#how to stay healthy while traveling abroad
johaerys-writes · 3 months
I love disasters!AU so so so sooooo much. It added ten more years to my life expectancy. I wish to see your writings forever, if possible.
Anyway, I have a question! How old are Patroclus and Achilles in 2024, roughly? I assumed they'd be in their late 30s or early 40s by now, and wanted to make sure.
And do you have any hcs about them in their 20s, 30s and 40s that you don't mind sharing? Like, are they still together? I goddamn hope they are. What do they do for a living? What are their relationships with their parents and friends? Any hc would be sooo welcome! Have a nice day!
First of all, I love you for sending this ask dear anon 🫶 Any opportunity to talk about my favourite boys adds ten years to my lifespan LOL don't mind if I do
So the age question is kind of tricky because you're a walking disaster and yet- isn't set during a specific time period. Like the Phthia years have a 90s vibe, and the Athens years have a late 90s-early/00s vibe, but I never really had a specific year in mind. It's just vibes mostly lol. But like, assuming we start in the 90s, then I think in 2024 they'd be late 30s, early 40s. And of COURSE they're together, haha. I honestly don't see these two separating at all in that AU, not even as a joke. They're each other’s ride or die and I'm not saying it's exactly healthy (oops 🤣🫣), but I highlyyyy doubt either Achilles or Pat would even consider the possibility of taking a break.
As far as jobs and studies go, Achilles finishes his Architecture major in Athens, then probably does an internship in an architectural firm while Patroclus works part time as an usher in a small theatre and also as a theatre production assistant whenever the opportunity arises, helping making props and procuring materials and generally just running errands for the crew and the director lol. Then they move abroad for Achilles to do a masters degree (in their mid/late 20s?), I was thinking probably Italy, and Patroclus of course follows him. After a bunch of coaxing and convincing, Patroclus accepts Peleus' offer to pay for his studies as well, so the two of them spend a couple really lovely years just studying and travelling Italy and seeing all the sights and eating ALL the food and gelatto etc, and generally having the best of times. And then eventually they come back to Athens where Achilles opens up his own architectural firm (with daddy's help ofc), and Patroclus does his PhD in dramaturgy and starts teaching shortly after (hot professor Pat PLS 😩🤲)
As for the relationship with their parents and friends: they both have a really good relationship with Peleus, better than they did when they were younger. Turns out now that they're older Peleus is great for taking them to expensive restaurants and teaching them about wine and stuff, or taking them on boatrides (with his divorce mini yacht LMAO). Thetis is also in Athens and Achilles does see her often, most times on his own, sometimes with Patroclus. Pat and Thetis are not besties by any means but they get along for the most part. But I still don't think Pat ever truly warms up to her tbh, and Achilles doesn’t push it.
They still often go to Phthia for the holidays so they see Ajax & co, Menelaus and Agamemnon both stayed in Phthia as well so they see them too. Odysseus returns from time to time but they lose contact with him after several years. Dio and Briseis do actually get back together after college for a couple of years, but it just doesn't work out unfortunately, much to Diomedes' disappointment 😅
So yes Achilles and Pat are definitely together by the time they're 40, definitely living together, definitely have amassed an army of dogs at this point haha. Like shortly after the main fic ends they get another dog, and by the time Laika sadly passes away, they already have at least a couple more. And it just snow balls from there. Eventually they move into a bigger place with a yard somewhere in the northern suburbs of Athens, and they just have their cosy little life with their dogs and their vast collection of books, and it's just really really nice for them :')
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Now let’s talk about Sirius’ headspace a bit yeah? Nothing big. It’s not proper meta. Just wanna touch on it.
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Short hair Sirius being book accurate is 🥳🥳. All the Ben Barnes edits feel very good now. Considering he was on the run in PoA and he is still on the run now, the difference on his appearance and overall health has to do of course with the time passed, but also with people helping him, even if he can’t stay anywhere for long. Food he can steal, but showers? A haircut? A good night of sleep? Remus is helping him for sure, but I wonder who else, since he’s traveling abroad too.
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Ah. The PTSD. All the more reason for me to think Harry thinking he’s healthy has to do with people helping him. He should be a mess, and rightfully so. Yet he’s not. Not fully. In between that, he’s trying his best to parent Harry gently. Listening to his concerns. Reassuring him.
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Interesting backstory 👀 we still don’t know how Azkaban works. Are inmates let out every now and again? Were they in adjacent cells?
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That must have been rough. Seeing someone he knew to be guilty walk free because of connections (connections he too would have hadn’t he been disowned) while he was left to rot there even by his close friends while being innocent. It’s no wonder he hates Karkaroff that much.
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More Karkaroff salt. But also patiently explaining it to Harry, even if he is annoyed.
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Cool backstory on marauders to have.
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I am very afraid to know what Sirius Black was doing near dragons and why he would need to knock them out for.
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acabang · 2 years
Got no place else to post this, this page is effectively dormant and will go unnoticed so in a weird way I’m less anxious about sharing it. I just want to get it out somewhere for posterity.
I've never really talked about this with anyone but at the start of December 2021, literally the midnight after my older brother's birthday, I got hospitalized for about a month. I started feeling extreme back pain that I thought I could just sleep off but regardless of the position I tried, it felt like my chest was caving in. Which restricted my breathing, of course, then led to an elevated heartrate. Something that panicked me enough to believe I was having a heart attack. Not the inability to breath but the potential heart attack was what scared me. I don't know how much time had passed between when it first started and when I actually decided to call it in but in that time, I was just looking up whether I was actually having a heart attack or not.
