#haema tag
1ore · 9 months
what do yuri, trahearne, and lastborn wish someone would say to them? and from who? the mega version would be all the permutations of yuri, trahearne, and lastborn re: themselves. you can ofc include ximone and hæma if it’s relevant or fun. or npcs ofc okay BYEEE (dodge rolls away)
truly off the shitts today i see. (rolls up my sleeves)
I would say that Yuri wants to be told he’s not a complete fuck-up, but every time he’s been told that, he’s been even less at peace with himself. So. (see: Trahearne’s dialogue regarding Apatia.)
What he REALLY needs to hear is that it does not matter if he’s a fuck-up. I think the Lastborn (our other resident fuck-up) is the first to tell him that, or maybe to cement what Ximone has been trying to tell him all along. Either way, eventually he must become secure with the fact that he has done both tremendous wrong and tremendous good by the people he loves, and that—despite everything—it’ll work out the way it’s meant to. Will he ever make peace with this? Probably not. He has a thick skull and a soft heart and needs to be taught this lesson over and over and over again.
OTHERWISE… take your pick:
From Trahearne: Literally anything that isn’t “kill me” during Trahearne’s No Good Very Bad Elder Dragon Depression  ⠀
From Ximone: Are We Good. You’ll Tell Me If We’re Not Good. We’re Good Right. You Won’t Hide Your Pain Like A Scared Animal Will You. Yuri doesn’t like being shut out of people’s stupid acts of self-sacrifice, especially when he could be the one doing a stupid act of self-sacrifice. <- man who is about to eat his words.   ⠀
From the Lastborn: An answer to the question “What are we……………” at least during their time on the lam, when things are tense and complicated between Yuri and Trahearne. But really, Yuri just doesn’t believe the Lastborn when he says exactly what he means. Mostly he’s afraid that the Lastborn is hiding how he really feels in order to protect Yuri, because it does not compute for him that a guy can be so secure in himself that he doesn’t feel bruised when Yuri takes shelter in him like some kind of older gay mentor-crush. (Nevermind that he’s younger than Yuri, and nevermind that this ends up growing beyond a relationship of convenience.)   ⠀
From Captain Marshal Logan Thackeray himself: something completely deranged and fucked up so that Yuri can finally put an end to this stupid, messy crush that refuses to die. (Ximone knows that no matter what comes out of that man’s mouth, this will not happen.)
The Lastborn:
Oy vey. Going along with the last ask, he does not want to be left behind, and both craves and loathes the idea of unconditional love. I think in general he wants people to be rigorously honest with him and with themselves about the nature of their relationship, because the Lastborn is a career straddler-of-boundaries, and he never knows where he fits in other peoples’ lives. (And I say “boundaries” as in boundaries of identity, more than relationship boundaries.) He is constantly bracing himself for the day when everyone wakes up and realizes he’s no good, or something.
From Trahearne: we’ve been through this already LOL. But apart from mom-in-law drama, I think the Lastborn really wants to hear Trahearne own the ways in which he has hurt the estranged members of his family, or at least acknowledge their pain as legitimate. Part of this is for the Lastborn’s sake, but part of it is also out of genuine concern for Trahearne’s well-being, what with the whole harboring an Elder Dragon thing. My man you are one of us cockroach motherfuckers now, whether you like it or not. ⠀
From Yuri: Acknowledgements of humanity. Again, something Yuri is typically good at because of his bleeding heart. But when Yuri DOES have genuine beef with a group or with a person, the impulse to write them off as cardboard cutout villains hurts even more. The Lastborn wants him to understand that when he says these things, he isn’t hearing “those bad people over there” but “those bad people and also me, the guy he just inexplicably hasn’t realized is a Bad Person yet.” ⠀
From Ximone: That he’s smart/insightful/thoughtful. He thinks of himself as shallow for this, but it’s both a thrill and a source of imposter syndrome when Ximone—someone whose insight and perspective he really values—sees him that way. ⠀
From Haema: How she Really feels about him leaving the Nightmare Court, fucking off to the Silverwastes, making peace with Trahearne (and, to some extent, the Pale Tree) etc. He would Rather Die than use his words to ask this. At least until he finally gets fed up with himself and just blurts out the unspoken thing, in true Lastborn fashion. ⠀
That he’s not a monster. but also don’t say that because this means you’ve fallen for mordremoth’s TRICKS!!!!!!!! and also he doesn’t deserve it. it’s messy in here.
