#i am a little bummed that its christmas specials again instead of new years specials
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so he asked, right?
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ticklygiggles · 6 years
Christmas is for lovers | Victuuri
A/N: Hello! First of all I want to thank @ticklishraspberries for taking This responsibility. I respect them a lot because they took time of their life to do this. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, dear. So this is my Squealing Santa Fic for @totalcattastrophe I saw in your prompts that you reeeally wanted some Star Wars fics, however I, sadly, am not part of that fandom, so I convert them into Yuri!!! On Ice fandom. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it for ya!
I wish you a very warm and cozy and merry Christmas around your loved ones and I hope this New Year comes with amazing moments and opportunities that may fill your life with happiness.
Merry Christmas!
Summary: It’s their first Christmas together and they find out the Katsuki-Nikiforov household is full of one thing: love… and also two not expected guests.
Words: 1925 (sorry, too long. Under the cut!)
Christmas Eve found Yuuri and Victor laying in the soft couch of Victor’s apartment. Their bellies full of the bowls of Katsudon Yuuri just had made to celebrate the occasion. The light was off and the lights on the tree were twinkling and reflecting on the window and on Victor’s face.
And boy wasn’t he beautiful? Yuuri soon enough forgot the Christmas movie they were playing on the t.v., just to look at his lover, who was laying on the opposite end of the couch. His clear skin seamed to glow under the lights, his blue eyes looking shiner and more beautiful then ever as he watched t.v. in concentration.
Yuuri then looked at the tree, the presents under it and then at the night table in the middle of the living room when their empty bowls were. It was a new experience for the both of them.
He always spent Christmas Eve with his family, having a little special dinner and then going to sleep because of the cold and, by the morning, opening up the few presents they got for each other.
Victor, meanwhile, was not used to celebrate Christmas, at least not like this. It was new, but Yuuri really wanted them to spend this holidays together. “In Japan Christmas is for lovers, Victor”, he had said back at the begging of December when he was trying to convince Victor to have a little celebration, he didn’t need a lot of convincing, though. Victor was happy to complain if that made Yuuri happy.
Yuuri wasn’t used to big things himself, so they said they’d have Katsudon and Peroshki for dinner and then have a Christmas movie marathon. Not something out of the ordinary, just both of them enjoying each other company with those beautiful Christmas lights.
Yuuri felt like he didn’t need anything more.
“Why are you staring at me, Yuuri?”, Victor says as a smirk spreads on his lips, his eyes still glued to the t.v., Yuuri tries to act cool even when he was caught.
“The movie got a bit boring”, he says and Victor hums.
“It did, you’re right. And my feet are really cold”, Victor says, finally looking at Yuuri.
“They’re always cold, though, your hands too”, Yuuri says and he giggles when Victor whines in exasperation.
“They are! Is it because I have a warm heart?”, Yuuri laughs this time and receives a light punch on the thigh. “Don’t laugh! Instead, warm my feet up, Yuuri, please?”
“Why don’t you go and put on some socks, Vitya?”
Victor whines, sinking deeper into the couch and under the cover. “They’re too far away!”, he mumbles, pouting a little. “Can’t you go for them?”, Yuuri chuckles, his head turning back to the boring movie.
“I don’t think so, Victor”, he simply says. “My feet are warm and so are my hands, and you know they always are ice-cube-cold. So I rather stay here”, he nods, his back relaxing in the back of the couch.
“Then warm me up with your warm hands!”, Victor whines and Yuuri shakes his head, making him whine harder. “You are not a good boyfriend”
“I am a good boyfriend, you are the mean one”, Victor pouts but Yuuri is not looking at him and that makes him pout more.
He can hear Victor sulking at the other side and his blue eyes burning holes on the side of his head, but he doesn’t say a thing. He was really warm to actually go and look for socks when Victor can use his own legs.
He’s not surprised, though, when he feels Victor’s feet worming in between the couch and Yuuri’s bum. The cold slipping through the thin fabric of Yuuri’s pajama pants, but he remains quiet, trying to supress the smile that’s forming on his lips.
