#i DO NOT get cold easily. i can overheat in like. january
fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Lads. I have a trial shift at this coffee shop on Monday and I think the weather is still going to be hot but idk if wearing shorts is acceptable at this workplace or not. Further details in tags
#my previous/most recent workplace was pretty relaxed in terms of uniform. you were encouraged to wear shorts or whatever you felt#comfortable in if it was hot. the only necessary uniform items were polo shirt & apron; they didn’t even get on my case if i forgot my name#badge. but this place?? i don’t know#i’ve gone back about a year on their social media and i can only find a few photos in which people are wearing shorts#and they’re ALL men. i see women wearing cutoff linen trousers but i don’t own any of those types of trousers#which makes me wonder if there’s some kind of unofficial standard that’s higher for women. or is it just because women get cold easier?#i DO NOT get cold easily. i can overheat in like. january#plus just general movement is harder for me atm because of my bad knee. i sweat from the exertion of just walking so the less clothes i can#wear in order to mitigate this; the better#i think either my birth control or my painkillers also make me sweat more than usual lol :(#i did see a review stating that they have air conditioning as of a month ago but who knows 1) where it is and 2) if it works#it’s probably just pointed directly at the customers and not behind the counter where i’ll be standing suffering among the equipment#i wish i’d taken the time to notice what was happening when i went in to interview. but it was a cold rainy day so wouldn’t have had much#bearing anyway. if I’M in long pants (and i was that day) you know all is fine#i just don’t know what to dooo. i mean i have long pants i can be relatively cool in but they’re festival pants with ridiculous patterns#on them and they’re also too big for me because i’ve lost weight & apparently gone down to a size 14 (!!) since i bought them#nothing says ‘i will be a great worker’ quite like my green festival pants with pink flowers on them falling down in the middle of the room#i was pondering leggings but when i wear just leggings and not a dress or anything with them i feel all exposed and nasty#even if i Know they’re not see through. i just can’t do it#my shorts are kind of long shorts and i also have ‘smart’ shorts but i don’t have anything like cargo pants or cutoffs or linen trousers#idk. i would message the hiring manager and ask about dress codes during the hot weather but she said it’s her annual leave#so she won’t even be there.. also i think she hates me & the only reason i’m anywhere close to a job offer#is that her lesbian second-in-command saw me wear croissant earrings to the interview and identified me as one of her own#i have no proof of this but i feel it’s true. anyway. i think i’m going to wear khaki green jeggings; bun my hair & try not to die#honestly my hair is usually the number one reason for me overheating lol. like the temptation to shave my head gets stronger every summer#OH MY GOD i just forgot my fucking trump card i cannot believe this!!!! my knee. my injured knee. that i often wear a brace on for pain#relief. see but the thing is; if i wear the brace will they become worried about my pain levels & therefore my ability to do the job?#i don’t wear the brace that much anymore. but if i wore it - INSTANT excuse to wear shorts. hmmmmmmmm#let me know what you think i should do lol. and help me pray for the heatwave to break#personal
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greaseonmymouth · 7 years
i was tagged by: @annawrites 
rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
name: Karen
nicknames: K
zodiac sign: Sagittarius and I stand by it
height: 162cm so...5'3" ?
orientation: ....PANDEMIC!! I'm kidding, I just wanted to make that pun. Demi & bi (though I used to say pan…pan + demi = pandemic…and now i ruined it by explaining it. sorry.)
gender identity: all over the place
nationality: Icelandic (legally: Danish)
favourite fruit: i’m not actually super into fruit and rarely eat it. Given how incredibly picky I am about bananas and how difficult they are to eat for me, it’s surprising that I do actually eat them semi-regularly... (fun fact: i had a bunch of intelligence tests done in early childhood before I got my hearing aids because people thought I was stupid (surprise: i was not) and there's a fun anecdote from one of them. When asked to point out the edible items from a selection of picture cards, I pointed out 0. zero. no edible items. none. why? the only edible item from that particular selection of cards was a card with a banana on it and child!me detested bananas. ergo, bananas were inedible. child!me wasn’t exactly wrong. why do i keep eating bananas??!)
