#grits teeth i am an academic fucking WEAPON i just need to keep it up
nervouswaltz · 1 year
in my gnf arc (back at college barely talking to anyone I Just Have To Get Through This Week) (my prime will come when I am in my 20s)
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star guardian academics
of the star sisters, anyway. i haven’t given nearly as much thought to ahri’s team but i’ll get there! one day! maybe!
lux is the overachiever. she has fantastic grades, an impeccable attendance record (save for guardian duty), she's on a first name basis with at least one teacher but probably more. she's constantly trying to tutor the other guardians, jinx and lulu especially, because if anyone knows that they have untapped potential it's her. it doesn't usually work, but hey, you can't take a leader's instincts away from her. naturally this is less, well, Natural than it is hard work. i think a lot of schooling actually comes with a struggle but lux has too big of a perfectionist streak to let things slip by. the type to have a key to the teacher’s lounge and needs every teacher to like her or she will have a breakdown over text @ jinx at 3 am
speaking of, jinx is the total fucking opposite! canonically, jinx is actually really fucking smart, especially when it comes to hands-on things a la weapon building. the problem is that she does not give a single shit. girl's had a rough life and school's never done a thing to help her or had any positive impact on her, so why should she care??? stack that on top of undiagnosed adhd and a personality that thrives in extremes, if she's at school, she's being reprimanded. girl does just enough work not to get expelled, and only does so because she knows it would kill the others (lux especially) if she were. i like to think she has a sort of. begrudging respect for, like, whatever unlucky faculty member gets stuck watching her in detention. proximity and time breed familiarity, after all! said teacher probably tries to push her to be better but jinx is jinx so it doesn't get very far. she likes to remind the others, probably lux and poppy more than anyone else, that school doesn't actually matter and Fuck The Homework
i think lulu is pretty similar! i'm not as read up on her lore as jinx, lux, and poppy, but from what i do know and the way ten talks about her, she seems like she cares a lot more about herself and what she's interested than what any curriculum says is good for her. i'd imagine she excels in classes she cares about, real honor student work, but barely tries in the ones that don't. probably doesn't actually have a lot of friends! and this maybe doesn't bother her like it does others, lulu strikes me as the type to be plenty fine being on her own, except for when it comes to those select few who she really cares about. aka, you know, the star sisters. not actually a bad student by any means, but i think she's probably a pretty polarizing member of their class with how odd she can be!
in base poppy's canon, before she meets the founder of demacia and is given the hammer, she spends a lot of her time wandering runeterra, searching for a purpose. ithink poppy is a Good Student. not an honor student, far from a bad one, she sticks to the rules, is maybe a little bit of a narc, and doesn't allow a lot of room for friends. when she becomes a star guardian, school becomes secondary. her duties as a protector of the universe come first before everything. her grades suffer, and her relationships outside of the star sisters, or, what few there were, do too. some days are probably especially bad. poppy is good at keeping herself and the other guardians focused (even if that help has to come under threat of force), but she's not the best at taking care of herself! probably comes into school sometimes with very little sleep the night before. teachers try to ask if anything's wrong, but poppy being poppy grits her teeth and bears it. she's a soldier, and a good soldier doesn't complain. probably is forcibly scheduled to speak to the school's counselor but the conversation(s) goes nowhere
janna is, admittedly, my weak point here. she doesn't get the sort of attention the others do and i've never been very good at placing my finger on the pulse of characters like her quickl buuuut! as the oldest and lux's mentor, i think she easily sits in the Mom Friend position. she's in her fourth year of school, y'all, she's kind of over it! her own grades are, well, perfect! or. they were, maybe. see, i think janna was in line for being the valedictorian of her class, and nobody would complain about that being the case because she's so polite and confident and knowing- the sort of girl adults smile proudly at and call "wise beyond her years". but it's very easy to forget that she's only a year older than lux! she's the best at managing her time and effort between saving the world and school, but that's a little bit like being the tallest dwarf. she's still a teenaged superhero trying not to let the secret slip. she's smart, and well-liked, but whereas she started as such a bright, promising student, all those capital E Extracurriculars have taken their toll, and now she's merely a Great student instead of a honor one. the only reason lux hasn't fallen into that rut yet is because her boundless optimism still wins out over her self doubt!
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