#he matches w toris weird shorts too
yume-fanfare · 1 year
does it look like aira has a skirt or am i going insane. anyways hello kitty palette hiiais 🙏🙏🙏
NO YOURE RIGHTTT my guess is that it's something like this
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maybe??? happyele's legendary weird shorts to avoid read skirts
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Dollar for my valentine.
Prompt: dan and Phil are on two different sides of the school chain, and are paired as matches for the schools “Dollar for a valentine”
Genre: pastel! Dan and punk! Phil. Angst and fluff.
Word count: 1.3k
“Dan, come on! It will be fun and maybe you’ll meet someone!” Chris complained to Dan, a hopeful look in his eye as he tried to convince Dan to enter the “dollar for a valentine” his school was hosting.
“I don’t know, what if there isn’t anyone here?” Dan asked, looking at Chris. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, only to be let down.
“Dan, it happens sometimes. You’ll never know if you never try. Please give it a chance.” He persuaded, his smile growing as he realized he had Dan were he wanted him.
“Yeah, okay.” Dan said, unease seeping into his voice as he thought of everything that can go wrong.
“Hey Howell!” He heard someone yell. ‘Oh great. Something’s already going wrong, because it’s Phil.’ He thought.
He and Phil Lester never got along. Phil was the popular punk, who didn’t care what people thought and got praised for it. Dan was just a pastel boy who had trouble reaching things on his own, and enjoyed books way to much to not be considered a nerd.
They often fought, always ending in Phil winning because Dans feelings got hurt.
“Heard you were doing the valentine thing!” He said, a laugh following after.
“I hope you realize you won’t be paired, who would want to date someone like you?” He finished, now glaring and sneering at Dan.
Sighing, Dan turned away, forcing himself to walk away as fighting would only get him in trouble and he didn’t want that. His parents would kill him.
•Time skip to a few days later•
“Alright kids, here’s your valentine pairs! I expect you to be ready to come up here and get them when I call your name an- Jordan phelps please sit down. Now, please be quiet, i want everyone to hear their name.” Mr. Johnston said.
'The names began slowly, and Dans nerves grew faster.’
Five names left.
'Oh boy.’
'Of course.’ Dan thought sourly.
“And Daniel!” He called.
Wait. Did she just say Dans name?
Walking up to the desk slowly, he grabbed the paper from her, walking back to his own desk shakily.
As he sat down, he noticed everyone look at him, glares fixed on him. It’s fine. He was used to it.
When the bell rang, he raced out, running to the spot where he and Chris usually eat lunch together. He couldn’t wait to tell Chris, even though he knows he going to be told “I told you so.”
“Hey Dan.” Chris said, sitting down on the grass with a bag of crisps open already.
“Look!” He yelled out, before blushing.
Chris looked over at what Dan was holding before smiling at the boy. “Have you opened it?” He asked.
“Nope. I will now.” Dan said before slowly tearing open the envelope.
'Oh no.’
“No no no! This isn’t possible. Oh he’s going to be so mad.” He mumbled, his flower crown slowly slipping off of his straightened hair from shaking his head.
“Oh I’m so sorry Dan, maybe he won’t care?” Chris suggested lightly, even though they both knew Phil was going to be furious.
And there it was. Jumping up, his flower crown now fallen on the ground, he watched as Phil approached him, the taller boy towering over him, looking quite intimidating, his piercings and illegal tattoos clearly doing their job.
“How dare you! Why would you enter this when all you did was ruin my chances! I swear to god Howell, how could you be so useless!” Phil yelled.
“Sorry.” Dan mumbled, looking at the ground, embarrassed as a crowd began to form.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it! I swear to god I should just-”
Before Phil could even get the rest of the sentence out, Dan was running, grabbing his stuff and practically flying to his house.
Once he was there, he unlocked his door (he lived alone after his parents were killed in a car accident and he wanted to finish school.) and ran upstairs, not stopping until he was collapsed on his bed, tears already flowing into his pillow.
He knew he shouldn’t have entered it. Now he was probably going to get beaten. To be fair to Phil, the boy had never physically hurt him. Just used his words, but he had a feeling that would change when he went back.
“Maybe I should take a few days off. Just to be sure.’ He thought.
Slowly, the tears stopped and his phone was done vibrating as he drifted to sleep.
Phil hated to admit it, but he was worried. Howell hadn’t shown up to school in three days, and the last anyone had seen of him, including that Kendall kid, was when he ran away from him.
He knew he needed to be the bigger person here, even if it killed him, so he slowly started to walk down the street to Howells house, glad that at least he didn’t live far.
Approaching the house, he began to think of what he should say. Should he apologize? Or just say that he needed to show up to school so people stop saying He killed him.
Standing in front of the white door, he sighed once more, before ringing the door bell. Happy to hear footsteps, as that meant that he was at least alive.
The door opened, and he would never admit it, but it was extremely hard to not coo at the sight in front of him.
The shorter boy was dressed in some lilac sweatpants, a clearly too large pastel pink jumper, and some cute penguin socks, his hair was a ruffled curly mess (and since when was it curly?) and his cheeks were a soft pink.
The urge ended however, when he saw the door was about to close, so he did the first thing he thought of, and pushed the door back open, the door slamming behind him once he was finally inside.
Dan stared up at him, a strange look in his eyes as he backed up slowly.
"W-what?” He asked, his voice filled with the same emotion in his eyes, but still Phil couldn’t decide what it was.
“Look, i needed to say sorry for how I acted, you didn’t have a choice in that, and I would appreciate it if you stopped hiding, people are beginning to believe I killed you. Why are you hiding out anyways?” He said in one breath.
Dans eyes widened as he heard the apology, he never once believed he would hear one from Phil Lester.
“I um, thank you, and I-i didn’t want to um, get beaten up, so I uh, stayed home I guess.” Dan said, looking down at the ground.
Ohhhh it was fear. The look was fear. No wonder he stayed home.
Phil sighed before speaking yet again, “I’m not that bad Howell. You’re safe.” He thought for a minute before he stepped closer, trapping the boy to the wall before his thigh was slotted between Dans and his mouth was on his.
It was weird kissing Howell, but not bad. He found himself enjoying the taste, and slipping his tongue into the boys hot mouth, trying to keep tasting him. The kiss was messy and strange but they both kept going, until Howell pulled away, his lips swollen and red. He was panting as well, short breaths coming from his mouth.
Blushing, he looked up at Phil, the confusion clear.
“I um, If you would like, I think I wouldn’t mind getting to know you.” Phil said, a blush forming on the tip of his ears.
Dan looked at him for a second, before he spoke.
“Look, I can’t promise a relationship, you really hurt me, but if you would like, we could be friends? And see where that goes?” He asked timidly.
Phil smiled, nodding his head.
“I can’t promise I’ll be the nicest friend ever at first, but I’ll try Howe-I mean Dan. I think we can make this work.”
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