From the Lastborn: There’s a conversation that they’re (read: Trahearne is) avoiding having about damage mitigation. I think it’s alien and uncomfortable to Trahearne that the Lastborn can revel in being a social pariah with ~dangerous powers. The Lastborn walks this fine line of rigorous introspection and self-regulation, which he sees as necessary to protect the people around him, while also whole-heartedly living in a world that’s committed to hurting him and testing his limits. (Or at least, he becomes this way after meeting Yuri and Trahearne.) ⠀ I think Trahearne wants practical guidance in this area, and feels like it’s his responsibility to learn how to control this uncontrollable Dragon magic, but admitting that he wants this is as good as admitting that he deserves to live. And also potentially endangers the Lastborn. So he broods about it. ⠀⠀
From Yuri: Oh boy. So many things. Every day is like a game of 6D chess. “Is it ethical for me to do smalltalk with Commander Yuri Six-Cants, knowing that I harbor an Elder Dragon? The greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate.” ⠀ While he’s in the pits, I think Trahearne really, truly believes that getting Yuri (and the Lastborn) to accept that he’s a lost cause would bring him peace. But he is also Very aware that part of him still wants to be a part of their lives, what with how often he slips up and falls into old habits. This pulling in and pushing away is frustrating for everyone involved, not the least of which includes him, and it makes his desire for normalcy / a return to what they used to be (but can never, ever be again) all the more painful. ⠀ So like… Wouldn’t you like to know, Commanderboy. ⠀
From Ximone: LOL initially he just wants her to talk some damn sense into Yuri and the Lastborn. But failing that, I think he wants to understand why she fell in with Yuri when he had his little episode. It’s easy for him to write off Yuri’s actions as a lapse in judgement driven by sentimentality (and, like, he’s not wrong.) Substitute sentimentality for nihilism, and he can do the same for the Lastborn. But Ximone is a seasoned veteran at navigating impossible dilemmas, and so she’s harder to write off. I think it takes her two cents to get the shit that Yuri and the Lastborn have been saying to finally start percolating through Trahearne’s thick skull.
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thewindbloom · 6 years
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Bc it’s been so long and I really. Need to get back into practicing writing.
 @interlorebrary-loans Bc it’s. Fitting to be an entry into Ye Eyes theme. 
//In which we introduce Mauram, Bc I literally haven’t. At all. Yet he’s v important to lore things in terms of the... revamp. He’s very... particular. Law driven. Violent when... betrayed.
(It’s) Your Gaze That Burns Me 
“Caravan Master Haema, I have business to discuss with you.”
If Haema were deaf to the distant screams, he certainly didn’t act surprised enough to see his visitor. The cloth covering the doorway of his living space was torn, and the scrap that tore lie on the floor, stained and streaked red under the boot of his visitor. He can’t help the breath he sucks in, taking in the way their boots are stained all the same, their hands slick with it, and that piercing gaze - bright with a thousand suns burning behind gold - that pinned him in place. 
The eyes of a furious man.
Haema swallows, fingernails digging into the leather armrests of his seat, the unease that stare gave him bringing dryness to his throat. “M...Mauram. What earns me the pleasure of your company tonight?” Mauram takes his reply as an invitation to move forward, slow and purposeful, each tap from his heel hammering nails of cold, hard, dread into Haema’s chest. He stops just short of the desk, fingers idly brushing against the wood. “Yes, of course. I’ve come to inspect merchandise, as per our agreement struck long ago. See, there was this little... mistake, that I found, and surely-“ Mauram chuckles, showing a cruel grin, his eyes alight in a flash. “-surely, it must have slipped under your radar, knowing that you, my most loyal tradesman, would never willingly break our terms and expect not to get caught?”
