#fun ed loredump for you today
edoro · 2 years
Have you listened to The Magnus Archives? Its an Eldritch Horror podcast (but with queer + non-white characters!). I think you might like it! Its got lists of trigger warnings for each episode, and transcripts. You can listen to it for free, too! On Rusty Quill dot com or on YouTube.
if you go back far enough in this blog's history you will actually see that it began* as a Magnus Archives blog! i have indeed listened to the podcast and read the transcripts and even written some fic for it!
(*i actually joined tumblr back in the early 20teens if not a bit earlier, bc i may in fact have been on here a bit before i graduated high school, and started out posting deeply cringeworthy TWEWY fic before doing a hard pivot to Homestuck, where i remained for a number of years
but then my blog got nuked in the great porn ban debacle, i took a break from tumblr for the sake of my own mental health for a few years, and then when i decided to come back i figured it would be easier to just sign up under an email address i actually have access to as opposed to the one i used 12 years ago and create a new blog rather than try to go through and resolve or remove every sensitive content flag in the old one, so i did a bit of url transferring trickery and now here i am, edoro 2.0
this blog is only a couple of years old and the first things on it are TMA posts, but i cannot even remotely truthfully say that's how i got my start on tumblr)
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