#he would commission it as a holosuite program
chicago-geniza · 11 months
Anyway remember how I was impressed by the depth and detail about finances and practical/legal issues with trust funds in The Secret History. Guess who is an independent consultant in “wealth management” as well as “trust and estate planning.” Donna’s “dearest friend in the world” Paul McGloin lmaooo. Lili Anolik was going on at length about what a brutal blow it was that she fictionalized everyone in the Greek class except him but his professional expertise--his profession--informs the book’s rising action up to the denoument of Bunny’s murder!!!  
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deepspacedukat · 9 months
An Alternate Selection
Omg, I can't believe the SoC is almost over! I didn't know if I'd make it this far, honestly, so thank you to everyone who stuck around through all my late posts. Day 31 is basically a free space on the prompt list, so after I've posted today's fic and added the link to my SoC Masterlist, I'm going to edit the Day 31 section on the Masterlist to announce what I've selected for the final day! I hope you all enjoy the last two fics from this crazy event!
So, just as a side note, I did a little research, and it turns out that according to Memory Alpha, Tiron is a Serilian. If you want to read about that, I'll link the relevant Memory Alpha page here. Also, yes, Tiron is a creeper, but just like with Tolaris, I felt the need to put him into a situation. So here we go!
Day 30: Thigh Fucking
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tiron (ST:DS9) x Dabo Girl!Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Serilian/Human sex, sex work, referenced holosuite sex, begging, thigh fucking, biting, corruption kink, implied oral sex (male receiving), Tiron is still a creep but at least it's not toward Kira this time.
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"A glass of Andorian ale," Tiron ordered as he straightened his sleeve and leaned against the bar. He hadn't been so disappointed with a holosuite program in years. Ah well. At least he had enough money to do something about it.
After expressing his displeasure to Quark over the program he'd just been forced to endure for an agonizing ten minutes, the Serilian had an idea of exactly what he wanted.
"What I want is not in your catalogue," he said leaning a little closer to keep their conversation as private as possible.
"Well, tell me what it is, and I'll order it for you," Quark murmured, trying to sound reassuring. "It may take some time, but if it exists, I'll get it."
"That's just the point, Quark. The program I want doesn't exist," Tiron muttered, and he offered the Ferengi a pretty serious amount of latinum for his custom program commission. He noted some fear, though, when he mentioned his interest in Major Kira playing a central part. "Can you do it?"
"...I'll look into the logistics of creating such a program, but in the meantime, I think you'll find that our in-house amenities are more than adequate to meet your...discerning tastes," the bartender said before snapping his fingers. Glidia, one of the Dabo girls, made her way to Tiron's side, and he scoffed. "Something wrong?"
"You think this woman can–" The Serilian broke off as he let his eyes wander the room and spotted someone he'd never seen before. Tiron barely noticed as Quark followed his customer's gaze and waved Glidia away.
"She's one of mine, as well. She started last week, and she's...quite skilled in pleasure for a Human," the Ferengi muttered, and Tiron swallowed as he observed the scantily-clad woman carrying a drink tray. He'd never been with one of her species before. Exploring their differences would certainly be an intriguing experience. "Would you like an introduction?"
Without tearing his eyes from the woman, Tiron tossed the latinum he'd offered earlier unceremoniously onto the bar.
"How long will that buy me?"
"A full night and morning."
"Excellent. Have her meet me in the holosuite I rented. Make the setting...interesting." Tiron smoothed his jacket and strode toward the stairs with his drink.
He'd needed to readjust himself in his pants several times to stay comfortable while he waited in the plush, palace bedroom that Quark had conjured for their use. When the door finally slid open, he had to make use of every shred of restraint left in him.
She was even more stunning in this light than she had been down in the bar. The nearly-transparent fabric of her flowing, smoke-like dress preserved only the smallest shreds of her modesty.
And yet...there was a quality in her wide eyes that made Tiron feel more like an animal on the prowl than he had in years. He could see why she'd been hired. There was an air of innocence about her that not even her risqué outfit could dispel.
The Serilian took great pride in the sounds he was able to coax from her as the night wore on. He'd started slow. Of course he had! Watching the slow decline of morals and dignity and the gentle transformation from chaste to depraved was half the fun of a seduction like this.
After all the foreplay he could stomach, he tossed her on the bed, grasped the bodice of her dress, and tore it straight down the center. She could afford another. He'd make sure of it. Tiron left the shredded garment on her torso as he positioned himself between her legs.
"Please...sir, please..." She begged so sweetly for him to fuck her that he nearly spilled before he'd even entered her. Pathetic little thing.
