Petit Meslier. “At Drappier, we use more Arbane,” Drappier says, “as it has late ripening and with more acidity.”
Ultimately, Champagne producers may need to reckon with a groundbreaking idea, one that’s possibly unimaginable in a region so steeped in tradition: swapping out the three signature varieties — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — for new grapes altogether.
The Comité Champagne is working on developing Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Arbane, Gouais, and Petit-Meslier cross-breeds that are late-ripening, as well as disease- and heat-resistant. “The grape variety innovation program is specifically designed to keep the freshness of Champagne and to produce sparkling wine of excellence,” Thibaut Le Mailloux, the CIVC’s director of communications, says.
Michel Drappier is certain he and his fellow winemakers can preserve Champagne’s character and esteem in the decades to come. “We have enough tools in our hands to be confident, and our imagination to adapt our vines to a new climate will do the rest.”
Besides, he adds, “Drinking Champagne gives inspiration, doesn’t it?”
The article Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests, Champagne Is Changing Its Methods appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/champagne-climate-change-effects/
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years
Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests, Champagne Is Changing Its Method
Champagne, much of the world’s go-to drink for celebrations, may not be quite so dependable down the road.
In recent years, France’s Champagne producers have noted record-high temperatures and unpredictable harvests. As climate change continues to alter growing conditions, winemakers forced to reconsider their techniques, including vinification methods, harvest periods, and even the grapes they use. In other words, Champagne is in a constant state of flux.
“Adaptation is fully part of our daily work,” Cyril Brun, chef de caves at France’s Champagne Charles Heidsieck since 2015, says. He’s not alone: Major houses and small, independent growers alike are impacted by the rapidly changing conditions.
According to the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), the region’s trade association for winegrowers and houses, the average temperature in the Champagne region has risen 1.1 degree Celsius, or about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, over the past 30 years. This may sound small, but even a fraction of a degree of warming dramatically decreases global crop yields. This year’s growing season was no exception, reaching a record high of 42.9 degrees Celsius, or 109 degrees Fahrenheit.
Champagne’s primary grape varietals — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — require very specific growing conditions. The historically wet, cool climate of northeastern France is imperative to producing the crisp, elegant flavors that are hallmarks of Champagne wines.
That’s because grapes from cooler regions don’t ripen as quickly as those from hot climates, and so they historically retain a great deal of acidity. In fact, many of the region’s signature winemaking practices, including the esteemed méthode champenoise, originated as a way to compensate for unripe grape harvests.
Now, however, winemakers are concerned their vines are maturing too quickly, producing grapes with acid levels that are too low. The Comité Champagne reports the total acidity of the region’s wines have dropped an average of 1.3 grams per liter over 30 years.
To address declining acidity levels, winemakers have leaned on blending. At Champagne AR Lenoble, reserve wine comprised an unprecedented 45 percent of this year’s non-vintage release, the Brut Intense “mag 15.” Christian Holthausen, AR Lenoble’s head of export sales and international communications, says it was necessary. “We now need reserve wines to bring freshness to our base wines each year,” he says.
AR Lenoble keeps reserves in its cellars in Damery, roughly 70,000 magnums under natural cork and under a bar and a half of atmospheric pressure. This is working for the time being, but it’s a pricey solution. “For a small, 100 percent family-owned, independent house like AR Lenoble, the investment was, and continues to be, massive,” Holthausen says.
Producers are also trying to retain their winemaking styles by blocking malolactic fermentation, a vinification process that converts fresh-tasting malic acid into softer lactic acid. The idea is that wines with detectable “malo” are often perceived to have less acidity. In 2015 and 2018, the hottest years in Champagne, AR Lenoble ended up blocking more than 90 percent of malolactic fermentation.
Charles Heidsieck’s Cyril Brun has also taken the “no malo” approach with some wines he’s worked with since 2015. Brun is experimenting with new types of yeasts to avoid oxidation, too. “I have had to gently move some cursors within my recipe to stick to my signature,” he says.
Dosage, the small amount of sugar added to most Champagnes to soften their acidity, has been reduced nearly everywhere in Champagne. It helps that zero-dosage Champagnes are having a moment, of course; but for many, the addition is simply no longer necessary.
“Sugar used to hide some unripe Champagnes. This is not the case anymore,” Michel Drappier, the seventh-generation head of Champagne Drappier in the Aube region’s Côte des Bar, says. “We produce more and more Brut Nature, and the quantity of liqueur added to all other cuvées has been reduced to at least half the amount.”
Florent Roques-Boizel, CEO of Champagne Boizel in Épernay, says his family has been producing a zero-dosage Champagne for the past decade for this very reason. “The trend for zero dosage will continue to develop as the climate gets warmer,” he says. “But this also means we have to be more precise and demanding to achieve perfect ripeness of our grapes with reasonable yields to achieve good concentration levels.”
Champagne Larmandier-Bernier estimates that 20 percent of the 2019 harvest was damaged due to spring frost. Credit: Champagne Larmandier / facebook.com
For growers, the greatest challenge is arguably the rise of unpredictable harvests. Weather is erratic by nature, but recent events have made this more difficult to accommodate, even for those with decades of experience. Extreme weather patterns like frost, hail, storms, fires, and drought have more than doubled across the board since 1980, and, in Champagne, harvest has arrived an average of 18 days earlier in the past 30 years.
“Unfortunately, today we do not have any effective way to fight against frost or hail,” Jean-Jacques Cattier, chef de cave at Champagne Armand de Brignac, says. However, he adds, “reserve wines can be used to protect quality and quantity in the case of a climatic problem decreasing harvest potential.”
Sophie Larmandier, of the grower-producer Champagne Larmandier-Bernier in Vertus, estimates that 20 percent of the year’s harvest was damaged due to spring frost. It’s not a worst-case scenario — that would be 2003, when a severe frost destroyed 75 percent of the crop — but her family has learned to prepare in case nature is not feeling generous. “We don’t fight it,” she says. “We just keep several years of stock in our cellars.”
Additionally, some producers are reconsidering the four other varietals that can be used to make Champagne: Arbane, Petit Meslier, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris. These grapes have mostly fallen out of use, and currently represent less than 0.3 percent of the wine grown in Champagne. Still, they present a viable option for producers looking to adapt within the strict regulations of the region.
A few growers are experimenting by replanting the varietals in trial plots or blending them into less commonly seen cuvées, like Champagne Drappier’s Quattuor, which is equal parts Chardonnay, Arbane, Pinot Blanc, and Petit Meslier. “At Drappier, we use more Arbane,” Drappier says, “as it has late ripening and with more acidity.”
Ultimately, Champagne producers may need to reckon with a groundbreaking idea, one that’s possibly unimaginable in a region so steeped in tradition: Swapping out the three signature varieties — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — for new grapes altogether.
The Comité Champagne is working on developing Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Arbane, Gouais, and Petit-Meslier cross-breeds that are late-ripening, as well as disease- and heat-resistant. “The grape variety innovation program is specifically designed to keep the freshness of Champagne and to produce sparkling wine of excellence,” Thibaut Le Mailloux, the CIVC’s director of communications, says.
