#htsx reader
june-again · 4 months
lover part 5 (because you guys have neen requesting it so mych tbank you) jimib x teader fluff and smut.
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hi guys thank you so much for your pashons. i have to write a fanfic for you about jimin who is a member of the bts. i love him i want his chiljin,!
tso here is part 5 whete they go to a jackson wang parte
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my name is [name] and you like jimin park from bts which is a kpop group from kiria. his collarbone is so harp
so we've been marreed for eleven years and four months. we just stopt our honeymoon and so now he calls me honey boney halloon bear. i think it's so aegyeo of him. annyeonghasaeyo.
So i was making him dinner after his dance practice when he kame in so swetty because he was dancing practice with jamjoon. Theu were swetty all over and his abs were all over the place in our hous.
"babygrill sweetums sue. I want to go to a party with you.
i said yes so happy we went to jacksin wang
at the party there was a man named flicks. he was an Australian with freckils and a one blonde hair.
he lookes like me" i sed
"no girliepop don't say that youre so mucg more scrumshis. he is hust a rat. from Australian basement"
"I'm going to leave you for him," I declared.
he cride and ate a lot of margaritas. Even the bartender was pretty like me. i realized thay the real Love was me the wuole time. i ienw i was rite when a man named jungkok came over
he said "yuor so pretty i think you look like every kan in this rum."
"i now"
he kissed me right then and there and his lips
then we wetnt to a bedroom and did a sex.
the end
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the end
thaNK YOU GUYS FOR READING!&!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!! i love myself as bts always wanted me to. guys stream love yourself best aobum
taglist @short4life @rainswept @howdyfriend @beingsuneone @so2uv let me know wif you want to be on the taglist so thay you obow when i update this fic witg more parts like this one which had smut
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bye follow for more like and reblogs ples
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