#god the two of them. holy fucking shit my kokoro.
hinamie · 3 years
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wayves-domain · 4 years
Miku Expo 2020 post but it’s too late.
Anyway, HOLY SHIT this was a ride!
I won’t be listing all songs because this is already late, I’ll be covering the ones that stood out to me the most.
Let’s dive in!
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Dang there were a lot of people! I managed to get a bit closer in the crowd than this pic so that was nice, still wasn’t able to see much due to me being a 5’2 gremlin.
Song list was a little different from London, Paris and Berlin tho. I went all researchy to know all the songs and we get songs I never thought I would hear live. And I LOVED it!
First off we got Miku’s Resonance (instead of Raspberry Monster) and I was singing along, without realizing it was one of my FAVORITE SONGS!
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Oof, terrible pic right? Sorry about that.
Moving on to Rin!
While those three countries got Sweet Magic, Amsterdam got Kokoro, and I was living. That was my favorite F2nd song so of course I knew it by heart
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It’s the best photo I got from the song. I love this dong so fucking much
Then we got, instead of Dappou Rock (the other countries), Butterfly On Your (Right) Shoulder. I was vibing so hard I forgot to take pics. Fuck.
Moving on to the others because there’s so many Miku songs and I won’t be able to add that many pics on mobile!
It reminded me of me wanting to be able to shut my brother up when he’s gaming (it still does).
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Meiko and Kaito! I got to see Remade Blue Longing (loving that putfit girl ) and Attakaito and I was so happy! These songs really checked my vibes though, ad I did not know them word for word, so I yelled in gibberish most of the songs...
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Hurrah for my bad as fuck iPhone cam and ruining Kaito 😭
Two Luka songs! Never Die made me cry more than I wanted and after that one (RIGHT after that one) came Even If It’s Your Happiness which sounded so beautiful
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Later on we got Jump For Joy, and I got a good pic of two (2) girlfriends
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After that, a bit more serious...
The wowaka tribute. I’d like to take a moment to say how much Wowaka has meant to me. I might not have known him personally, but his music helped me through tougher times, songs like Rolling Girl and World’s End Dance Hall were one of the first songs I ever listened to when joining the fandom over 5 years ago. Rest in peace Wowaka. You won’t need to keep on rolling anymore. 💔
*wipes away tear irl* well then, let’s continue. After his tribute, we got Unhappy Refrain instead of Rolling Girl, which was a huge surprise to me, but tears were shed nontheless. They even projected crescent moons at the end of the concert, but I wasn’t able to photograph them in time. However, they’re in my photographic memory forever, and they were beautiful.
Hibana Hibana Hibana Hibana!!!!
I can’t even describe how hard I screamed when I heard the opening notes! All the people yelling nanananana were amazing, the good vibes were in the room. And what made it better is that it’s in the new Mega39’s, so when the game releases in europe I’ll be damned if I don’t get it.
Ohedo Julia Night was a blast! When Miku blasted those drums I happily drummed along, almost hit someone while doing so, whoopsies.
After that the bad got introduced with was amazing!
Decade, last expo’s theme was played, it was really great!
Hm, what else? Oh! I know!
BRING! IT! ON! That’s right, Giga’s Bring It On was live and HOLY FUCK I downloaded the song immediately on the way home, what a banger
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Thank you random glowstick for ruining Rin...
After that, the last song and this year’s theme Lucky Orb played and EEEEE I LOVE THE OUTFIT!
That’s it for my two month late review on Miku Expo 2020, hope yall can forgive my evil camera
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simkjrs · 7 years
ch6 asks, cont’d.
