mxnstersarereal · 5 years
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@hescott asked for a treat │ accepting
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lightcreators · 5 years
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“     𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒     ”     𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄  // @hescott  
19. a final kiss 
Stiles Stilinski restraint concerning parties always had been linked to one event during his sixteenth years --- when a planified manipulation towards one of his friends started, creating hallucinations about words who hadn't been say while be the motive's scene of the mastermind who moved on his pieces. He could deal with some time at nights with a couple of friends, but a whole couple of people into a same place when something bad could happen? It had been taken a lot of time for eventually getting used to the ambiance, to accepting how small he was compared to the rest of the guys, how not only full of anxiety the party was supposed to be. Stiles still remembering the day when he had ended up sleeping on his boyfriend after having a slight triggering moment of the earlier years, how he ended up worried than something terrible had happening, than he even had been drugged all over again since his presence would be problematic for someone in particular.
Did he expected having troubles with supernatural creatures? Yes. He focused some precised nights, when his mind was in touch, when his boyfriend would have been informed weeks later for didn't freaking out about finding him dead into some newspaper, to that hobby --- knowing perfectly his own way to playing detective was an dangerous road. However, how many probabilitity some student would becoming crazy and creating a disaster drama in the middle of a party without been linked to the supernatural could occur? Low --- close to zero , even though sometimes his paranoia might inscreased. This city wasn't Beacon Hills --- things getting into uncontrollable shit wasn't into the welcome booklet. 
Until --- karma apparently wanted to finishing the job it's failed to. Under the nice party they had with lot of people, and for once he getting some fun besides to been a flirt to his boyfriend --- one of the students get wild. He could swearing into his two eyes than it had been far too similiar to his kitsune's possession when he saw the slow degradation of the facial's man expression than he taken a long internal time to realizing...it wasn't that. He lived that kind of stuff before since the nogitsune had planned some tricks to him to forcing him to saying yes --- and for the couple of seconds, things were getting into shit, he thought all of this was one of his eternal nightmares about a old presence. 
Since terror inscreased into the perfected enjoyement that had been before, into his most reckless way, since some fight seemed to prepare itself, Stiles deciding to get involved --- into stuff that didn't concern him but with the sentiment it would be end up into a slaughter otherwise. He wanted to think his brain overreacted...but finally --- facing how true he was. Considering he would thanking life for try to kill him as much than it could at this point of time, knowing than his boyfriend wouldn't manage to remain in place when he was taking horrible risks himself --- Stiles tried to handle the situation himself by reassuring and lowered down his current madness. Since how lucky he was --- memories blurred at this point, having only the remember of a gun, to have avoided people to be hurt, to have insisted to calm down --- before getting shot along the way, thankfully not into his brain, not neither into his chest who would have bring instant death but mostly into his stomach. 
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The world surrounded him taking suddently a strange's feeling --- was he dreaming? was it was one of the big scenarios of his mind when he finished killed? did this was reality and was is going to die? like, hadn't already died before so maybe it wasn't a good idea to tempting some evil spirit to possessed him? did he will have a repeat of the wonderful possession time who would screwing up for good any chance to happiness? Afflicted by the pain, he wanted to called 911 or hoping the call had been already done, but he had been unable to reaching his phone unless he wanted to dealing with blood running out from his body. Into Beacon Hills, he would have called it an usual day --- with his father freaking out and wanted to be sure he would be safe. How many time did he avoided this scene? How many time an actual bullet could have ended his life so simply? He would have wished it would remained into his hometown business...not in the middle of another town. 
His mind was going to losing it before his body...even though he was searching ways to stopping the blood --- his entire features seemed to have froze into the desire of all of this been only a nightmare. Than he was going to wake up. Whatever how much the pain carried away at every second into his body. Whatever how much he was moaning in pain for the smaller of mouvement. Whatever it was hard to keep his eyes open. Whatever how he could feel his own blood into his hands. He would wake up if he died into a dream...
He didn't catching up the touching of his boyfriend, talking to him, trying to making him remain conscious, losing his shit harder than him while remained here with him --- he wasn't into in state to been able to describe exactly his boyfriend's reaction towards what happened to him. No, it wasn't neither how he imagining he would leaving him against his will, even though it was probably the only way to removing from his boyfriend's side against his control. He would have hoped to been reassuring, to find some kind of joke to say --- but life was going to leaving him. He would dramatically fainted at some point. He might been able to giving himself precious seconds to live --- but otherwise, regardless how much he hated it --- this bullet was into his body right now, destroying him. 
Completetly eaten by the sensation it would be a dream, than he would having his boyfriend as his side into the next seconds --- he taken some physical strenght he had for let an very slow and tender kiss into his boyfriend's lips when he found some occassion to do it, unable to make it as longer or passionate as he wanted to be. Action than drained out even more the strenght he had, when his eyes begun to picturing darkness harder than he could. Which triggering suddently the sentiment...into his eyes...than if wasn't maybe a dream after all. He remembered having his features changing into fear --- before pain overwritten it into the sudden acceptance and the lack of physical strenght he had at the moment coming from the fatigue to his immediate emotional sentiment. He collapsed into darkness the seconds after.