In a relatively packed emergency room, one of the darkest well-lit rooms I've ever been in which was confusing, I was being isolated. This was all happening around the time when the Omicron variant was really starting to spread so they were taking some precautions. I tried to stay calm as best I could but I was essentially suffocating in a sectioned off room within emergency, full of other patients yelling for nurses overnight. I tried to be friendly with one of the nurses who was just getting it from one of the other patients, she told me she regularly dealt with drunks or people that were high so it didn't bother them that some older man was being annoying about wanting a room before everyone else.
They eventually get me to the hospital proper, isolated again, this time asking if I had tuberculosis. It wasn't until later, after they determined I didn't have it, that they were really only asking me about it and whether I've traveled recently 'cuz I'm Asian. I thought it was funny, I moved here when I was 4 and the only time I left was to visit family in LA when I was 5. I was stable enough but still having issues breathing, requiring the need for an oxygen machine that seemed to be set pretty high. They did enough tests to determine I needed surgery. I was getting tested pretty much my entire time I was there so I didn't have any opportunity to eat or anything, by the time I was back in my room and when I should've gotten something to eat I was told I couldn't 'cuz I was going to surgery "soon". It wasn't soon.
I wake up in the ICU, all wired up, a tube down my throat, with more tubes coming out of my chest attached to a pump and they tell me I had necrotizing pneumonia. I guess enough liquid had seeped through my lung, causing my breathing to be restricted so they had to drain it out and put me on antibiotics so the holes in my lung could heal up, I think. Bedridden, unable to really move 'cuz of the tubes attached to my body, with nothing to distract my mind and not being able to receive visitors 'cuz of Omicron- I've always been a loner but that experience broke me a couple times over the course of the next couple of weeks. I was pretty much one of the only patients that was conscious in the ICU, it seemed like, so one of the nurses interacted with me quite regularly, more than the others who usually just came in for check ups, tests then leave. They would talk to me about their family, some who even worked in the same hospital, their own surgery they had a while back, their work abroad, even tried to convince me to join them at the hospital after I healed up, joking about how we could continue the Filipino nurse stereotype.
After determining I was healthy enough, and with the lack of space within the ICU, I eventually get moved to the hospital proper again. I get moved into a room with another patient who was already there, the nurses told me they pretty much slept all day. Their older daughter visited, I'd hear them pray and she would sing to him to help them remember. They died a few nights later. I woke up to them sounding like they were drowning and a bunch of nurses attending to them.
I was told by the doctors that I've pretty much healed up, I still had a lot of liquid constricting the lung but enough had been pumped out that it was safe to be released soon. I wanted out of there as soon as possible but was convinced to have the surgery again to drain out the rest of the fluid.
I wake up, not in ICU this time but waiting to be transferred to a new room, my heart feeling like it was prior to being hospitalized and funnily talking to the nurse seemingly delirious after having just gotten out of surgery. I get moved to my new room, new roommate, had to be pumped with painkillers this time. The first surgery for some reason I didn't have much issues with, maybe I had already been being pumped with painkillers by the time I woke up in ICU, and this was because I came out straight from surgery, I don't know. Nurses noticed I wasn't eating properly after the surgery, I didn't have an appetite, on top of the food not really being great. Also I would hear my new roommate constantly vomiting whenever we were supposed to eat, which may have contributed to me not having an appetite. They would get violent with the nurses whenever they needed to do blood tests on them. That roommate also died a few nights later.
One of the nurses recognized how severely depressed I was and offered some counseling from one of their experts. I accepted at first, they suggested I try out some meds, maybe join them for group therapy but I eventually opted out. Probably a mistake. Physically, they finally determined enough, or all, the liquid had been drained out of me and my surgeon came late at night to check on me and decided on the spot they would remove the tubes and pump essentially anchoring me down for pretty much the past three weeks. Though still obviously recovering from surgery wounds I was relieved that I could finally move around. That first night without the tubes attached, I woke up to the side of my bed completely soaked with leftover liquid and blood that seeped out. The rest of my stay at the hospital was mostly physical therapy, being bedridden for most of it, I had to basically get used to walking around again.
It's been around eight months since all this happened, I'm technically "recovered". That was really my first time ever getting hospitalized, I try not to think about what I went through but at least once a day some part of that experience will flash in my brain. Especially on days when it feels like I still have the tubes & pump attached to my lung. I still have trouble sleeping in any other position but directly facing up, I used to be more of a side sleeper. My scars don't hurt but the area around it constantly feels numb. All this shit running through my head, every day for the past eight months.
More than recalling all of that, I think about how I considered not calling it in. I don't know if I've developed some hypochondriac paranoia because of what I went through but I'm starting to feel like I'm having trouble breathing again. Not like my chest is caving in like the first time but I'm breathing deeper to the point of actually noticing myself do it. And if it turns out to be something legitimate again, I've found myself wondering if maybe this time I won't call it in and just let myself suffocate alone just to avoid going through that entire ordeal again. I've always had issues with my mental health, ever since I was in high school, it never occurred to me that my physical health deteriorating would destroy it even further. I’ve been brought down low many times before but these days have felt the lowest...