Anonymous said: read the latest chapter and honestly even though im screaming in agony, i absolutely love this drama. i really cant wait to see where youre going with this. it also makes me happy to see you make so many good characters autistic, it feels nice to be able to relate to actions. also, izuku's entire internal conflict in this chapter? BIG MOOD.
fdjdkljf happy to hear someone’s enjoying it!! also, thank you for the feedback -- it’s nice to know that i’ve done alright,representation-wise. :^)
Anonymous said: just wanted to tell you that i'm at the spot when izuku basically tells it like it is to kacchan. and it's pretty much spot on. from what i can tell. from real life experiences. I sincerely hope that this time in your life is past if you've had to experience something like this or you have people you can turn to. otherwise, dude, you are scarily good at writing. i'm seriously afraid of how this conversation is going to turn out. the chapter's really beautiful and honestly just inspiring. thank u
this is such a nice ask i didnt know what to do with myself after reading it? 
no comment on my real life situation except that everything’s fine right now. i haven’t experienced everything that izuku is dealing with (or at least.. not to that degree?) SO i’m just extrapolating beyond my own life & experiences, and also incorporating what i’ve learned by reading through accounts by people who have actually lived through these things. thank you for writing in, and thank you for your concern 
@ceilingbattles​ said: I just wanted to say thank you so much for the new chapter <3 honestly its my favourite fanfiction, and I just really appreciate all the work you put into it, its amazing!!! (I don't have an ao3 account, just really wanted to let you know). Also just wow. that was a chapter. 100% worth it, I will read it repetitively on my phone as I have the rest of the fic.
thank you!! it’s really nice to hear that, and i feel incredibly honored to have written someone’s favorite fic. i hope it continues to live up to your expectations!
Anonymous said: i feel like byggualom! izuku and suneater would get along very well. kindred spirits kinda thing
both of them have massive anxiety so they can definitely empathize with each other, and i think izuku would do his best to accommodate suneater! it would be really exhausting for izuku though, i think, so while they’d get along well i don’t know if they’d be good for each other for extended periods of time. anxiety echo chamber
@aliceofbrokendreams​ said: Can I give you a hug? Cause if writing the first half invoked as much emotion as it did in me reading it, you should have one.
yeah... it was really hard writing this chapter. thank you 
@slightlyobssesive​ said: I would just like to say that this chapter took me four hours to read and then another one to compose myself to type this. On one hand I absolutely adore you because some parts had me so happy and the portrayal of Izuku's abuse is handled so well. On the other hand though I am cradling my heart that has been shattered into about 3 million pieces and screaming why because this chapter emotionally destroyed me. I cannot properly express my current feelings in this small amount of space just WHYYYY
im sorry but also im completely not sorry, THANK YOU FOR READING DESPITE YOUR DEEP PERSONAL SUFFERING 
and also thanks for your feedback re: the representation of izuku’s abuse! i’m glad i was able to convey it well!
@abrcmhatford​ said: i uh wanna say that i really appreciate how you're handling izuku's reaction to realizing that yeah, it was abuse, because people brush over the recovery a lot, and i've been in izuku's shoes and i think you captured the entirety of it really well. it's rough and it's really hard and it's still hard and i like how you didn't just ignore the gritty details and kept pushing. thanks
yeah! i wanted to write something that was about recovery, and moving forward, and doing your best despite your circumstances. i pulled on my own experiences with depression and other things to try and write this, and what i learned, so... i’m happy to hear it resonated with someone else too. i hope that you’re out of that situation now, and that things are better for you. thank you for your feedback. it means a lot to me. 
@angryqueermermaid​ said: you. absolute motherfucker.
alright now that name calling is out of the way I must say that you have the BEST portrayal of depression and anxiety I have EVER seen. like. holy shit my guy. the entire ch I was just like. "same? same. SAME." and, well, while that was a fucking kick in the pants, it was so.... confusingly cathartic??? in a good way??? to watch izuku struggle with the shit I have felt, in ALL aspects of life like being vunerable and/or high energy/socialization settings. fucking. GOD MY KOKORO.
i once saw a quote that said something like, “if you want to make someone a monster to society, first make sure they never see themselves in your stories.” it’s a morbid quote, but i feel like it explains well why it’s so meaningful when you see yourself reflected in a story. i know the first time i read a chinese-american protagonist, and one who wasn’t interested in romance to boot, i was in junior high and it made me so happy because i’d never had that representation before. 
that’s one of the reasons i write so many characters with mental illnesses or trauma -- i don’t see enough of us in mainstream stories, and i think those stories need to be told, just so we can remember that we aren’t alone. i’m really glad you found catharsis reading chapter 6, and that i was able to catch some of those struggles you go through. thank you for writing in!
and yet, i missed the anniversary!!!! a failure!!!!