Victor managed to put his feet where he wanted, and he even sighed happily as he relaxed on the couch again. Yuuri sighed too, getting used to the cold on his butt and wishing for this movie to end.
Just a few minutes passed and Yuuri felt like doozing off, almost falling asleep when he suddenly feels ice pressed against his side. He screeches and looks over a very giggly Victor.
“Victor!”, he gasps, jumping away and shivering as Victor presses his feet into the curve of his waist. “You’re frigging cold! Put them out!”, he tries to push the intruder feet away, but his movements only helps Victor to slide them higher, until they reach Yuuri’s ribcage, making him squeak and squirm. “Victor!”
“Yuuri!”, Victor mocks. “Please! They’re cold!”, Yuuri shivers again, and he, deep inside, really wanted to help Victor to warm up, but not like this! It’s too cold!
Yuuri whines and moves around until he gets Victor’s feet out of his shirt and into his hands. Victor pouts. “You’re really a mean boyfriend”
Yuuri sighs and looks down on Victor’s feet, then up at him. He swears he saw Victor’s fear in his eyes as soon as a smirk started to stretch the corners of Yuuri’s mouth. The grip on his ankles tightening. 
“So, you want me to warm you up, Victor?”, Yuuri asks and he places Victor’s feet on his lap. 
“Eh… I’m not sure anymore”, he confesses and Yuuri can feel him trying to escape. “Yuuri…”
“It’s alright, I don’t want to be a mean boyfriend after all”, he winks and places his fingertips on the ball of one of Victor’s feet, he receives a little jump from his lover. It was a good signal, because, actually, he was risking his own life with this plan. Was Victor Nikiforov ticklish?
“Fuck- Yuhuhuuri!”, Yuuri jumped and immediately let go of Victor, gasping and covering his mouth with one of his hands, his eyes wide open as he clutched his shirt right above his heart. “Y- Yuuri I-
“You’re ticklish?”, Yuuri squaked and he doesn’t know how or when but he found himself on top of Victor withing seconds, straddling his hips and trying to wrestle his arms down. 
“Ack! Yuuri!”, Victor squeaks, flailing his arms to prevent Yuuri from holding him. “I am not! Stop trying to- no. No. No! Nohohoho!”, Yuuri finally managed to trap one of Victor’s hand under his knee and pin the other up above his head. 
His free hand quickly found its way inside Victor’s shirt, his fingertips gracing over his tummy until they were clawing on the soft gives of his lower belly. Victor let out a loud giggle as his body squirmed and his legs kicked behind Yuuri. 
“Oh my God”; Yuuri whispers, his fingers moving around, keeping Victor in cute giggle fits. “Victor is ticklish and I didn’t know”, Victor let out a loud shriek when Yuuri moved down a little and starts to squeeze his hipbone, making him arch his back just a little. 
“I am not!”, Victor laughs out, his face turning slightly pink and Yuuri wonders if it’s due to the constant laughing or because he’s embarrassed. He bet for the first one, it was very difficult to make Victor flustered, and a little tickling wouldn’t do such thing, right? “Ack! No, not up thehehere!”
Yuuri did feel his cheeks flushing with embarrassement, though. He had never seen Victor laughing this much ever. So carefree and a bit desperate as he tries to escape the playful assault. He seems happy though, his smile is not his business smile, is the smile he reserves for Yuuri only, the smile that illuminates the whole room. 
And it seemed even more brighter with those Christmas lights reflecting on his skin, he looked so beautiful, it was almost painful to look at and Yuuri felt this extreme sensation of happiness spreading on his chest, as Victor keeps laughing and laughing and laughing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”, Victor can barely speak as Yuuri’s fingers skillfully moved up towards his ribs and tickled each bone with precision, rubbing the nerves that make Victor want to crawl out of his skin. “Were you scared of me tickling you, Victor?”, Victor let out a shriek and a bark of laughter when Yuuri lingered in the spot right above the ribs and underneath his armpit of his exposed side, “Were you scared of me getting you back from all the time you tortured me?”
