#god my friend also told me they didn't add most of Katara and aangs romance building
tategaminu · 2 months
This is the last thing Im gonna comment about the Avatar live action but a friend told me they removed Sokka's sexist lines and it's super ridiculous. I feel like a lot of a writers (live actions mostly I think) are obsessed with the idea that main characters should be complete saints. Didn't Sokka get over this in the original series? If you have a main character with some sexist ideas get them to grow up. Sokka met a lot of cool women in his journey‚ falling in love with two and eventually abandoned this side of him right? It's a subtle but great way of getting the message across because surprise surprise not all of your main characters have to be perfect good people‚ some will have their asshole side‚ let them have their asshole side
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