#ftf: 002
hartenstraat-laura · 6 years
She hadn’t exactly waited for Joey to leave his side, except she had. She wasn’t jealous, nor was she upset about what Cassia had told her about their other lover, Joey was always very giving with his love, and Laura had heard about how things were progressing between Joey and Kurt, she just hadn’t expected the word love to be brought up so soon. She wanted to suss him out, and see whether or not the male lit up when asked about Joey - because if not, then well, her opinion on him would change. 
Laura took a breath and walked over to him, “Kurt right? I’m Laura.” She stated, holding her hand out for him to take. The hint of a smirk played on her lips as she looked at him. 
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stonerberry-blog · 6 years
Rachel was pretty sure that being high at school was the only way to survive these halls. The stark red and white of the school, the judgmental looks, the never ending gossip of who lost their virginity last – it wasn’t her thing. The desire to keep people out of her heart and at an arm’s length started with marijuana and ended there. There was no way to get hurt when you were numb to the entire world, right? Right. Fashion was her safe space, being high was her shield, and the rest of it ceased to matter. So, as soon as the bell for lunch rang, she was happy to feel the brownie’s effects washing over her. Dani wouldn’t be as easy to let in if that were the case.
“Hi there, bible beater,” the brunette grinned, her hands landing on Dani’s hips from behind as she spoke before moving to be in front of her, walking backwards. “Still on for lunch?”
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backstageberry-blog · 6 years
After weeks and weeks of consulting Rachel, getting his nerves under control, and making sure he had everything prepared in case of either answer, Alex was going to ask Van to be his girlfriend. His original plan was deemed too extravagent for a girlfriend proposal so he was just going to ask her. He had some chocolates and roses in his hand, the last of his catfishing money (the rest was mostly spent on Lily, Rachel, and more stuff for Van) and with one last breath he knocked on her door.
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hanacinnyc · 2 years
event starter for @bcllet​
Hana felt like all eyes were on her. She knew that wasn’t true, it seemed like that everyone was enduring dirty secrets being spilt out but her nerves made it feel like far too many eyes were on her. She wasn’t even sure how someone found out. The way her stomach was flipping itself inside out was enough to send her to the bar and order a water, fingers gripping loosely around her phone. She wanted to ignore it every time it seemed to vibrate. 
“Fuck—” the woman breathed out sharply, eyes squeezed shut behind her mask, “Fuck, fuck—” she cursed, trying to calm down. The presence of someone coming up beside her had Hana pausing, unwilling to open her eyes quite yet. Letting out a long breath, Hana finally opened her eyes and looked to the side, it taking a moment to realize just who it was. “...come to tell me off some more? Suppose it’s warranted in this moment. Go ahead, get your ‘I knew it’s out while you can.” 
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rxdshood-a · 3 years
Bruce was the last person that Jason wanted to see or expected to see. It made his teeth grind, that green fog of anger lingering in the back of his mind and wanting to creep out. It wasn’t hard for Jason to see that Bruce was a trigger for his Pit rage. Likely due to how much pent up resentment and anger that lingered in his chest for the man. Absently, sometimes Jason wondered what it was like to not feel this unrelenting anger for Bruce. There was a time where it wasn’t like this. Where Jason didn’t feel like he was begging an emotionally constipated man to just see why he was the way he was. Why was it so hard to ask for someone to avenge the untimely death of a teenager? He would have done it for him. He would have tore the world apart to avenge Bruce. 
These days...not so much. The emptiness echoed like a lone shot in the night. 
“Playing the part, Brucie?” Jason asked with venom dripping from his tone, “you’re always so good at that, aren’t you?” He mused, drink in hand as he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Colleen is my friend, so is Danny. So I’m playing nice for them, not you. Just a note. She deserves this to be the best day. She deserves a lot of things, frankly. All the best.” He had been intent on making sure Colleen had the best day imaginable, not wanting anyone to try to ruin it. Even himself. So he’d play nice with Bruce, not make any sort of scene. 
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hazyskyy · 3 years
Sky was humming as she checked out the food spread and tried to think of what she wanted to snack on that minute. She was thankful that she made it back in time for the masquerade, or she probably would’ve been more down about things. Being here with Jesse, felt nice and helped her to be in a better mood than she was earlier that day, even though she had received a bunch of questions about if she was Jane from Tarzan. Which, don’t get her wrong, she loved Jane, but she wished that they would’ve thought about Evy, but she shrugged it off. She spotted someone with red hair, dressed up as Poison Ivy and smiled as she approached Jackie. “Hey you, I love your outfit! I was lowkey hoping you’d go as Poison Ivy. How are you liking this Masquerade so far?”
