#gonna post this on twitter the same time this goes up i hope riley appreciates it
fleouriarts · 10 months
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khafe · 4 years
Episode 1: Our Journey Begins
Below is a transcription of episode 1 of Kingdom Hearts: A Forgotten Era
Laina: Hello everyone and welcome to Kingdom Hearts: A Forgotten Era, an actual play podcast set in the universe of Kingdom Hearts,60 years before the events of Birth by Sleep. We will be playing Interstitial:  Our Hearts Intertwined, a game made by Riley Hopkins. You can find them at @RevRyeBread on Twitter. To start things off, I would like everyone to introduce themselves, say your name and pronouns. I'm Laina. I use she/her and they/them pronouns and I will be running this game.
Isiah: Hi, I'm Isiah, I use he/him and they/them pronouns.
Nathan: Hi, I'm Nathan, I use he/him pronouns.
Theo: I'm Griffin McElroy. No, I'm Theo, I use he/him.
Rem:I'm Rem, I use they/them pronouns.
Val: Hi, I'm Val, and I use she her pronouns.
Laina: Alright, so, our story begins with our cameras zoomed out, showcasing a city built on a hill surrounded by water. The camera quickly swoops across the entirety of the city, and we watch his children run through the street, as couriers deliver mail to many of the homes, guards patrol the city, working to keep everyone safe, and students wielding strange key shaped weapons spar with each other. Our camera zooms back out, showcasing the whole city once again, and the words "Scala ad Caelum" appear on screen. The camera lingers on the shot of the city for a while before zooming into the top of the city. A large spire with blade spinning in the wind, much like a windmill. Our camera zooms in even further into an open window at the top of this building. And we see two kids playing a game of chess, one dressed in white and one dressed in black. The boy in black has lost this game but the boy in white suggests a new game when they haven't played before. He brings out five white pieces and seven black pieces. Both of the boys smile at each other and begin playing this new game. But before we see the results of it, our camera zooms back out, this time zooming in on an open clearing, where four warriors wielding keyblades are sparring against one another.
Laina: One of these keyblade wielders is in an outfit far fancier than the rest of them. Rem, I would like you to briefly introduce your character.
Rem: Yeah, I'm playing Aesa, she's gonna be using a custom playbook called the Henshin, it's a transforming character playbook. She's currently trying her hardest but she's not very good at this yet. She’s just kind of flailing around a little bit in her little pink hoodie with the cat ears.
Laina: Okay, so our camera pans over to the person that she is sparring with. This person is using a wooden keyblade, but that doesn't seem to be stopping her determination. Theo I would like you to introduce your character.
Theo: I would be pleased too. I'm playing Zenica, the hunted. She's dressed mostly varying shades of green. She's got a green leather jacket going, with a green scarf over top. Wearing jeans and a pair of green sneakers. She's, probably in the fight, she's probably not using the wooden keyblade as you're meant to use a keyblade, she's probably using a little bit more just like how you would use a normal stick. She's probably doing pretty good in this fight, like in a good natured way, she's not just being mean and smacking the shit out of Aesa.
Laina: Okay, so our camera pulls away from Aesa and Zenica and moves to one of the couriers in the city. This one is a man with short curly brown hair, dressed in baggy clothes. Nathan, I would like you to introduce your character.
Nathan: My character's name is Celeritas Quickfoot. He's going to be using the Knucklehead playbook, and he is just a super friendly, just the most shounen protagonist, shounen protagonist in all but the genre of thing we're doing.
Laina: Alright, so our camera pans back to the open clearing and we focus on the other set of keyblade wielders sparring against each other. This next keyblade wielder is a slightly older looking man. He is using a metal keyblade and one that is reminiscent of a rapier. I would like you to introduce your character Isiah.
Isiah: So, his name is Imber. He is the Discarded playbook. And I think right now he is sort of sparring kind of defensively looking for an opening.
Laina: Okay. Our final Keyblade wielder is wielding a keyblade that looks like a blank car or house key. Last but not least, I would like you to introduce your character, Val.
Val: My character is Milo, he is the Dark playbook, and he is definitely a more aggressive fighter. He is trying to break down Imbers defenses and, sort of, whacking determinately at the blade to sort of throw him off balance.