Anonymous said: sometimes I just go to your blog to make sure you're okay. like of you're blogging then you're either okay or trying your hardest
i’m not actually sure if this was a ch6 asks but it was sent with the rest so. thank you. it soothes me to know that someone out there is thinking of my wellbeing, because i sure don’t and i guess someone has to. (but in all seriousness, that’s really sweet)
Anonymous said: Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I loved the chapter 6 a lot! As a writer, I can understand not being entirely happy with your work, but as someone who recently got out of a very unhealthy situation, it makes me happy that you put it up anyway! Izuku's recovery mimicked mine in a lot of ways, especially the coming to terms with it. His talk with Yagi about grief hit very close to home, but also was very inspiring, if that makes any sense!! So sincerely, thank you so much! ^u^
i’m really happy to hear that!! i tried to catch the feeling / moment i had when i was getting through my depression, where for two weeks or so i was so miserable all the time and just wanted to... stop. it’s hard to explain, but one day i got up in the morning and knew that i was just tired of all this, tired of stagnating in the same place and tired of being miserable all the time, and maybe i couldn’t get rid of my depression but at the very least i had to try. if i was able to convey any of that through izuku’s conversation with yagi, then i’m satisfied. thank you!!
Anonymous said: Thank you for sharing your writing with us
and thank you for appreciating it! <3
@chocowl​ said:  From start to end this was a rly good chap. The recovery process, the relationships, and everything else was so good. I esp liked how Izuku mobilised his network and how Katsu got some Consequences. And Mitoki... much gold as always! Altogether: thank you for this journey! I loved it and i love you for creating such amazing content. Ihope you have an amazing day and time! :) xoxo
(sorry i split up your asks into two different posts! categorization purposes...)
i’m really glad you enjoyed that!! i worked so hard on the emotional atmosphere of this chapter, haha. glad to see it paid off. <3 <3 thank you for all your feedback, too, and also the really nice art you’ve made for me!
Anonymous said: someone made a pinterest board for The Fic! it looks p small rn (111 pins?) but its kinda cute
i don’t have a pinterest account so sadly i can’t zoom over and check it out, but wow... i’m really honored!! thank you for letting me know! 
Anonymous said: later, when Eri comes in- what would happen if byggualom!izuku was shot by Eri's quirk-removing drug? everyone's expecting something to happen but Izuku would be fine, considering he has no quirk (as far as he knows?)
muscular used izuku’s body to smash a concrete sidewalk into smithereens and izuku didn’t have so much as a scratch, one of the quirk-removing drugs’ bullets wouldn’t even have a chance. so actually, everyone’s question would be “what the hell is up with your skin” 
anyways, if you’re wondering if we’ll ever get a reveal, don’t worry. it’s coming. :^)
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shxujobrave · 7 years
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MOM HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Please excuse the fact that the thing above looks like it was made in 2 minutes (because it was) I’m still pretty flustered about this all jfdks
Anyway, lordy jesus, its been nearly two years since this blog has been up??? Time flies. I can remember when I first decided to dive headfirst into the Indie scene with this blog and with Riku as a character in general. NGL I was legit a nervous wreck, because I’ve always just been apart of fandoms specifically and I didn’t???? Know what to do lol. But slowly, I branched out. Gained lots of amazing friends, lost some, saw some amazing characters that still hold themselves near and dear to my heart. I as well as Ri have experienced many things, many feelings, and none of which is regretted. 
