illkickyourbass · 5 years
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Aaaaand here’s Ai!
Before starting the airship Quartet Night, Reiji was sent an anonymous gift -- Ai, an artificial human, made in equal parts by alchemy, witchcraft, robotics, and a misplaced desire to see Reiji and Aine take to the skies once again. Although initially Reiji and Ai had absolutely no idea what to make of one another, they eventually arrived at the same conclusion: Ai was his own being, and he deserved to experience every last inch of the sky on his own terms. Reiji started the Quartet Night, Ai now its navigator and helmsman, and once again took off into the blue. 
Despite being a senior member on the airship, Ai is treated affectionately if not protectively by his crewmates. He holds his own in combat with his synthesizer-shield, but perhaps they pick up on the weight of feeling like a replacement Ai has on his shoulders. Maybe it’s his aloof but intent curiosity for every new place they explore, or maybe it’s how his bluntness helps keep the whole crew honest. However it is, Ai is an irreplacable and beloved part of the Quartet Night, and at some point in the journey everyone hopes he’ll come to believe it.  
No sketch or extra notes this time, since most of the visdev was done on post-it notes I’ve already thrown out, and the description takes care of the rest. I imagine him as a buffer with some offensive capacity! 
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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Here’s all four of ‘em together! I think it’s pretty obvious I didn’t focus so much on building them to look like a united team as much as highlighting their individual characteristics, but I do like how their image color sashes/capes/scarves pull ‘em together juuuuust enough that I’m satisfied. (They must be a sight with the wind blowing, haha!) 
Anyways, it feels great to put a cap on this little project! It’s about to be my busy season for work!art, and this was a great way to recover some visual thinking juices and energy. Thanks for your warm reception to this weird, niche crossover!! I had a blast <3  Who turned out to be your favorite?? 
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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It’s been SO LONG since I gave myself a project that was 1) small enough to not take months/years 2) didn’t ultimately go towards teaching, so I’ve had lots of motivation for keeping up with the Granblue AU :) Here’s Camus! 
The Silk Palace is secluded society of Crystalia, a humanoid species that constantly give off a bone-chilling cold. Most have never met anyone from outside their ranks, and even fewer even attempt to venture off their home island -- they know they are received unkindly by others more often than not. The Silk Queen will occasionally handpick a subject to be reared from childhood to spend their future skyfaring, bid with the mission to search for “spring.”  Only when they discover what calms their chill and come to completely understand it are they permitted to return. 
Camus is one of those subjects, and he’s already found his “spring.” He is absolutely appalled he did, though, because it’s gotten him stuck amidst a band of miserable peasants on the airship Quartet Night! His first touch of warmth came during a chance performance/battle with them, where he used his cello, swordsmanship, and fearsome ice attacks to help quell a rampaging Primal. He’s now a reluctant member of their crew (even though he’s the one who invited himself on) until he figures out why *these* are the plebians that cultivate his spring. As repentance, they will keep the Quartet Night heartily stocked with stores of sugars and sweets of every variety -- no matter what that pesky Kurosaki says about the galley needing more meat! 
I didn’t come up with a moveset for Camus (mostly because I imagine him as the glass cannon for the team...so it’s just a lot of Crazy Massive Damage) but sketches and some notes under the jump! 
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There’s honestly not a tonnnnnn to say about Camus’ design? I mean, other than I’m feeling very smug about combining a rapier and a bow, there’s no better weapon for this priss lmfao. Especially bc this theoretically means he’s stabbing anyone/everyone who gets too close to him while he’s playing cello...or he could just switch right into fencing as needed! 
I like the idea that his cello is carved from some sort of blessed material) like a specific kind of ice that’s been blessed by an aurora), and that Silk Palace citizens in Camus’ position (groomed as dignitaries, warriors, and skyfarers) have to make their own as a coming-of-age ceremony of sorts. Do some hard labor, dingus! I also know that Reiji can’t get him to do a DAMN thing when it comes to ship chores. At first, Reiji would just do them for him, but Ranmaru eventually caught wise, thought that was stupid, gave reiji an earful that he needed to be harder on Camus, tried to show Reiji how to be tough on Camus, gave Camus SO much hell, probably called him an aurora whorealis, and STILL couldn’t get him to do a damn thing....so Ranmaru just took over doing his chores. (At least ‘til Ai made an impossibly sophisticated chore wheel that solved the whole problem, hahaha.) 
Anyways, Ai’s going to be the most challenging of the group! His aesthetic is so far out of my usual wheelhouses, and I’m still thinking up how exactly to translate a synthesizer into high-fantasy/GBF vision......but Granblue has a whole canonical martial art based on fidget spinners (I’M NOT LYING) so I’m sure I’ll figure something out! 
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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I’m impatient so I’ll just upload Granblue!Quartet Night as I finish ‘em (and keep them pretty dang loose hahaha)! I’m verrrrry transparent about Ranmaru being my favorite so y’all knew we were starting with him, lollll. 
This hot-blooded but reliable Erune hails from a prominent family of airship manufacturers, but after their company went into financial ruin, Ranmaru took to the skies with his unique style of hardcore music-channeled fire magic. He tried to strike it first as an entertainer, but was eventually forced into more brutish work to keep food on the table. Lingering gossip eventually earned him a reputation as a ruthless, violent cutthroat willing to do terrible things for the sake of pay, and Ranmaru began to lose work from all but the most unsavory clientele. Despite that (and his grouchy temperament), the goofy but shrewd captain of the airship Quartet Night saw his unshakable sense of responsibility and natural showmanship and recruited him. 
Now part-time head of the Quartet Night’s galley, part-time adventurer, and full-time grumpy mom friend to everyone aboard, Ranmaru’s new life in the skies is finally looking auspicious -- though you wouldn’t guess it from how little his perpetual scowl has lifted. 