It had been so long since a non-hologram had been this desperate for him to use them. There must be some sort of chemical reaction between their pheromones, because he was beginning to feel frenzied, as well. A deep, burning hunger spread gradually from his chest outward to his extremities, permeating his every cell.
Tiron hadn't expected this level of compatibility between their species. He was even more surprised at his own actions when he lifted her legs, pressed them together, and began rutting between her slick thighs. Grunts and groans poured from him even as he bit at her calf muscles to mark her.
A gush of pleasure erupted from him along with his seed, drawing a shout from his throat and a needy whimper from the whore beneath him. His release spurted across her skin and torn dress to create a debauched sight that satisfied the Serilian more fully than he could have anticipated.
"Tiron...please..." She whispered as he lay down beside her and nipped at her shoulder. "Please, I need to come."
"Now, now, there's no rush. We have all night to play, my dripping little beauty," Tiron crooned as he watched her place a few soft kisses across his ridged chest. "I paid handsomely for your services, and I want to see how good you are with that mouth. Put your lips around my cock. Make me come that way, if you have the skill. Maybe if you're good enough, I'll hire you from Quark permanently."
He'd offer her triple the pay she was receiving at the bar and fuck her until all she knew was his name. That would get Tiron what he wanted.
One way or another, he always got what he wanted.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Trek: The 10 Worst Episodes Of DS9 Ever, According To IMDb
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a sci-fi series that ran from 1993 to 1999, spanning 176 episodes. It was the third sequel to the original Star Trek series, after The Animated Series and Next Generation. It takes place in the years 2369-2375 and takes place primarily on a space station as opposed to aboard a star ship. The show follows Commander Benjamin Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Constable Odo, Chief Medical Officer Bashir, and Quark.
RELATED: X-Men: 5 Best & Worst Movies, According To IMDb
Critics and audiences loved that it explored lengthy serialized storytelling, as well as religious themes—ideas that Rodenberry had forbade in the original series and Next Generation. But every series has its bad episodes. Here are the ten worst episodes of DS9. 
10 The Passenger (6.4/10)
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This early episode is generally disliked because fans think it either dumbs down the crew too much or because the execution of the story is boring. 
The DS9 crew respond to a distress call aboard a ship and find captain Ty Kjiada and a dead prisoner Rao Vantika. Kjiada repeatedly warns the crew that Vantika is too wily and determined to extend his life to have allowed himself to die so easily. They don’t believe him until it turns out that he has managed to transfer his consciousness into another character. 
9 Fascination (6.3/10)
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This episode in season 3 focuses on the Barjoran Gratitude Festival. The plot line focuses almost exclusively on romantic and lusty stories. Jake is moping, O’Brien’s wife is upset about things, a Betazoid ambassador arrives explicitly to start a romantic relationship with Odo, and Dax is obsessed with Sisko to a dangerous amount. It has a strong Midsummer’s Night vibe, and things go very strange before they’re righted. 
RELATED: 10 Best Spielberg Movies Ever, According To IMDb
According to fans, the episode is filler—unwatchable filler, at that. In a show with 176 episodes, there are bound to be a few that feel like filler, and “Fascination” is one of them.
8 Second Sight (6.2/10)
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Commander Sisko meets a woman who he finds himself intrigued by—she seems to appear and disappear randomly. He asks Odo to investigate her so he can learn her secrets. Meanwhile, Dax works with Professor Gideon Seyetik, a brilliant scientist known for his ambitious terraforming projects. He’s arrived to complete his most ambitious project yet: relighting the star Epsilon 119. He invites the crew over for dinner so he can expound upon how brilliant he is, and the two storylines finally come together.
RELATED: 20 Storylines That Deep Space Nine Wants Us to Forget
Fans see the episode as northing particularly special. Seyetik’s arrogance made him a frustrating character and his final sacrifice less meaningful. 
7 The Storyteller (6.1/10)
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Chief O’Brien is sent to Bajoran village with Bashir in order to help out with a medical emergency that endangers the entire community. When he arrives, the only sick person is Sirah, a spiritual leader who controls a monster, the Dal’Rok. He indicates that O’Brien is the successor, and people are immediately devoted to him. Meanwhile, back at the space station, Sisko mediates between two Bajoran tribes who are having a conflict about a border that changed due to the Cardassian interference. 
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Fans found both plots boring, and some criticized it as being too ‘feel-good’ rather than a real adventure. 
6 Move Along Home (6.0/10)
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The DS9 crew is awaiting a visit from Wadi, a Gamma Quadrant species who are trying to make official first contact. However, when they arrive all they want to do is go to Quark’s place so they can drink and gamble. They have unfamiliar and advanced games, and somehow the command staff end up inside a live action game that they have to be guided out of.  
