#goign back and forth between speaking his regrets about all the lives hes responsible for and all those hes lost both on the ship and in hi
calliecat93 · 9 months
You ever think about how much it REALLY had to suck to be McCoy in The Naked Time? A crewman died on his watch when everything that he did should have worked. Others are dropping left and right from insanity due to the mystery illness. He's left to try to come up with some kind of cure while the medical team is slowly falling into chaos to the point that he pretty much has to do everything himself. And if you go by production order, this is after The Man Trap so this happening after several losses of life, including his ex, and the fact that he had to kill what to him was said ex to save Jim. I know he couldn't get infected in-story cause otherwise everyone would have been royally fucked, and actually seeing him manage everything and come up with a cure in a matter of hours is something the fandom doesn't talk about enough. But just imagine if he did and add everything else from the past (his divorce, his daughter, his father's death) and... yeah... that would have given the Spock losing control scene a run for its money in terms of pain.
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