Skills, stats, and outfit talk (plus another little sketch) under the jump! 
Type: Fire / Erune / Balanced (Attack-Support) / Harp | Axe 
Charge Attack: I’ll Rock You Hard! : Massive fire damage. Allies gain +1 Hyped.   SKILLS:  Eat Your Damn Omurice! : Allies gain Refresh. (Lasts: 3 turns / Cooldown: 5 turns)  Battle Bass: Fire damage to all foes. Gain +1 Hyped. (Lasts: 2 turns / Cooldown: 7 turns)  Banana Flambe: 150%-250% fire damage to all foes. Allies gain Debuff Resistance. (Lasts: 3 turns / Cooldown: 7 turns) 
Red Hot Rockin’ Passion: Allies gain Fire Def Up when gaining Hype. (Does not stack.)��
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It’s been a bit since I’ve designed a costume for a pre-built world and it was so fun! I love anytime I get to combine hardcore music fashion (leather, studs, doc marten-a-likes, etc.) with SFF aesthetics, and Granblue’s particular brand of fucky, airshippy boisterousness is so easy to get my style to fit into! A little sad Ran’s molten rock bass covered up his oversize studded belt, which plus the pants I think is my favorite part of the design.....I barely do any pant silhouette that isn’t skinny jeans plus sneakers, but he needed those big ears balanced out. 
I haven’t thought about if he cooks shirtless. Like, reason says a big momfriend-in-denial-type like Ran wouldn’t, he’d fucking put some pragmatic apron on, but like, it’s anime fantasy, we all want a shirtless edgelord catboy cooking us a meal. (SHRUGGIES) 
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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More Granblue AU! Heeeeere’s Cap’n Reiji!!!
Occasionally you’ll hear word in the skies of a fearsome captain. He’s stocked his crew with the toughest, deadliest mercenaries this side of the Grim Basin, and his heart has grown cunning and cold after losing his precious first mate to a bloody conflict. To cross blows with him is to court death -- not a soul can penetrate his earthen barriers and unpredictable strategies, and the last thing his foes hear before succumbing is a haunting death rattle.   These are, of course, just wild rumors. Not that anyone would believe this goofy, floppy-eared Erune could be such a terrifying force to begin with! Reiji is the charming captain of the airship Quartet Night, traveling the skies to spread good will with various do-good jobs and music performance. He’s notorious for taking on crewmembers who were on their bottom dollar before joining, and while he tends to not get the respect a captain should, his crew at least understands that they couldn’t have asked for a better leader. Despite being well-regarded in every corner of the sky he’s travelled, there’s still an evident sadness that chases him and an end goal it shrouds. Nobody can seem to find record of his skyfaring prior to the Quartet Night, and he runs his ship too well for it to be his first. Perhaps there *is* some substance to the rumors of the man with the battle maracas...no, that’s just too silly.
Once again, skills, design talk, and another sketch behind the cut! (Plus some Actual Ideas about his backstory instead of this dramatic fluff, lol.)
Type: Earth / Erune / Defense / Melee Charge Attack: Maracas Madness: Massive Earth damage to a foe. Gain Jammed. All allies except Reiji gain 1000-dmg Shield.
Skills: You can rely on me! (Please rely on me.) : Gain Substitute & Def Up. (3 turns / 5 turn cooldown) A Kiss and a Wink: Inflict Charmed on a foe. (3 turn cooldown) Doting Temptation: Gain Hostility Up. Effect increases sharply if allies’ HP is below 50%. Passive Skills: O Captain My Captain: Gain party-wide +10% Uplifted if Ranmaru, Ai, and Camus are all in the party. Waiting on a Friend: Gain massive ATK Up if all other allies are knocked out.
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Reiji started out as a Draph (with big horns and cute cow ears!) but the dissonance between him and Granblue’s standard massive Draph build was just too much. Human or halfling didn’t feel quite right, either, and I was hesitant to also make him an Erune when Ranmaru’s also one...but once I gave him the floppy ears it really started to suit him!  He also didn’t look very captain-y until I gave him the tricorn (which has earholes, i promise), and from there the whole design changed around it. I’m pleased with the very piratey but still vaguely-in-charge look to him now, though absolutely the maracas holsters are my favorite part, lolllll.
As for his Actual Backstory? I’m not the type to stray toooooo far off of canon when it’s AU time, so it’s maybe not as dramatic as my description warrants, lol. Like the description suggests, Aine was once Reiji’s first mate (and bc I love Sad Reiji Bullshit, they were also def engaged) -- I imagine that they were the bread and butter of one anothers’ first crews and the joy they found in combining skyfaring with musical performance. Aine was starting to lose that joy, though, especially between him and Reiji not being super choosy with their clientele and wondering if they’re accomplices in some shady dealings...something like goods they transported being used in an invasion and the like. While the rumor mill has it that Aine died in a glorious battle or whatever, he really just disappeared without a word when the guilt reached its peak. Reiji’s forever guilting himself for not picking better jobs, being able to protect Aine from his feelings, etc., and he’s become SUPER conscientious and doting for it. He and Ranmaru mercilessly mom the whole ship in completely different ways, lol, and Reiji’s very particular about what odd jobs the QN takes on. They’re gonna do good, damn it, and NOBODY on the crew’s going to feel bad about the work they do!!
As for how the rumour mill got to where it was or Reiji’s true end goal? I’ll leave it up to y’all to ponder on that for now. >:) 
(“Battle maracas” was also shamelessly lifted from a Two Minutes to Late Night  opening bit, hahaha.)
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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well, i spent far too long on these roughs so i guess granblue qn is happening so i can validate all that time I’ve already invested
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