Laina: All right. So as each of you are going about your day you receive a message saying that the keyblade wielder, Master Nalia, who all of you study under wishes to speak with you immediately.
Laina: You all make your way to the same clearing that the keyblade wielders were training at and meet with Master Nalia. Master Nalia is a young keyblade master with pink hair dressed in the regalia expected of a keyblade master. As you all arrive, she says, "Ah, it's good to see you all. I'm very glad that you got my message. We don't know why, but many of the world's have begun to fall to darkness. And I trust that you students will be able to save them. I've arranged a ship to take you between worlds and have opened up the lanes in between. And if you are all ready to go, you can set off at once. Are there any questions?"
Theo: Sorry, what?
Rem: Aesa's gonna shyly raise her hand and be like, "Are you sure you want me to go?"
Isiah: Imber is going to raise his hand and kind of look at Milo, a little bit and be like, "Are you sure you want all of us to go?"
Nalia: I am positive. I've seen your training and I feel that you are the best picks to go.
Zenica: Master Nalia, I've been here about a week and a half, I appreciate the compliment, but I don't remember this being part of what the tuition fees are paying for. I don't remember signing on for this.
Theo: And Zenica is saying all of this with a smile on her face, but she is very clearly like, "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit."
Laina: She kind of like, laughs a little bit at that and she's like, "Being keyblade wielders you are expected to save the worlds when it needs to happen. This is very much something you signed on for."
Imber: Are you sure that we are all capable of that?
Nalia: I'm positive.
Rem: Aesa tries not to look too hurt.
Nathan: Also, another important question, is Celeritas there?
Laina: Celeritas is there.
Nathan: Okay, okay. He managed to make it in time.
Theo: "Wait I need to give this again, give me like ten minutes fam." Has to go get him from outside.
Nathan: This man had to spring through the rest of his deliveries for the day to make it back to this field in time.
Isiah: Celeritas dived in through the window.
Laina: Everyone just waited for you.
Theo: Celeritas just has his head in a trash can and a mop bucket, and like, "Wait what?"
Nathan: And he still has his couriers bag with him at all times, because obviously.
Laina: Yeah.
Theo: Alright, so I think Zenica is not sure how she can nope out of this without arousing more suspicion so she's just gonna shut up and kind of look panicked.
Rem: Aesa just definitely feels like the weak link right now.
Val: Milo puffs out his chest and is just like,"All of you guys have worked with me and obviously if you guys worked with me ,you have potential, we've worked with Master Nalia, we have potential. All we have to do is follow our power and we can get through this."
Theo: Cool speech pat.
Laina: She points out at Milo and is like, "That's the kind of attitude that I'm here for."
Val: Oh, he's preening he is, he is definitely like, puffing out his chest and like looking very pleased with himself.
Theo: Zenica is definitely like rubbing the back of her neck and kind of like, kicking the floor and is like, "So are we gonna go ahead and go then? Question mark?"
Isiah: Imber goes, "Is there any more information that you can give us about what exactly we need to do?"
Theo: Nope, bye!
Imber: Want to maybe give us a debriefing?
Rem: Or a briefing.
Nalia: I need you to eliminate the heartless in each of these worlds and then seal the keyhole.
Theo: (Laughs)
Rem: Aesa is gonna summon and unsummon her keyblade a couple of times, and then say, "Yeah, we can do that."
Isiah: Imber goes, "I suppose I will do my best to make you proud."
Nalia: That is always my hope.
Nathan: Celeritas is just really excited that he gets a chance to now deliver mail across dimensions.
Isiah: You're like, "Oh boy I can't wait to deliver more things on this quest."
Nathan: Hell yeah. Courier by nature and courier by trade.
Theo: Celeritas is gonna kill the final boss of this campaign and be like, "Express shipping, two days or less. Bitch."
Nathan: Celeritas grabs a sign post, slams it into the final boss... Oh, I had a one-liner, and it's gone now. Damn it.
Isiah: “Special delivery,” and then a punch in the face.
Nathan: That was it. I was gonna say, "Special delivery." Damn it Isiah.
Theo: "Through rain or sleet or snow."
Laina: Oh I love this.
Theo: Can we just hard cut and we're walking to the gummi ship or whatever it's called?
