#i also turned 24 and exo has a song called 24 and its a BOP they really made songs just for me 🤧
everybodysaycbx · 3 years
today is wolfs anniversary and the fact that its the same day as my birthday is very iconic of me if i do say so myself i was destined to be an exol
#i also turned 24 and exo has a song called 24 and its a BOP they really made songs just for me 🤧#btw chinese version of both of these songs is better than the korean version thats a FACT#i remember when i first listened to wolf bc i didnt watch it the day of in 2013 bc i was actually moving literally on my birthday#it wasnt the last time either lmao but yeah my 16th and 20th birthdays i moved from my home so 2013 and 2017#and in 2013 i moved across the country so i was a little tired and didnt have cell service for most of the day#so a couple days later when we were settled in i was like lets look at some new releases and i saw exo had a new song and i was like !!!!!!!#bc i love love love mama and their entire debut album so i was so excited and it came out on my birthday too!!!!!#so i listened to it aaaaaaaand i hated it djnsjsskaNDJSJSNS#the only times i liked it was when luhan sang bc i love him and he has the voice of an angel id die for him truly#but i wasnt a stan back then i was just listening to kpop casually and fell out of it that year for personal reasons#i did listen to the album tho and i loved it except that song and heart attack#and i know yall will come for me about how i feel about heart attack but idk its just kinda meh for me#it never really grew on me either sorry lol i did try i swear#but when i got back into kpop after a year or so i watched all the memes and really got into the exol fandom and now i love it#wolf is a song that transcends just good or bad its both of those things and more#and the fact that it came out on my birthday is just proof that its a song for the gays and the gays only k bye#happy birthday to me#exo
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thehillsweekly · 7 years
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Welcome to another interview from The Hills Weekly! This week we go to sit down (figuratively) with one of the boys of Exo, Kana Oh. He dished the latest about his life, the album and what he’s looking forward to in the weeks to come. 
Interviewer (INT): So you're part of the kpop group, EXO. Tell us about what it's like working with 8 other men and who you deal with conflict.
Kana Oh (KO): it's....interesting. generally it's fun. i mean we've been friends for years. i know them like the back of my hand. we all have our strong points and what we do best and we use that to make the best music and concerts that we can. as for conflict? we talk it out. we lay it on the table and figure the situation out. it's the only way. we spend so much time together there's no time for BS and messing around things.
INT: It certainly does sound interesting. But it must be a great time having so many friends around you. Is there anyone in particular you seem to get along with better?
KO: for sure. our company put an abundance of different people together and we're from all over the world to be honest. but i guess i would say if I was to be the closest to anyone it would definitely be thorne. we're both from ireland, and he's been my best friend since we were young. i was five when i first met him, him three. inseparable since. it was pure luck the company decided to keep us together in the same group.
INT: The two of you have some history definitely, for knowing each other for long. What exactly does that history entail?
KO: what does it entail? there's a loaded question. but why not try complete honesty. a lot of drunken times. a lot of sex. an engagement. broken heart. and eventually back to best friends. simple as.
INT: Wow, that is a lot. But it doesn't seem that simple. In the past week, it was seen that you were also dating Thorne's girlfriend, Jagger but after the blowup last night, you are now with Angelique. Care to clear any of the air with that?
KO: honestly. i don't care to comment on it much. people have formed their opinions on it and on me. i don't care either way, it doesn't keep me up at night. all i'll say is the past is the past. angelique is a beautiful woman inside and out and i care for her a lot and that's where it's at.
INT: Fair enough. Do you want to comment on people calling you a misogynist?
KO: the definition of a misogynist is literally pinpointed as a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. i am NOT a misogynist. i like women, a lot. but i also like men, a lot. but when it comes to women, i may have had quite a few of them in my years. that's not a secret. but never have i ever mistreated them. i was raised right. my mother instilled it in me to always treat a woman like the queen she is. and i uphold that. i have sisters, i have a niece, i have close friends who are women, i would be doing them the worst kind of disservice by turning out to be a misogynist. basing the fact that my relationship ended and a new one began as the reason i am one, is ridiculous.
INT: Well I'm glad that we could clean up the air on that point. We know EXO's album drops in less than 24 hours now, how do you feel about it?
KO: sure thing. i'm excited. i look forward to it. The War is going to be our fourth studio album so its reception will be highly anticipated. we would like to continue the success that we have nationally in korea and internationally as a whole. we worked hard on it so it's sort of satisfying to have it come together and be on the brink of release to the fans.
INT: Well we here at the Hills Weekly wish you the best of luck to you and the other members of your group. Is there any final thoughts you would like to share?
KO: thanks. not really huge on parting comments. buy the album. support the boys. mind your business, enjoy yourselves and be safe. good luck shams
So there you have it! Straight from the mouth of the horse. Exo’s new music video of their song Ko Ko Bop has officially hit the internet and you can watch it right here! Hope you enjoyed this interview and look forward for more to come!
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