favourite season: I want to say winter but honestly a) winter in Denmark is fucking terrible and b) i get winter depression every year regardless of the state of winter so in conclusion: fuck winter, give me arctic summers instead
favourite book: i can’t possibly pick just one book (or series) to be my favourite, so uhm, let me do three favourite books/series read so far in 2017 in no particular order: 
the turner series by cat sebastian. i just preordered her newest book which will come out two days before my birthday (YAY) and has a VICAR and a SEA CAPTAIN falling in love and also boning WHAT MORE COULD A GUY POSSIBLY WANT (yes i realise i haven’t said a word about the actual turner series because i’m too busy yelling about the new book, but anyway where was i); 
the invisible library series by genevieve cogman, which i’m counting even if there’s still two books to come (next one is coming in january i believe????) because it was the most fun i’ve had reading a series since gail carriger’s parasol protectorate, aka these books are a delightful romp; 
the micah grey trilogy by laura lam ( @lauraroselam​ ) because micah struck a pretty serious chord with me and also i love the world building very much - but mostly i loved the characters, micah and lily in particular.
honourable mention goes to the spiritwalker trilogy by kate elliott, which i started reading last year and finished this spring. absolutely wonderful. this is the kind of good that had me floored with how masterfully crafted the whole thing was, but also the characters are so!!! i love them. (the romance was also A+.) i love everything about this trilogy and i hope you all read it.
favourite scent: the sea, fresh pine wood, clean sheets (I don't use scented detergent), garlic cooking, actually food cooking in general with very few exceptions,
favourite colour: I really like real/turquoise at the moment. Blue and greens are always good choices, and I love reds and pinks as well. Orange is another favourite and yellow when it's still on the warm side, or pastel-y. Cold tone purples are also A+. I'm generally not fond of brown...except when it's edible. I mean chocolate. I love chocolate.
favourite animal: in general or like...as pets? Because I like whales and octopuses and foxes and wolves and elephants and owls (and many more), but I wouldn't keep any of those as pets :'''D
coffee | tea | hot cocoa: hot chocolate
average hours of sleep: 7-8
cat or dog person: both! I'd have a dog if it weren't for how my dysfunctional ass can't handle the care of a dog at present. I'm looking into getting a cat or two (two so they can keep each other company when I'm out)...but not until I've got a job so I can pay for it, ugh.
favourite fictional characters: I...have a lot... .___. Can I just say everyone on wynonna earp? Because I sure do have a lot of love for that particular group of people 💖  and they happen to be at the forefront of my mind at the moment. 
number of blankets you sleep with: one. I overheat easily at night so I have a thin "cold" duvet that I use year round (what other people might call “summer blanket”). If I get cold in winter (the heating is off in my bedroom as a general rule) I might put a thin wool blanket on top, but usually I'm good with just the one.
dream trip: there are so many trips I want to do? My plan for next year was to celebrate turning 30 by taking long weekends and week trips all over the world to visit friends, but seeing as I'm still unemployed I might not be able to do that after all. Other trips I want to make:
- bike trip of the British isles with Ireland and Scotland prioritised - bike trip to Nordkapp - bike trip to Berlin - a food tour to everywhere that has good food (honestly I don't know where to start??) - a second food tour to the places I didn't go to on the first - and so on - so many food tours - let me eat my way across the planet - the grand Swedish cruise aka a six day trip on an old boat through Sweden (Gothenburg to Stockholm) - a ride on the trans Siberian railway   - this summer I really wanted to do the writing excuses cruise but alas I am broke (when am I not) but one day...one day - i would go on so many trips honestly
blog created: 2011
random fact: my favourite romcom is the proposal BUT i have a huge soft spot for 90s movies and in particular things hugh grant and julia roberts have been in...and guess what, those two things unite beautifully in notting hill and let me just say that if the proposal didn’t exist (i am WEAK for fake relationships) my love for notting hill would absolutely be the hill i die on
i’m tagging: a bunch of random people, sorry, i’m just hitting @ and some random letters with my eyes closed. @thepersephonecabin​ , @capncrystal​ , @neversandnowheres​ , @eatingfireflies​ , @pipariperho​ , @actualkatebishop​
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dannofaust · 5 years
As I sit down to write this blog post it is Saturday, March 23rd. I have just returned from a most enjoyable little trip on the Vermilion River near Pontiac, IL. Spring has sprung. The weather is starting to get warmer and the days are getting longer. As we put Winter in our rear view mirror, I have been longing to get back on the river. So I enthusiastically welcomed the chance to go paddling with Lenore, a fellow member of the Mackinaw Canoe Club.
