#i don’t like the pillagers being the source of the blue wool scattered around bc before i realized they made those wooden structures
mumblesplash · 11 months
hello miners and crafters i have questions about the deep dark
see i can admit i don’t know everything
(if anyone has theories or more questions send em i have ancient city brainrot again and this is all i can think about)
1. why does the sculk inflict darkness
the doylist answer here is definitely ‘game design’, but in terms of the sculk’s biology in-universe—it doesn’t have eyes. it would have no reason to understand the concept of vision, so how does it block ours?
2. why don’t catalysts make more catalysts
when catalysts spread sculk they make sensors and shriekers, albeit rarely, but they never spawn new catalysts. the only way to create a new catalyst is to kill a warden, which means past a certain point the sculk depends on players to spread itself. again, might just be a gameplay decision, but if this is an intentional part of sculk lore it then raises the question of how the hell all the naturally generated catalysts got where they are
3. why would the pillagers bother to build with wool
now ok for context afaik no official source has confirmed for sure that the pillagers were ever there, but they obviously were, and for a while. because some parts of the cities will contain structures like these:
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which are designed in the distinct style of pillager outposts and don’t match the rest of the city at all. there’s also the piles of cyan, blue, and light blue wool referred to as ‘camps’ that match the wool piles found in woodland mansions, and the implication here is that the pillagers used this wool to reconstruct parts of the wool walkways.
the problem is, the pillagers’ apparent reconstruction efforts consistently prioritize practicality over the original builders’ stylistic choices, and they would have no practical reason to use wool if only vibrations made by players can activate shriekers. so why bother? why not use wood planks or cobblestone like they do everywhere else?
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