Haema felt the claws of his demise loosen up just a little, and he thought perhaps - just perhaps - that he could wyrm his way out of the blame... That he could escape the consequence of a betrayal like this, violating the strict rules he’d quietly followed for so long. Breathing became just a little easier. “N-no. Of course not. If I may ask, what did you find, and who, among my employees, might you have thought was responsible for our mistake?” ...Who was dead. It was all he could ask, without asking at all.
Mauram turned, meandering towards the window, brushing his fingers across the gilded curtains, taking his time with the answer, his demeanor calmer, and his eyes no longer surging with mana.   “...It was a live being that I found among your wares, Haema. Their hands and feet bound, their state battered, bruised, and abused. Your nephew, the short one, and the younger, smaller version of him were all there with them. They earned their consequence, of course. I caught them in the act.”
Haema deflated in his chair, the wind knocked out of him with such simple news. There was unapproved misconduct, of course. His subordinates were not to touch the wares - of any sort - unless given explicit permission. Mauram knew this, too. It was especially bad to have individuals as wares. It was unfortunate, but law was law, and Mauram’s laws were practically the laws of a god. But perhaps... He could get out of this after all. Thank the Eleven.
His hands no longer quivered - he’d hardly been aware that they were - and he sat forward, taking a pen from the base and beginning to write, putting down the names, positions... and the date. He would have to find new employees to fill their shoes, after all. “I understand. It is unfortunate to lose their service, but I will work on obtaining dutiful and obedient replacements in their stead. How badly was she harmed..?”
There was an unexpected silence after that - usually, Mauram would nod along and agree, reaffirming his decision and telling him to get on with it, posthaste. That was usually how the disposal of subordinates with poor judgement played out. But instead, there was silence, and when Haema looked up, the room had seemed to darken despite the faint rays of light trickling in from the sunrise, and Mauram’s gaze was fixed upon him, cold and unmoving, hand stilled in the middle of its inspection of his curtains. The immediate pressure from that stare froze him in place as well, and he suddenly became very, very aware of exactly what mistake he’d just stumbled over. He couldn’t speak. “...She, Haema? You were aware that she existed?” Cold, and burning. Burning into his own sight, and the discomfort was as if he were exposed. The anxiety of this visit all came rushing back. “W-Well... I... I... I was aware... aware of a visitor, they brought a woman with them-“ “Haema. There is no point in lying now. You’re only making me angrier. Instead of telling me a false story, how about you start explaining how, - and /why/ - one of the light’s children came into your possession?” He couldn’t. He couldn’t escape this, not now. Defeat loomed, as did the chance of death. “She... She was brought to us to sell or dispose of. We were told she was a tyrant, power hungry and half-mad. I didn’t stick around to hear her speak, and I had plans to sell her off at the next junction. Wash our hands of her. She tore one of our better employees to shreds the one time she got loose from her bonds, so I distanced myself from the entire thing, honest. We didn’t want her, but the pay was good to take her, so...”
He hardly saw the movement, the blur that was Mauram, lunging across the desk and scattering paper and ink everywhere, the two of them crashing to the ground, Haema left choking on the hand that slammed him to the ground by the throat, the chair cracked and mangled under the sudden force. “You mean to tell me that you, too, willingly broke our contract, knowing the consequences should this, right here, right now, happen? For meager gold? You would forsake my protection, my guarantee, and instead gamble on funds and luck? When you know I have brought you profits beyond what you would have seen otherwise? Was it not enough? Is it so hard to follow the rules given to you?”
