monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Gloom Beach Message
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4672 Cranium Court
Hey Ghoulia,
It's Frankie! I got to build my first sandcastle! How cool is that!? We really miss your sense of humor and funny stories. Really do wish you were here. Everyone says "Hi"!
Miss you,
-x-x-x Frankie
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
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Once upon a time there was a ghoul who wished for more.
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Once there was a lovely ghoul whose heart was sweet and kind, she sewed all day with no time for play but for a better unlife she pined.
Her name was Threadarella and she lived with her step sisters three, who were totally catty and even quite bratty, not nearly as nice as she.
One day Threadarella told them about her grandest dreams but they shook their heads and laughed as they said, "You'll just fall apart at the seams."
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That's when an invitation arrived from the king's own hand; it summoned all but great and small to a party that would be oh so grand.
Now Threadarella was filled with excitement thinking that she might attend; but her stepsisters said, "No!" "You cannot go—you'll have far too many clothes to mend."
So came the night of the party and poor Threadarella sat alone in the dark, that she couldn't be there was too much to bear and she let out a sad little spark.
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"Stop with weeping and wailing," a voice from behind her said, "You'll just soak clothes and get runny nose; you should go to party instead."
Threadarella was too shocked to be frightened and quickly turned to behold, an abominable sight glowing with light and totally blue from cold.
"I am fairy ghoulmother here to help make dream come true, no time to waste now make with the haste, all things are ready but you."
Then she pulled out her wand and magic swirled round like flakes of shimmering snow; Threadrella's clothes were changed, her hair arranged and she was finally ready to go.
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As Threadarella climbed into a waiting carriage her fairy ghoulmother grabbed a sleeve, "Not to forget or you will regret, you must before midnight leave."
At the party Threadarella's grace and beauty set her apart from every guest, and her stepsisters three wondered who she could be, along with all of the rest.
Threadarella danced with two princes one shy, the other bold but throughout the night they were never both in sight which was a little strange truth be told.
She was dancing again with the shy one when the first stroke of midnight rang through. She said, "It's been great but it's really late and now it's time I flew!"
As she hurried away from the castle she lost a shoe and the foot it was on, she slipped and tripped and when the clock struck twelve all the magic was gone.
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Threadarella awoke the next morning to the sound of horses and chatter, she snuck upstairs completely awareness to see what was the matter.
She opened the door just a bit and peeked in with her green eye, there holding her shoe with the foot in it too, was a prince, not the one who was shy.
Her stepsisters seemed to be saying that no monster here lacked that part, but he didn't believe and refused to leave, he was not only cute but smart.
Then Threadarella had a burst of courage and started to step through the door, but her missing foot she forgot--the other one caught--and she stumbled straight to the floor.
The prince rushed over to help her, saying "M'Lady this foot must be thine," all Threadarella could say was simply "Hey" and for a better unlife she'd not pine.
...and they lived Scarily Ever After
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Scaris Sketchbook
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Sweet Screams Diary
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Classroom Survival Guide
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Sweet 1600 Diary - The 30th Day of November
I feel like I'm lost in the Bermuda love triangle because I can't make up my mind whether I'm crushing on Jackson or Holt. Since they are really the same guy, am I allowed to date both of them? Jackson is so scary-sweet; he's a ghoul's dream. But Holt is electric, and I really get a charge out of him. They are totally polar opposites, so why do I like them both, and what does that say about me? Tesla's ghost it's complicated! I don't understand why guys can't be as steady and unchanging as us ghouls. :p
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Basic Diary - July 15th
The most amazing thing happened today! It rained! I know everybody has seen rain before, but this was my first time, and I got so excited that I ran through the house yelling for everyone to come see it. Dad came bolting up from the lab and was rather unhappy to find out I had made such a big deal out of it. "Mary Shelley's ghost, Frankie, I thought there were villagers with torches outside!" I guess I must've looked either surprised or sad 'cause Dad gave me a big hug and said he was sorry he yelled. I wanted to go out and play in it, but Dad said he thought that might cause me to short out. Mom came to the rescue with an umbrella, rubber boots, and a raincoat. It was wonderful, and Dad even came out in his lab coat and boots to show me how to stomp puddles! Does life get any better than this?
