#holy schneikies i actually did it
skoryy · 6 years
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I’ve never quite got around to putting together a legendary in @guildwars2, all the gifts and materials and such just seemed so daunting. Not to mention I never quite found a skin that worked for my little thief, Skoryy.  Well, after nearly five years of playing the game, you kind of wind up inadvertently collecting most everything you need. Throw in thieves now being able to equip rifles, and there was a gleam. 
After a concerted push to get my world exploration and assorted other gifts finished, tonight I completed my first legendary: The Predator. Some friends from HWC were there to help me celebrate, though I wished @ventarix, @delmorii, @pepperpatrol, and everyone from OOV, VINE, and LEAF who helped me along the way were there too. Kal said Skoryy already was legendary, he wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for all of you too!
Now for some pewpew fun with the Forged, and its on to the next adventure!
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