Haema squeaked, grabbing ahold of Mauram’s wrist, trying to push the pressure off, growing aware of the heat under his grip, as Mauram’s hand began to glow, and Haema’s skin began to burn. “N-no...” Haema wheezed, sputtering as the heat grew unbearable. He could smell himself burning as he clawed at Mauram’s arm,  when he got a breath in.   “I didn’t-“ “You did. You willingly-” Mauram snarled, eyes ablaze with frustration, and the same light creeping in the windows, giving him a glow about his silhouette. Mauram’s voice lowered, and he drew closer, Haema’s left hand going to clutch the lapel of his jacket once in reach, as if to plead when his voice failed under the added pressure. “You willingly broke our promise, Haema. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t deliver the consequence of that.” Death. The consequence.  No. No. He didn’t want to die. Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, growing and welling and streaming free at the thought. His son. He had a son. Haema’s eyes squeezed shut, teeth clenched. He wouldn’t even get to see him have a family of his own, in whatever form it took.
And then suddenly... The pressure eased, and Mauram let go, finally, and when he looked, Haema saw grief in those eyes, among all that fire and anger. Haema coughed, swatting Mauram’s hand away as he tried to turn, tried to get an arm beneath himself. But the burn, the cough, the shaking in his arms. It was hard, and his fingers could hardly graze against the skin of his neck without wanting to cry out.   “...We were friends once, Haema. Speak.”
Once. Once. Were they ever really..? “My son... needs me.” He didn’t look. He didn’t need to see the reaction- he knew. “Ah. So you have a successor. Good. Then, I will allow you time, Haema.” He caught the glint of silver out of the corner of his eye, as Mauram’s slipped a knife from his sleeve. One with a glowing set of runes running down the blade.
Haema didn’t even get the chance to react as Mauram lashed out, and a pain even greater than the burn ripped across his throat. ...But there was no blood. His hand went to it, instinctively, to stem it - but there was none. “You have a month to forge your son into the successor that I need. After which, this wound will manifest, and you will die. Make peace with it while you can, and let your child learn from your mistakes. I will return on the day of, to form a contract with him. Do well by me, and I may see fit to release you from your fate.” Mauram stood, returning his blade to its place, gaze cold when he looked down at Haema. “May that burn remind you of your wrongs every time you feel it.”
And then, he was gone, the footsteps fading out as the entrance to his dwelling ripples as Mauram passed, and Haema laid still, taking in the silence, taking in the pain and the peace. A month was not nearly enough for him. Haema laughed, wiping away tears, before they began to flow again, harder than before. ...A month was not enough time at all.
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eldaguardian · 7 years
Gardienne/Guardian Tag!
Rules: This is for your Gardienne/Guardian. Fill with what your Gardienne/Guardian could answer.
Tagged by @foresthuntermajrach @eldaryastuffs @redrose04
Tag more than 6 people you want : don’t know who already did it soooo
@valkyons-obsidian @emmyseldarya @loonylein @shea-gardienne @llamakoernchen @eldaryandy @incorrecteldarya and anyone who see it and feel like it (yes you! who just read that! you there! You’re tagged too)
Name or if they have a nickname: Ana (Nana, An’)
Gender: Female
What race are they ( Faeries/Human/or something in between) : Faery, half-human half-...(maybe Dragon?), I'll know the other half when the game will told us 8D
What guard are they in ? : Absynthe, sadly... (f*** you Ez...)
Which Companion do they have ? : Becco ♂, Hewy ♂,  Kurai ♂,  Evorrhé ♂,  Vitany ♀,  Haema ♀, Cyanid ♂ and  Oswald ♂! Yes... A lot 8′D (A sheet is coming for all of them ^v^)
Favourite Food: huh... Sugary food? Otherwise rice? I don’t know, I love food and try things °v°
Favourite Colour: BLUE! And Red.
Crush(and why): Ez can go f*** himself up after what he has done! And don’t start me on Nevra the pervert stalker. Valkyon is okay, somehow, he doesn’t talk much so he got that for him when I compare to what the other two says... (Generally speaking, the three main Ez is a funny teasing relationship, Valkyon is sweet and a listener and Nevra is tender take care of her)
Describes yourself in five words: Stupid, anxious, pushy, temperamental, loving?
What do they like to do in their free time ? : I read a lot of Ykhar’s books, or go in the garden to wander lazily with my pet (or sleep in my bedroom...).