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rebelsprak-blog · 5 years
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@hescott​ sent:  ❛ such torturous things , always chewing up the only words i ever mean . ❜
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▌█ ∵   🖕  ∵ █ ▌ ❝Isn’t that what people like us do? ❞ Fingers lift to her lips, biting at her nails trying to get herself to focus on something else. Changes with moving were having a bad effect on her, but that was the last thing on her mind. It was strange to feel like such an obscure statement could be so understood between them both. She was a wildfire, constantly burning and setting things around her, even the ones she cared about on fire. Tucking back dark hair she raised a brow before looking out the window for a moment.❝ I do it to my little brother. I don’t think I have told him I care without a back handed compliment in years. He is a good kid, but that shit, where we lived before and me, I would burn the poor kid up. You’re the same.❞  
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hiddensteel · 5 years
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@hescott​  said             ☎
NAME:   hardin 🖤 RINGTONE:   treacherous by t.aylor s.wift PICTURE:
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED:   i can’t keep fucking doing this LAST TEXT SENT:   i don’t know if i’ll ever remember but i know how i feel in this life so please don’t pull away from me.
sansa’s phone contacts  |  accepting !
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silentcallng · 5 years
closed starter for @hescott​
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This whole thing was dreadful, except for the car ride. Audrey was grateful she had her own car at a time like this, that way she wasn’t forced in a crammed area with a whole bunch of people who were... not exactly fond of her. Well, of course they were fond of her, but the girl felt it was for all the wrong reasons. She was easy to fool, innocent, on-top of her to-do list’. Currently she was listening to Sia’s “Dressed In Black”, driving through the mountainous terrain. She would admit that the view was beautiful, and she wouldn’t mind being surrounded by this area all the time. It was just who it belonged to, the boy she was dreading surrounding herself by. 
But she made a promise, not just to him ; but the whole group. Her reputation couldn’t be tarnished more than by a couple of partiers who thought she was no fun. Besides, she had nothing else better to do on this break. She had her baby pink suitcase packed in the back, a couple of her own snacks and drinks (though she wouldn't be surprised if they went missing). Audrey finally pulled into the driveway, of course she was the first one there but she didn’t mind. She simply claimed a parking spot, looking at the home. It was large & open, you could see the living room and kitchen through the large windows for walls. It seemed that it had already snowed, but the temperature definitely told Audrey it would only do it again. As, it was flurrying ; she left so early to avoid the dangers of icy, slick & curvy roads. 
“I figured.” She simply sat in her car & waited. She was bundled in a heavy coat with a fur hood, leather gloves & even a scarf ; but she left the heat on in her grey Mini Cooper. Being sure to turn the volume down for her music, she relaxed with her phone in her hand -- scrolling to keep herself distracted. 
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prlman · 5 years
easy is not the path you should be taking.
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“ If there’s a path of least resistance, I’m gonna take it. Not everything challenging is worth while. ”
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years
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@hescott​ asked for a moodboard for kaia and hardin
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thewailer · 5 years
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@hescott​ said :  anon ? idk her, just here to say that i love your lydia martin , okay ? you are just wonderful and i'm kind of stalking your blog bc your writing is perfect and just yeah. you bring her to life and that's all i'm gonna say. i love her and can't wait to plot and doing things.
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atypedarc1 · 5 years
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@hescott   said  :  ☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ 💞
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!!!! awwwwww yayyyyyy thank u so much that’s so sweet :) :)
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lightcreators · 5 years
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Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator // @hescott​
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“ I've forgotten what it's like to feel young. ”
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panamastayed · 5 years
@hescott said:
' nobody warns you before the fall. '
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HE TRAILS off, cigarette between his fingers and a BORED expression on his face when words seem to pass the other guy’s lips. SILLY thing to think about in retrospect considering the fact that he wasn’t really KEEN on conversation when he found himself under the CAREFUL shade of the BLEACHERS, searching for some peace.
PEOPLE who hung out underneath the bleachers WEREN’T talkers usually, but Karter found he was more than WILLING to accept such a fact for the sake of his sanity. THOUGH the words are true. THERE’S never any warning. IT’S always just a SUDDEN plummet and then you spend most of your time trying to FIGURE out how to recover. HE’S CERTAINLY been there before.
“––––it fuckin’ sucks doesn’t it?”
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h3rmitsunited · 3 years
If you haven't seen it, Samuel Barnett was in a short film called The Act that aired at several festivals this fall (unfortunately nothing I was able to access and nothing publicly released), but there is a trailer, and some promo pictures, and its just so lovely to see and hear Sam again. He's got such a lovely voice.
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shoutdontwhisper · 4 years
Thomas Hescott on directing Ben & Callum’s first Kiss
On showing them fumbling at each others trousers
I can’t remember what exactly was scripted – but I think it was scripted. We knew that a. it had to be sexy, and b. that it needed to be clear it was more than just a kiss – so even if it wasn’t explicit in the writing (I cant remember) it was the logical direction.
If he knew Ballum would get such a big reaction
Yes - I kind of did (or at least I hoped it would). We knew it was a really important story point and I was excited by the story which is a good start. As we got going many people who work on the show got excited by the story as well - so it all felt right. I was pleased to see it got the reaction it did.
Eastenders moments that stand out
As a viewer the Tony and Simon kiss, which is why the Ben and Callum one was such a wonderful opportunity to direct. Mark Homer sent me a message after the Ben / Callum kiss congratulating me which was very special.
How Tony & Max looked so comfortable
Firstly both of those boys are proper professionals - so they know they're acting - it's not real which of course makes it comfortable. Plus they were both really invested in the story and wanted to do it justice. Funnily enough I'd seen Tony play a very similar character in a play at the Bush Theatre several years before he'd joined EastEnders (it's where I first met him) so he had experience of that kind of story. We talked it through before we shot it - but lots of that was about the journey through the week.  They did great though - I was very chuffed 
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat
here you go babe!
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lightcreators · 5 years
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Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator // @hescott​
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​“ You've taken her back ? You can't be serious ? ”
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