Laina: Yeah, you can, you're walking to the--.
Theo: Wait, I have one more question!
Isiah: Just a screen wipe.
Laina: Well actually, as you all get ready to leave, Nalia stops Imber and Milo and says, "You two, think of this as a test. I want nothing more than for you to prove to me that you're ready to become a keyblade master. But I need to be shown that you have it in you to become a master. This is your chance to show me that, and I very much hope that you will succeed." And she gives you a bow and then sends you on your way.
Val: Milo is literally like vibrating and then goes still. And then he looks at Imber, and he's just like, and he's like-
Theo: That was the weirdest thing.
Val: He's like, "I get the feeling that you don't think I can do this."
Imber: I, I definitely believe that you can. I'm concerned that you won't.
Val: I don't know how to answer that, and he's going to walk away.
Nathan: Celeritas just runs up, "Hey guys what's up?" Sees the conversation is awkward, instantly backs out.
Theo: Yo, there's leather upholstery in here!
Val: Milo kind of brusquely moves past Celeritas.
Celeritas: Cool, cool, cool, picked a bad time, I'll just go that way.
Theo: There's LaCroix in here!
Isiah: So I guess, we all get to- Is there gonna be a gummi ship?
Laina: There is a gummi ship, yeah.
Theo: It's the Ebon Hawk from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. That's canon.
Laina: Well actually, technically Star Wars isn't canon in the Kingdom Hearts universe.
Theo: You're gonna have a fun job editing this aren't you?
All: (Laughs)
Laina: No, I'm keeping that in.
Rem: Oh that's all being kept.
Theo:I wanna say, the idea that I would like to put forward, just to move things along, when they're getting into the gummi ship, Zenica sees the last seat available is beside Milo, and she sits as far on the edge of her seat as she can. Casually, not making a big deal, just like, "Hey, what's up?" Kind of sitting on the arm.
Nathan: Celeritas, before going to gummi ship, went back and dropped by his siblings to tell them he'll be out for a bit.
Theo: Fucking brag. Oh.
Nathan: No.
Rem: Aesa, definitely, definitely had a moment where she didn't have any stuff to work through. So she got in immediately and in her front of the class mentality, she immediately sat in the pilots seat, looked down, realized it was the pilot seat, and got back up.
All: (Laughs)
Laina: Yeah I was gonna ask...
Theo: And then none of us sat in the pilot seat because none of us- Nalia is like, "I feel like I forgot something... Oh no."
Isiah: Which one of us is gonna be the pilot?
Theo: Wait a minute. If you have daddy issues and I have daddy issues, then who's flying this thing?
Celeritas: Don't worry guys, I got this!
Nathan: And then cuts to the outside of the gummi ship as everyone is screaming as Celeritas (inaudible).  
Val: Milo is reaching forward for the controls like, "This was a mistake, this was a mistake to let you drive."
Rem: Does the gummi ship still run on smiles?
Laina: The gummi ship 100% still runs on smiles. So really, it's the best that Celeritas is driving.
Rem: Aesa and Celeritas are gonna have to fuel this thing by themselves.
Nathan: Celeritas is absolutely grinning like a maniac the whole time.
Val: Milo was feeling happy.
Isiah: So I think Imber is probably the last to get on. And I think before stepping on, he sort of like turns around and looks at like Scala ad Caelum, and the place that he has been in for so long. And he just sort of takes in a deep breath and exhales and then walks onto the ship.
Laina: Hell yeah. Okay.
Laina: So as you all get inside, the ship--.
Isiah: Hell yeah, breathing.
Laina: Hell yeah, I mean that is very important.
Laina: As you all get inside the gummi ship, the ship takes off and heads into the Ocean Between. As you leave Scala ad Caelum, you see three more worlds, and the names of each world pops up above the world. The worlds you see in front of you are called the Mystery Shack, Atlantis and the Incan Empire. Which would you all like to go to first?
Theo: Incan Empire, right now!
Isiah: I just want to say I immediately got excited by all three of those.
Theo: Yes. These are three very good pulls.
Rem: Just hard left to the Mystery Shack.
Theo: All of our characters are gonna be possessed by like unknown spirits, and yanking at the wheel at opposite directions.