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celloemmett-blog · 7 years
ftf ✨clarper
It didn’t have to go without saying that Emmett rarely got out, as the safe confines of his roomy apartment housed just about everything he needed: snacks, an upright piano, and the endless array of his instruments. Despite his lack of desire for socialization, he was perfectly content every time someone asked him to do something-- especially if that someone was Dani. When she’d informed him of a new song that she wanted him to hear, Emmett was beyond honored to be her choice to play it for, and he instantly agreed to meet her in one of the practice rooms on campus. “Hi,” Emmett grinned as he stepped inside the room, carefully shrugging his cello case off of his back. “Sorry I’m late. Um, the walk took longer than-- well, uh, nevermind. It’s-- how are you doing, Dani?” A bright, quite sincere grin made its way onto his lips as he reached out one arm to half-hug her. “I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got.”
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supersxn · 3 years
[ assist ] for OUR MUSES to attempt to provide medical assistance to civilians. @dragonsdefender​
Jon wanted to help. It’s all he’s ever wanted to do since his dad sat him down and told him all of what he would be capable of. It felt like you had a responsibility to do something with the powers you had to help. It was something that had been sitting on his shoulders for a very long time and would for the rest of his life. Though, it was hard to help when the way people would immediately turn and run, scattering at the sight of the House of El symbol. The way that people kept pasting signs of anti-alien rhetoric all over the city. He bit his tongue and ignore how that kept happening in the dark of the blackout sweeping over New York. Bit back the anguished ‘I just want to help’ that threatened to tumble out.
Spotting Colleen, Jon quickly flew over and landed carefully, trying not to take it to heart when the person she was helping flinched. “Hi, I’m here to help. I have—” Going capeless for once, Jon shrugged off the backpack he had taken to wearing with a first aid kit tucked inside. “What do we need?” He asked Colleen as he finally tugged out the first kit and opened it up, turning to her for guidance. Hopefully, it would put the already terrified girl at somewhat ease. He could only imagine how much scarier it was to be hurt during the midst of this blackout. 
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Sebastian was having his own little breakdown, just about everything that had been going on. He didn’t really want to talk to anyone but when Hunter said he would always listen to him, it almost felt necessary to talk to the other. Sebastian didn’t really talk about his feelings and definitely didn’t want to always talk to Hunter. He was pretty sure the other would be done with him pretty quickly if he always expressed his feelings. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting for his favorite person to come around. He had told him the back door was open and his parents weren’t home.
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rxdqueens-a · 4 years
[ fight ] my muse stops your muse from getting into a physical fight with someone else @twentyninetynines​
There was something oddly familiar about this situation—the people in particular. Person, actually. Maddie hadn’t intended to walk upon the sight, but she seemed to get herself in these situations more often than she liked to admit to. Her own temper was one to be rivaled—quick to snap at someone and ruffle some feathers so she could understand the sentiment of the man in question. He was seemingly about to get into a fight with a man who was clearly drunk off his ass and looking for a fight.
Sliding in between the two men, Maddie smiled ‘innocently’ with a hard edge to it up at the man who was drunk. She reached into the man’s mind, enough to influence him to listen to her words and follow their orders. “I think you should go home. Sober up.” The man nodded dumbly and walked off. Maddie turned to look at the other man who had seemed ready to deck him in an instant, something oddly familiar about him. Well, his mind really. As if she had been around him before. “You’re welcome. There’s different fights worth fighting than some drunk idiot.” 
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andiesmu · 4 years
@elliemu​ / Eva Hayward
Kya really wasn’t much of a fan of most kids, she liked her own, and she liked the other ones she was related to, but other than that, she didn’t like them. Still, it was part of being a mom, dealing with kids coming over for playdates, so she tried not to get too apprehensive about Kennedy’s new friend coming over today. However, her annoyance, from before Gabe even showed up, was unneeded. He seemed like a pretty cool kid, him and Kennedy played well together, and he was well-behaved enough that she didn’t mind having him around. Now, the two sat at the counter, Kya making them a snack, while they waited for his ride to come pick him up. “So kid, tell me about yourself.” She said as she sat a plate of fruit in front of them both. “You got siblings? Who’s coming to get you, your mom?” She asked, trying to make conversation with him. 
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
[ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation @twentyninetynines​
It hadn’t exactly been expected, like whatsoever. There had been a sharp knock on the apartment door and Cassie had untangled herself from Conner while the brothers bickered about something she had only been half paying attention to. “Don’t break anything!” She called back to the pair as she unlocked and opened the door, looking back and immediately going still at seeing Miguel. The Spider-Man who most certainly did not like her. Like at all. 
“What are you doing here?” Was the words that immediately came from the girl, pushing abruptly at his chest and moving into the hall to shut the front door behind her. “How the hell do you know where I live? This is weird. You realize that, right? Like that this is super weird?” She groaned, pinching the bridge of her name, not even wanting to think about what Conner’s reaction may be if he was being nosey and using his super hearing. “What do you want?”