“Don’t tease mehehe!”, Victor squeaked out. “Have mer- Nahaha!”, his whole body convulsed and he almost threw Yuuri off of him when he felt fingertips touching his underarm. “Not there, Yuuri! Not thehere for god’s sahahahake!”
“Ah! You’re the most ticklish here?”, Yuuri softly wiggled his fingers on Victor’s underarm, relishing the laughter that it produced. “Oh my, so ticklish here, Vicchan?”, Victor nodded and Yuuri fought the need too ‘aw’ at him. 
He giggled instead, and feeling brave enough, he dared to finally dig in four fingers, sending Victor into hysterics, his face red as an apple and a tear rolling down the side of his face. Yuuri laughed along when Victor let out a snort. 
“Hahahave mercy!”, he begged between his hysterical laughter, Yuuri still very busy torturing the exposed underarm.
“Say you’re-
Yuuri looks up when he hears the door opening and he blushes when he finds Yuri and Otabek by the door.
“Are you killing him? We could hear you from outside the complex”
“Good night”, Otabek said as Yuri kicked the door closed and his shoes off. Yuuri noticed how he could barely move due to the few presents on his hands, Otabek looked the same as he carefully stepped out of his shoes. 
“Uh, hello”; Yuuri says, not knowing what is happening as he keeps tickling Victor out if his mind, changing techniques and now exposing the warm skin by pulling down the sleeve and pinching the sensitive spot until Victor was jerking and howling with laughter. “Do you have a key, Yurio?”, Yuuri asks casually, multitasking as he saw Yuri letting the presents on his arms fall down to the floor close to the tree, Otabek put everything carefully and turned on the light. 
“Yuuri!”, Victor gasped before he was lost in silent laughter. Yuuri giggled and quickly stopped, letting go of Victor’s hands but still seated on his hips.
“I do have a key! I asked Victor for a copy so I can come and watch t.v here, it’s bigger than mine!”, he flops down on the other couch with Otabek at his side. “What are you guys doing? Stop being gross! We shouldn’t have come!”, Yuuri chuckles and looks down at Victor.
“You okay, Vic?”, Victor nods, smiling widely at Yuuri and he can’t stop himself as he leans down and steals a quick kiss from Victor’s lips. “What are you guys doing here?”
“What do you mean? It’s 12:00 am, it’s your fucking birthday, dumbass!”
Yuuri gasps and jumps off Victor. “It’s your birthday!”
Victor smiles. “It looks like it”
“Merry Christmas?”, Otabek says and Yuuri lets out another gasp.
“It’s Christmas!”
When Victor stood up, Yuuri jumped into his arms, hugging his soul out. “Happy birthday, Vitya”, he whispers, kissing his earlobe. 
“Merry Christmas, Yuuri”, he whispers back. “You were right, by the way, Christmas is for lovers”, Yuuri hums, leaning more into him. “And lovers do get revenge too”, Yuuri giggles, not minding the threat that much. 
“You guys are gross!”, Yuri says and he squeaks when Victor and Yuuri jump on them both.
“Merry Christmas!”
“… Merry Christmas”, Otabek sounds a little shy, but Yuuri feels him returning the hug.
“… and Happy Birthday, Victor”, Yuri mumbles, still, a little smile forms on his lips.
It definitely was a new experince, but surely, everyone in that room wanted it to repeat the next year. 
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americanowrites · 7 years
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if it all goes wrong
A non-canon drabble nobody asked for based on Georgina and Harry celebrating Harry’s birthday for the first time. 
Georgina was panicking. It was Harry’s twenty third birthday and she had to make it special. There was a pressure she’d never felt before, she never normally put so much effort into someone’s birthday, not eve her parents. But this was their first birthday together and Harry had gone all out at Christmas and bought Georgina so many gifts she felt she had to try and return the favour. She’d only bought him socks and a jumper for Christmas so she could only improve.