Theo: But also I guess, Celeritas is the one at the pilot seat so he has the final vote.
Val and Isiah: (Laughs)
Rem: Oh shit, that's true.
Theo: We're all like, "What are these places I have no preference."
Rem: We're just gonna have that Kingdom Hearts 1 moment of fighting over the wheel and crashing in Deep Jungle.
Isiah: Of course it would be Deep Jungle.
Theo: Which ever one we pick we just end up in somewhere else.
Nathan: By virtue of my character being the one in the driver seat, Celeritas just says to himself, "Huh, that sounds fun," and goes towards the Mystery Shack.
Rem: Hell yeah.
Theo: Oh God.
Laina: Heck yeah, I was honestly really hoping that that would be the first one you picked.
Rem: I can't wait to use a transformation sequence in front of Mabel Pines.
Theo: "Wait, who's Mabel Pines?" Says Zenica, "I wonder what's at this mystery shack."
Nathan: "It's a mystery." Celeritas laughs to himself quietly.
Val: Milo is very confused and he's like, "How are we gonna save the world at a shack?"
Zenica: That's the mystery!
Celeritas: No way to find out but to do it!
Milo: Yeah, I suppose.
Imber: I wonder what kind of mysteries will be found here in this shack.
Theo: Plot twist, we're going into Supernatural instead.
Laina:That would be a twist. So, as you make your decision, the ship takes off into that direction. Considering you don't have the most training with flying a gummi ship, you make your way to the aforementioned shack and you crash into the top of it.
Rem: Oh no.
Nathan: That tracks.
Isiah: Do we knock off any letters?
Theo: It has to be while Soos is replacing the S, that has to be canon.
Laina: Yeah, yeah 100%.
Theo: He's gonna have to climb down the ladder and be like, "There, good job done." And then we drive by and it just falls off again.
Imber: Theo that was such a good Soos impression.
Laina: That was a really good Soos.
Theo, as Soos: There we go.
Nathan: You're voicing Soos from now on.
Theo: I know what character I'm being when Zenica dies.
Rem: So what I'm hearing is we're pulling a Stitch commercial.
Laina: Yeah, basically. So you've landed inside of the shack, and you hear the sound of two children screaming.
Theo: Like in fear or like arguing?
Isiah: Well, we just crashed into a building .So probably, probably not excitement, that's for sure.
Val: I think Milo immediately like, wants to react to children screaming with a like,  "Oh, we gotta figure out like, like, I don't want people to be afraid. So, you know, as long as like, it's people who don't deserve to be afraid." So he's gonna try and like... Milo's got issues, guys, I think we've established this, and he's gonna he's gonna try and sort of like be the first one out of the door and see, you know what he can do to help out.
Theo: Is the door leading inside the shack or onto the roof?
Laina: You landed on the roof.
Theo: But is the door leading inside, because you said we crashed into the place.
Laina: Yeah, it's leading inside.
Nathan: Celeritas is profusely apologizing for crashing everyone into a building.
Isiah: Imber's consoling him.
Theo: Zenica's following Milo out the front, and is like dusting her shoulder, looking back at Celeritas like, "Celeritas, you're fine." Looks at the kids like, "Sup." Flips them a peace sign.
Isiah: Laina, I have a question.
Laina: I have an answer.
Isiah: Were we told to protect the world border?
Laina: Oh my god, you were not.
Theo: Cut back to Nalia, "I feel like I forgot to say something, oh no!"
Laina: No, that 100% happens.
Theo: She's like drinking a cup of tea and it's like, "Oh no, oh shit.”
Isiah: You can, you can burn a link to make a mild retcon so.
Laina: I mean, I can't burn. I don't think I can do that. That's up to y'all.
Rem: I'm sure that Nalia has links with all of us that she can burn.
Nathan: Besides, she's the GM, you're god, you can do whatever.
Laina: Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna say you were you were told that.
Rem: Were or were not?
Laina: You were told to maintain the world border.
Laina: So in front of you, you see a kid, a very slightly shorter kid wearing a hat with a blue tree on it. And next to him is a slightly taller kid wearing a pink... What's the word? Sweater. That's the word.
Val: Como se dice?
