#getting really sick of how you have to dig for the free Palestine tag like they’re deliberately not suggesting it
el-smacko · 3 months
I used to like Jon Stewart but his treatment of the Gaza genocide was fucking bullshit.
“No one seems to be incentivized to stop the suffering of the innocent people in this region.” Ansar Allah’s blockade? Allies in Lebanon and Iraq like Hizbullah? South Africa??? The “Cycle of Violence” myth that everyone is at fault when Israel is the one who’s been ethnically cleansing Palestinians with the West’s help for a century. Equating “destroying Israel” (a nonhuman country/state entity) with a call for genocide while the Palestinian people are actually suffering genocide, a word he didn’t use. Saying the UN has been useless when South Africa won their case at the ICJ and it’s the US who has been consistently vetoing ceasefire resolutions. Calling for a Middle East equivalent of NATO—who famously used a UN resolution to fuck over an Arab state before—to create a “demilitarized zone” between Israel and Palestine as if a) that worked for Korea and b) the partition of Palestine or any other state has ever been a fruitful endeavor or at all acceptable in cases of apartheid—to say nothing of the fact that he or his writers seem entirely ignorant of the previous Arab coalitions’ actions in the region.
Fuck Jon Stewart, moment unmet.
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