#i do feel this fandom would benefit from reading some mid-century sci fi about robots
utilitycaster · 2 years
wait two more thoughts (I swear I'm wfh today and doing work and then I keep sitting up and going 'WAIT'):
Ashton is great this episode but I do think that their actions are solely because it's FCG, about whom they feel very protective. I don't think he'd do the same for someone else losing control. Which is valid! But Ashton is still a bastard punk (honorific).
Might be unpopular but I find Dancer to be fairly sympathetic thus far, neutral at absolute worst. She's obviously a dumpster fire of a person, but it's weird to me how many people seem to be jumping to "Dancer definitely is why FCG is fucked up" rather than her, not unlike the Calloways, simply being a person in way over their head. I just...find it difficult to believe that a truly evil person is naming her robots Pussy and Oatmeal; I think she's merely a hot mess who reactivated an AI with serious damage and almost got killed for it.
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