#i don't have a color for gorou yet sobs
mmriesoftvat · 5 months
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@avaere / gorou sc!
coming to narukami island isn't always gorou's favorite thing to do, especially when the potential of running into her is high. unfortunately, acting as a go-between for her Excellency always involves him running around on some new errand that he doesn't want to shirk.
this time around, his trip to inazuma city happens to involve spotting a rather...similar looking fellow. tall ears, sleek tail? gorou's eyes go wide as he catches himself staring.
"ah, beg your pardon." he clears his throat, trying to maintain a more professional air. "it's not often when i see similar features." his own tail wags a little. "i'd ask if you're yokai, but i get the impression you're not from around here. would i be correct?"
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mewbrew · 1 year
blossoming torture 🌸
pairing — aquamarine. x kana.
genre; angst.
warnings; mentions of blood, coughing blood, unrequited love, hanahaki disease, failure of mutual love, hopelessly inlove, possible spoilers but i don't think so, lowercase on purpose, no beta we die like gorou, my first time posting officially, and english is by no means my first language!!! :]
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the foggy mirror that settled infront of her, showing her dreadful expression, it mimicked her tauntingly. she was alone in the bathroom, staring at her face with fear, worry. shaking, her eyes traveled down to the sink infront of her, where her hands rested against. all she saw was a repeating color scheme, one that matched her hair.
all she felt was pain. it was torturous.
yet she found that it was interesting. the way her chest tightened up, the way choked sobs came out of her dry and sore mouth. the way her throat tingled with every passing of a petal. the beauty of the blanchefluer petal disappearing as a velvety red tint encased it. every beat of her heart, every petal flowing out, every drop of blood dripping out of her cracked lips.
it hurt. love wasn't supposed to feel like this. magical, sincere, and true happiness was what they described it to be. but why? why is sorrow the only thing she felt?
kana arima, a beauty who was blessed with talents of acting. yet however way you put it, she always thought she had the short end of the stick. inferiority, that's what she felt. left and right, she felt inferior to those who surround her. acting, confidence, looks.
her knees bled, having collapsed to the ground moments prior. but the pain she experienced was underwhelming compared to the throbbing she felt, both in her heart and throat alike. though, the petals stopped.
kana struggled to breath. branches expanding inside her lungs rapidly, until it reached the air outside. her mouth was filled with blood stained branches. branches that grew and expanded, invading her mouth to the fullest. it hurt.
the way she scratched her throat, attempting to relieve herself of the sorrow she felt. it was a pathetic sight, the thought invaded her mind. her breath hitched, she struggled to let out even a single word. little by little, her eyes dropped. tears cascading down her pale, lifeless cheeks. it hurt.
"aqua..." lips quivering, her vision blacks out. her thoughts invaded by a boy she loved, to the moon and back. a voice reached her ears, though it was reduced to a simple ringing that rang inside her head.
blinking, she observed her surroundings. the singular color appeared around her, white. she was lying down in a hospital bed, sheets unstained, purely white.
her eyes followed the two figures that approached her, they spoke to her in a tone of happiness, worry, and sadness. question after question, she nodded.
"...was a success yet you're memory was lost throughout..." one of the two spoke. the rest of the sentence fell on deaf ears, only small amounts of information succeeding to reach her ears. soon every question passed by, blurring whatever inquiry they asked. soon enough, they left her alone to recollect her thoughts. thinking back, she vaguely remembers what happened.
yet, throughout all of her memories, there was someone she didn't recognize. she tires her hardest, yet little by little, the memories disintregated into nothing. the door leading to her room slammed open, shocking her out of her long train of thoughts.
there was ruby, mem-cho, and... and? who was it? he resembled ruby alot. they were alike in more ways than one, then why couldn't she recognize him? but, nevertheless, she smiled at the screaming girl infront of her.
ruby openly voiced out her worries toward kana, along with mem-cho who was also doing so from the sidelines. yet the man lingered and stayed, asking her questions by the lines of how are you and such. kana felt a sense of familiarity with him, though she couldn't remember anything about meeting him.
"who are you?"
a question that struck everyone slipped by her lips, only above a whisper, her voice hoarse from the recent events. yet everyone laughed, shrugging it off as a joke. but they came to realize that there wasn't any hint of playfulness in her voice.
slowly, ruby stepped back. her heart racing, as her mind did with questions. what?
the unknown man, that stood still the entire reunion, looked at her with shock... and with a tint of sadness and confusion.
a memory of that man came back to kana, and so did the darkness that consumed her. screams of worry, shouts to the doctors, and a continous beeping sound. it was confusing. with the sounds of everything that surrounded her mushing with one another, her ears rang an unpleasant sound.
her body felt like it was flying, the way her hospital bed was pushed with speed as the cold breeze hit her. it was so confusing. yet she saw blurred faces, with eyes brimmed with tears. their voices rang and rang, ringing quieter each time. she was unsure of what was happening, as she succumbs to the darkness one last time, but an unpleasant feeling remained in her.
it hurt.
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