bossiosaurus · 7 years
CHASE ( @hotshotparasaur )
“I just get super nervous when I’m around you. Usually I’m actually not when it comes to this stuff but with you, maybe because you’re my boss, I get all flustered and such.”
“I...” Kendall, for once, was speechless. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it meant anything. I just-- you are my employee, and I am your boss. And I don’t think anything beyond that would be a good idea. Not... not right now, not when there’s so much at stake.”
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blue-rocca-blog · 7 years
Mystic Charge
@hotshotparasaur Madison was browsing around the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum, hoping to drum up some inspiration for her new documentary. Since the team went to college or, in Vida's case, world tour as DJ V, they haven't seen each other much, only meeting up every other month or so at the Root Core for catching up and magical mayhem in Chip and Xander's case. She headed into the restaurant and heard a New Zealand accent behind her, quickly whipping around, thinking it was Xander for a second. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone I knew."
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Trial muse: The accidental Chase clone
@greenraptorblade @hotshotparasaur @hotshotkiwi @morphinggridwarriors and anyone else who might be interested
The strange girl that had wandered out of the cave Chase  had been imprisoned in by Slammer could pass for another sister of Chase-maybe even his twin. What was odd was that she seemed to be wearing an identical copy of the clothes Chase had been wearing that day.
The details were unknown to everyone at present, but it involved a concoction of Wrench’s (the wrong one, mind), said concoction spilling on the now defeated Slammer, and part of said concoction coming into contact with Chase.
The rangers were about to have their hands full.
“Where am I, and why do I have the sudden urge to go skateboarding?”
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starxbound-blog · 8 years
A Hero Born
He had come to Amber Beach for only one reason.
The monsters.
He was pretty sure that none of them were actually from Earth.  He was pretty sure that nothing on Earth actually looked the way that they did.  And if they were from somewhere else, then he should work to stop them.  After all, he too was from another planet and this was his world now.  He had best protect it.
He had the senses, the strength, the ability to fly.  Why not do something to help protect the people of Amber Beach.
He was dressed in a silver biker’s jacket and a silver helmet as he fought against a group of the lackies that had been sent down to terrorize a group of citizens.  One punch knocked several of them back at least a dozen feet.  And he had been holding back.
His fists clenched as mismatched eyes looked on from behind the tinted visor of his helmet.
“I’m only going to say this once.  Leave Amber Beach, or I’ll make myself your personal nightmare.”
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technopathicredhead · 8 years
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it.  
Amazing mun is amazing, really nice, and they play Chase really well. I really enjoy reading their threads. :)
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bewarethewolfarmy · 8 years
hotshotparasaur said: It’s the Lemon Wheatgrass pizza he’s testing of course. :) (I would not be surprised) "It came out well," he said with a smile.
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Imagining a Mystery (hotshotparasaur)
Koda looks up as Chase enters the base. In front of him are a bunch of printouts about sightings around town. “Chase, we have something that’s not Sledge to check out.”
Koda slides over the testimony of a family who visited the museum that day. It mentions how all the children in the family seemed to witness six multi-colored trains at the station. None of the adults saw it, but every kid, regardless of where they were in the station, gave the same details about trains that just weren’t there.
“I don’t think Sledge is behind it. He hates kids. But we should check it out.”
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technopathicredhead · 8 years
Gives nose/forehead kisses.Chase
Gets jealous the most. Ruby
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive. Ruby
Takes care of on sick days. Take turns, though Ruby’s immune system isn’t the best, so she’s sick more often
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day. Chase
Gives unprompted massages. Ruby
Drives/rides shotgun. Mostly Chase driving with Ruby in Shotgun
Brings the other lunch at work. They both try to, doesn’t always end up happening.
Has the better parental relationship. Chase, as Ruby’s parents have both passed away
Tries to start role-playing in bed. They both do? But it usually ends with them cracking up laughing
Embarrassingly drunk dancer. Considering Ruby doesn’t drink. I’m gonna say Chase.
Still cries watching Titanic. Ruby’s actually never seen it so I don’t know
Firmly believes in couples costumes. Ruby
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas. Ruby
Makes the other eat breakfast. Both? it varies from day to day.