Lenore had posted on MCC FaceBook page that she wanted to paddle somewhere this weekend. I commented that I would like to paddle somewhere too and asked that she keep me informed if a group paddle developed from her post. Lenore messaged me back that I was the only one to respond favorably to her suggestion. Some folks were busy working or had with other plans. A few were doing a camping trip somewhere else. I suspect that a few more people might have shown some interest in Lenore’s suggestion if it were not so early in the season.
Being cautious and/or reluctant about paddling when the weather is still cool makes a lot of sense. In order to be safe you have to dress so that you can survive the ordeal if you happen to end up in the river somehow. It’s called dressing for immersion. Yep … it happens. I used to paddle all year round. If you paddle in cold weather enough, sooner or later someone is going to get wet. It’s not fun, but if you are dressed properly you will survive.
Believe it or not, there’s actually an advantage to paddling before the air temperatures get much warmer. In order to dress so that you will still survive if you fall into the river you will either be wearing a dry suit ( with insulating layers underneath), a wet suit ( with insulting layers over it ), or a paddling jacket and pants with layers of wool and synthetic clothing underneath. That tends to get pretty warm if the air temperature is much above 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s my opinion any way. Some people seem to be cold all the time ( that’s me ) and others get too warm very easily. The cool air temperatures keep me from overheating while I’m wearing all that insulating gear.
The real problems start to happen when the air temperatures get in the 60’s or above early in the year. Just like me, people are eager to get back out on the water after a long winter. They decide to do a trip on their local river or lake. They dress in regular street clothes because the the air temperature is at a comfortable level. Then something unexpected happens and they fall into the water. The water temperature is still very cold, probably in the 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit range, maybe colder. Falling into water that cold comes as a real shock. Some people may experience a gasp reflex. Almost everyone who falls into such cold water unexpectedly will experience some level of hypothermia. If you can not get out of the water and get dried off fairly quickly you could be in real trouble.
On the other hand, if you go out in those same conditions wearing enough insulating clothing to survive the cold water you can easily, and very quickly, get overheated. It’s a tough balancing act trying to find the right combination of clothing to keep you warm, even if you get wet, but not so warm that you overheat while you’re dry.
After a short exchange of messages, Lenore and I settled on a section of the Vermilion River that runs from the Humiston Woods Nature Center to the E2400 N Road bridge. This section of the river can be found in Mike Svob’s “Paddling Illinois” guide book. It’s the second half of the trip listed as “North Vermilion River 1”.
The North Vermilion River 1 trip, that Svob describes, starts at a small Township park on the northern edge of Pontiac, IL and ends at the E2400 N Road bridge. Right in the middle of that 11.2 river miles sets the Humiston Woods Nature Center. There are pit toilets, picnic tables, a pavilion, hiking trails, and more at Humiston Woods. This is the key factor in making this a great river trip. Having Humiston Woods right in the middle of the river section allows Paddler to choose to do the whole section, just the first half, or just the second half. It also gives you an opportunity to include a picnic and/or some hiking on any one of those trips. The first half of the river section is just over 5 river miles long. The second half is just over 6 river miles long. This means that paddlers can choose between a 5, 6, or 11 mile trip. Another great thing about this entire section of the river is that it has not been dredged or straightened, unlike parts of the river farther upstream, which have been severely altered. The natural twists and turns of the river through a mostly wooded landscape with little evidence of civilization makes for a most enjoyable time on the river. Wildlife is abundant. Svob knew what he was doing when he chose to include this section in his guide book.