RELATED: The 10 Biggest Deep Space Nine Twists and Reveals, Ranked
Fans who dislike the episode complain that the Wadi simply leave at the end of the episode. They are not punished, nor do they attempt to maintain diplomatic relations. At the 50th anniversary Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, this episode made the list of 10 Worst Episodes in the entire Star Trek franchise. 
5 Resurrection (5.9/10)
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The Star Trek mirror universe was first introduced in the original series. In Deep Space Nine, the crew interacts with the mirror universe several times; “Resurrection” marks the fifth episode exploring the universe. It begins with Bareil beaming into the ship—but Bareil died over a year before. Major Kira, who had loved the original Bareil, immediately begins to trust this Bareil, even though their experiences of the mirror universe have been with criminal versions of themselves. Naturally, he and Mirror Kira are up to something. 
Fans find the episode dull and the writing lazy. 
4 Profit And Lace (5.9/10)
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The Ferengi leader Grand Nagus arrives on DS9, we learn that he has been deposed for giving equal rights to the females. The evil Brunt is going to take his place, so Quark and his family decide to do whatever it takes to reinstate the rightful Nagus and keep the new equality in place. They invite Nilva, a member of the Ferengi Trade Commission, to DS9 to see that a Ferengi female can be just as competent as a Ferengi male. However, Quark’s mother—the only female Ferengi available—falls ill at the last second and Quark must disguise himself as a woman to try to convince Nilva. 
3 Meridian (5.7/10)
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Sisko wants to explore the Gamma Quadrant, and the crew discovers unusual distortions in a system without planets. When a surprise planet appears, an inhabitant explains to them the Meridian’s shifts between dimensions. It only exists in this dimension every sixty years. Jadzia falls in love with a resident of the Meridian, while the wealthy creep Tiron pressures Quark to create a holosuite program of Major Kira after she rejects Tiron. 
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Boring is the most common criticism of this episode. A lot of people also would have liked to see the Tiron/Quark/Kira plot take the main focus as it had a lot of untapped potential.
2 The Muse (5.7/10)
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Lwaxana Troi returns to DS9 to beg for Odo’s help. Her husband wants to take their son from her to raise him separate from girls until he’s 16, as is traditional in the Tavnian culture. Odo promises to help her and they ultimately come up with a strange but ultimately kind solution to her problem. While this is happening, Jake meets an older woman who is fascinated by his writing and encourages him to keep writing more and more. Her presence serves as a muse to him and Jake writes great things while she’s there. However, it appears she’s a succubus because the more he writes, the weaker he gets. 
1 Let He Who Is Without Sin… (5.6/10)
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This season 5 episode is the lowest rated episode in the series and the reviews of it are full of people who vehemently hated it. It reads as sensationalist—the team goes to Risa, a pleasure planet of the Federation, where Dax looks forward to letting loose with her Klingon boyfriend Worf. Suddenly, conservative protesters show up who are calling the Federation soft. Worf, who has become increasingly abusive, supports them while also treating Dax horrifically. 
Fans hate that Dax and Worf make up at the end. No one likes that Risa has been made dramatic when it was always a place for light and fun episodes. And most think it’s worth skipping. 
NEXT: Star Trek: 10 Hysterical DS9 Logic Memes Only True Fans Understand
source https://screenrant.com/star-trek-deep-space-nine-episodes-worst-imdb/
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nosouphere · 7 years
Julian Bashir likely gets his holosuite program costumes custom made by Garak, right?
(Like, originally I thought maybe the costumes were just part of the program but there are several episodes that show Julian and Miles skipping about the promenade in various ridiculous outfits either before or after their holosuite playtimes together and you know that shit is like way too obscure to be readily created by a replicator, and also, dude, like, if I was a tailor and my friends didn’t come to me for their cosplay needs we would SO not be friends anymore tbh)
So, I’ve just been sitting here thinking about the fact that prior to ‘Our Man Bashir’ Julian commissioned his tux from Garak and Garak then secretly made a similar tux for himself while plotting to bust into Julian’s program.
What a sneak! What if he does this more often than we actually know about (making similar costumes for himself) in the hopes Julian might invite him to play?
I get really sad for later season neglected Garak sometimes.
I think it’s really funny they were all like, nah, Julian and Garak need less scenes together because it’s getting prettttty gay, and so they buddy Julian up with Miles and that gets kinda gay too. Like, jesus, Julian, stop being such a stud.
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