Michel Drappier is certain he and his fellow winemakers can preserve Champagne’s character and esteem in the decades to come. “We have enough tools in our hands to be confident, and our imagination to adapt our vines to a new climate will do the rest.”
Besides, he adds, “Drinking Champagne gives inspiration, doesn’t it?”
The article Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests, Champagne Is Changing Its Method appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/champagne-climate-change-effects/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/189471807064
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johnboothus · 5 years
Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests Champagne Is Changing Its Method
Champagne, much of the world’s go-to drink for celebrations, may not be quite so dependable down the road.
In recent years, France’s Champagne producers have noted record-high temperatures and unpredictable harvests. As climate change continues to alter growing conditions, winemakers forced to reconsider their techniques, including vinification methods, harvest periods, and even the grapes they use. In other words, Champagne is in a constant state of flux.
“Adaptation is fully part of our daily work,” Cyril Brun, chef de caves at France’s Champagne Charles Heidsieck since 2015, says. He’s not alone: Major houses and small, independent growers alike are impacted by the rapidly changing conditions.
According to the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), the region’s trade association for winegrowers and houses, the average temperature in the Champagne region has risen 1.1 degree Celsius, or about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, over the past 30 years. This may sound small, but even a fraction of a degree of warming dramatically decreases global crop yields. This year’s growing season was no exception, reaching a record high of 42.9 degrees Celsius, or 109 degrees Fahrenheit.
Champagne’s primary grape varietals — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — require very specific growing conditions. The historically wet, cool climate of northeastern France is imperative to producing the crisp, elegant flavors that are hallmarks of Champagne wines.
That’s because grapes from cooler regions don’t ripen as quickly as those from hot climates, and so they historically retain a great deal of acidity. In fact, many of the region’s signature winemaking practices, including the esteemed méthode champenoise, originated as a way to compensate for unripe grape harvests.
Now, however, winemakers are concerned their vines are maturing too quickly, producing grapes with acid levels that are too low. The Comité Champagne reports the total acidity of the region’s wines have dropped an average of 1.3 grams per liter over 30 years.
To address declining acidity levels, winemakers have leaned on blending. At Champagne AR Lenoble, reserve wine comprised an unprecedented 45 percent of this year’s non-vintage release, the Brut Intense “mag 15.” Christian Holthausen, AR Lenoble’s head of export sales and international communications, says it was necessary. “We now need reserve wines to bring freshness to our base wines each year,” he says.
AR Lenoble keeps reserves in its cellars in Damery, roughly 70,000 magnums under natural cork and under a bar and a half of atmospheric pressure. This is working for the time being, but it’s a pricey solution. “For a small, 100 percent family-owned, independent house like AR Lenoble, the investment was, and continues to be, massive,” Holthausen says.
Producers are also trying to retain their winemaking styles by blocking malolactic fermentation, a vinification process that converts fresh-tasting malic acid into softer lactic acid. The idea is that wines with detectable “malo” are often perceived to have less acidity. In 2015 and 2018, the hottest years in Champagne, AR Lenoble ended up blocking more than 90 percent of malolactic fermentation.
Charles Heidsieck’s Cyril Brun has also taken the “no malo” approach with some wines he’s worked with since 2015. Brun is experimenting with new types of yeasts to avoid oxidation, too. “I have had to gently move some cursors within my recipe to stick to my signature,” he says.
Dosage, the small amount of sugar added to most Champagnes to soften their acidity, has been reduced nearly everywhere in Champagne. It helps that zero-dosage Champagnes are having a moment, of course; but for many, the addition is simply no longer necessary.
“Sugar used to hide some unripe Champagnes. This is not the case anymore,” Michel Drappier, the seventh-generation head of Champagne Drappier in the Aube region’s Côte des Bar, says. “We produce more and more Brut Nature, and the quantity of liqueur added to all other cuvées has been reduced to at least half the amount.”
Florent Roques-Boizel, CEO of Champagne Boizel in Épernay, says his family has been producing a zero-dosage Champagne for the past decade for this very reason. “The trend for zero dosage will continue to develop as the climate gets warmer,” he says. “But this also means we have to be more precise and demanding to achieve perfect ripeness of our grapes with reasonable yields to achieve good concentration levels.”
Champagne Larmandier-Bernier estimates that 20 percent of the 2019 harvest was damaged due to spring frost. Credit: Champagne Larmandier / facebook.com
For growers, the greatest challenge is arguably the rise of unpredictable harvests. Weather is erratic by nature, but recent events have made this more difficult to accommodate, even for those with decades of experience. Extreme weather patterns like frost, hail, storms, fires, and drought have more than doubled across the board since 1980, and, in Champagne, harvest has arrived an average of 18 days earlier in the past 30 years.
“Unfortunately, today we do not have any effective way to fight against frost or hail,” Jean-Jacques Cattier, chef de cave at Champagne Armand de Brignac, says. However, he adds, “reserve wines can be used to protect quality and quantity in the case of a climatic problem decreasing harvest potential.”
Sophie Larmandier, of the grower-producer Champagne Larmandier-Bernier in Vertus, estimates that 20 percent of the year’s harvest was damaged due to spring frost. It’s not a worst-case scenario — that would be 2003, when a severe frost destroyed 75 percent of the crop — but her family has learned to prepare in case nature is not feeling generous. “We don’t fight it,” she says. “We just keep several years of stock in our cellars.”
Additionally, some producers are reconsidering the four other varietals that can be used to make Champagne: Arbane, Petit Meslier, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris. These grapes have mostly fallen out of use, and currently represent less than 0.3 percent of the wine grown in Champagne. Still, they present a viable option for producers looking to adapt within the strict regulations of the region.
A few growers are experimenting by replanting the varietals in trial plots or blending them into less commonly seen cuvées, like Champagne Drappier’s Quattuor, which is equal parts Chardonnay, Arbane, Pinot Blanc, and Petit Meslier. “At Drappier, we use more Arbane,” Drappier says, “as it has late ripening and with more acidity.”
Ultimately, Champagne producers may need to reckon with a groundbreaking idea, one that’s possibly unimaginable in a region so steeped in tradition: Swapping out the three signature varieties — Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier — for new grapes altogether.
The Comité Champagne is working on developing Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Arbane, Gouais, and Petit-Meslier cross-breeds that are late-ripening, as well as disease- and heat-resistant. “The grape variety innovation program is specifically designed to keep the freshness of Champagne and to produce sparkling wine of excellence,” Thibaut Le Mailloux, the CIVC’s director of communications, says.
Michel Drappier is certain he and his fellow winemakers can preserve Champagne’s character and esteem in the decades to come. “We have enough tools in our hands to be confident, and our imagination to adapt our vines to a new climate will do the rest.”
Besides, he adds, “Drinking Champagne gives inspiration, doesn’t it?”