  Looking down from the top of the steps towards the river.
The steps down to our river access.
Me carrying my kayak to the water.
Ok, on to the trip at hand. Lenore wisely suggested that we wait until 10:30 to meet up for this trip as the morning temperatures were going to be quite cold. I was glad that she did because there was frost on the ground when I got up in the morning. By the time we gathered at Humiston Woods and ran our shuttle, the air was warming up nicely and all traces of the frost were gone.
Probably our one least favorite aspect of this trip, or just about any river trip throughout the area, was the mud. It’s been wet. The river was high just a few weeks ago, so the river banks are wet and muddy. This is something that just comes with the territory. Literally. A little mud and water never hurt anybody, but it does pay to go slow and be careful. It’s very easy to slip and fall or twist something and get hurt. We made our way down the steps and over to the rivers edge, taking as little mud along with us as possible.
  The river was reading 4.75 feet and flowing 960 cfs on the Pontiac river gage. This is an ideal water level for paddling the Vermilion River anywhere in the Pontiac area. We had plenty of water to carry us over all of the shallow spots. The river had plenty of current, but it was not so fast as to become pushy or dangerous.
We knew that the trip would go by quickly, so we took our time and explored the mouths of several little tributaries. It was fun to reminisce about trips we’ve done before, our Canoecopia experience, and just generally shooting the breeze.
This time of the year here are limited opportunities to observe wildlife, but we did see Canada geese, wood ducks, and red tailed hawks, among others. Lenore is an avid birder, so it was nice to have her along to identify the birds we saw.
    Another advantage to venturing outdoors during these cooler months is that you can actually see much farther into areas that will soon be completely shrouded in thick foliage. I always find beauty in nature no matter what time of the year it is. I think it’s interesting to see how different the same area looks in January, February, and March as compared to June, July, and August.
All too soon we saw the bridge come into sight and the trip was over. There was a significant amount of mud to deal with at the take-out, but other than some muddy boots and a little mud on our boats, we escaped unharmed.
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So, that’s nice, but what does this have to do with preparing for your Mississippi River trip you ask? That’s a fair question. First of all I think it was important to get out on the river and exercise some of those paddling muscles that I haven’t been using all winter. Sure, you can cross train and do all sorts of other stuff to stay in shape over the long winter, but there’s nothing like actually paddling to get your body back in shape for long days on the river.
Another thing that came to my attention after this trip was my lack of planning when it came time to tell the story of the trip. I didn’t even have an outline of important photos to take or anything else that I should document. That would be a problem on my Mississippi River trip because you only get one chance to document most of the areas as you are traveling through. As I was getting ready to write this blog post I found myself wishing that I had taken more photos. There were some obvious things that I could have photographed, but didn’t. With just a little bit of forethought and planning I could have done a much better job of documenting the trip.
On our little Vermilion River trip, Lenore saved the day by taking photos all along the way and at important times during the trip. I probably wouldn’t have taken hardly any photos if it hadn’t been for Lenore. When she would pull her camera out and snap a few photos it reminded me to do the same. Of course, Lenore has a bit of an advantage. She is, after all, a professional newspaper journalist who documents events, and a myriad of other newsworthy happenings, almost every day. I need to start thinking like a journalist. What is the story I want to tell? What photos should I take? Of course, there will be things that I won’t be able to plan ahead for, but hopefully most of those unexpected photo opportunities will be obvious once they occur and I will be able to document most of them.
My idea is to use all of these little days trips and overnighters to sharpen my skills so that I will be more prepared for my big trip. I try to think about each experience as if it were part of the big trip and how could I do any part of it better?