They were both in LA at the same time which was a change from their normal transatlantic relationship where one of them had to forgo sleep so they could speak to each other. Harry had shaken his head when Georgina asked if he was heading home to celebrate, which she thought was strange but given the warm weather in LA, she had to support his choice.
She’d been fidgeting all night, trying to sleep and not worry about him liking his gifts, Harry would love anything she bought but she still wanted to make him feel as special as he made her feel every day. Sometime after two am, she managed to fall asleep, and didn’t wake until the sun was peeking through the blinds and the clock read eight. Georgina reached out, feeling for Harry who surprisingly wasn’t attached to her body like a Koala bear. But her hand didn’t feel him, the bed was empty and her heart sank with the realisation.
Having brushed her teeth and changed into leggings and an old baggy t-shirt of Harry’s, Georgina was stood glaring at the kettle, waiting for it to boil and trying to think of a way to turn today around. She’d planned on making Harry breakfast in bed, surprising him with a mid-morning fumble and snoozing until they had to run out for their dinner plans. Now he’d ruined it by disappearing and she couldn’t help but think of the day as being ruined.
The kettle boiled just as the front door closed, they didn’t live together yet, but the sound of Harry’s front door had become more familiar than Georgina’s own, she spent all her time here when he was in town, her Inglewood flat missing out to his sprawling Malibu mansion.
“Alright babe.” Harry called as he strode into the kitchen; Georgina glanced at him to find him in running shorts and his bright yellow trainers. He’d left her in bed to go for a run. “You okay?” he asked as he slid his sweaty arms around Georgina’s waist, nuzzling his face into her neck. Her body curved to him despite her annoyance.
“You ruined my plans.” She pouted, making Harry abandon his quest to litter her neck with kisses and look up at her.
“Huh?” his hands stilled on her stomach, his thumb hooked under her waistband.
“I wanted to make you breakfast in bed and kiss you and you went out for a run instead.”
She felt him smile against her neck, “I’ll go back to bed if you want.”
“Don’t be so stupid, the plan is ruined now.” She rolled her eyes at his suggestion, wanting to slap him for it.
“Baby, it’s not ruined, you didn’t tell me so I didn’t know.”
“That’s the whole point of a surprise.”
“So you wanted to give me a little birthday gift under the covers? How naughty.” He grinned, his eyes lighting up.
“You can go fuck yourself now you knobhead.” She sounded more venomous than she meant to but Harry just chuckled lowly into her ear. The sound kicked something in her stomach, the pull of desire she found hard to quell around Harry.
“I’d much rather you do the honours. I think I’d actually really really like to see what you had planned.”
“You can have Shreddies and a cold shower now.”
“Aw baby!” he cried, pretending to sob into her neck, much to her amusement. She pushed her bum against him, forcing him away so she could turn to face him. She loved moments like this, quiet little snippets in his kitchen where they couldn’t take their hands off each other. She thinks she fell in love with him in this kitchen, seeing him so open and carefree and Harry like that she couldn’t deny the hold her had on her heart anymore.
They hadn’t said those words yet, but Georgina couldn’t count how many times they’d been on the tip of her tongue. She was waiting for the right moment, but she just didn’t know when that would come. This week they’d been together four months, they’d spent more time apart than together but Georgina felt them grow closer each day.
“Happy birthday baby.” She smiled as his fingers found her skin under her t-shirt and his lips edged closer to hers.
“Thank you and thank you for being here.”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” she had missed a few days of work to stay in LA a little longer to celebrate with him, but she knew it was worth the extra work she’d have waiting for her in New York. Even if he had ruined her surprise.
They both smiled softly at each other, happiness clouding their eyes and filling their chests. Their smiles didn’t falter as their lips finally met, a soft sweet kiss which Georgina felt all the way to the tips of her toes. When Harry kissed you, he gave you everything. He gave the world in a press of his lips, he took you up away from the Earth for a few moments and let you hover, knowing he held onto you with all he had and that you were safe, so safe that nothing could ever hurt you again.
