#honorable mentions are my band director and my freshman yr english teacher
werezombie · 2 years
Your tags on the post about which teachers you would get high with literally means sm. Idk ur teachers but those experiences seem so important (not in like a weird way tho idk if it sounds weird???? Just it like. It was lighthearted !!)
omg this is so sweet its not weird dw!! im glad you enjoyed hearing about them :-) im really thankful i had a few teachers through out middle/high school that gave me those kinds of experiences bc they were rly important to me especially in the moment, i didnt get along w my school staff & a lot of other students cause i came out publicly at like, the end of 6th grade lol. i rly like to share some of the stories i have with my fav teachers thru the years because its nice to remember that even while i had a lot of ppl (including a lot of my schools staff) that didnt like me after i came out i still had a few adults that always had my back and cared enough to give me happy memories to look back on like that :-)
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