We'll move on or we won't, that's still to be determined. Shit's tough.
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jyotishwithakshayg · 1 month
Today's Horoscope 29 April 2024: Today people of this zodiac sign will have to be cautious about health.
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Aaj Ka Rashifal 29 April 2024: Are you wondering what the stars have brought for you today? know how your day will be.
It is Monday 29th April 2024. According to religious beliefs, Monday is dedicated to Lord Shankar. On this day, Lord Shankar is worshiped with rituals. By worshiping Lord Shankar, one gets freedom from all the obstacles in life and brings happiness, prosperity, and prosperity in life. According to astrological calculations, 29th April is going to be very auspicious for some zodiac signs while others may have to face minor problems in life.
Today's Horoscope 29 April 2024:
Aries- Some people of the Aries zodiac sign can achieve their goals. The support and enthusiasm of those who care about you can do wonders for your motivation. Every decision you make, no matter how small, will impact your future. Investors have access to a variety of opportunities that can yield significant returns for business owners. If you and your spouse are hoping to start a family, good news is coming at the beginning of the day. In all likelihood, students may achieve the academic success they had hoped for. You can close the purchase and sale of a house by the end of this week, so things will move in that direction. The opportunity to travel internationally may come true for some of you.
Taurus – Taurus people should have a successful day at work. You can finally figure out how to fix the problem you are having. A healthy lifestyle focused on a balanced diet and regular exercise should be prioritized. Your siblings may need your help in something. Your optimism and enthusiasm will breathe new life into your relationship. It seems that things will be blissful in your married life, but one of you may face a health problem. If you decide to continue your education, the work you've already done in the field will serve you well. Home and apartment seekers may have better luck in the near future.
Gemini - This day can be a turning point professionally for Gemini people. You may find the confidence and bravery to take some bold steps. If you want your money to go further, you need to do something about it. The time has come to plan for better financial management. If you are truly committed to each other, marriage may happen in the near future. It is important to take a break as soon as you and your loved ones feel the need to. Some people may welcome a new member to the family. Currently, real estate is not a good investment.
Cancer – All your professional hard work may start bearing fruit. Instead of locking up your money, keep it somewhere safer and more profitable. Don't argue with anyone if you can help it. There may be unnecessary stress due to discord in the family. You should cherish the opportunity to expand your work. Students should notice a lot of changes this week. Those dreaming of traveling abroad may be able to fulfill them. Excessive fluctuations in real estate can be detrimental to your financial security and should be avoided. This is a good day for Cancerians to focus on their relationships with their loved ones.
Leo – If you are a Leo, then this day can be the luckiest for your love. Singles can make new friends, and old couples can share something truly memorable. There is a good chance that all your worries will go away this week. Make sure you are not at the center of work and be prepared to work hard. Take advantage of this time to do things that make you happy and relax with your friends. Changing your routine by visiting a new restaurant or mall can help you feel better. Leo students should stay focused and not get distracted. In all likelihood, this day is the time when you should sell or buy a home. You will be able to invest in your future while achieving positive results.
Virgo – You can look forward to a busy day as there are opportunities for improvement in your career and finances. You will need your resourcefulness and creativity to overcome the obstacles coming your way. You can potentially grow your wealth through judicious stock market investments. If you want a more pleasurable life experience, make good decisions and engage in activities that make you happy. Family commitments will consume your time and energy, making it difficult to concentrate on other matters. There is a possibility that you and your love interest will meet an old friend or acquaintance. It's a bad idea to disregard the advice of your peers if they offer any. Don't be afraid of criticism on the academic front.
Libra- People of the Libra zodiac can find solace in their family. When you treat your loved ones the way you want to be treated If that is done with you, it can help you bring peace to troubled relationships. You may continue to focus on building partnerships and new ventures to strengthen your economic base. Take advantage of your free time by engaging in activities that bring you joy or fulfill goals you've long wanted to accomplish. If you respect your seniors properly, they will provide you with guidance. Travel will be hectic and will not bring happiness. However, a student's hard work and preparation on a given assignment or exam can be rewarded with a high score.
Scorpio – The day is favorable for Scorpio people to travel and experience new things. Revisit past holiday plans or go down a completely new path to brainstorm with your loved ones. Your mind may also begin to clear, which will help you feel calm. Your professional output may increase as a result. If anything, your health is likely to deteriorate. It's a good idea to stick to a regular exercise regimen. Prospective students may have good luck getting admission into the school of their choice. If it works, it could enhance your family's prestige. Any legal dispute regarding family property can be resolved. It may be helpful for Leo people to seek advice from their parents or other older relatives.
Sagittarius- This is a great day for Sagittarius people. Music has the ability to treat both mental and physical health problems. Instead of reacting to anything, you will focus on saving money to secure your future. Some couples will come closer to each other as they pursue mutual interests. There couldn't be a better week for students of creative subjects to gear up and get their work done. To get better from any health problem if you really try. The time has passed to meet a distant relative, doing so can help in maintaining peace.
Capricorn - For Capricorn people, this day can provide relief from chronic pain. Keep your courage and resist the urge to sell out of the market. If you have difficulty concentrating on one task, this can lead to mistakes and other problems at work. On the other hand, having a stable environment at home can help you feel more mentally relaxed. Some students may feel like wasting time. If they need guidance, they should seek it from trusted adults such as teachers and role models. Booking problems may arise at the last minute, making it necessary to reconsider your trip. Some of you may get transferred to your stalled house or property earlier than expected.