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
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Early Spring Vermilion River Day Trip. As I sit down to write this blog post it is Saturday, March 23rd. I have just returned from a most enjoyable little trip on the Vermilion River near Pontiac, IL.
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
10 Best Hair Dryers For Thick Hair
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/10-best-hair-dryers-for-thick-hair/
10 Best Hair Dryers For Thick Hair
10 Best Hair Dryers For Thick Hair Atulya Satishkumar Hyderabd040-395603080 January 23, 2020
If you are one of those women who has always been told to stay away from the dreaded hair dryer, then you are not alone. Mothers, aunts, and grandmas around the world have warned us against using them as they can cause your hair to become brittle and thin. But come on, they are so convenient! Who has time in the 21st century to sit around and air-dry their hair, especially when you’re running late in the mornings.
Well, what if we told you that you could use a hair dryer without worrying about damage? In this article, we have listed 10 dryers that are sure to keep your hair looking healthy and happy. Now, if you are wondering whether these dryers are meant for your thick tresses, then we have got you covered. They’ll keep your hair volume intact while smoothing it, giving it a gloss like never before!
Read on to know more.
Table Of Contents
How To Dry Hair Correctly
Every woman has a different hair care regime. Some women swear by blow-drying while others prefer air-drying their hair. Yet, it is important to understand and follow basic guidelines to help you get the best out of your dryer while also taking care of your hair. Follow these steps to keep your hair healthy:
1. Right after you have washed and conditioned your hair, take off the towel and dab some serum on damp hair. (0:58)
2. Using your hands, rub the serum along the length of your hair. (1:13)
3. Now set your blow dryer to medium heat as this temperature is optimal for thick hair. (1:25)
4. Blow dry your hair all over, concentrating on the roots. Use your fingers to gently detangle your hair while doing so. (1:29)
5. Use a rat tail comb to divide your hair into even sections. (1:56).
6. Once you do this, tie the rest of your hair in a bun. You don’t need to worry about being neat while doing this. (2:07)
7. Using your concentrator and hair brush for this step. Gently comb through the hair section while using the dryer on this section. (2:29)
8. Now all you have to do is repeat step 7 for the rest of your hair. (4:00)
Voila, you are done! We are sure your hair will look amazing! (5:17)
Let us now take a look at the 10 best hair dryers for thick hair.
10 Best Dryers for Thick Hair
1. BaBylissPRO Tourmaline Titanium 3000 Dryer
The BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium Hair Dryer is widely used among stylists worldwide. Made with high-quality material and state-of-the-art technology, this hair dryer has revolutionized hairstyling with its 6 heating levels and speed settings. This 2000 W power machine maximizes performance while remaining gentle on your hair. Its sleek design and attractive color are sure to win your heart over. The dryer comes with a removable outer stand and filter that makes it easy to pack in your suitcase.
6 heat and speed settings
Runs on Nano Titanium Technology
The filter and stand may come off easily if not fitted properly.
2. Jinri Paris Professional 1875 W Salon Hair Dryer
Professionals all around the world swear by the Jinri Paris Professional 1875 W Salon Hair Dryer and for a good reason! It features fast-drying technology and ensures zero noise while in use. The dryer comes with a diffuser, concentrator, and comb for all your hair needs. For all the girls that struggle with frizzy hair, this dryer’s Negative Ion Technology helps reduce frizz to give you straight hair after every use. With 2 speed controls and 3-heat settings, it is incredibly easy to use. Its ergonomic design, coupled with a superior quality matt body, ensures convenience while using it.
Comes with a diffuser, comb and concentrator
Creates no noise when in use
Slightly on the expensive side
3. Revlon 1875 W Damage Protection Infrared Hair Dryer With Hair Clips
From Revlon, comes the 1875 W Damage Protection Infrared Hair Dryer. Its Tourmaline Ionic Technology makes sure that your hair doesn’t defy the rules of gravity and stays sleek and straight all day long. Its intelligent heat system gently dries your hair without damaging it to keep your hair shiny and silky. It has 2 controls and a Cool Shot Button to ensure that you are the one in control. As an add on, along with the concentrator and diffuser, it comes with 3 hair clips that will aid in dividing your hair while drying.