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s School’s Out Diary - The 7th day of October
Fear Squad practice was terrible today. Cleo was totally impossible to please, and we started and stopped several times before she finally just canceled practice altogether. Then at lunch, Purrsephone, Meowlody, and Toralei were all saying that it was because of the blowup that Clawd had with Spectra, and the rumor was that Cleo was going to break up with Deuce, Deuce was going to start dating Operetta, and Clawd was definitely back in the picture with Cleo. I was really bummed cause they're all my friends, and I didn't want to have to take sides. I saw Lagoona later and asked her what she thought about the rumors. She asked me who was spreading them, and when I told her, she just laughed and said, "Not every seagull that yabbers has found a fish." Coming from Lagoona, that somehow made me feel better, confused, but better.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s SDCC Diary - June 26th 12:01am MST (Monster Standard Time)
Ow-Ow-Ow! Brain freeze!
Uh, can I get up now?
Cause this bed is really uncomfortable, these straps are cutting off my circulation, and someone has dressed me in really ugly clothes. I don’t know how I know they’re ugly but yikes are they scary and not in a good way.
Mom is crying and telling me how beautiful I am. While my dad is running around like a crazy person shouting, “It’s alive!” It? I am most definitely not an “it”. What I am mostly is happy, sad, confused, enlightened, worried, hopeful and hungry – all at the same time. . . hmmm maybe I am an “It”.
Dad has stopped circling the lab long enough to un-strap me, hug me and name me. Frankie. Frankie Stein.
I like it. It seems to suit me somehow.
Dad helps me stand and he walks me over to a mirror. I can tell that he’s nervous cause this is the first time he’s stopped talking since I was born.
I like the way I look. My hair is long and straight and white with streaks of jet black. My left eye is green, my right eye blue and my lips are full with a definite pout.
I spin to see what I look like from behind and “rrrrippp”! I hear my mom say, “Honey I told you should have used the more expensive thread!”
She rushes over with her sewing kit and does a quick fix on my leg where the stitches have torn.
“Your father is a brilliant man and a great mad scientist but he’s a bit of a cheapskate.”
My dad says, “I am not a cheapskate I’m frugal.”
“Frugal my neck Bolts,” mom says back.
“Why did we have to wait until a thunderstorm rolled through to have our daughter when we could have simply used power from a wall outlet? It’s not like we’re living in the 18th century any more.”
Dad answers back, “Now dear, you know we’ve already had this discussion. A child should have a sense of tradition and if it was good enough for us it’s good enough for her.”
I think I like the idea of tradition. It makes me feel like I have a real history. I can tell mom just wanted me here sooner and that’s pretty cool too.
I’m not sure what I should do next but out of all the things I’m feeling, hungry seems to be pushing itself to the top of the list. Dad says we can fix that and heads upstairs to the kitchen.
Okay so I’m sitting at a table covered in food that looks and smells scarylicious.
The Most Scarylicious:
Pizza- How could there possibly be anything better than this?
Oranges- Peel’s nasty – inside delicious!
French Fries- Little wands of magical tasty goodness!
Chocolate – Wow! This stuff is to absolutely live for!
Ice Scream – It's just . . . Perfect.
The Just Plain Scary
Brussels Sprouts – These seem to be small yet thoroughly evil cabbages.
Liver – Am I being punished for something?
Sauerkraut – One of my dad’s experiments gone wrong?
After I’ve tried everything mom comes in with a beautiful cake and 1 candle. Dad tells me to make a wish and blow the candle out. What do you wish for when you have everything?
Dad thinks I need to get caught up on pop culture since I’ll be starting high school this year so he had Uncle Egor, he's not really related but he’s been in the family like forever, buy some "Fashion" magazines to help me. Uncle Egor seems to be very sweet but I don’t think he always brings back what he's supposed to.