Aquarius – Aquarius people can expect a prosperous and fruitful day in their careers and finances. You may get new opportunities to progress in the field of your choice. This week is best for organizing private religious functions or festivals at home. Some people will get a chance to improve relationships with their loved ones. Some Aquarius people will experience some obstacles in the way of love. A high score on an important test can mean acceptance into a top school for students. Some people are not able to exercise as often as they should due to a lack of time at work. Moderate exercise can help you maintain your mobility. Your company may need to endure a tiring journey. There is a possibility that you may get favorable discounts on the rent or lease of your house.
Pisces - Pisces may feel especially confident due to the success of many of their recent choices. Your social reputation and bank balance may improve by the middle of the day. Perhaps changes for the better will help you maintain your positive attitude. You may have to wait a while for your dream job. Despite tension at home, remain cordial with your partner. This day is likely to be successful for Pisces students who are studying medicine or engineering. Saving money on travel requires some creative thinking. Therefore, it is best to be prepared for anything. Do not deal in disputed property. As a result, your investment capital may suffer a loss.
Akshay Jamdagni: Expert in Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Horoscope Reading, Education, Business, Health, Festivals, and Puja, provide you with the best solutions and suggestions for your life’s betterment. 9837376839
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visagurukl · 2 months
Unveiling Insider Tips for Studying Abroad
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Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience that opens doors to new cultures, perspectives, and opportunities. Whether you're planning to spend a semester, a year, or more in a foreign country, it's essential to approach this adventure with preparation and an open mind. In this blog, we'll delve into insider tips that can enhance your study abroad experience and help you make the most of this transformative journey.
1. Research Your Destination Thoroughly: Before jetting off to your study abroad destination, take the time to research and understand the local culture, customs, and norms. Familiarize yourself with the language, currency, transportation options, and essential services. This knowledge will not only make your transition smoother but also help you feel more confident and connected to your new environment.
2. Embrace Cultural Immersion: One of the most significant benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture. Step out of your comfort zone, engage with locals, participate in cultural activities, and try new foods. Embracing cultural immersion will broaden your horizons, foster personal growth, and deepen your understanding of the world.
3. Stay Organized: Balancing academics, travel, and personal exploration can be challenging while studying abroad. Stay organized by creating a schedule or planner to manage your coursework, deadlines, and travel plans. Prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and allocate time for both academic responsibilities and leisure activities.
4. Connect with Locals and Fellow Students: Building meaningful connections with locals and fellow international students can enrich your study abroad experience. Attend social events, join clubs or organizations, and participate in community activities to meet new people and create lasting friendships. These connections can also provide valuable insights, support, and networking opportunities.
5. Explore Beyond Tourist Attractions: While iconic landmarks and tourist hotspots are worth visiting, don't limit yourself to the typical tourist experience. Explore hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods, and local hangouts to discover the authentic charm of your host country. Venture beyond guidebooks and embrace serendipitous adventures.
6. Practice Self-Care: Amidst the excitement of studying abroad, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Take time to rest, recharge, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Seek support if you're experiencing homesickness, culture shock, or academic stress. Balance academic excellence with personal well-being to make the most of your study abroad journey.
7. Document Your Experience: Capture memories and moments from your study abroad adventure through photos, journals, blogs, or vlogs. Documenting your experience not only preserves precious memories but also allows you to reflect on your growth, challenges, and accomplishments. Share your insights and stories with others to inspire future travelers.
8. Be Open-Minded and Flexible: Studying abroad often comes with unexpected twists, challenges, and cultural differences. Approach these experiences with an open mind, curiosity, and flexibility. Embrace diversity, adapt to new situations, and learn from every encounter, whether positive or challenging. Embracing a growth mindset will enrich your study abroad journey and broaden your perspective.
9. Seek Academic and Cultural Support: Take advantage of resources and support services offered by your host institution or study abroad program. Attend orientation sessions, workshops, and cultural events to gain valuable insights, academic guidance, and cultural understanding. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance or advice whenever needed.
10. Reflect and Apply Your Learnings: As your study abroad experience comes to an end, take time to reflect on your journey, achievements, and lessons learned. Consider how this experience has impacted your personal, academic, and professional growth. Apply your newfound knowledge, skills, and perspectives to future endeavors, whether it's further education, career pursuits, or global engagement.
Studying abroad is not just about academics; it's a transformative adventure that shapes your worldview, enhances your skills, and fosters lifelong memories. By embracing these insider tips and approaching your study abroad experience with curiosity, resilience, and an open heart, you'll embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and cultural immersion that will stay with you long after you return home.
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emilysychta · 3 months
Prepping for Prague!
As you may know, I am getting ready to travel to Prague in the Czech Republic as part of IPE's Engineering in Prague summer program! I am incredibly excited for this opportunity and I can’t wait to experience the beautiful city of Prague and the wonderful Czech language and culture.
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The Beautiful city of Prague (Photo courtesy of Anthony Delanoix)
Although I don’t leave Michigan until the end of May, this trip has been on my mind for what feels like all day every day. I am always thinking about something relating to my upcoming travels, and I’ve come up with a pretty good list of things I need to consider and prepare for before I hop on the flight there.
