#hi i'm actually very sane and very normal about dantes
asterouslyaesthetic · 2 months
it was very cruel of fgo to release dantes 2.0, the one who is just so...so...you know??? like og dantes was already nnnhhhggg like his bond lines were just so?? and now he's like nnnnnnnhhhhgggg like why is there a bedroom voice
like now he's playing the part of a star-crossed lover after valentine's. how dare you. i have to wait a year to see him give something to me?? last time it was coffee and it's clearly a regular thing
so like why don't you just give me your hand in marriage next time??
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ariapmdeol · 2 years
Two more meta-fiction reccs because I too really really love them:
Redshirts by John Scalzi. Multiple new crewmates of a spaceship, after investigating a string of mysterious casualties, realize that they're extras on a bad Star Trek knock-off.
Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris D'Lacey: A children's series, but anything that's wrong with me can be blamed directly on this children's series. It begins when the protagonist, David Rain, moves into his new landlady's house so he can go to college. Said landlady, Elizabeth Pennykettle, makes clay dragons, each of which have a special talent. David receives a dragon which inspires him to write, so he decides to write a cute story about squirrels for his landlady's daughter. Then it starts to become apparent that his story is either manipulating or predicting the future. And also the dragons may or may not be alive. Among other things.
It gets crazier from there. The first book could easily be realistic fiction with some very ambiguous supernatural elements, but by the last book, time travel and alternate universes are both in play.
(Books, in order, were The Fire Within, Icefire, Fire Star, The Fire Eternal, Dark Fire, Fire World, and The Fire Ascending, if I recall correctly.)
i've actually read the Redshirts! absolutely loved it, will 100% recommend it to anyone interested in either Star Trek, metafiction, or crack treated seriously, its fantastic! i've read it multiple times over at this point and it still means so much to me <3
i will add the Last Dragon Chronicles to my list!! that seems REALLY great i love messing with the narrative and time travel and alternate universes, that is all SO right up my alley oh my god
Aria's Story is an RPGMaker game about a girl (named Aria) who falls asleep in a library, and wakes up having been locked in! In her journey to find a way out, she gets swept up into a really intriguing world of books, genres, and some mysterious characters! It's really fun, has 5 endings, and is relatively short!
MY SECOND REC is, predictably, Cell of Empireo. I realize the eng translation is several videos long but I PROMISE IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD. it has consumed my brain my cells have been so empireo'd the TLDR IS: 28 year old Haruki Atou is working in a detective agency, and his coworker, Eiji Shinano, has gone missing. His phone's last known location was within the grounds of the Empyrean Heaven Research Institute, a cult/religious organization which draws elements and inspiration from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy (which is also metafiction). Atou's goal is to go find and rescue Shinano, and figure out what exactly is going on in this institute... I REALIZE THIS DOES NOT SEEM LIKE METAFICTION AT FIRST BUT I SWEAR IT IS. I CANNOT SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE IT WOULD BE SO MANY SPOILERS BUT I PROMISE,, I PROMISE ITS COOL AS HELL,, [redacted] is so meta and they drive me insane. there are hidden timers that determine whether characters live or die and I THINK they're there to make getting the best ending first try more difficult, and to encourage you to try again (thus giving you the player more knowledge and there being an additional meta aspect to this). I'm pretty sure that There is a canonical reason for having save files (i have a theory AND evidence that supports this). There is a headless rat.
>has written an entire metafiction coe theory rant post i am a sane and normal rpgmaker game enjoyer
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lucienlowell · 4 years
Can I get uhhhhhhhhh 2, 5, 15 annnnnnnd 24 for Nathan and Ethan? I'm not actually familiar with any of your OCs, so we'll start here I guess..!? Also YO I used to roll on dreamwidth too, albeit with a roster of canon characters and like one singular OC. 👀👀 Nice to see RP is still a thing there though!
Yes. Yes you absolutely can. :D (and don’t worry, no one’s familiar with them except my RP partner, pfffff - I need to babble about them.)
Hopefully I counted these right, too. Sleepybrain doesn’t like numbers and for some reason they don’t wanna show up…
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?The two of them ended up in very similar situations growing up, but came out of it with absolute opposite viewpoints - Ethan isn’t really a collector of anything as he was used to having next to nothing (and then at fourteen he was on the run anyway and that would become his life for the next ten years), but Nathan collects things because he had next to nothing. To be specific, he collects books. He’s amassed a decently large collection that now lives in what’s effectively become the Sparda family library. (Yes, this is a long story… (heh, story))
What is your OC��s first memory?Oh. Oh, you would pick this one, haha. Alright. Ethan’s is at least nice; it’s spending some time with his mum, curled up on the couch, the both of them watching terrible movies. On the other hand, Nathan’s is…it’s fairly nebulous really since he was very young, so the only definitive words he can put to it are “pain” and “loneliness”. It’s a memory of the experimentation done on him to try and awaken his demonic side forcibly when he was still just a toddler - which, uh, worked. Much to his detriment. I’m amazed he’s as sane as he is.
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?…excuse me while I try to convince Ethan his kids do not count as pets. Ahem. Technically they’ve both got a handful of harmless demon imps as pets and Ethan has contracted with V’s familiars (long story), but if they had to pick something more, uh, normal…Ethan would probably pick a cat. Nathan…for some reason I can see him with a snake. Cute little danger noodle. He’d probably go with a cat as well.
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?Haaaaa. *head in hands* Okay. Having had the better life by far, Ethan has got a pretty positive outlook on things, though he’s very prone to slipping into depression and probably gets that from Dante. Nathan is far more pessimistic and often doesn’t see what’s the point of trying to be a glass-half-full type, but he’s also got more of a tendency to throw himself headlong into having fun with life where Ethan is more reserved about it. Putting it all into a general philosophy…Nathan’s definitely a YOLO type where Ethan just tends to take things as they come. They do both rather enjoy living though, especially as both of them were once temporarily dying and Nathan actually did die for a bit at one point (also long story.)
…I’ll definitely be needing to make a clarifying post when I wake up, ahaha. *faceplants*
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