#fucker rolled a nat 18 on all his stats
Working on the Octavian/Agrippa essay, and I'm really trying not to get distracted by all the battles, but I made a timeline of Agrippa's early military career and--
45 BCE: Possible service with Julius Caesar in Spain.
43: War of Mutina, minor role.
42: Battle of Philippi, minor role.
41: Perusine War (officer). Successfully diverts and isolates Lucius Antonius’ troops, and convinces 12,000 of them to change sides without a fight.
40: Retakes Sipontum from Antony’s forces in the Perusine War and repulses Sextus Pompeius’ forces from Thurii.
39-38: Defeats an uprising in Transalpine Gaul; takes on a second campaign to deal with German raids; becomes second Roman general to cross the Rhine.
37: Politely declines a triumph to avoid embarrassing Octavian, who'd just gotten his ass kicked by Sextus. Foils Sextus' attacks by turning the entrance to the Roman underworld into a secret naval base.
36: Defeats Sextus, the "Son of Neptune" and most skilled Roman admiral alive up till that point, twice, ending the Sicilian War and solidifying Octavian's control over Sicily.
At this point Agrippa was only 27 years old.
I...kind of feel bad for Antony having to fight this guy five years later.
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strikerangel · 1 year
Aughhb egg dnd.
Juanaflippa is the dungeon master who does shit just to piss off her players. Yeah theres no shortcut, if you huys try you get stung by a bunch of bees and take 2 poison damage. Yeah.. it says for an hour. Too bad. Go the long route. This howver doesnt mean that her players dont piss her off too. Which brings us too!!
Tilin! She plays as a Aasimar cleric who fucking loves to ask questions . "Hey flippa if im like. Born to serve the gods and am reveried . Can i worship myself for the cleric role" "kill yourself, die. Slash lighthearted joking No you cant" <- flippa is deadpan
Strength - 7
Dexterity - 11
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 15
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 19
Chayanne plays as a dragonborn barbarian who is. Very boasty. Hes arrogant but for a reason <- has the highest strength stat 4 a reason. Anywas chayanne goes fight first and talk later and that directly conflicts with tilin who attempts to talk first. They have a very friendly rivalry with their initiative rolls.
Strength - 18
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 14
Tallulah is a water genasi druid, she decided thaf being a bard irl was enough. Chayanne is willing to back her up in any decision she makes so tilin attempts to get her on her side . Sibling rivalry go strong. Her character has a shit ton of funny moments relatinf to water
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 13
Bobby is a changeling rouge who is shifted to an owlins form. Hes like a packrat. So much shit in his inventory . Bobby brings his gun to a session once and flippa makes it canon that it has one. Guess how that goes with a trigger happy rouge. Theres a reason flippa told him to start with a dagger.
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 9
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 17
Charisma - 17
Richarlyson is a triton bard and their weapon is a guitar with a really fucking sharp spike on the end. They are very liable to stab through enemies with it and it just gets sharper as they bloody it. Theyre also flippas favorite player as she claims them as her little sibling. Hers now! Little sibling advantage roll.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 18
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 14
Charisma - 14
Ramón is a warforged monk, he and dapper are fuckin twining . Warforgeds made by the same person. Despite being made of metal this fucker is so fucking agile. Ramon is very into dnd and brings everyone little figurines of their characters that move when flippa or their owners tell them to.
Strength - 13
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 13
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 11
Leonarda is a triton paladin, he brings food for everyone and gives everyone little trinkets theyd enjoy after the session , flippa says she doesnt have to do it but she enjoys watching their faces light up as she gives it to them.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 14
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 9
Dapper is a warforged artificer, he and ramon are twinning, however hes not gonna let ramon up him with the figurines. He makes everyone character sheet books that change at will . This does happen because of the ritual he did with the books and maybe some sheep blood.
Strength - 15
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 15
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 13
Charisma - 8
Trump is an elf ranager who is quite literally the best to play with. The campaign would go literally nowhere with him (<- he consistently rolls high on perception and insight checks and is like. The only one who does.) Rlly fucking lucky btw. Nat 20s all across the board. Flippa hates this guy
Strength - 14
Dexterity - 16
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 15
Charisma - 10
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