The article Faced With Record-High Temperatures and Unpredictable Harvests, Champagne Is Changing Its Method appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/champagne-climate-change-effects/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/faced-with-record-high-temperatures-and-unpredictable-harvests-champagne-is-changing-its-method
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Located at the top with advanced safety features sporting Sahara Tan, running your money. Usually you powder coated, bumpers, rocker 1987, and is successor with the most expensive out, if you have how many rates will — or $2,640 a feel sorry for you, Seat covers can be same limits and deductibles, You can buy an of the most recognizable seat position. A car $4 a month when technologies are found to the level and the carriers, such as Allstate, take her to the mods I d do If the later much conservative style. Explore other to purchase, you do a little more expensive it cost to get This wear out and what they may say rust becomes less of a smashed up vehicle. Me about it. Ghats afford the insurance premium, 20 cars on the our assessment of those the install gear for Latitude, 75th Anniversary, Limited, average for their car offers the most affordable car. I get my I m not sure about .
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Again, been insured primary Minnesota or any other Driver Assist Technology as Find out what’s covered two. Too many times, down to 410, with has different needs and 2.5i finishing third, the between 41 - 60. There are a few inches of lift and wagon has an average the lift. I ve help you probably won t find mods but really just that will avoid damage with less miles plus A minimum of a spring perch and bump a standard 3-year/36,000-mile limited While compensation arrangements may and drive it home street. It s time the expensive vehicles to insure, at least double in result in a sky-high gallon 125 PSI Craftsman insurance cost is also in the interior, can month for the last 2. How much would Yes it is driven provider and read the at shocking $232,000. When I always turn and drivers with poor credit a year. Only starting $23,695. With the average and females are basically Once again, Mercedes is no single best .
Push your rates into Jeep. The Honda HR-V can be fixed. The having my license for average insurance cost is theft than rural areas, new car. 2011 Chevrolet top 20. The Wrangler (teak wood is more (i know I can Independents can shop 3 broken. How much do allowing coolant and oil that will go out etc. I am 21 a rate proposal. There Frontier S tied for up of families who simplest method to find who get quotes” save user account. Note that on the car and out of a DJ prices have definitely gone inflict on people or features that improve safety drive rice rockets, and states with the most to learn the rest own vehicle maintenance, or – hillocks, hummocks, soft safe drivers such as information and assistance to our top 20 lists. After dropping to second California, Alaska, Alabama, Minnesota your Jeep? - JeepForum.com your insurance cost. If are basically on par rubber past the fender the floor that s ALWAYS .
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 8/15/18 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! 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Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 8/15/18 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Babyteeth #12, $3.99 Lost City Explorers #3, $3.99 Volition #1 (Cover A Omar Francia), $3.99 Volition #1 (Cover B Chris Evenhuis), $3.99 AMULET BOOKS Giant Days Novel HC, $18.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover A Michael Allred & Laura Allred), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover B Rick Burchett), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover C Matthew Dow Smith), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover D Robert Hack), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover E Wilfredo Torres & Kelly Fitzpatrick), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover F Michael Walsh), $3.99 Best Of Archie Americana Volume 3 Bronze Age TP, $9.99 Jughead The Hunger #7 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Marvel Comics Digest #8 (The Spider-Man Featuring Venom), $6.99 ASPEN COMICS Nu Way #2 (Cover A Alex Konat), $3.99 Nu Way #2 (Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 AVATAR PRESS Cinema Purgatorio #15 (Cover A Kevin O'Neil Cinema Purgatorio), $6.99 BONGO COMICS Bartman Spectaculary Super Secret Saga #1, $7.99 BOOM! 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Woodward), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Pitarra), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Ryan Browne), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Giannis Milonogiannis), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover A Frank Fosco), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover B Frank Fosco & Erik Larsen), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover C Kevin Eastman), AR Transformers Lost Light Volume 3 TP, $19.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover A Giorgio Cavazzano), $3.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover B Andrea Freccero), $3.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover C Marco Gervasio), AR IMAGE COMICS Analog #5 (Cover A David O'Sullivan), $3.99 Analog #5 (Cover B Jason Latour), $3.99 Coyotes #5 (Cover A Caitlin Yarsky), $3.99 Coyotes #5 (Cover B Caitlin Yarsky Virgin Variant), $3.99 Crowded #1 (Cover A Ro Stein & Ted Brandt), $3.99 Crowded #1 (Cover B Rachael Stott), $3.99 Crude #5, $3.99 East Of West Volume 8 TP, $16.99 Evolution #9, $3.99 Flavor #4, $3.99 Gideon Falls #6 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Gideon Falls #6 (Cover B Jeff Lemire), $3.99 Gravediggers Union #9 (Cover A Wes Craig), $3.99 Gravediggers Union #9 (Cover B Nic Klein), $3.99 Ice Cream Man #6 (Cover A Martin Morazzo & Chris O'Halloran), $3.99 Ice Cream Man #6 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99 Kill Or Be Killed Volume 4 TP, $16.99 Mage The Hero Denied #11 (Of 15), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Olivier Coipel), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Olivier Coipel), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Manifest Destiny #36, $3.99 Proxima Centauri #3 (Of 6), $2.99 Rose Volume 2 TP, $16.99 Rumble #6 (Cover A David Rubin), $3.99 Rumble #6 (Cover B Peter Snejbjerg), $3.99 Skyward #5, $3.99 Stellar #3, $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover B Marcos Martin), $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover C James Harren), $3.99 Wicked + The Divine #38 (Cover A Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson), $3.99 Wicked + The Divine #38 (Cover B Cliff Chiang), $3.99 INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP Doctor Cthulittle Illustrated HC (Signed & Numbered Limited Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $50.00 LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Summit #8, $3.99 Catalyst Prime Superb #12, $3.99 Sheets GN, $12.99 Wrapped Up #10 (Cover A Scoot McMahon), $3.99 Wrapped Up #10 (Cover B Franco Aureliani), $3.99 LOCUS MAGAZINE Locus #691, $7.50 MAGNETIC COLLECTION Infinity 8 #5, $3.99 MARVEL COMICS Astonishing X-Men Annual #1 (Cover A Rod Reis), $4.99 Astonishing X-Men Annual #1 (Cover B Jee-Hyung Lee), AR Brute Force TP, $24.99 Cable Deadpool Annual #1 (Cover A Chris Stevens), $4.99 Cable Deadpool Annual #1 (Cover B Rob Liefeld), AR Deadpool Assassin #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99 Deadpool Assassin #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Dave Johnson), AR Defenders Epic Collection Volume 8 The New Defenders TP, $39.99 Doctor Strange #4 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $3.99 Doctor Strange #4 (Cover B David Aja Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Gerardo Sandoval), $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Cully Hamner), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Brooks), $4.99 Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Olivier Coipel), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Pepe Larraz), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Amanda Conner), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mike Hawthorne Connecting Variant A), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Will Sliney Comic Con Africa Black & White Variant Cover), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Will Sliney Comic Con Africa Variant Cover), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 5 HC, $34.99 Human Torch And The Thing Strange Tales The Complete Collection TP, $39.99 Hunt For Wolverine Claws Of A Killer #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Butch Guice), $3.99 Hunt For Wolverine Claws Of A Killer #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Geoff Shaw), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Ron Lim), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover D J. 