#i always feel bad for re-rec'ing fics but these really fit the bill and they are also all some of my personal favorites
nightcreepsin · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any fics where the feelings are genuinely unrequited?
Most fics I've read, they think it's unrequited but then the confess or smth, and they find out it's actually not. There might also be miscommunication along the way, but they have felt the same all along, you know?
I'm wondering if you know any good fics where it's actually not requited, at least at first. Just... I'm a sucker for angst.
It could be a sad ending or happy ending though, like they other person could realize that "hmm, maybe I do have feelings"; or it could just be "no :( i don't :(".
Idk, sorry if this is too specific! I'd appreciate any answer, or even if you don't answer, it's completely okay! I really appreciate your blog & I've been having such a great time going through your recs!
hi! this is a bit niche but i do have some fics that meet the bill! unfortunately, the only fics that come to mind are fics that i've rec'd before. i will list them here anyways, in case you haven't seen them, but feel free to send in another ask if it's not enough and i can take another look at my saved fics
moonbeams by thediscontent - one of my favorite fics ever. i literally can’t even come up with a summary that can capture how amazing this is. just please read it. dream is angry, george is in love.
kissaphobic by kingpig - excerpt: “dream wants him, and he knows george wants him, too. but dream wants to fuck, and George wants to fall in love.”
awkward hearts (beating faster and faster) by limerence - another favorite. george and dream are roommates. and share a bed. but they’re just friends, right?
will you lie in grass with me? by honkt - as dream finally decides to tell george how he feels, george has his own secret to share. suddenly the late night calls and tender moments disappear, and dream doesn't know what to do.
if you love someone, you tell them by alliewrites - "one day you might be the best man at their wedding, and you’re stuck watching as they marry someone else. one day, all you’re left with is the burden of knowing you let the love of your life slip away because you were too late."
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