I hope you continue to follow my progression with this nerd child and make you totes not regret having her on your dash jkds;
THE FAM (honestly i could write like this about everyone but--)
Honestly I could go on and on about EVERYONE in this fashion, but I just want to give a few special mentions. I’d like to thank God and Jesus and---
@shxunenbrave : The love of my life. The sweetest bean who has been with me for so long like holy shit. Everyone knows how much I love nick, because I rarely ever stop talking about him to other people---Which just shows how much I adore him with all my being lol. He’s dealt with me at my best and worse, helped me so much with both my characterization and writing and blog in general and honestly without him and Leo idk what would’ve happened to Ri. He’s pretty much my platonic soulmate. Thank you for everything, Nick. Thank you so very much~!
@liqxid : Liquid my heart. During this time we really got super close, haven’t we? Always listening to what I have to say LOL it’s strange how we only really started talking one on one when this blog became indie and I’m really happy with how close we became uwu
@shimotomaii : My soul, enabler of all the aus and making me cry from all the feelings both her and her muses give me, as well as one of the people that’s stuck with me this ENTIRE TIME. You’ve encouraged me time and time again, and I appreciate it so much smooch smooch
@treurspel : Senpai turned broski, someone who sticks their ground and is cutely blunt and boy i love u. We’ve had long winding talks about many things and even tho I end up staying up til 4 doing so it’s always so fun
@faillte : Girlfriend we’ve just became friends in the past couple of months but let me tell you that I appreciate you quite a bit like it’s almost super crey. Yet another senpai turned friend, I really regret not coming to talk with you sooner smooch smooch.
@petitcercueil : wOW do I love talking with you my sweet. You’re such a kind person who deals with all my screaming about pretty much everything, and has been a motivation and i legit just want their attention all the time lol
@constcllatcd / @epocheur and @ghostpillow / @siderion​: A pair of sweet cinnamon rolls who holds a close part of my kokoro and also motivated me and I pretty much have heart eyes every time I see them on my dash lol holds them both close
A compiled list of people that I love to interact / have nerdly little convos w/, look up to for inspiration and motivation or honestly just love to see on my dash and hope to one day interact with. Some have been with me since the very beginning, some barely from a month ago. But all of you, whether you know it or not, are appreciated by me quite a bit. 
@uminojo || @emonotional || @shsl-uneasyutaite || @fragilefated || @drugrattes / @bokctto || @kxmhyun || @deitymarked || @foreign-harpist || @dokitsuu || @bcbybats || @believinghxpe || @dohoshu || @itaidoshin || @echocircles || @jauneybravo || @cfdualities || @soughtdawn || @warxmth || @recklessmoon || @twobasstards / @merakiis || @tenxcious || @uchuheiki || @umbraform || @kemuriin @homra-no-artemis || @hyoukan || @sadistic-sakamaki || @silent-severity || @siliencekind || @joestarlegacy || @nakaula / @deceitist || @diaboliktheology || @sorrowscars || @spraypaintpunk || @spacerought || @outraged / @bruiisedheart || @amorfisia || @heavenlorn || @cursemarked || @vampyrisms || @sadamenai || @ofauric || @kingoftheembers / @kusanagisan || @key-ei || @kagaqueen || @hippestbarista || @heistborne || @chodesh || @chiyeolhan || @princeros || @kannibahl / @flamelovd || @flagrisen || @ratdrag || @faithstruck || @faithtale || @feralmindset || @brilliancx || @xxheroisms / @totttokohamtaro || @moonmonogatari || @ao-no-heika || @ofsakuras || @stzgesu || @supernalblade || @malitiosa || @viitrus || @irradiancies || @popokki || @poppicede || @revertxmus || @scarlctta || @scowlistics || @bingtiaowu || 
And lets not forget, YOU AND YOU AND YOU T O O O~!!!
Once again, thank you all once again, and I hope we can continue being mutual buds and homies!
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