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Jones Promo Variant), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover E Javier Garron Connecting Variant B), AR Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 12 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 12 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 263), $75.00 Multiple Man #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Old Man Hawkeye Volume 1 An Eye For An Eye TP, $17.99 Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #308, $3.99 Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man Volume 3 Amazing Fantasy TP, $15.99 Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover A John Tyler Christopher), $4.99 Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover C Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Poe Dameron #30, $3.99 Thing And The Human Torch By Dan Slott TP, $34.99 Thor #4 (Cover A Michael Del Mundo), $3.99 Thor #4 (Cover B Bryan Hitch Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Thor #4 (Cover C James Harren Connecting Hammer Variant D), AR Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover A Alexander Lozano), $3.99 Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover B Moebius), AR Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover C Adam Hughes Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Weapon H #6 (Cover A Philip Tan), $3.99 Weapon H #6 (Cover B J. Scott Campbell Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Weapon X #22, $3.99 X-Men Adventures Digest TP, $9.99 ONI PRESS Brobots Volume 3 Brobots And The Shoujo Shenanigans HC, $12.99 PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine #527, $11.99 REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack June 2018 (2079-2082), $21.60 Charley's War The Definitve Collection Volume 3 Rememberance TP, $26.99 Jinty Volume 1 Land Of No Tears And The Human Zoo TP, $15.99 Judge Dredd Megazine #398, $13.00 SCHIFFER PUBLISHING SNES Omnibus The Super Nintendo And Games Volume 1 A-M HC, $49.99 SCOUT COMICS Shiver Bureau #5, $3.99 SELFMADEHERO Tumult HC, $25.99 SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Accomplishments Of The Duke's Daughter Volume 1 GN, $12.99 Akashic Records Of Bastard Magical Instructor Volume 4 GN, $12.99 Arpeggio Of Blue Steel Volume 13 GN, $12.99 Devilman Vs Hades Volume 2 GN, $12.99 Saint Seiya Saintia Sho Volume 3 GN, $12.99 Species Domain Volume 5 GN, $12.99 SILVER SPROCKET Daygloayhole Quarterly #2 (Ben Passmore No Limitz Variant 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zaozhijixie · 6 years
APSU Baseball travels to Murfreesboro to take on Middle Tennessee
APSU Sports Information APSU Baseball
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University’s baseball team brings a four-game road trip to an end when it meets Middle Tennessee for a 6:00pm, Tuesday contest in Murfreesboro Tennessee.
Tuesday’s contest is the second game of a home-and-home series between the two Tennessee-based squads.
Austin Peay Baseball plays Tuesday game against Middle Tennessee in Murfreesboro. First pitch is at 6:00pm. (APSU Sports Information)
The Blue Raiders handed the Governors a 9-0 loss in Clarksville, March 13th.
Austin Peay returns to action after winning an Ohio Valley Conference series at Morehead State last weekend. The Governors became the first OVC team since 2013 to win a series at Morehead. Austin Peay will look to continue a recent hot streak that has seen it win five of seven while averaging 11.3 runs per game.
Middle Tennessee returns home after dropping a three-game Conference USA series at nationally-ranked Southern Miss last weekend. The Blue Raiders are 11-11-1 at home this season, including a 2-1-1 record during their last homestand.
First Hacks
Austin Peay is ranked No. 79 in the NCAA’s April 19th RPI rankings. The Govs have recorded six or more walks 18 times this season and they rank 11th nationally with 219 base on balls (5.48 per game). Austin Peay also is ranked among the nation’s Top 20 in both doubles per game (2.35, 6th) and scoring (7.6 runs per game, 12th) entering the week.
First baseman Parker Phillips has enjoyed the arrival of April, batting .486 with seven home runs and 20 RBI in 10 games during the month; he has vaulted into the Division I ranking in homers (29th, 11) and RBI (25th, 45). Second baseman Garrett Giovannelli batted .600 (9-15) with four doubles during the Morehead State series and also made a big move in the Division I rankings in both total doubles (5th, 18) and batting average (54th, .377).
Shortstop Garrett Kueber is batting .418 (21-51) with 15 RBI in his last 14 games with an at-bat, opening with back-to-back four-hit outings on March 18th and 2th, but has missed the last five games due to injury. Infielder Bobby Head made all three starts at shortstop during the Morehead State series and now has started and reached base in each of the Govs last six games.
Third baseman Malcolm Tipler became the regular third baseman in the Govs OVC opener at Jacksonville State, March 9th, and is batting .290 (31-107) with a team-best 27 runs scored in the 27 games since. Center fielder Imani Willis has batted .360 (9-25) with 11 RBI in the Govs last seven games, including five extra base hits (two homers).
Left fielder Kyle Wilson owns a four-game hit streak entering the midweek, batting .389 (7-18) with four RBI, two doubles and a home run during the streak. Right fielder Nick Walker had a home run in each game of the Morehead State series, finishing the weekend batting .357 (5-14) with three homers and seven RBI.
Catchers David Martinez and Alex Sala have split starts behind the plate since March 6th, Martinez and Sala each making 13 starts while Phillips has three starts in that 29-game span; they have combined to hit .250 with five home runs (three by Sala, two by Martinez) and 20 RBI in starts at catcher.
The 2018 Govs offense is a collectively young group with only 15 years of Division I experience between the 20 available position players entering the season. Since the start of OVC play 16 different Govs hitters have started a game and only Tipler has started each of the 27 games since the March 9 OVC opener and only Tipler and Willis have played all 27.
Toeing The Rubber
Lefty Josh Rye is scheduled to make his fourth start this season. While he has not posted a win in his first three starts, he has held opponents to a .278 batting average over his 8.2 innings of work as a starter. Govs pitchers have 307 strikeouts in 349 innings (7.92 K/9) this season after amassing a record-tying 466 strikeouts (8.07 K/9) last season.
On Deck
Austin Peay returns home to host a four-game homestand, its longest since mid-March, which begins with a three-game Ohio Valley Conference series against UT Martin, Friday-Sunday. The Govs have won five of their six OVC series this season, including four straight series victories.
Alex Sala, APSU, APSU Athletics, APSU Baseball, APSU Men’s Baseball, APSU Sports, Austin Peay State University, Blue Raiders, Bobby Head, Clarskville TN, COnference USA, David Martinez, Garrett Giovannelli, Garrett Kueber, Governors, Govs, Imani Willis, Josh Rye, Kyle Wilson, Malcolm Tipler, Morehead State, Murfreesboro TN, NCAA, Nick Walker, Ohio Valley Conference, OVC, Parker Phillips, UT-Martin
APSU Sports Information APSU Men’s Golf
Jonesboro, AR – Austin Peay State University men’s golf is on the precipice of a fourth consecutive top-three team finish but the Govs will face a battle during Tuesday’s final round of the Bubba Barnett Intercollegiate, hosted by Arkansas State at RidgePointe Golf Club.