#1: Language and Cultural Differences
As a person who was born and raised here in Michigan, I can say that I haven't had many culture shock experiences in my life. I have always been surrounded by people who understand both my language and culture, and that's part of the reason why I am so excited to travel and study internationally! While I’m in the Czech Republic, I will need to cross language and cultural barriers to interact with locals and get the most out of this experience.
Czech is a beautiful language spoken by over 10 million people! Many younger people in Czechia speak at least a little bit of English as well, but I should not rely on locals to speak my native language while in my host country. This means I need to learn Czech (at least a little bit)! I want to be able to greet locals in their native tongue, have polite manners, and be able to ask for help or directions when needed, and I want to be able to do this before I arrive in the Czech Republic. This will make my travel a bit easier, and allow me to learn more intermediate Czech while in Prague!
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While I am busy with schoolwork a lot of the time, I have already started my Czech learning journey! While it has remained pretty elementary, like learning the Czech alphabet (Pictured above) and some basic phrases, any progress is better than none!
The cultural differences are something that are a little more tricky to prepare for. Culture shock is a real thing, and I am preparing myself as well as I can to feel discomfort after arriving in Czechia. While YouTube videos and online articles can help me understand the culture a bit better, I won't really be able to experience the Czech way of life until I arrive in May. Really, I’m more preparing myself for this feeling and building an understanding that being uncomfortable is a natural and very normal reaction to being immersed in new customs and lifestyles, at least for a little while!
#2: Coursework Adjustments
While being immersed in the language and culture is a big part of this international experience, I am also going there to spend time in the classroom. I will be taking both a math and an intellectual breadth course, and I am interested in seeing how different the classroom will look for both a student and a professor. Will lectures be in a similar style to U of M? How will Homework look? How differently is a student supposed to act both in and out of class? These are all questions that I have been pondering for some time now, and I’m incredibly excited to find out firsthand!
Another thing I have considered is how to balance coursework and exploring the beautiful city of Prague. I definitely want to be able to experience a lot of new things while abroad, but I also take pride in my coursework and would like to stay on top of my classes. It will take time to adjust, but I'm confident that I can strike a healthy balance!
#3 Roommates and Housing
Ever since finding out about the housing situation for this Study Abroad experience, I have been so excited to find out who my roommates will be and where exactly in the city we would be living. Just this week, I have been able to interact with other students in the same program, both from U of M and other universities across the country. I have talked to some really amazing people, and I’m getting really excited about the prospect of sharing a room and an apartment with some of them!
For the apartment location, I only recently found out that it is around a 30-minute commute to campus by public transportation. This is about what my current commute to North Campus is like in Ann Arbor, so hopefully this aspect of life will be pretty similar! 
While I typically take the Bus to class every morning, Prague has an extensive metro system in addition to its buses, which gives me another option to travel to and from campus!
#4: What to Pack
This is one of my biggest worries whenever I am traveling, even when I'm driving to my childhood home for just a weekend! I always want to take way more with me than I should, and then I have heavy bags and items I never use. With this trip being across the Atlantic Ocean, I'm a bit more limited on what luggage I can bring, so I need to be very meticulous about what clothes, toiletries, and miscellaneous items I take with me. How else will I fit my entire closet in one suitcase!
But in all seriousness, I will need to plan extensively for typical Czech weather patterns as well as be mindful of what activities I want to do while abroad and factor that into my packing choices. Czech summers are very similar to here in Michigan, if not a little bit cooler, so I fortunately have a bit of experience dressing for the weather!
There are many more things that have crossed my mind when I think about traveling to Prague this summer, but this list would just go on forever if I wrote them all down! I do have a few worries about how I will adjust this summer, but I am simply too excited to let these worries bog me down. 
That's everything for now! More updates closer to my departure in May.
Na shledanou,
Emily Sychta
Electrical Engineering
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datseabass · 5 months
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad / eBay
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Discover our top tips on how to stay healthy while exploring the world. From packing essentials to staying active, we've got you covered.
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norwegianroyalfamily · 7 months
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How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad / eBay Wanderlust taking you overseas? Don't forget to prioritize your health. Our guide provides insider tips for staying healthy while jet-setting.
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blangkongpahina · 7 months
tatablan din pala ako ng sakit. flu season na naman and I’m so unlucky to have it at this moment kasi need ko na matapos yung chapters 1-3 ng thesis ko. nasira pa laptop ko. what a mess. I’m so bitter to be honest na wala akong bakasyon the whole time last week because I’m working on my papers pero ganun talaga. I’m manifesting that next year will be different. malay mo travel abroad yun who knows *wink*.
I’d like to honor my body kasi hindi na ako sakitin. for the whole year ngayon lang din ako tinamaan ng sakit kahit lahat na ng tao dito sa bahay may sakit kapag nagbabago yung panahon unlike prepandemic halos buwan-buwan ako nilalagnat o hinihika. sobrang lala. I’m so happy that I’ve managed to have a good relationship with food and nutrition. tinigilan ko na rin mag-diet kasi alam ko naman unbalanced naman talaga yung ginagawa ko dati just to stay fit. grabe yung paglilimit ko ng pagkain before. sobrang toxic in a way because I don’t understand how food fuels the body and how consuming less nutrients can affect your overall health. I guess my turning point was when I had Covid twice tapos two consecutive years na birthday ko yun pareho. sobrang lungkot haha. that’s when I decided na I will be healthy and be gentle with my body. I gained a few lbs now but I do feel better compared to my previous years. baka kulang na lang din ako sa pahinga ngayon kasi kailangan ko gumawa ng homework araw-araw para umabot ako sa deadline sa school. I only sleep 5 hours a day tapos medyo nagkakaron na naman ako ng hormonal imbalance pero kaya ko to. laban lang mima.