This kit includes 3 hair clips for hair sectioning
Comes with only 2 heat controls
4. KIPOZI 1875 W Hair Dryer
The KIPOZI 1875 W Hair Dryer is ETL certified, so you know that it is of excellent quality and functionality. In addition to having 2-speed controls and 3 heat settings, it also has a cool shot button, which instantly cools your dryer saving you time. The cool shot button helps set your style in place. As a bonus, you also get a concentrator and diffuser, which enables you to straighten or curl your locks hassle-free. This dryer is engineered for all hair types- wavy, straight, curly, thick, and thin. It ensures to keep your roots healthy while making your hair gorgeous, all at the same time!
Comes with a 6.56 Ft long cord for easy use
Suitable for all hair types and textures
Not suitable for overseas travel, as it works only on 110 V.
5. Wazor Professional Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline Blow Dryer
The Wazor Professional Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline Blow Dryer is a great investment as it guarantees a 4x longer lifespan than any other dryer on the market. Its negative ionic particles repair and renew your hair, enhancing its natural luster and volume. Tourmaline Technology protects your hair roots from damage from direct heat and gives you salon-like styling at home. And that’s not all! It comes with a kit consisting of a comb, concentrator, and diffuser.
Lasts upto 4x times longer than other hair dryers
Its back filter can be dismantled for cleaning and restored to keep the dryer up and running always as good as new.
6. Vaslon Professional Infrared Blow Dryer
The Vaslon Professional Infrared Blow Dryer is ideal for the girl boss who is always on the run. If you are thinking, “But I have thick hair that takes hours to dry,” then trust us when we say that this dryer was made with you in mind! Its Far Infrared and Negative Ionic Technology makes hair silky smooth and protects it from damage and split ends. With 3 heat and 2-speed settings, all you have got to do is push a button, and you are good to go. That’s not all; its 2.65-meter salon cable with a hanging loop makes it apt for professional and personal use.
Quick-drying technology
Has 3 heat and 2 speed settings
May overheat if left unattended, as it does not have a cool button
7. 1875 W Professional Tourmaline Hair Dryer
Designed with Negative Ion Technology, the 1875 W Professional Tourmaline Hair Dryer reduces and tames frizzy hair without harming your roots. It also works in silent mode, so no more yelling over the dryer! The dryer works on 1875 W and has a 2-speed and 3-heat control setting to suit your hair type. Its compact design makes it easy and comfortable to operate. The kit also comprises a diffuser and concentrator to help you style your hair in curls or poker straight. Say goodbye to over-priced visits to the salon and style your hair at home!
Comes with a diffuser and concentrator
Compact design
Has only 2 speed levels
8. HOT TOOLS Signature Series Ionic Hair Dryer
Hot Tools is yet another renowned beauty brand that is well-trusted and used by stylists all over the world. Its 1857 W powerful airflow dries your hair quickly without stripping it off of its vital oils and nutrients. This dryer brings you 6 different heating and control levels. Its cool button is powerful and helps to retain your styling for a long time. So now, you can correct your bed hair every morning quickly and efficiently to transform it into any style of your choice!
6 heating levels and 6 control levels
Comes with a cool shot button
The motor heats up too quickly, thereby decreasing durability
9. LARMHOI 2000W Professional Negative Ionic Hair Blow Dryer
The Larmhoi 2000 W Hair Dryer is one powerful machine! Its high circular speed and torque makes styling your thick or stubborn hair, a piece of cake. It is designed with 3-heat, 2-speed settings, and a cool button that allows you to style and set your hair almost instantaneously.  While most other dryers come with just one nozzle, this one has 2 concentrator nozzles. Its low magnetic wave structure makes it cost-efficient as it saves electricity, which in turn makes it eco-friendly.