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itsbxtgirl-a · 4 years
It hadn’t been planned. Steph had been avoiding the sympathetic worried looks from Alfred and the overwhelming sense of numbness Tim’s empty room gave her. She was sure her apartment was dusty and the mail was overwhelming so she used that excuse to fled the manor. Her hands shook and she checked over her shoulder far too many times, keys between her fingers until she got to her door and let herself in. 
Flipping through her mail, Steph paused at a small package. She ripped the yellow envelope open and looked in it. All air was zapped from her lungs in an instant, fingers shook as she reached in and pulled out the Red Roblin emblem. 
Was someone screaming? 
It was her. 
Her breathing was ragged and sharp, chest heaving and she could feel the tears staining her cheeks. She managed through her tears to see a torn piece of red fabric that was clutched between her fingers beside the emblem. Her knees hit the carpet and she could feel her heart breaking over and over again. Timmy. Timmy. Her Timmy was really gone. No, no, no—
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Slowly, Stephanie rose to her feet and made her way towards the door with tears blurring her vision. It felt as if she was moving through quicksand. Maybe she was. Nothing felt real anymore anyways. Her heart was fully shattered into tiny pieces. She didn’t want to be here anymore. Maybe it’d be better if she just...
The door was opened. When did she do that? The person that stood before her sent a cold chill down her spine and she jerked back in an instant. Ra’s al Ghul.
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FTF // HENZIE // 5.2
Hunter immediately made his way back to his room after classes ended. He was going to have a visitor and he wanted to make sure he was there before her. It was clear that the girl needed to be dominated and Hunter could definitely use it himself. After all the annoying talks about his mark, he needed a reminder of who he truly was. There simply was no way he would give in and he needed to be reminded of his talents. Not that he forgot but it would help him stay strong.
Once he was in his room, he made sure to clean a little bit. It’s not like it mattered but it would make a better impression, he was sure. He heard moving outside the door and was quite sure the girl had arrived. He made his way to the bedroom to clean up there as well, leaving he girl to wait. He found it was always a good practice for submissives, patience. He made sure to make noises at times so she knew he was there. After about ten minutes, Hunter decided that she could come in now. He opened the door and smiled at the girl kneeling like he had asked. “You may crawl in now.” He ordered. “Position yourself next to the couch. Same kneeling position.”
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jordanmu · 5 years
@adismuse​ ; brooklyn smythe
Though Maya had done some crazy things for sex, she’d never trekked over in the cold weather late at night just to see someone. And that was the thing -- it wasn’t just sex with Brooke, and that much was incredibly obvious. Even from their texting earlier and thinking about having a threesome -- Maya didn’t like the idea of sharing her with anyone at all. So, yeah. Maybe she was a little bit jealous, now that she really thought of it. Maya liked the way the blonde made her feel, in bed and out of bed. Once she got to Brooke’s apartment she let herself in, shrugging off her jacket as she scanned the apartment to find the girl. More than anything, she wanted to walk right up to her and kiss her instead of saying anything to her. Instead, she called out, “Babe?” She smiled when she finally saw Brooke and walked over towards her, glad that she’d made her way out to the apartment. Totally fucking worth it. “Wow, I just went through this shitty cold just to have sex with you. I think I kind of like you or something?” She joked, though, really... It wasn’t a joke. “I know that you’re a horny bastard and everything, but I need something warm to eat or I’m going to freeze from the inside out. And do you know how terrible that would be? Then would we be able to have sex? I think not. We would not.” A Maya classic -- rambling over absolutely nothing. She could find words to say about nothing, just to fill the silence. Maya walked over towards Brooke’s kitchen, looking over her shoulder as she asked, “do you have hot chocolate or something?”
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supersxn · 4 years
[ voicemail ] for the POSTER’S MUSE to leave a voicemail for the SENDER’S MUSE @rictorscales​
Arriving back in New York had been hell in itself. It was chaos, smoke and debris and so many screams that made his throat tighten up painfully. The moment he landed in an alley, a hoodie thrown on over his suit and hood pulled over his curls to hide him (the crest) from those who may zero on him for association with Kara—Supergirl. He felt sick at that. He was also worried about his friends, his family. He was worried about Ric, unsure where the Mutant was in relation to all of this—if he was okay. 
Keeping his head down, Jon put his phone up to his ear and darted between people entirely too easily and waited and waited for Ric to answer, cursing when he didn’t. “Rictor—you asshole,” Jon grit out as soon as the beep sounded out, “answer your damn phone. I’m worried about you! What’s even going on? Did you—” did you know? He can’t exactly say that. He had a warning of the bridges, had been offered to join, but didn’t think she was serious. Fuck. “...call me back. Please. I don’t...I don’t care whatever Magneto is doing! Well, I mean, I do! Obviously, but I—just call me!”
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