Here I am while resting the whole day. I hope everyone’s okay too.
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cat-chit-ananda · 7 months
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad / eBay
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Discover our top tips on how to stay healthy while exploring the world. From packing essentials to staying active, we've got you covered.
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sesamecare · 8 months
acation-Friendly Healthcare: Your Guide to Staying Healthy While Traveling
Vacations are a time for relaxation, exploration, and making cherished memories. However, unexpected health issues can put a damper on your travel plans. Vacation-friendly healthcare is all about ensuring that you can enjoy your trip without worrying about medical concerns. In this article, we'll explore the concept of vacation-friendly healthcare and provide you with essential tips to stay healthy while on the go.
Understanding Vacation-Friendly Healthcare:
Vacation-friendly healthcare is a concept that emphasizes the ease and accessibility of medical services and support for travelers. Whether you're embarking on a weekend getaway or an extended international journey, it's essential to have a plan in place to address potential health-related issues.
Preparation is Key:
Before you embark on your vacation, consider the following steps to ensure your trip is health-conscious and trouble-free:
Travel Insurance: Purchase travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. This can be a lifesaver in case of unforeseen health issues while abroad.
Vaccinations and Medications: If you're traveling to a foreign country, research any required or recommended vaccinations. Make sure you have an ample supply of your regular medications and carry them in their original packaging.
Medical Records: Create a travel folder with essential medical records, including your health insurance information, a list of allergies and current medications, and contact details for your primary care physician.
First Aid Kit: Pack a small first aid kit with basic supplies, such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any specific medications you may need during your trip.
Accessing Healthcare While Traveling:
When you're away from home, you may need medical care or assistance. Here are some tips for accessing healthcare while on vacation:
Know the Local Healthcare System: Research the healthcare system in your travel destination. Understand how medical services are provided, where the nearest hospitals or clinics are located, and what kind of care is available.
Emergency Services: Familiarize yourself with the local emergency contact numbers, which may vary from one country to another. In Europe, for example, 112 is a common emergency number.
Pharmacies: Locate nearby pharmacies and make a note of their opening hours. Pharmacies can often provide over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies.
Travel Health Clinics: In some countries, there are specialized travel health clinics that can provide travel-related vaccinations and medical advice for international travelers.
Telemedicine: Many travelers find telemedicine services valuable, as they can connect with a healthcare provider remotely. Check if your health insurance covers telehealth services or explore local telemedicine options.
Staying Healthy on Vacation:
The best way to enjoy your vacation is to stay healthy and prevent common health issues. Here are some guidelines for a vacation-friendly healthcare routine:
Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can be a common issue, especially in warm or tropical destinations. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption.
Healthy Eating: While indulging in local cuisine is part of the travel experience, try to maintain a balanced diet. Incorporate fruits and vegetables to support your immune system.
Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays by using sunscreen and wearing appropriate clothing, hats, and sunglasses.
Hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene practices, including regular handwashing. Carry hand sanitizer for times when soap and water are not readily available.
Rest and Sleep: Ensure you get enough rest and sleep. Traveling and exploring can be physically demanding, so listen to your body and rest when needed.
Be Cautious with Activities: Engage in adventure activities with care, following safety guidelines and wearing protective gear when necessary.
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hope-consultants · 8 months
Healthcare and Wellness Abroad: Staying Healthy Throughout Your Studies
Studying abroad is an exciting and transformative experience that opens doors to new cultures and opportunities. While immersing yourself in another country, it's vital to prioritize your health and well-being. This blog will guide you on how to stay healthy during your studies abroad, ensuring a satisfying and enriching experience.
Research Before Departure
Before embarking on your journey, be sure to research the healthcare system of your host country. Understanding the availability and quality of healthcare services is crucial. You should also ensure that you have the necessary health insurance and understand its coverage for international students.
Immunizations and Health Preparations
Updating your immunizations is an important step before traveling. Some countries may require specific vaccines or health precautions, so check with your healthcare provider. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and exercise can help strengthen your immune system.
Access to Healthcare
Know how to find local medical facilities and clinics in your host country. It's important to register with a local doctor or healthcare provider to ensure you have access to care when needed. Many universities also offer international student health centers, which can provide support and guidance.
Mental Health and Support
Don't overlook your mental health. Studying abroad can be emotionally challenging as you navigate cultural differences and homesickness. Familiarize yourself with available counseling and support services in your host country. Cultural adjustment can impact mental health, so it's essential to learn coping strategies and seek help if needed.
Pharmacies and Medications
Understanding how to obtain medications in your host country is vital. Each country may have different regulations regarding prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It's wise to carry essential medications and prescriptions from home in case they're not readily available.
Emergency Preparedness
In the event of a medical emergency, know the local emergency numbers and have contact information for healthcare facilities on hand. It's advisable to keep essential documents, including medical records and insurance information, easily accessible.
