belethlegwen · 3 months
G/t WAC - Day 1 (oops I'm late)
First wanna shout out to @entomolog-t for putting so much work into the G/t Writer's Appreciation Challenge. I think it's a very fun, extremely sweet idea and while I know I'm not gonna be able to hit all of these (I am ALREADY LATE for Day 1!!) I'm going to do my best because, especially right now with everything going on in my life, ***I*** could use the push to read more and the idea that everyone is sharing their favourite things and there's so much already available (plus the things that will inevitably be created throughout this month with or without the g/t wac) that seeing it all get shared around is a huge huge boon to my mood right now.
Day One: Share Your Comfort Fic
This probably comes as no surprise, but my comfort fic is by @adjacentperception, from their Rose & LaPorte series (directory link).
I have so many pieces out of this collection of short stories that I adore and find myself going back to when I need something to brighten any given day, but the one I go back to the most often is Witching Hour Curly Fries Pt. 2. It brings me, among so many other things, such a deep catharsis for emotions I have struggled with (and now, thankfully rarely, still struggle with) through the lens of Atticus and his unique situation.
There's something about how real both Atticus and his best friend Quinn feel as people, not just characters, and also how shockingly real Atticus makes the fantastical problem of being 4 inches tall (most of the time) feel to the reader through this piece in particular. There's a connection I felt the first time I read it that I have never stopped being able to come back to; there's something so deep there that hurts me to feel so strongly, that even through fiction and fantasy is still, at the core, so human and emotional.
There are times where you just need to sit with your best friend and talk, even though it isn't fixing anything. Even when the point is for you-- both of you, even-- to come to terms with the fact that the problems go so far beyond what they appear to. That there's something so much deeper, and that it may be genuinely unfixable at that level. That the wrappings and trappings and the portrait of what everyone, possibly including you, think your problems are merely just brought forth deeper issues that you don't know if you can untangle and process, let alone work toward correcting.
It's a beautiful piece to me and I have cried over it so many times for the pain and hope it gives me. Zip is wonderful writer, and always has been. Their characters are so human that they feel like coworkers or roommates to me sometimes, and their ability to find a real, core person in any character they make is one of the reasons I love them so much.
I really can't recommend the Rose & LaPorte series enough. It has more than earned it's place as one of my Permanently Open Tabs, and there's really something for every mood I'm in. I love Zip and all of their precious dingdongs and their adventures. <3
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belethlegwen · 2 months
Henry would not lose gracefully in chess
Mel has a wicked squat
Devon is very good in the kitchen
If Peter were ever given the go at a break room (one of those places you can just break stuff) it would give onlookers nightmares
If Daniel Grant got drunk enough he would absolutely steal the show at karaoke
Lionus is by a mile the best dancer on site
If given the opportunity Miller would jump at the opportunity to take a nap on a squishmallow
God I'm dying. these are wonderful, fantastic. Devon being good in the kitchen? That had literally never even crossed my mind but I could *totally* see it. Daniel at Karaoke is murdering me dead, but not as dead as PETER IN A BREAK ROOM.
And god, I feel like we are all Miller. Everyone wants at least ONE squishmallow nap in their life.
Thank you so much for these!! <3 <3
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