Laina: And the girl in the pink sweater is like, "Oh my gosh, are you like, are you aliens?" And you see the the boy in the hat is like flipping through a journal he has that has a handprint and then the letter three. The letter letter three?
Theo: The letter three.
Laina: The number three on it.
Theo: The letter three. That was my favorite Kubrick film.
Val: Milo is going to take stock of the situation. He is going to run a hand under his long white braid. And he's going to look at both children and say, "Yes."
Isiah: Of course. Immediately blows our cover.
Rem: Aesa has just emerged from the gummi ship, and is like--.
Val: I feel like, I feel like if they think we're aliens, I think that's better than them thinking that we're keyblade wielders trying to...
Isiah: I guess that's fair.
Nathan: Aliens is better than interdimensional travelers. That is a sentence I never thought I'd say.
Theo: Zenica just immediately pushes past Milo and is like, "Hey kids, sup? Also aliens, what are those?" I had a line and forgot it.
Laina: The girl in the pink sweater is, the girl in the pink sweater is kind of jumping up and down. She's like, "Oh my gosh, we've ever met aliens before."
Nathan: "Hello!" Celeritas says, popping out of the door. "Has anything weird happened lately? I mean, besides us."
Laina: Oh yeah, there's been there's been a bunch of hauntings around the place.
Nathan: Is that normal for here, or weird for here?
Laina: Well, we've encountered ghosts before. So it's not that weird.
Nathan: Oh, nice.
Isiah: That sounds normal.
Nathan: I was going for, you know, Celeritas was asking if anything weird has happened, and it's Gravity Falls, so.
Laina: Yeah, things are always weird in Gravity Falls.
Val: Milo is really interested in this book, and the child that has not spoken yet, and so he's like trying to like sort of like crouch because he's very tall. And so he's like trying to crouch and sort of look at the book that like the child is flipping through. And he's like, "What are you trying to read?"
Laina: So the kid in the blue hat- I'm just going to say their names from now on, even though they haven't introduced themselves.
Zenica: By the way, what are your names?
Laina: The girl in the pink sweater is like, "Oh, I'm Mable and this is my twin brother Dipper."
Laina: And Dipper is like, "Oh, this book is..." And he closes it. "It's a secret."
Theo: Zenica immediately rolls up and picks the book out of his hands and starts flipping through it. Very casually, not like a schoolyard bully, just picks it up and starts like, "Hmm."
Rem: Aesa is gonna give him back the book.
Theo: I feel like as she walks past, Aesa walks past the other way.
Rem:She's just like, "No."
Laina: Dipper kind of glares up at Zenica, and then is like, "Thank you," to Aesa.
Theo: "So, that was a lot. I only got a few pages of that. Is a kid like you old enough to be reading a book like that?" She says teasingly.
Dipper: I'll have you know that I am almost 13 years old.
Zenica: Almost 13 years old, that's a crazy age.
Rem: Aesa immediately goes into traumutizing flashbacks of when she was almost 13 years old.
Isiah: Imber goes, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but does that mean that you are 12?"
Laina: Mabel is like, "Yeah, we're 12."
Theo: The geometry gif of like, the fucking, almost 13. Uhhh.
Isiah: Imber nods thoughtfully.
Milo: It even means that they're both 12, Imber, because they're twins.
Nathan: To be fair... Oh, they did say they were twins. Anyway.
Val: Milo's gonna put out two hands towards the twins and be like, "I'm Milo"
Laina: They both shake your hand and Mabels like, "I'm Mable," again even though she already introduced herself.
Theo: Zenica's gonna hop on one of the beds, like sort of reclining, like,  "So sorry to crash in like this, but we're looking for something, I guess, right?" And she sort of looks at Imber reflexively, sort of mouthing like...
Imber: I say, "Yes, we are searching for a dark forces that may have appeared recently."
Celeritas: You can't miss them, they're scary shadow monsters, they try to eat people's hearts, it's real messy.
Theo: Dipper, booking intensifies.
Milo: Ghosts. They are ghosts. That's all they are. Ghosts. Like you said to Celeritas.
Laina: Mabel's like, "Yeah, we have we have seen some ghosts around here."
Imber: Could you tell us anything about that? Where they were, where they went, what they did?
Mabel: They were in town. They've been kind of going between houses. They've they've been attacking people. We've been trying to do something about it, but they aren't as friendly as the previous ghosts we've encountered.