What do they think about the Human World ? : Missing it. I have my cat, my friends, my father, despite not perfect, I loved this world. I had people I loved, and that loved me, and now... I'm jsut alone in this world which I know nothing about?
What your Guardienne looks like :
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1ore · 9 months
what's one uncomfortable truth lastborn doesn't want to hear from yuri, trahearne, hæma, and ximone respectively?
oh. oh. vexing and haunting him on a friday night saturday afternoon i see
From Yuri:
That he feels torn between Maguuma/the Silverwastes, Ascalon, and Orr for what he considers “home.” The Lastborn isn’t a complete homebody, but he does feel a strong affection for the landscape that accepted him when nobody else would. I think he feels a little bit of. Hmmmm. Competing envy for Yuri’s fondness of Orr and Ascalon, almost in the way that people expect him to be fussy about Yuri and Trahearne.
He would also never admit this because he would Rather Die than lose his sage-loser-from-the-desert status, but the Lastborn doesn’t know a lot of things about the world outside of his own, and he looks to Yuri to make judgements about it because Yuri has both the experience and heart to give everyone he meets a chance. So if Yuri thinks it’s dogshit, then it’s dogshit… But this sets the Lastborn up for failure when Yuri makes snap judgements that end up contradicting the Lastborn’s script of Yuri-as-unconditional-lover. Yuri DOES have a big heart and that’s his greatest strength, but he is also a human being who has been hurt over and over again, and sometimes this doesn’t reflect well on his ability to assess a situation.
From Trahearne:
Already jumped this hurdle, but all of the stuff the Lastborn projected onto him (being the black sheep of the family, being unable to live up to the Pale Tree’s expectations, being tethered to his Wild Hunt / responsibilities as Firstborn / etc. in a way that he resents) turned out to be wrong or more complicated than meets the eye. The Lastborn felt sincerely betrayed when the one dude he thought might understand him was, in fact, a momma’s boy all along. (but ofc they realize they understand each other better than they thought.)
More presently, the Lastborn craves belonging and doesn’t want to be left behind, and this is why the idea that the people around him love him unconditionally is difficult to believe. If he gets down to it, it’s not really unconditional. If he threw it all away and went back to the Nightmare Court tomorrow, Yuri and Trahearne would be having more of a divorced Caithe moment than a Tiachren moment—their love for him is very strong, but not enough to sway them from all the other things they consider good and right. (Or maybe their love for him is even stronger, because they love him too much to enable him—I think he prefers to self-soothe with this, and uses the other pastability as a bludgeoning instrument on himself.)
From Hæma:
Two roads diverge in a yellow wood.
The possibility that he is the reason Hæma joined the Nightmare Court, because of course he would find a way to ruin someone else’s life, especially someone like him, and especially when he knows better now and never wants anyone else to go through what he went through. It’s the guilt and the shame and the over-analyzing your role in the Situation.
The possibility that Hæma would have joined the Nightmare Court whether or not he was involved in it. Arguably more uncomfortable, because this means the things they have in common are specifically the gnarly and ugly parts that Mary Oliver sent him crawling through the desert to get rid of. No good very icky.
From Ximone:
it’s hard to think of zingers like the others, but I think one of them is that the Lastborn is a newcomer to the extended family of the Pact Commander(s). He doesn’t have 2936277342 stories he can tell about serving in the Pact together or attending the peace summit or hopping the rooftops of Ebonhawke as kids. The gang is very tight-knit, and Ximone in particular is often the glue and the rock keeping everyone grounded, so I think the Lastborn feels a push-pull desire to coax these stories out of them because they’re outrageous and fun, but a mild estrangement because all of the most bonkers yonkers and meaningful shit is behind them (by the time they meet the Lastborn anyway—there’s Interesting Times ahead of them.) He was also previously acting as the only guy who is having a certifiably “”“normal””” one between Yuri and Trahearne. Now Ximone is here, and he has to face the mortifying reality that he’s not the party's only rock, or even the most effective rock, or even that having a little bit of ego about being a rock is unhealthy.
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