#hashirma must conceal dont feel :-]
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Just imagine Hashirama’s Mokuton reacting to his emotions! I read this HC about how when Hashirama’s happy flowers and mushrooms will sprout out of his hair. When he’s sad the plants around him wilt. When he’s embarrassed red ixoras sprout on his ears like earrings. When he’s scared they’ll cocoon him with vines to protect him. When he’s angry they get out of control. Like shoots bursting out of cracks in the ground. Or trees suddenly growing thicker so everything goes dark cause they’re blocking out the sun. Also like the idea that if Hashirama’s in danger they’ll take control to protect him but he can lose himself to them entirely and this scares Tobirama so much. Until he starts learning how to control it.
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I have a very specific view of how mokuton works, based on regulated and unregulated release of chakra into water and elements that causes things to grow. And I like the idea of hashirama being terrified of his own emotions
Edit: Anon was thinking of this post from @atqh16 🖤
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