Theo: As a side note, I like this idea that we crashed into the top of the Mystery Shack, but thus far, no one else who is regularly in the Mystery Shack has come to investigate.
Rem: Soos has to fix the S again, obviously.
Soos: Aww, I can't believe it. Again.
Nathan: Stan cannot be bothered to investigate.
Imber: And Wendy isn't paid enough for this.
Theo: Grunkle Stan is downstairs like, "You crazy kids!"
Laina: Yeah, we cut to a scene of Grunkle Stan watching... Oh God, that that. Yeah, Duck Detective.
Nathan: It's Ducktective.
Ducktective, and he just kind of looks up and he's like, "Huh."
Theo: It's the episode where Ducktective shoots a newspaper magnet in the face.
Laina: Yes.
Nathan: That was one of my favorites.
Theo: That's a joke someone's gonna get. A very narrow niche of people listening to this is gonna get.
Val: I think Milo would look at the two children and sort of look around and realize like, he doesn't know where anything is in this place. He's gonna look at the two children again, he's gonna be like, "Can you lead us to where you've seen these things attacking things? I'm sure that we can figure out a way..."
Celeritas: And if not you, your parents. Where are your parents? Are there any responsible adults around here? At all?
Laina: Mabel's like, "Well, there's adults but I wouldn't call them responsible," and she kind of like, she goes, "Ahyuck hyuck hyuck."
Isiah: Can I make a link with Mabel?
Laina: Yes, you can make a link Mabel.
Isiah: I want to make a light link with her because she is so charming.
Laina: Okay, so that's 2d6 plus your light stat.
Isiah:That's 1d6 plus light?
Laina: 2d6 plus light.
Isiah: Ah, yes.
Theo: Following him, can I make a mastery link with Dipper, because I feel like Zenica is really interested in that book.
Laina: Okay, yeah.
Theo: Just once Isiah's done rolling. First good roll of the game!
Isiah: I rolled a four!
Theo: I can't believe you rolled a 16, that's not even possible!
Laina: Oh God now that means I have to...
Theo: Well, you can just change the links, you don't have to take a hard move on a failure for making a link.
Laina: Oh yeah.
Rem: You just say it's the wrong link.
Laina: I'm gonna say that Isa instead, or Aesa instead gets the light link with Mabel.
Theo: So I want to roll, I have nothing for mastery, so that's a flat 2d6.
Laina: Also Isiah, or Imber, you get a... You get a... What was that?
Theo: I rolled so good. I'm the best at this game.
Laina: Oh okay yeah, you get you get a mastery link with Dipper, and your link move triggers.
Theo: My link move doesn't normally trigger, but he gets a link with me, because that's how the success works.
Laina: I'm gonna say he also gets a mastery link with you.
Theo: He wants to know how I so smoothly picked the book out of his hand.
Laina: Yeah.
Theo: I didn't even see her coming.
Laina: Imber also gets a... I'm gonna say a heart link with Mabel.
Isiah: Sorry say that again?
Laina: You get a heart link with Mabel.
Isiah: All right.
Theo: Also I get to mark one on my hunted track. For those not in the know with Interstitial, as the Hunted, when certain conditions are met, my hunted track advances, meaning my adversary who's facing me gets closer. One of those things that advances the track? Making a link of any kind.
Laina: I forgot about that. Woo.
Theo: But it was worth it because now I'm going to learn from Dipper about monsters and shit.
Rem: So this is a very important question, does the sweater light up?
Laina: It looks like it does have some lights in it.
Isiah: I wanted to ask what the design of her sweater was this episode.
Laina: I'm gonna say that cuz I'm in a Christmasy mood, it's a Christmas tree.
Isiah: Okay.
Theo: So she's wearing a sweater with the exact same design as her brothers hat.
Laina: Yeah, basically.
Theo: That works.
Nathan: So the moment these two said that there were no responsible adults around, Celeritas immediately entered overprotective big brother mode. So I'm going to roll to make a light link with them.
Laina: Okay.
Theo: Two rolls.
Laina: Two rolls.
Nathan: Woo!
Laina: Okay, so you get a light link with Mabel.