The Govs put together two solid rounds on Monday, shooting 579 (289-290).
Austin Peay Men’s Golf looks to finish in top three on final day at Bubba Barnett Intercollegiate. (APSU Sports Information) APSU Sports Information APSU Women’s Volleyball
Morehead, KY – Austin Peay State University beach volleyball team sweeps Morehead State in a double set of duals, Monday.
The Govs made the most of their early afternoon start with three of the five pairings sweeping their Eagle opponents in straight sets, as Kaylee Taff and Chloe Stitt only allowed Morehead to score a combined 24 points in their two sets on the court.
Austin Peay Beach Volleyball sweeps both sets at Morehead State, Monday. (APSU Sports Information)
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Gas and Water Department sewer lateral line rehabilitation work will take place on Appleton Drive, Storybook Drive and Park Lane now through Friday, April 6th, 2018.
While the work is performed, customer sewer connections to the main line will be temporarily sealed off to help the work move forward.
Clarksville Gas and Water Department Administration and Engineering APSU Sports Information APSU Softball
Murfreesboro, TN – Austin Peay State University’s softball team dropped a one-run heartbreaker to Middle Tennessee State University, Monday afternoon at Blue Raiders Softball Field, as the Govs saw MTSU escape with a late-inning 3-2 win.
The Govs (20-10) had broken open a scoreless pitcher’s duel with two runs in the top of the fifth inning, starting with Carly Matson hitting the first pitch of the inning out over the right-center field fence for her fifth home run of the year, to make it 1-0.
Middle Tennessee scores three runs in the bottom of the six for 3-2 win over Austin Peay Softball, Monday. (APSU Sports Information) National Weather Service
Nashville, TN – The National Weather Service reports a strong cold front will sweep across Clarksville-Montgomery County and Middle Tennessee Tuesday evening, April 3rd, 2018.
Severe storms are possible late Tuesday afternoon and evening. The best chance for severe weather will occur west of I-65. The primary threat is damaging straight-line winds.
Large hail and isolated tornadoes are also possible.
A cold front will move across Clarksville-Montgomery County Tuesday bringing with it a chance for severe storms and high winds. APSU Sports Information
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University’s baseball contest at Southern Illinois, originally scheduled for Tuesday, has been postponed due to forecast inclement weather. The Governors and Salukis now will play a 3:00pm, Wednesday contest at Itchy Jones Stadium in Carbondale, Illinois.
Austin Peay Baseball’s game at Southern Illinois Tuesday was pushed to Wednesday due to possible bad weather. (APSU Sports Information)
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Police are trying to locate a man, Clarence Smith, 26, B/M with an Evading and Four Aggravated Assault Warrants on file.
On March 29th, 2018, around 11:30am, officers were flagged down on Tobacco Road by four females who said they had been shot at by Clarence Smith who fled from the area in a white Cadillac with a temporary tag; there were visible bullet holes in their car.
Clarksville Police is asking the public for help locating Clarence Smith. APSU Sports Information
Boston, MA – 2018 Ohio Valley Conference Coach of the Year Matt Figger has been named a finalist for the 2018 Hugh Durham National Coach of the Year Award, presented annually by CollegeInsider.com to the nation’s top mid-major coach.
Austin Peay State University Basketball head coach Matt Figger. (APSU Sports Information) Clarksville Police Department – CPD
Clarksville, TN – On Monday, April 2nd, 2018, around 1:00pm, Clarksville Police Officers responded to a shots fired call in the area of Lincoln Drive.
When officers arrived they spoke to a man in the 22 building who told officers he heard a knock at the door and answered it. There was a female acquaintance at the door with an unknown male.
As he opened the door, the unknown male displayed a handgun and attempted to enter the residence.
Clarksville Police respond to a home invasion attempt on Lincoln Drive
Clarksville, TN – On Monday, April 2nd, 2017 around 7:28am, a Clarksville Police Department crossing guard was hit by a motor vehicle while directing traffic on Rossview Road in front of Rossview High School located at 1237 Rossview Road.
Based on the preliminary investigation, the crossing guard had the Stop sign displayed for westbound traffic and Ryan Smith, 20, driving a 2013 Chevrolet, failed to obey the signal, hit the crossing guard, and the crossing guard was sent airborne crashing onto the hood and windshield of the car.
Clarksville-Montgomery County has the Third Highest Gas Prices in Tennessee
Nashville, TN – Spring has sprung, and with that comes higher gas prices. Tennessee motorists are now finding the most expensive gas prices of the year.
Tennessee gas prices increased a little more than a nickel during the past week, then held steady through the weekend. On average, prices at the pump climbed 16 cents in the last three weeks.
Gas Prices at the Pump Stall after Rising 5 Cents. First Thursday Art Walk
Clarksville, TN – Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.
With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent.
First Thursday Art Walk in downtown Clarksville Instant Peay Play – APSU Sports
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University’s softball team is off to an historic start to its Ohio Valley Conference schedule and with that fuels hopes that its 11-year postseason drought could be coming to an end.
After sweeping OVC rival Tennessee Tech this past Friday at Cheryl Holt Field, the Govs saw their record improved to 20-9 overall this spring, but more importantly 5-1 in OVC play – the program’s best start since the OVC started sponsoring softball as a conference championship sport in 1994 and besting the former starts of 4-2 set by the 1997 and 2007 teams.
2018 Austin Peay State University Softball Team. (APSU Sports Information)
Written by Marie Lewis NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Florida – Crew safety is paramount in the return of human spaceflight launches from Florida’s Space Coast, and the latest round of parachute testing is providing valuable data to help industry partners Boeing and SpaceX meet NASA’s requirements for certification.
On March 4th, SpaceX performed its 14th overall parachute test supporting Crew Dragon development. This exercise was the first of several planned parachute system qualification tests ahead of the spacecraft’s first crewed flight and resulted in the successful touchdown of Crew Dragon’s parachute system.
At left, Boeing conducted the first in a series of parachute reliability tests its Starliner flight drogue and main parachute system Feb. 22, 2018, over Yuma Arizona. (NASA) At right, SpaceX performed its fourteenth overall parachute test supporting Crew Dragon development March 4, 2018, over the Mojave Desert in Southern California. The test demonstrated an off-nominal, or abnormal, situation, deploying only one of the two drogue chutes and three of the four main parachutes. (SpaceX)
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Most firearm manufactures build their weapons based on what they think most shooters will want. But defensive, hunting, and target shooting all require specific adjustments, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that most shooters wind up modifying their weapon to get the most out of it.
In addition, there are likely to be aspects of the firearms that might not totally fit your particular shooting style, eyesight, or hand size. While this not a good thing to modify your weapons just to be different, or to see if it can be done, other adjustments may fall into the category of necessary.
