#gareth ironwing
captzexx · 2 years
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"Est sularas oth mithas," Gareth smiled as he spoke raising his cup to his old friend.
"Wut dos tha mean?" Nori replied as he lifted his own to return the toast to the middle aged knight.
"It's the saying of my order," Gareth ripped his ale with a sigh as before setting the cup back to their makeshift table, adjusting his cloak as he sat upon the rock. "My honor is my life."
The dwarf grunted as he sat as well, his rummy eyes looking out into the quiet road that lead toward the Grey Havens. The two soldiers had long since sat as guard and patrol of this sacred road, but had grow quiet as the Fourth Age blossomed to herald the end of the Third. It was solemn and lonely task but one they took serious in the closing days of the Eldar.
Gareth Ironwing smoothed his mustaches a he rested his hands on his knees as they pair slipped into comfortable silence. This was how it went most days, quietly waiting and watching for signs of trouble. Rogue orc warbands, the occasional highwayman, or even a pack of wildlings trying to waylay the retreating elf kind. More often then not it was more about maintenance of the highway, but for ancient dwarflord and repentant knight it was much a path for redemption as it was a final duty.
(Gareth Ironwing was a Solamnic Knight I pulled from Dragonlance that I pulled into a massive Tolkien roleplay group. They were very apprehensive of letting me play him as such but they found I slipped in just fine and didn't distrupt play or the lore of the world. To them he was just a human knight from the South but for me was my love letter to Sturm Brightblade. He was a lot of fun to play as a would be writer at 14. He lived, fought, and died for Ered Luin.)
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