#i don't think we were necessarily going for the yang and ruby dynamic so much as cute and adorably awkward
chaikachi · 10 months
rosegarden is sooooooooo canon baby
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Meant to ask for some time now. Scrolled through your old rwby conent and i found post about ruby x oscar and quoting "Ruby x Oscar? I think this is the first Ruby shipping I could really get into." And today we see polinated knight series. Lancaster, whiterose, ladybug but no rosegarden. Sooo, what had happend. What made you not making conent with that ship but make conent with other ships?
Honest really easy to answer.
1) Oscar is also Ozpin. Not necessarily now, but soon-ish. I really don't like the way this would have gone, at least in the terms of RWBY as a story. If it was framed differently, it would work well, but they did a lot of work building up the epic quest and team dynamics. If they had not broken the Huntsmen into teams when starting at the academy, it would work better as a single-focus teacher / student romance. If it was done as a complete rewrite, it would make a wonderful story.
2) They turned Oscar into a Mary Sue. Instead of going the wise mentor route, they turned him into an OP hero who solves every problem. There are plenty of stories that do OP heroes well, but more that do them poorly, and again, this spits in the face of the heavy focus on team dynamics that they built-up. We see RWBY and JNPR not only work together, but build up their abilities over the course of the seasons. They then sprinkled Chosen-One Oscar on top, as if doing so would turn it into a completely different dish.
3) While I initially liked the Oscar / Ruby dynamics, this was a) initial, and b) the Oscar / Ruby dynamics. As said in 1), they would have to completely reframe the story to make a romance with Ozpin make sense.
4) This was on my initial watch through. When you watch through the series more, you see a lot more subtext between the characters. you can view it as platonic or romantic, but there is deep love between RWBY and JNPR, and this goes all the way back to the earliest episodes. They started off with a deep, soul-bound friendship between Ruby and Jaune. JNPR automatically had this friendship, while we saw RWBY build this up over the first three seasons. Yang declared
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as in that moment, they all knew the friendship was complete. They all felt at home in each other's presence. We then see RWBY and JNPR supporting each other through the entirety of the series, with other teams providing brief distractions. From SSSN, we see Neptune being nothing more than a shallow pretty boy whom has to be coerced into even talking to Weiss at the dance. Sun tagged along with Blake, with Blake rebuking him the entire time. The Black Sun romance was fun, until I realized that the best part about it was Kali, and not the pairing itself. They then cut Sun out of the story altogether, and I didn't miss a moment of it.
I didn't start writing the dialogues until, honestly, the disaster that was Season 6. This tends to be what happens for me with shows, I don't really take the reigns of writing until either the show has run it's course, or I feel it's run it's course.
As for the specific pairings you mentioned:
Lancaster: Ruby and Jaune were the absolute most important for each other in the early parts of the series. Jaune felt the burden of the crown, while Ruby had to force her team into stop fighting with each other and actually start working together. Jaune confided in Ruby. Ruby confided in Jaune. They did everything they could for each other.
White Rose: Despite not looking for friends, and trying to avoid friendship if at all possible, Ruby is the one to try and build a friendship with Weiss. Ruby comes out of her anti-social shell around Weiss, and Weiss alone, and Weiss learns to accept trust and affection from one-another. Truly a beautiful story.
Ladybug: Ruby is the only one in RWBY to not chastise Blake. She honestly accepts Blake as the troubled quiet girl instantly, and again does everything in her power to build friendship and trust with her, much to Blake's chagrin. She never pushes further than Blake wishes, with truly a deeply, if unspoken understanding.
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