Harry was pouting at the pool, his sunglasses slipping down his nose the more he frowned. They were sunbathing after spending the morning in the pool trying to cool down before their guests came later tonight. Georgina was already panicking about the dinner she had volunteered to make, she couldn’t cook and both her and Harry were well aware of that.
“Will you put your face straight?”
“I’m old.” He whined, throwing his head back against the sun lounger.
“You’re twenty three.”
“One year closer to the grave.”
“Oh my god, you’re so bloody dramatic!” she laughed, his face totally unamused.
“It’s true!” he cried, kicking his legs like he was three again.
“You’ll be grey soon.” She looked over her sunglasses at him, pretending to check his hair.
“I know! I’ll have to dye it like Robin does.”
“Babe, I think you’ll go bald before you go grey.”
“I’m not going bald Georgina.” he grumbled, their long running dispute raising its head again.
She scoffed, “You are.”
“Stop being mean! It’s my birthday.”
Shrugging, Georgina heard him sigh, expecting her reply. “I’m just trying to prepare you for the inevitable.”
“I honestly hate you.”
“I know you do.” she grinned, settling back to her book, feeling Harry glare at her
Harry stared down at the box in his hands. Georgina bit her lip, not entirely sure what his reaction was. She’d waited until everyone had gone home, seeing him being gifted YSL and extravagant things she could only dream of buying someone. Georgina wasn’t poor but she didn’t have the salary of Harry’s important celebrity friends. She chosen to give him her gift when the house was quiet again and she’d gotten over the embarrassment of having to order take out because her food had been burnt and disgusting. Harry had laughed it off, telling her he was still proud that she’d tried and that he didn’t care that they ordered from Mr Chow’s like every Friday.  
“This is my gift?”
“Y-yeah.” She shifted uneasily, this wasn’t what she expected. “I can take it back if you hate it.”
Harry continued to stare at the box, his fingers tracing the pink tissue paper Georgina had stuffed it with. She’d spent so long searching for the perfect gift, agonising for weeks over what to buy the boy who had everything. Amy had advised her to go for lingerie, but Valentine’s Day was coming up and Georgina wanted to save the lacy pink set she bought for then. She thought she’d have to go for socks again but then the idea came to her one evening as she listened to Harry bleat on about his camera.
“No, this is perfect. So perfect Honey.” He lifted the camera from the box, the device looking tiny in his large tanned hands. Georgina’s heart lifted when she saw his eyes, just as it had when she first spotted the vintage camera at the stall in Camden Stables; she knew instantly she needed to buy it.
“Yes, this is so brilliant. I love it.” he turned the camera over, eyes taking in all the features of the film camera, she’d bought a load of film rolls too so he didn’t have to worry about running out soon.
“I thought we could practise together, you know like on the beach or on one of our hikes.” Shrugging, she hoped he liked the idea as much as she did. Harry didn’t answer with words; instead he gently placed the camera back amongst the instruction manual and films and shimmied across the sofa so he was pressed tightly against Georgina.
“I love that idea, thank you so much.” He told her just before sealing his thanks with a kiss. Georgina’s breath faltered, her hands winding into his hair in instinct. Harry’s fingers found her waist but Georgina wanted to be closer, so she pushed him back against the sofa, swinging her leg over his waist so she was pinning him down. Harry’s grin was extraordinary. Taking her time she pressed her chest to his, ghosting her lips over his skin until he was shifting underneath her and his hands were grabbling her waist.
“You’ve forgiven me now? For going on a run?” he asked through a sigh as Georgina nibbled at the little spot she knew he loved just under his jaw.
“Mmmm.” Her grin was wicked when she heard his moan as her reply was swallowed by his flushing skin. Georgina loved being in control, she loved feeling Harry lose his mind as she teased him until they were both ready to crumble.
“Happy birthday superstar.” She trailed her fingers slowly down his stomach, feeling his muscles clench before she reached his waistband. She could see and feel his breath catching in his throat.
“Best birthday ever.” He sighed, a sloppy grin plastered on his face, but Georgina couldn’t complain, it matched the one on her own swollen lips.  
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