Cultural Considerations
Recognize that cultural attitudes toward healthcare and wellness may vary. Respect local customs and practices while being aware of any cultural differences that might impact your health. Learn about common healthcare customs in your host country to navigate the system effectively.
Diet and Nutrition
Exploring local cuisine is a delightful part of studying abroad. However, maintaining a balanced diet is important for your health. Be aware of dietary restrictions or preferences and seek out options that align with your nutritional needs.
Physical Activity and Wellness Activities
Staying physically active is a great way to maintain your health and reduce stress. Check if your host country offers gyms, sports facilities, or fitness classes. Engaging in wellness activities can not only keep you physically fit but also help you relax and adjust to your new environment.
Prioritizing your health and wellness throughout your study abroad experience is essential for a successful and enriching journey. By researching healthcare systems, preparing for health challenges, and embracing cultural considerations, you can ensure a healthy and satisfying time studying abroad. Your health is your greatest asset; take care of it to make the most of your adventure.
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flushotdoctor · 8 months
Staying Healthy Abroad: The Importance of Travel Health Services
Travelling abroad can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it also comes with certain health risks. To ensure a safe and enjoyable journey, it's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. Travel health services play a pivotal role in this regard. Here's why they are essential for any international traveller:
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Pre-Travel Consultations
Before embarking on your international adventure, it's advisable to schedule a pre-travel consultation with a running podiatrist. These experts can assess your specific health needs, review your medical history, and provide personalized recommendations. They will discuss essential vaccinations, medications, and health precautions tailored to your destination.
Vaccinations and Immunizations
Different regions of the world may pose unique health risks due to diseases not commonly encountered in your home country. Travel health services can provide you with up-to-date information on required and recommended vaccinations. Staying current on immunizations can protect you from serious illnesses such as yellow fever, hepatitis, or typhoid.
Disease Prevention
Beyond vaccinations, travel health services offer valuable guidance on preventing common travel-related diseases. They can educate you on safe food and water consumption, mosquito-borne illnesses, and other health hazards specific to your destination. Taking these precautions can greatly reduce your risk of falling ill during your trip.
Medication Management
If you require prescription medications, travel health specialists can assist you in planning your supply for the duration of your trip. They can also provide information on potential drug interactions, ensuring your continued well-being while abroad.
Travel Insurance
Travel health services often recommend and assist in obtaining comprehensive travel insurance. This coverage can prove indispensable in case of unexpected medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or delays. Having the right insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security during your journey.
Emergency Response Planning
In the unfortunate event of a medical emergency abroad, knowing where to seek medical care and how to communicate effectively can be crucial. Travel health services can equip you with emergency contact information and guidance on navigating the local healthcare system, helping you receive prompt and appropriate care when needed.
Prioritizing your health and safety while abroad ensures a more enjoyable and worry-free experience. By seeking professional guidance and following recommended precautions, you can explore the world with confidence and peace of mind.
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parulverma30 · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Travel Credit Cards: Unlocking Rewards and Perks
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The Ultimate Guide to Travel Credit Cards: Unlocking Rewards and Perks" is your passport to a world of smarter, more rewarding travel. In this comprehensive 300-word description, we'll provide you with an overview of what you can expect to find in this ultimate guide.
Introduction to Travel Credit Cards Travel credit cards are not just plastic in your wallet; they're powerful tools that can transform the way you explore the world. We kick off the guide by explaining the fundamental concepts of travel credit cards and why they are indispensable for travelers.
Maximizing Rewards Learn the art of maximizing your rewards. Discover how you can earn points, miles, or cashback on everyday purchases and harness these earnings to unlock unforgettable travel experiences. From free flights to luxury hotel stays, we'll show you how to make the most of your card's rewards program.
Exclusive Perks Travel credit cards come with a treasure trove of exclusive perks. Dive into a world of VIP airport lounge access, priority boarding, free checked bags, and complimentary room upgrades. We'll provide insights on how to fully enjoy these benefits during your journeys.
Choosing the Right Card Not all travel credit cards are created equal. Our guide walks you through the process of selecting the perfect card that aligns with your travel goals. Whether you prefer budget-friendly options, luxury travel experiences, or a mix of both, we'll help you find the ideal card for you.
Understanding Points Systems Travel credit cards employ various points systems, including airline miles, hotel points, and flexible rewards. We demystify these systems, outlining how they operate and highlighting their respective advantages and drawbacks.
Annual Fees We shed light on the often-debated topic of annual fees. Learn how to evaluate whether a card's annual fee is justified, considering the rewards and benefits it provides. We'll also share tips on how to offset these fees through the card's perks.
Credit Card Safety Safety is paramount when using credit cards. We offer essential tips on how to use your travel credit card securely, protecting yourself from fraud and unauthorized charges.
Travel Insurance Many travel credit cards offer valuable insurance coverage for trip cancellations, delays, lost luggage, and more. Discover how to leverage this coverage to ensure peace of mind during your travels.
Credit Score Considerations Understand how opening and closing credit card accounts can affect your credit score. Learn how to maintain a healthy credit profile while enjoying the benefits of travel cards.
Case Studies and Real-Life Examples Get inspired by real-world examples of individuals who have harnessed travel credit cards to score incredible travel deals. These case studies illustrate the immense potential of these cards.
Frequent Flyer Programs Explore airline frequent flyer programs and their synergy with travel credit card rewards. Uncover strategies to earn additional points and miles, propelling your travels to new heights.
