#former merc/assassin!magnus?
lurafita · 1 month
Mutant AU Malec
(Think Marvel/X-Men, but we don't have to slavishly follow their world's canon)
Alec and his siblings are mutants and teachers/caretakers, overseeing the care and education of young mutants that go to their school. While times have softened the general public to mutants, there are still bigots and prejudice abound. So when the school has to move to a new city/or disctrict, Alec, Izzy and Jace decide to check out the neighborhood to find out if there are possible future hangout spots for the kids.
When they find the Pandemonium Cafe, they mostly just want a cup of coffee. But when one of the customers at a table across from them finds out they are mutants and demands from the cafe's staff to kick them out -(nothing the siblings aren't used to. They won't even hold a grudge against the cafe's staff, not their fault people are shitty), - the incredibly handsome and gorgeous and cute -(so Alec has eyes; he can appreciate another man's beauty, back off Izzy, I'm not asking him for a date right off the bat!!!) - waiter/barista/owner, takes the guy by his lapels, and drags him out. Then he apologizes to the three for the inconvenience and gives them free dessert for having had to endure the asshole.
The cafe becomes the obvious hangout place for the school, both the kids and teachers. And with the help of his students and collueges, Alec eventually even manages to ask Magnus out on that date.
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