#i hate chaaaaaange
hotelbitches-a · 8 months
someone convince me to make the change from velvet to velvette
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kaizerinj · 7 years
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 110: there’s a window RIGHT THERE
I got a HAIRCUT. by which I mean I got them ALL CUT, I have 99% less hair and it's GREAT
"a nap"
"rip van widogast"
oh shit he never told everyone the whole story did he
is caleb still lowkey obsessed with what jester thinks of him? I know liam said he didn't share this before bc he was terrified of jester hating him
"I give him a hug" yes good the appropriate response
jester: you wanna kill a bitch? I'm down to kill a bitch if you are
we! love! supportive! friends!
everybody under that kind of abuse deserves a chance to change
"I failed my people." "I think they failed you." caduceussss
"the mighty nein is pretty dope" shirt
"well I hate them all now" correct
I am in favor of surgically removing trent
like, with knives
too topical, dial it back
"taint in the cobalt soul" laura giggling like a child immediately
"I need veth" ;-;
pls show up in xhorhasian clothes
beau: "I can will poison out of my pores" fjord: "bullSHIT"
oh no
(oh yes)
god I hate matt's trent face
all clothes are tear-away if you try hard enough
sam's broken jpeg flask
caleb recogizing that people grow and chaaaaaange
nobody in this group remembers nouns
"I love making little temples" same tbqh
"knock on the door then push in" a knock is not a request it is a warning
yasha ;-;
I mean luc has also been through some shit
okay it wasn't twitch it was my internet, INTERNET CAN YOU FUCKING NOT
ohh that's where they're gonna do the thingy
"talent comes with height" that explains a lot about me
that's fucking adorable
"smells like old times"
"magic it away" "how?!" "....eldritch blast"
this is also weirdly adorable
"you almost have one whole healer"
what's in the other book caleeeeeb
what if caleb keeps a journal so he never loses that much time ever again
also I feel like this is just how ashley approaches buffets
mala: while they're at it they should go to Emon and see the Tal'dorei Council
"do I need to be in peak form tonight" "you rarely are not" listen I JUST got over my widojest heartache, this episode is killing me
birb?? ?
"mageocracy" tevinter
I was joking but that's some severely dragon age shit
this is amazing
I had to step away from the shopping bc what is an attention span
I don't LIKE IT
I only picture the bedlam house guy from beauty and the beast
"let's do 'get help'"
"the code word is 'yahtzee'" "pick something non-copyright!"
I like nothing about this
there are too many chairs in this room, I'm uncomfortable
so he has surround sound. bitch me too, he ain't special
"we are traveling to the land of nunya"
oh fuck off. fuck O F F
I love you caduceus
"she should get advantage for the fact that we are very attractive"
they do not give a single collective fuck
god caleb knows and is using all the buzzwords
they're all so stupid and I have so much anxiety
"that's why her tits look so amazing"
god his little laugh every time he corrects caleb's name, I want to push him out a window
god, eat shit and DIE
you can receive THESE HANDS
what do you consider "good people", you dried up xenophobic ass pimple
I love one (1) cow man
jester jester-ing all over astrid
consider: jester and cad both grab a mage and poof
the birds work for the bourgeoise
"not if I had to live here"
"I should not" that's the best reason to
liam that's gay
jester <3
my child
"ehhh I think he's a little dumb"
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT" - caleb's parents, probably
astrid and eodwulf already had that seed of doubt, they just don't have anywhere, anything, or anyone else
"I didn't ask for - why are you - "
I love jester
"that sure is four walls and a floor"
widogast's wardrobe
nooo I wanna know what the mansion looks liiiike
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westmillfarm · 4 years
Our baby girl is still not sleeping well through the night. Matter of fact she sleeps in bed with us so I can get at least some shuteye but even then it’s not the best. Hence why I have scarcely if at all updated.
Let’s do a quick and dirty update of what’s up...
1) I quit my full time job and am now only one day a week. Could we afford this? Not really, but we did it anyway. Once my student loans are paid off in two years we’ll have more wiggle room but until then we are really tightening the ol’ purse strings.
2) I am now mostly full time at home doing the mom thing as well as being primarily responsible for making our farm and my wee botanical business profitable. This means a focus on bookkeeping, marketing, etc. 
3) Most importantly to any readers out there, I am going to give blogging some real effort. This means the blog will be moving to a new platform, I’m going to get a youtube channel up and running, and I’m even going to learn the ropes of instagram. Quite the undertaking for a 30-year-old who still insists on using a flip phone.
All that is in the works and I’ll keep you updated as it progresses. I’ll certainly keep this blog around as more of an archive. It has years and years of my time as an apprentice on various farms and I’d hate to lose it, especially if is helpful to other farmers out there. 
Anyways I hope if you’ve been sticking with me all these years, through sparse blog posts and random farm rants, that you’ll stick around for this next chapter. 
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purplepollywog · 5 years
I hate when, in relation to a website making shitty updates, there are people who are like "YOU JUST HATE CHAAAAAANGE WAH WAH BABIEEEESSSS".
Uh, no, actually people hate when a site changes so radically that it's impossible to navigate, all the posts end up out of order with no way to change it to chronological, random ads scream at you and there's no way to turn the sound off unless you are a coding genius with an adblocker, half the features don't work and the entire community screams at the staff to fix it until it gets to the point the coding genius has to create a code to fix it (and even then there's never an ACTUAL fix from the staff), etc etc.
It's not about change, it's about changing /badly/.
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