#i can’t call her an ice fisher because that is a cat sorry
stellernorth · 7 months
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colaismywater · 6 years
Daisy's Cozy Coffeeshop - Chapter 3
Whoa! Chapter 3! Who would have expected that?! I certainly didn’t. And yes, for an uninspired person like me, three chapters and an interlude are a  milestone. Sorry for the little angst at the end, and for possible typos.
Chapter Text
Phillip J. Coulson loved his friends. He truly did. They were more than friends. They were family. But that's the thing, right? You can choose friends, but not family. Yeah, Maria and Clint definitely were family. Nosy little siblings teaming up against him. He had to get them away from paying customers. Away from Melinda. Three pairs of eyes were watching him intently. He locked eyes with Maria and they had a wordless conversation.
"Clint, watch the shop. Daisy, do your homework", Maria used her instructor voice and Phil was glad about it. If someone could control Daisy and Clint, it was instructor Maria.
"Oh, man. C'mon!"
"Yeah, c'mon 'Ria!", both Daisy and Clint pulled their best pouty faces, but Maria just raised an eyebrow and had them trotting their respectful ways.
Phil used the time to escort Maria to the breakroom.
"So, PhilHill reunited again...", Phil rolled his eyes at the old nickname from another life and sighed.
"I really don't know why you two are here. Nothing happened."
"I wouldn't say 'nothing', Phil. Your baby daughter, and my godchild, called me in the middle of the day, a work day by the way, with a Code Red. And, I quote: Code Red with heart-eyes and everything! It's bad 'Ria, he's practically drooling, like when he's sleeping! So much drool!"
"Okay, first, we have to get some things straight", Phil huffed, "first, work day? The two of you probably sat in front of the PC watching some shitty show on Netflix-"
"Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is not shit-", Phil just waved Maria off and continued.
"Second, I don't drool while sleeping, or while being awake."
"You kinda drool while sleeping, especially when you fall asleep while sitting-"
"No, I don't! And third, yeah, don't give me that look, it's the last point as well; there were no heart-eyes involved. At least, I didn't see any." Satisfied that he was abled to say, Phil leaned back in his chair and eyed his friend.
Maria scoffed, " Phil, you didn't see any heart-eyes, because it was you who had them. And now I want to hear everything. E-ver-y-thing. Tell me, Phil, who made you drool on the carpet?", Maria seriously had the courage to wiggle her eyebrows at him.
"Drool on the- , there isn't even carpet in the-, 'Ria! Honestly, nothing happened. A woman came in, Daisy gave her a hard time and I was being nice."
"A woman. Tell me about her."
"I don't know her?"
"But you want to?"
"Jeez, Maria. Why do you even bother?"
"Because your lovely Angel Eyes contacted me. With a Code heart-eyes", Phil only snorted, so Maria continued, "she doesn't do that a lot. Actually, it hasn't happened in years. Years, Phil. And if a woman is abled to make you heart-eyed, I want to know everything. It could be ... something. "
"It could also be a customer who thinks I'm a complete idiot, because I can't get a word out without embarrassing myself."
"You embarrassed yourself?" A small, amused smile appeared on Maria's face.
"I rambled. About crust. And ice cream."
"Of course you did." Phil was grateful that Maria at least tried to suppress her smile.
"I'm a mess. Ain't I?", groaning he buried himself in his arms.
"Oh, yes. You are. But we love you."
"Yes, we dooooo!", Clint suddenly appeared next to Phil and pressed a sloppy kiss to his cheek.
"Clint! Why aren't you in the shop?"
"Hm?", Clint who tried to cuddle Phil from behind, didn't seem to he very alarmed by the question, "oh, I found someone more attractive to do it. A hot young brunette. I said, 'hey lovely, want a job? We brew coffee as hot as you, as dark and as mysterious as your eyes." He said all that, while hugging Phil from behind and dramatically batting his lashes at Maria.
"So, Elena started her shift?", Phil, easily freeing himself from Clint's death grip/hug, spoke up.
"Yeah, Elena started her shift."
A sudden noise startled the three friends, as Daisy rushed into the room.
"Dad! You won't believe what Clint did!", the little girl seemed to be utterly shaken.
"Angel Eyes, calm down. Did he swipe his finger through the frosting again?"
"Or did he try to drink straight from the coffee maker again?"
"Or did he flirt with the canasta ladies again?"
"Or did he break something aga-"
"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't break anything in weeks! Uhm... At least not in the shop, really Daisy, I'm sorry 'bout that porcelain horse, I didn't -"
"What?! You broke Paul? I thought it was Bucky! I haven't stroked him in two days! Dad, we have to go to the store and buy him super duper apology food!"
"What kind of horse name is Paul?", Clint muttered while Maria suppressed a giggle. Daisy was definitely a bit odd. And Maria loved it.
"Great, Clint. Now I'll have to buy super expensive cat food in my free time. Great work." Phil shook his head, but he was happy that his daughter calmed down a bit.
"Honey, what was it, that you wanted to tell us?" Maria interrupted Daisy as she listed all the cat goods, she wanted to buy her brown tabby.
"Oh... Oh! Yes! He let her go! He let her go!" Daisy started jumping up and down exaggeratedly.
"He let whom go?"
"The oblivious tea lady!", adults could be so frustrating. Did these old people already forgot why they were here?
"The what?"
"Clint, oblivious means-"
"I know what that means, Maria!"
"Melinda?" With one word, everybody in the room got silent and turned to Phil, who looked completely flabbergasted.
"Dad, that's not even the worst part!"
"Hm? What's the worst part then, Dais'?
"What the hell are we even talking about?" If Clint was accused, he wanted to know at least why.
"The tea lady! The reason why I called Maria! The lady in black! Dad liked her!"
"Ooh, that one? She was scary. Intimidating even. I didn't want her to return, so I charged her too much. She was so scary... Wait, you liked her?" Clint wasn't only accused of a crime, he was guilty. Sentenced to death, if the look on Maria's face was any indication.
"Melinda is gone?" Phil made a turn on his heel and run into the salesroom, startling Elena behind the counter. He scanned the room for Melinda. Grumpy eye-patch dude was in his corner, the old ladies playing canasta were at their usual table, Mack, Elena's boyfriend, was studying on a big table close to the window and some customers that Phil didn't know were munching their pastries. But no Melinda. His shoulders dropped.
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