I’m just not sure that articles on “Gifts Ideas for the Ghoul who has Everything” or “Tips on Turning Your Backyard Guillotine into a Food Processor” are really helpful.
Dad comes to my rescue with a copy of last year’s Monster High Yearbook.
Wow! Everybody at Monster High looks so cool! I really love the way Clawdeen Wolf dresses and Draculaura seems really sweet – at least from her paintings – Vampires don’t show up in photographs. I can’t wait to meet and get to know them.
Mom and dad pull out the old photo albums and we spend the next few hours looking at pictures from their past.
It was scary cool, especially the wedding album! Lots of guests and they were all carrying torches. Very romantic!
Mom and dad tell me they had to move a lot because of dad’s business and they didn’t want to have children until they found a place where they could really settle down. When they finally moved here they knew they were home.
We stay up through the night, me asking questions and mom and dad telling stories about their life together.
I start to yawn and mom says, “Off to sleep and a recharge for you now.”
Dad looks at his watch and says, “Just one more thing you have to see before bed.”
He leads us to the top of the house and onto a balcony facing east. The sky slowly catches fire as the sun burns off the early morning darkness. “It’s so beautiful,” I say.
Then dad and mom give me the biggest hug and tell me “It’s never been so beautiful as it is today because we get to share it with you.”
I love my life and can’t wait to see where it goes from here!
Thanks to all the mad scientists at Mattel who helped bring me and my Monster High friends to life!
♡ Frankie Stein
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Basic Diary - August 23rd
We went on our first family trip today… to The Maul! I was really excited, but also really nervous. Dad took the long way there and drove by Monster High to show me where I'd be going to school, which made me even more nervous so that by the time we got to The Maul, I was a total casketcase. I almost asked Dad to take me home, but I went in anyway. We all had lunch at the food corpse, and then Mom took me shopping while Dad went to look for some neck bolt polish. The first place Mom took me was her favorite store, but all the outfits sort of looked like old wedding dresses. I really didn't want to hurt Mom's feelings, and I didn't tell her this, but I wouldn't have been caught alive in most of those clothes. I guess Mom must have sensed that I wasn't very excited 'cause we didn't stay there very long. As we were leaving the store, we ran into Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. Mom introduced me to them and said we were shopping for school clothes. Clawdeen looked at the store and started to say something, but Draculaura accidentally hit her with the umbrella she was carrying and said, "Mrs. Stein, if you would like us to show Frankie some of the places we shop, we'd be happy to do that." Fortunately, Mom said yes and mentioned something about finding Dad before he made it to the laboratory supply store. Clawdeen and Draculaura took me around to all the scary cool stores and told me all about Monster High. It was like we had known each other forever. Draculaura is soooooo nice, and Clawdeen Wolf is so confident and funny. While we were shopping, I confessed I wasn't sure what kind of styles would look good on me. Draculaura and Clawdeen both started laughing, and I thought I'd said something wrong. Then they both put an arm around me, and Clawdeen said, "Ghoulfriend, with your figure, you shouldn't be wondering how good a style looks on you, but how bad you'll make it look on anyone else who wears it." Draculaura even invited me to try out for the fearleading squad. I was too excited to tell her I didn't know what that was, but it sounded like fun. By the time Mom and Dad came to find me, I didn't want to leave. I'm so glad I stuck it out and didn't ask Dad to take me home.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Basic Diary - July 17th
Okay, so one thing I have learned in my short life is that I am not a morning person. My dad is, though, and he insists on yelling "It's alive!" every time I come upstairs for breakfast. Unfortunately, I don't think he's going to stop doing that anytime soon because when he finally stops laughing, he slaps his knee and says, "That just never gets old." Is it too soon for me to decide that breakfast is overrated?
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s Dawn of the Dance Diary
7 am: Party day has arrived! This will be my first party ever and I hardly slept at all last night. I grab breakfast and go back to my room. So much to plan!
8 am – 9 am: I read my party invitation, for like the millionth time, while I charge up.
9 am – 10 am: I lay out the really scary cute party dress that Clawdeen helped me pick out at the Maul. I suppose it’s too early to get dressed now.