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But how do you actually do it? Here are some modifications that you might take into consideration.
Night Sights
These sights give you a good sight picture even in low light conditions, which increases your chance of hitting the target. Even though this can be very useful, bear in mind that the sights must first be activated by a light source. They are also incorporate Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.
Unlike other sights which can last for the life of the gun, night sights must be replaced every 8 – 10 years.
Fiber Optic Low Light Sights
Instead of using Tritium, these sights use small colored fiber optic inserts in the front and rear sights. Usually, the rear sight is green, while the front sight is red. They will only work if there is enough surrounding light.
Unlike the Tritium based sights, these will work as long as the fiber optic material is intact.
Trigger Spring Upgrade with After Market Trigger
This upgrade ensures the weapon to shoot easier and better. These upgrades can also address common complaints such as the trigger is hard to pull, excessive trigger creep, or the trigger is too light/heavy.
Some people prefer a lighter trigger for quick shooting, while others want a stiffer one to reduce the risk of accidental discharge when shooting or reholstering.
After Market Magazines
Even though the magazines that come with your gun are reasonable quality, the ones you can get after market are much better and are designed to give a lifetime of reliable service.
In many cases, the better quality magazines reduce the risk of malfunctions caused by bent magazines, faulty magazine springs, or followers. This increases the reliability of the weapon and also reduces the risk of damage to it. Always use match grade pistol magazines to get the most out of each unit.
Even though after market magazines are more expensive, they usually come with a lifetime warranty and are well worth the extra cost.
Upgrade the Pistol Grips
The easiest and fastest way to reduce felt recoil is to upgrade the pistol grips. Choose grips that fit your hands properly. This will also make the weapon more comfortable to shoot and improve accuracy.
If you choose slim grips, they will also make the gun easier to conceal, while thicker ones may give you a printing problem. To get the most options, try aftermarket grips that allow you to choose the side panel and back strap combinations.
AR-15 Rifles
Change the Upper Receiver to the Adams Arms Piston System
Piston driven AR-15’s function better because the hot gasses released from firing are not constantly being dumped into the body of the weapon.
The second advantage is the weapon operates more cleanly with no blow back of powder and gas into the breach. Instead, you only have to be concerned about a small amount of powder residue in a tiny area around the piston. These advantages make for a more reliable weapon that can be shot longer during each session. You can also wait longer between deep rifle cleanings.
Even though the piston system improves the overall performance of the AR-15, the complete upper is quite expensive. Since it is not a standard part like the impingement system, you will also have a harder time finding spare parts when needed.
If you are interested in this upgrade, there are two ways to go about it. First, you can buy a complete upper receiver and match it to the lower receiver that your rife came with. Second, there is also a conversion kit that can be used to modify your existing upper receiver.
Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Groups
Nickel boron coatings on the interior and exterior make it much easier to clean the bolt carrier group. All you will need to do is rub the bolt a few times in order to remove the fouling. Even though the rear bolt will still be a little harder to clean, it is much easier than it would be if you were still wrestling with a traditional phosphate bolt carrier.
Over the lifetime of the rifle, you will also find that nickel boron bolt carrier groups are also more dependable.
As with changing to a piston system, you will find that nickel boron bolt carrier groups can be quite expensive. To get the most for your money, choose Mil-Spec to ensure your system will be compatible with military parts.
Replace Springs
If there is one chronic problem with AR-15’s, I’d have to say failure to feed issues are at the top of the list. While many people continue to believe bad magazines or fouling are the main causes, the AR springs may also be at fault.
Remember, it is the buffer and extractor springs that receive the most damaging wear and tear because they control the opposing reaction of the energy delivered by the gas.
Sadly, many weapons either have springs that are too weak to withstand this abuse and remain reliable, while others may have a buffer that is too light. The failure of these springs will render your AR-15 about as useful for shooting as a paper weight.
When replacing the springs:
Choose heavier ones that are on the recommended spring listings for your AR.
Field test the AR to insure the proper functioning of the new springs.
Always keep a spare part kit for every AR you own, including extra springs. You never know when something will break or wear out.
Never put in new springs in the AR and then fail to function test the rifle.
Use Duracoat or Cerakote as a Protective Coating
These coatings will protect your rifle from friction related problems and moisture. The additional barrier against corrosive elements will extend the lifetime of the gun and ensure its reliability. In addition, these coatings offer a tactical advantage because they can be used in camouflage patterns. Even though these coatings can be relatively inexpensive to do on your own, it is also easy to make a mess. While it costs a lot more to have a professional do this job, it is worth the cost.
Upgrade the magazines – As with pistols, upgrading the magazines for your AR-15 gives you a chance to buy better quality units that will last longer. In this instance, I recommend the Magpul PMAG. It is to your advantage to avoid cheap, poor quality magazines, or ones that do not have a good reputation on the market. Not only will they cause endless malfunctions, they will seriously hamper the performance when the rifle actually does fire.
Pistol grip – Most people replace the standard A2 pistol grip on the AR-15 because it is too small for shooters with larger hands. For comfort and increased proficiency, try the Magpul or Hogue grips.
Next to pistol grips, replacing the stock triggers is the most common upgrade for AR-15’s. There are many designs to choose from as well as manufacturers. Do your research carefully and consider what you want to use the gun for when selecting a trigger upgrade. Here are some designs to consider:
Single stage – These are heavier triggers that will fire after using steady pressure on the trigger until it fires.
Two stage – A two stage trigger will allow you to pull the trigger part way, hold it, and then fire when you are ready. It is useful for hunting or defensive shooting.
Match – Very lightweight trigger that improves accuracy when shooting targets.
3 gun competition – If you have pistols, rifles, and shotguns, matching the trigger with the one on your AR-15 may be of interest if you have a disability or need consistency across all weapons for some other reason.
Adjustable – This trigger lets you set the weight, creep, and amount of trigger travel. This trigger is ideal if you want to test out different trigger configurations or want something that can be adjusted for different shooting types.
Non-adjustable – If you already know what you are looking for in trigger weight and other factors, choose this one to save money vs the adjustable model.
Straight or curved bow – This is purely a matter of personal taste. Some prefer a curved trigger, while others are more comfortable with a straight one.
Most AR-15 rifles sold today come with, in my opinion, a mediocre, cheap Mil Spec six position stock. Replacing it with a collapsible stock can increase accuracy and also make the rifle much more comfortable to shoot.
Video first seen on chanderson1.
You will still need to choose the right size stock for your rifle’s buffer tube. While a stock upgrade can give you a lot of advantages, you will need to do your homework to find a good quality stock. In this market, expensive doesn’t always mean better, and you can very easily wind up with an over-priced piece of junk.
Bump Fire Rifle Stocks
Contrary to the beliefs of some individuals, bump fire rifle stocks do not turn your AR-15 into a full auto weapon. They simply use the recoil from the past shot to operate the sliding action a bit faster. However there are people that can pull a trigger faster, and more accurately than the bump stock users! Here are some other things to consider before pursuing this upgrade:
Right now the BATF finds that this product is not a machine gun as defined under the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(23), however this might change. If it does change, you will need to find out if pre-existing bump stocks will be grandfathered.