Theo: Oh your link move triggers! The Knucklehead fucking link move triggers.
Rem: What's that?
Laina: He gets, well I'll let him explain, sorry.
Nathan: These two have instantly figured out that I am...
Theo: Well, you have to roll again, you don't get to just get two links off of one roll.
Laina: Yeah, you do have to roll again.
Nathan: I mean...
Laina: Well, I guess Mabel...
Theo: That would be so busted if you could just roll and get 30 successes off of one roll.
Nathan: The thing was, Celeritas sees them as both in the same... It's one link.
Laina: It's for them in tandem.
Nathan: Like with Celeritas' actual sibilings.
Theo: What's it gonna be back, because he succeeded, but they can't both get a link with you with one roll.
Laina: I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Rules are nebulous. I'm gonna say that he gets a light link with both of them, and they both get a light link with him.
Nathan: So, now that they know that I'm the hero of this story, I have a +1 forward to convince them or limit break with them.
Laina: Hell yeah.
Val: So Celeritas, his reaction to there are no responsible adults around here is to go into protective mode, Milo's reaction is to "Oh, so I just had to teach them to be self sufficient." He wants to create mastery links with Mabel and Dipper Pine, teaching them how to how to, you know, reach into themselves. And, you know, make sure that they can take care of themselves. Cuz as far as he knows he they can't do that yet.
Laina: Yeah.
Val: Ooh, that's a fail.
Laina: Okay.
Isiah: You can spend a link and reroll.
Laina: You can spend a link to make a link. Okay, uh.
Theo: I like to say it's dark because they see you being like, "Listen young ones, sometimes you must kill to survive."
Laina: I'm gonna say you get a dark link with them, and they get a dark link with you.
Val: Okay.
Isiah: Good start. Also...
Theo: Sometimes bees will sting you. This is alright, simply eat the bees.
Isiah: Eat the bees. I think how my heart link with Mabel manifests is when I hear that there are no responsible adults. I gain a respect for them for being able to be self sufficient in a world that doesn't properly take care of them. From my very little interactions with them.
All: (Laughs)
Isiah: I definitely think it's way worse than it is
Nathan: Despite that, Imber is the only one that gets that Nipper, Dipper and Mabel are fine.
Theo: Nipper.
Nathan: Shut up.
Theo: Nipper, that's what I got on my pectorals.
Nathan: Stop.
Laina: Okay, so Dipper and Mabel are like, "We can absolutely take you to see the ghosts, just follow us." They head downstairs.
Theo: Zenica slides down the railing.
Rem: Does Grunkle Stan see us?
Laina: Grunkle Stan sees five strangers come down.
Theo: Zenica (inaudible) like, "Sup old man, peace sign, out."
Nathan: Celeritas just says, "By the way, we're aliens, we're sorry we crashed into your roof, we'll be back eventually!" And then bails.
Isiah: Imber says, "Ignore both of them and also me and also the two other people, we'll be out of your hair soon."
Theo: Can we have the canonical scene where as we're leaving through the gift shop, Wendy's reading a magazine at the counter and ignores all of us
Laina: Yeah. 100% Wendy doesn't even notice you exist.
Rem: I can't wait to come back to see our gummi ship on a sales counter.
All: (Laughs)
Theo: We leave, the door closes, Zenica dips back in looks at a snow globe, shakes it, is enthralled, stuffs in her pocket, leaves.
Rem: Zenica no.
Isiah: Zenica just steals a snow globe.
Theo: Zenica's the cool one. But there's no weed in disney.
Isiah: Disnweed. Nope, that doesn't work.
Laina: Okay, so, you head out of the Mystery Shack and I think I'm gonna leave the session off there? If that's okay with everyone else?
Theo: I think we need a hook for like better than just, "And you leave the Mystery Shack."
Laina: You leave the Mystery Shack and you hear off, kind of in the distance towards where the town is. You hear screaming, and you all rush off over there.
Theo: We roll into action. Autobots, roll out.
Rem: We get Aesa to reveal that she has a gun.
Theo: Zenica looks at the camera and says, "I guess, this is about to get serious."
Isiah: Can we can we get like a supernatural force of Gravity Falls like having observed the scene and laughs to itself? Like like Bill Cypher is like "Aliens, huh?"
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