Comes with 2 concentrator nozzles
Energy-saving device
This hairdryer is heavy to carry and use
10. Elchim Milano Ceramic Hair Dryer
Available in 2 exciting colors- black and silver, the Elchim Milano Ceramic Hair Dryer is compact in design, making it easy to handle and operate. Whether you have the thinnest or frizziest hair, this dryer is sure to work for you. Featuring an advanced Italian motor, this dryer runs for up to 2000 hours! What makes it perfect for a professional setting is that it comes with a 9ft long cord. This product also comes with a life-long warranty.
Can last up to 2000 working hours
Life-long warranty
This product is expensive
Tips For Buying Hair Dryers For Thick Hair
Watts and Voltage: If you have thick hair, you must make sure to choose a sturdy hair dryer that has a high power or wattage. A wattage of 1800- 2000 is ideal for this purpose. This is important as, if your motor is not strong enough, then you will end up with cold air that will dry your hair.
Technology: Hairstylists across the world recommend the use of Ionic or Tourmaline dryers for thick hair. An Infrared porcelain or ceramic dryer is a better option as it has a lesser chance of overheating and distributes heat evenly to your hair.
Weight: The lighter the dryer, the easier it is to handle and use. This is especially useful if you have stubborn and thick hair that requires multiple blow dries.
Cool Shot Button: A cool shot button is a ‘must-have’ as it helps to keep the styling intact and adds shine to your hair.
Settings: The more the control options on your dryer, the easier it is to tune it to your requirement and style. A pro tip would be to use the lower heat setting as it reduces chances of damage.
Attachments Compatibility: Nowadays, most hair dryers come with additional parts, namely a concentrator, comb, and nozzles. These add-ons allow you to style your hair in beach waves, curls, or an uber-chic, sleek hairstyle. These accessories are useful for thick hair as they help make your hair more manageable.
We will now discuss a few tips to manage thick hair.
Tips For Thick Hair
The days of fretting over drying your thick hair are gone. With these quick tips, you are sure to find it easier to manage your thick hair and save yourself some time drying it. Let’s take a look at them:
Always be gentle while drying your hair as wet hair is prone to breakage. Take some time to air-dry your hair manually before using the dryer.
Use a thick towel that absorbs all the water and dries your hair.
Section your hair to enable faster drying. Try dividing it using a root comb and use clips to secure it in place. This not only eases the process but also helps in styling, so don’t be afraid to invest in some large clips.
Make sure to dry the roots first and then the length of your hair. Most people catch a cold when their scalp is wet.
Use an anti-frizz serum as this will help detangle and control your hair, making it straight and manageable.
In the next section, we will take a look at the common mistakes one can make while drying their hair.
Common Mistakes While Drying Thick Hair
Just like the old saying goes, “haste makes waste.” Here are a few of the common mistakes you can make while drying your hair in a hurry:
While in a hurry to get to work, do not use your dryer at maximum heat, as it will damage your hair.
Detangling your hair knots with your fingers is always a good idea before you go in with a comb. This reduces hair fall caused by the harsh pull of a comb.
Do not use a fine-toothed comb while brushing as this would increase breakage. It goes without saying that using a fine comb on wet hair will leave you screaming in pain!
Dab on sufficient amounts of serum before sectioning your hair for a quick blow-dry. This offers an extra layer of protection from the heat and also adds shine to your hair.
A woman’s hair is said to be her crown, and she can go to any extent to protect it. But when you have a thick, stubborn mane for hair, things can get a tad bit annoying. But we are sure that after reading this article you will be able to take good care of your hair and style it too! Thick, lustrous hair is every woman’s dream, and if you are blessed with it, you might as well flaunt it. Your hair might be demanding at times, but let us assure you that it will be worth it!  Do you have any tips and tricks to share from your experiences? Feel free to reach out to us in the comments section below.
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Atulya Satishkumar
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-hair-dryers-for-thick-hair/
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