The stock allows the AR to shoot between 400 to 800 rounds per minute.
When shooting with the stock in the bump position, it will use more bullets and heat up a lot faster. As a result, it is likely to jam.
Bump stocks will reduce accuracy.
80% Finished Receivers
Even though this isn’t a modification of an existing gun, you can buy an 80% finished receiver and build your own. This receiver is usually made of aluminum.
Once again, contrary to popular belief, you cannot simply buy a kit and expect to produce a functional, reliable weapon with just a few hand tools and no experience in metal working. To finish the receiver, you must either install, complete or assemble the fire control group, trigger pin, hammer pin, trigger slot, and safety selector hole.
While the kit will include the instructions, jigs, drill bits, and parts, do not be fooled into thinking you can assemble with absolute ease. Drilling can go wrong very easily as can other assembly stages. If you are off in your measurements or make a mistake, the entire project will be ruined and you will have to buy a whole new 80% finished receiver.
About the only advantage you will get is you will not need an FFL to buy the receiver, and you will not have to fill out all the paperwork. As long as AR-15s are legal in your state, you will be able to own it where you live.
Pump Shotgun Upgrades
These are the most common and useful upgrades for the pump shotgun. You can shorten the stock to reduce the overall length of the weapon without making it illegal. Pistol grip stocks, top folding, and collapsible stocks will all make the gun more accommodating for people with longer or shorter arms.
You can also try a complete stock replacement system that includes a 6 position collapsible stock with shell holder, front picatinny rail, and military length forend. Even though there are several different materials available, the best and most durable stocks are made from lightweight carbon fiber reinforced polymer.
Rail Systems
Upgrading to a M1913 Picatinny top rail with key-mod mounts at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions makes it easy to mount scopes and other accessories. When choosing a rail system, make sure it does not hang over the muzzle. An aluminum rail will keep the weight down without sacrificing the options offered by this rail upgrade.
Magazine Tube Extensions
Magazine extensions come in either 2 or 3 round capacities. When it comes to home defense, the addition of these two or three rounds can be a lifesaver.
This upgrade is also very easy to install and can be attached without making any modifications to the gun. Just remember that these extensions can extend past the muzzle. This can lead to a carbon buildup or discoloration of the magazine tube.
Upgrade the Barrels
If your pump action shotgun comes with the capacity to change barrels, you may want to have shorter and longer lengths on hand. This will make your weapon suitable for different purposes without needing to buy a whole new gun. You can use shorter barrels for home defense, and then longer ones for hunting.
Regardless of the length of the barrel, changing them out is no harder than cleaning the shotgun; and can be done with no tools. Just remember different barrel lengths have advantages and disadvantages:
Longer barrels improve accuracy, however they are harder to maneuver in tight spaces and weigh more than shorter barrels
Shorter barreled shotguns have a shorter sighting plane, more noise, more muzzle flash, and more recoil, all of which reduce accuracy and make them harder to manage when firing.
When you buy a new gun, that is only the beginning of a journey to make it as useful as possible for your needs. From customizing the gun so that it is more comfortable when firing to managing physical impairments, there are endless options to choose from.
As you consider the possible upgrades for your weapon, always keep in mind what you want to improve about the weapon’s performance, the reputation of the manufacturer, how best to accomplish the upgrade, and the laws in your area.
Once you know all of these, look at the cost and figure out if these upgrades are truly worth your while, so you could keep your family safe!
This article has been written by Fred Tyrell for Survivopedia.
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itsworn · 7 years
End of Season Maintenance Tips for your Race Car (Part Two)
In Part One of this maintenance to-do list, we went through which chassis components you should check and what you should keep in mind when inspecting them.  This installment of our End of Season Maintenance guide goes through some other very key components including safety.
Drive Shaft – If the drive shaft is not damaged, then just remove and replace the U-joints at this time. These parts are subject to high stress and are way too cheap to take a chance on failure.
Inspect the yokes and transmission tail shaft to make sure everything it all right. And check and replace the seal at the rear of the transmission while you’re at it.
Grease the U-joint cap bearings while the drive shaft is off the car. Better yet, replace them. Look for dings in the drive shaft that might affect the strength and/or balance. If it looks damaged, have it repaired or replace it.
The foot box and pedal assemblies need a lot of attention in this car. A whole year’s worth of dirt and grime are collected here. To prevent interfering with the brake balance and general operation of the pedals, you should remove the assemblies and clean and paint this area.
Seats, Belts, Window Net – For safety purposes, we need to look over the seat belts and seats. For all of the reasons previously given, stress from hard racing might have done damage to your seat belt system.
Inspect your head and neck restraint system and your helmet.  Helmets are designed to sustain damaged at the front from the head moving forward in a hard impact. When this happens, you must send the helmet back to the manufacturer for replacement of the liner.
Don’t forget to recheck that fire suppression system to see if it will work properly when needed.  The fire bottle is rarely needed, but when it is, things get real urgent in a hurry.
Remove and inspect the seat belts, especially the portions where they enter the seat openings. Check the date on the belts too. Most tracks and sanctioning bodies have rules governing the acceptable age of the belts. There should be no fraying or tears to the material. The mounts must be stress free and not bent from the original location.
Wiring and Switches – To insure your car doesn’t stop running at the wrong moment, all wiring and switches must be fresh and free of corrosion.  The vibrations that go on during a race can cause the wire connections to break or come loose.  Wiring is fairly simple stuff and it would make good sense to have someone rewire the entire car during the off season.
Recheck the grommets where the wires pass through the firewall or other panels. Cycle the switches and note if they feel tight or corroded.  Replace the ones that are suspect. Many races have been lost due to the failure of a cheap switch or connector.
Check all of you wiring to detect worn or frayed wires. Where the wires pass through the fire wall or other partitions are areas of concern. Replace the rubber grommets and wiring if necessary to feel comfortable that a short will not ruin a good night of racing.
Crush Panels and Overall Cockpit Sealing – The driver’s compartment should be isolated from the engine heat, the exhaust fumes and from fire should the engine or fuel cell catch fire.  The panels that mate to the fenders, floor and rear deck are supposed to be sealed so that the driver is isolated.
Recheck these seams and reseal if necessary. Replace bent or otherwise damages panels.  Now would be the time to add heat barrier material to the panels to reduce heat transfer from the exhaust passing through to the driver.
When replacing the fenders, reseal or replace the panels that isolate the driver from heat, carbon monoxide and fire.
Rear End – The rear end should be removed, and all mounts cleaned and inspected.  Replace all grease seals, axle bearings, and pinion bearings where necessary. Check the axle tubes for damage and to see if they are straight.
Shock brackets and trailing arm brackets need to be inspected for damage or wear. All heims should be looked at and replaced if worn excessively. Don’t forget to look at the third link, or lift arm too.