International Travel Tips For globetrotters, we provide valuable advice on using your travel credit card abroad, addressing currency conversion and foreign transaction fees.
By the time you've completed this ultimate guide, you'll be a savvy traveler armed with the knowledge to select the ideal travel credit card, maximize your rewards, and unlock a world of travel perks that will elevate your journeys and make them more affordable and enjoyable. Bon voyage!
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oceanmedicalsblog · 9 months
Comprehensive Travel Medicine Services at Bondi Rd Doctors
Traveling is an exciting adventure, but it often comes with its own set of health considerations. Whether you're planning an exotic getaway or a business trip, ensuring that you're in good health is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Bondi Rd Doctors, located in the heart of Bondi, Sydney, understands the importance of Bondi Travel Medicine and offers a range of services to help you stay healthy while exploring the world.
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Travel Medicine Services at Bondi Rd Doctors:
Pre-Travel Consultations: Before embarking on your journey, it's essential to consult with a travel medicine specialist. At Bondi Rd Doctors, you can schedule a pre-travel consultation to discuss your travel plans, health history, and vaccination requirements. Our experienced doctors will provide you with personalized advice and vaccinations tailored to your destination.
Vaccinations and Immunizations: Staying up-to-date with vaccinations is a fundamental aspect of travel medicine. Bondi Rd Doctors offers a comprehensive range of travel vaccinations, including those for common travel-related illnesses such as hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and yellow fever. Our medical professionals will make sure you're adequately protected based on your travel itinerary.
Travel Health Advice: Each destination has its unique health risks, from tropical diseases to altitude sickness. Our team at Bondi Rd Doctors will provide you with specific advice on how to stay healthy during your travels. This includes tips on food and water safety, insect bite prevention, and managing common travel ailments like traveler's diarrhea.
Prescription Medications: If you require prescription medications while abroad, our doctors can help you plan and prescribe necessary medications. They will also advise you on how to store and take your medicines properly during your trip.
Post-Travel Care: Upon your return, it's essential to monitor your health for any post-travel illnesses or symptoms. Bondi Rd Doctors is here to provide post-travel health assessments and treatment if needed.
Specialized Travel Medicine Clinics: For travelers with complex health concerns or those planning extended journeys, Bondi Rd Doctors offers specialized travel medicine clinics. These clinics can provide in-depth evaluations and personalized health plans for your travel needs.
Why Choose Bondi Rd Doctors for Travel Medicine:
Experienced Medical Team: Our clinic boasts a team of experienced doctors who specialize in travel medicine, ensuring you receive the best possible care.
Convenient Location: Located in Bondi, one of Sydney's most popular destinations, our clinic is easily accessible for residents and travelers alike.
Comprehensive Services: From pre-travel consultations to post-travel care, Bondi Rd Doctors is your one-stop destination for all your travel medicine needs.
Personalized Care: We understand that every traveler is unique, and our services are tailored to your specific travel plans and health requirements.
When it comes to international travel, your health and well-being should be a top priority. Bondi Rd Doctors offers comprehensive travel medicine services designed to keep you healthy and safe during your adventures. From vaccinations to expert advice, we have you covered. Trust us to ensure that your journey is not only memorable but also a healthy one.
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qadri-international · 9 months
How to Prepare for Culture Shock While Studying Abroad
What is Culture Shock? Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation and discomfort when you encounter a new culture that is significantly different from your own. It's a natural response to the unfamiliar customs, language, food, and social norms of your host country. Culture shock can affect anyone, regardless of their previous travel experience, but understanding its stages can help you manage it effectively.
The Stages of Culture Shock:
Honeymoon Stage: This initial phase is marked by excitement and fascination with everything new. You're enthusiastic and open-minded about the host culture.
Frustration Stage: As time goes by, you start to encounter challenges and differences that can be frustrating. You may feel homesick, have difficulty communicating, or struggle with daily tasks.
Adjustment Stage: Gradually, you adapt to the new culture. You develop coping strategies, make local friends, and become more comfortable with the host country's way of life.
Acceptance Stage: In this final stage, you fully accept the host culture and feel at home. You may even start to appreciate and enjoy the differences that initially caused discomfort.
How to Prepare for Culture Shock:
Research and Education: Before you go abroad, learn as much as possible about your host country's culture, history, and customs. Understanding what to expect can reduce the initial shock.
Language Skills: Learning some basic phrases and language skills can help you navigate everyday situations and build connections with locals.
Cultural Sensitivity: Develop an open and respectful mindset. Be curious and willing to embrace different ways of life.
Stay Connected: Keep in touch with friends and family back home to combat homesickness. At the same time, make an effort to connect with locals and other international students.
Maintain Healthy Habits: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep can help you manage stress and emotional ups and downs.
Seek Support: Most universities offer support services for international students. Don't hesitate to reach out to counselors or student organizations for guidance and assistance.
Click Here to Learn More @ https://qadri-international.com/culture-shock-preparation-studying-abroad/
Conclusion: Culture shock is a natural part of the study abroad experience, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. With proper preparation, an open mind, and a willingness to adapt, you can successfully navigate the stages of culture shock and make the most of your time studying abroad. Embrace the challenges and differences as opportunities for personal growth and cultural enrichment. Your study abroad journey will not only expand your academic horizons but also your understanding of the world and yourself.
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