11 am – Noon: Cleo de Nile cancelled Fear Squad practice today, which is good ‘cause I don’t think I would have been able to concentrate any way.
Noon – 2 pm: I go over all my stitches to make sure none of them are loose. It would be mortalfying if I just fell apart at the party.
2 pm – 4 pm: I let Mom fix my hair. She’s actually really good at it and I could tell she wanted to help me. I think she’s as excited as I am.
4 pm – 5 pm: I make Mom leave the room while I get ready. My Dad has the camera all ready when I come out and he’s so surprised he forgets to take a picture.
5 pm – 6 pm: Mom and Dad say I’m absolutely electrifying and I think they may be right.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s School’s Out Diary - The 24th day of October
I met a new ghoul today! At least new to me :) Her name is Abbey Bominable, and I think she's really sweet, even if she does take a bit to warm up to. Anyway, we were waiting in line together at the creepateria, and she was asking the lunch ladies to explain what was in the food. The line started to back up, and some monsters were yelling at her to hurry up. I think she was starting to get frustrated, so I told her to go with the screechza since it was pretty easy to recognize most of the stuff they put on it. She gave me a look so serious that I thought I had said something I shouldn't have, but then she smiled and thanked me. We sat together, and I learned that she lives in the mountains above the school, loves to snowboard, and that her first language is Yetish. She said she could understand what was being said most of the time but that the slang kept tripping her up because it was hard not to take everything literally. I told her that sometimes I still did the same thing. Then I told her that I would help her with her slang if she would teach me how to snowboard. She thought for a moment and then said, "I think that would be the cool that is scary." Hehe, I bet she learns slang faster than I learn to snowboard. :)
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s School’s Out Diary - The 16th day of October
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed we were planning to have the scary best dance ever until an evil teacher canceled it, and we had to have the dance in a secret location under the school. Everything was going as planned when this strange monster in a shiny suit with lots of hair appeared and started yelling that this was his dream and we were going to start over. I totally jumped into another dream, but the only thing I remember from that one was the intense feeling of being a stranger. It must have been stressful, though, cause when I woke up, I was upside down, and one of my arms had fallen off. No more ghost chili pizza for me before bed.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s School’s Out Diary - The 12th day of October
Monster Heritage Essay By Frankie Stein
That's all I've written so far, but I'm really excited about the assignment cause I'm going to get to learn so much scary cool stuff about my classmates. I thought that for part of my heritage research, I would read that book that was written about my parents, but I couldn't find a copy of it in the house. I asked mom why and she said the author had taken "certain liberties with the truth," but if I wanted to check out a copy from the library, she would be happy to answer any questions I had. When I asked dad about the book, he used an expression I'd never heard before, but I guess mom had because she made that noise in the back of her throat that means some monster is in trouble. Dad hung his head and looked kind of creepish for a bit until mom stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. I don't need to read a book to find out about my monster heritage. I get to see it every day - how scary cool is that?
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s School’s Out Diary - The 1st day of October
My stitches are still coming loose at exactly the wrong time. Dad ordered some special monstertanium thread that he said was stronger than dragon's breath and would totally fix the problem. Yeah - not so much. I was standing on a ladder in the gym helping Draculaura hang up a banner for this week's pep rally when Clawd and some of the football team walked through wearing their game day jerseys. One of the guys on the team is a gargoyle from Scotland who has the dreamiest accent and the scariest handsome crystal-grey eyes. I said hi to everybody by name, but when I got to him, I totally blanked. I just stood there absolutely mortalfied and finally called him by his jersey number... "7"...lame, I know... but then the rest of the guys started teasing him, and I got so anxious that my arm fell and then the rest of me fell too. I don't know how he did it, but somehow "7" caught both my arm and me. All the guys started clapping, and Clawd said, "How come you don't catch like that at practice?" "7" was talking to Clawd but looking at me when he said, "If the passes ye threw were as pretty as this lass, I'd nay drop another." At least that's what Draculaura said he said. I don't remember anything after I fell off the ladder except strong arms and crystal grey eyes.
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