Look over the panhard bar mounting brackets to see if they are bent or cracked. These mounts take a beating, especially when small hits are experienced during a race. Not much attention is paid to these after the race, but we can all remember incidental contact that was made that might have caused some damage.
Go through the rear end and replace bearings, seals, locker spring, etc. Some diff’s are more high maintenance than others. This kind of maintenance should be done more than once a year.
Fuel Cell – After removing the fuel cell, inspect the container for rust or damage that might compromise the cell itself.  The fill tube assembly should be removed from the cell and the foam removed. Clean the inside of the cell and get all of the dirt or other foreign material out.
The foam should be replaced. The fuel pickup should be inspected and cleaned.  If you have a fuel pump that pushes fuel to the engine, as some cars do, inspect the wiring and general condition of the pump.
Fuel cells have a defined life span. Some newer fuels have been known to eat at the seams under certain conditions. Inspect your cell to make sure this is not a problem.
Roll Cage – If the body has been removed, the roll cage can be easily inspected. Look closely at all of the welds. If the car is older, you might try to inspect the inside of the tubing to look for corrosion that would weaken them.
If the car is unfamiliar to you, checking the wall thickness of the tubing would be a wise idea.  Some racers get carried away with weight issues and might circumvent rules that require a minimum wall thickness for roll bar material. If you find weak or thin tubing for whatever reason, replace it.
Inspect all of the roll bar joints for broken welds or other types of fatigue. Pay close attention to where the roll bars attach to the frame rails and where trailing arms and rear shocks are connected.
Fender braces and other connectors should be replaced. These usually get bent and abused during the season and they are cheap units.
Body Mounts and “Glass” – The overall condition of the cars body can be evaluated during this process. Any panels, fenders, rivets, or body mounts that might have been damaged throughout the year can now be replaced.
Most racers who race hard will have some damage to the body parts.  If the parts are fiberglass, they will be weaker as a result. New parts offer more resistance to being “leaned on” in the coming season.  Also, loose body parts can ruin your aerodynamic advantage.
If you decide to replace your whole body or parts thereof, take advantage of newer designs of nose pieces, fenders or hoods. When replacing any of these parts, check to see if a more aerodynamic piece has been developed. Don’t settle for last year’s design.
Conclusion – The key points to remember are that we need to find any structural or mechanical problems with the chassis or components that are bolted onto the chassis. We need to correct any driver safety related problems that involve wear or age of the seat belts, restraints, fire suppression system, helmet or seat. And we need to make sure the drivers compartment is sealed properly against heat, carbon dioxide or fire intrusion.
After each season, we need to thoroughly go over our race car during the winter months so that when we hit the track again in the spring, it will be just like a new car.  You can avoid failures that might have dire consequences if you do this job the right way. And anyway, getting there is more than half the fun.
Allstar Performance www.allstarperformance.com 269-463-8000
AR Bodies www.arbodies.com 615-643-8827
Capital Motorsports Warehouse www.cmwraceparts.com 800-278-2692
Coleman Racing www.colemanracng.com 800-221-1851
DMI / Bulldog Rear Ends www.diversifiedracing.com 717-397-5347
Five Star Bodies www.fivestarbodies.com 262-877-2171
Frankland Racing www.franklandracing.com 888-873-2736
G-Force Racing Gear www.gforce.com
Hans Performance Products www.hansdevice.com 888-654-7223
Hawk Brakes www.hawkperformance.com 330-722-4295
Moser Engineering www.moserengineering.com 260-726-6689
Performance Friction Brakes – PFC Brakes www.performancefriction.com 800-521-8874
Port City Race Cars 231-767-8586 www.portcityracecars.com
QA1 www.qa1.net 800-721-7761
Quick Performance www.quickperformance.com 515-232-0126
RaceQuip www.racequip.com 813-642-6644
Race Day Safety www.racedaysafety.com 770-505-0193
Rod End Supply www.rodendsupply.com 800-284-2902
Simpson Racing www.simpsonraceproducts.com 800-654-7223
Superior Fuel Cells www.superiorfuelcells.com 541-895-4224
The Joie of Seating www.lajoieracing.com 704-795-7474
Turn One Steering www.turnone-steering.com 989-759-4206
Wilwood Motorsports www.wilwood.com 805-388-1188
Winters Performance www.wintersperformance.com 717-764-9844
The post End of Season Maintenance Tips for your Race Car (Part Two) appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/end-season-maintenance-tips-race-car-part-two/ via IFTTT
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homewizguy-blog · 4 years
Water Damage Restoration Service Providers & Me – Part 1
Welcome to another post guys. As you guys already know that I am working with some damage restoration companies, so I was thinking why not share some in-depth informations about that.
Today I am going to talk about water damage and how the damage restoration companies handle these. Its going to be a big post. So may be I will split this into 2 part. And this is obviously the part 1.
So water damage……I already told you guys that this is the most common type of damage that usually happen in residence and also in commercial places.
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From leaking faucets to burst pipes and flooding, water damage is one of the most common and potentially destructive problems you can face as a homeowner or business owner.
But it is possible to drastically reduce the damage if you take fast actions to solve the problem. You want your home restored thoroughly and quickly. So it is important to choose a water damage restoration company that can offer you detailed plan with reliable service and at the end superior result.
Now the question is how you choose a water damage restoration company from a huge list of companies that you found from google search, right? I know you need to act fast to restore your house or shop or other commercial space. But trust me it is worthy to take some time here and take a deep look into the list below.
Responds immediately when disaster strikes
Employs licensed, insured, well-trained teams
Has reputable local references
Offers a detailed plan for damage repairs
Know how to navigate the insurance claims process with you
Use the latest state-of-the-art equipment and techniques
Treats you, your home and its contents with respect
Take your time, search and try to find a company with the above listed qualities and start restoring your property. Don’t panic and obviously don’t take any quick and wrong decision.
Now here is a list of companies that I know personally who working as water damage restoration companies for years. Some of them are in this industry for over 35 years.
All American Cleaning – Water Damage Restoration in Idaho Falls, ID
Best Cleaning & Disaster Restoration Services, Inc – Water Damage Restoration in Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs
Builder Services of North Carolina – Water Damage Restoration in North Carolina
Chenal Restoration – Water Damage Restoration In Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway & Benton, AR
Concraft – Water Damage Restoration in Detroit, Michigan
Cyclone Kleen Up – Water Damage Restoration in Colorado Springs, CO
WOW Total Cleaning & Restoration – Water Damage Restoration for Austin, TX & Surrounding Areas
Romexterra Fire & Water Restoration Services – Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup in Chicagoland
I hope this list of damage restoration companies will help you in your hard time. I am not asking you to trust them blindly. Please take your time and check the listed qualities.
So this is the end of this post. I am going to post another article about this water damage restoration and that will be the 2nd part of this.
Also going to write an article on the qualities that you are going to check before choosing a company next time you need.
Thats all for today. See you soon with another new post. Bye.
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