Remembers anniversaries. They both can be kinda bad at this.
Brings up having kids. Probably Ruby
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thefangedheroking · 8 years
Misunderstanding (@hotshotparasaur)
Daigo had decided to go traveling again since the Deboss army was defeated and the others had their own things to do. On his travels Daigo stopped in California and spotted a Museum and had to go see it. As Daigo walked in he spotted a man in black out of the corner of his eye. Thinking it was his team mate Daigo turned and yelled out. “Ian!”
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Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[Text: ???] You better chose your words more carefully.[Text: ???] You won’t like me when I’m angry.
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Being yourself (Future verse Drabble)
The first shove is enough to send the poor child reeling. The second makes Emma lose her balance, and the third makes her topple over, her skirts flying up even as her back falls into the mud puddle.
While Simon/Emma had received a lot of love from Kaylee and Faith when she made it known that she felt like a girl, the rest of the world was less welcoming of the change.
She had thought that if she went outside dressed as Emma, that she could make some new friends, and be happy. But the first encounter with kids her age now left her crying and her emerald green dress soaked in mud.
The bullies were about to step closer, and the leader picked up a glob of  mud to hurl at Emma’s face.
Before he could let it fly, all three bullies stopped.  Emma looked up to see two of her godfathers, fully morphed and standing between them. One in black, and one in gold.
“How dare you harm this little one?” Came the authoritative voice. Sir Ivan of Zandar  held up his Ptera Morpher, a finger on the launcher mechanism. “Dino Laughter Charger” He plugged a battery into the morpher and pulled the trigger. Ghostly finger reached out and started tickling the bullies to the point where their laughter became tears. And in that moment of distraction, Chase reached down to scoop up Emma.
The bullies soon ran away, not wanting to tangle with anyone who was protected by Power Rangers. Chase did his best to clean the mud off the dress. “Sir Ivan.” the black ranger said to his companion.
“Yes, Sir Chase?” Ivan responded.
“As a knight of a royal court, it is your job to ensure that no harm comes to a member of the royalty, is that correct?” Chase asks, half-joking.
“Indeed. Such is the burden I bear.” Ivan nodded.
“It seems our Princess Emma will need to be returned to King Koda and Queen Ruby, correct?” Chase’s attempt at sounding official brings a small smile to Emma’s face.
“While I would agree with you, Sir Chase, we cannot return the princess in this state. We must first make certain she is presentable.” Chase and Ivan each take one of her hands and lead Emma into a local thrift store, where they pool their money to make certain that Emma has a new dress and shoes to go with it.
When the little princess is returned to her mother later that day, she is wearing a different dress and her smile is bright. As Ivan kneels down in front of her, Emma gives him a small kiss on the forehead. “Thank you, Sir Ivan. you have served me well.”
Ivan stands back up. “Now that my duty as a knight has been fulfilled, perhaps I can also fulfilled my duty as a godfather. Chase, Emma, will you join me for a game of Mouse Trap?”
“Sounds fun to me, Ivan.” Chase smiles over at Ruby. “You want to play too? You can be the red mouse.”
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technopathicredhead · 8 years
Ruby smiled up at the stars, this was just one stop on her and Chase’s little road trip. It was kind of nice to get away from all the light and signal pollution of the city and just look up at the stars.
“So beauitful” She murmurs, “I haven’t done this since I was a kid, so thanks for doing this with me”  She admits as she looked over to Chase.
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neokyoryurainbow · 9 years
Meeting the Dino Rangers (Dino Charge)
Mana had decided to take a few days off from school and fighting bad guys to have a small trip to California. She wanted to go see all the sites before going home to her friends and team mates. As she was wondering the city Mana spotted a cool looking museum. Having been to one every once in a while Mana decided to go visit this new one. As she walked inside she spotted someone working on the fossils of the museum. Walking up to the person she tapped them on their shoulder. “Hey what kind of dinosaur is that?”
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scottishmechanic · 9 years
Nice Zord (hotshotparasaur)
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“Now that is a beautiful Zord.” Flynn smiles up at the Parasaur-Zord. “Parasaur, right?”
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