#i hate how they make Barnum a saviour for the performers like NO
So I’m watching The greatest showman with the kids of my neighbor tonight and I just … bro there is SO much wrong with this movie. Also Nicole kidmans song is so borin and goes on for SO long I just wanna skip it.
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thebookofkate22 · 3 years
Okay let’s clear something up here. I saw a really bad take on Jeremy’s Greatest Showman medley in his tag and we just need to break this down. Basically, this person said that Jeremy stans are salty Hugh and Zac ended up in The Greatest Showman. Fair take. Personally, I haven’t seen any of this (despite following numerous Jeremy stans all over my social media) but you know what fandoms can be like so okay cool that’s not a problem.
One thing I will point out about this though is Hugh was always working on the project anyway... so unsure about that specific point? We all knew that information and Jeremy was always too young for Barnum’s role anyway. He ever acknowledges this in his performance. He did the demos for the songs, and said he thought nothing would come of it because the role wasn’t a fit for him. He only got his hopes up when the role of Phillip was created as this was something he could do.
Anyway in the comments of said post, was someone saying that Jeremy needs to stop going around speaking about “the day I was almost cast in the greatest showman, it’s so pathetic” and the OP and someone else agreed with them. And I’m sitting here like wow they really misunderstood the performance. I can understand that if they’ve never watched Jeremy before maybe they think he’s coming across as arrogant? Him calling himself the "true saviour of movie musicals” is literally just his sense of humour, and it was an obvious joke. He’s actually a very modest person. He’s spoken various different times about not feeling like he’s good enough.
First of all, Jeremy’s medley isn’t him moping around like “this job was mine all along and zac efron stole it what a thief”. His performance is an amusing take on something in his life that was difficult for him to process. It’s perfectly valid to feel sad about a rejection. But Jeremy is a professional actor. He’s no stranger to rejection in this cut-throat industry and he certainly wasn’t slating other actors in expressing these feelings. He’s allowed to tell the story from his perspective. I first saw him perform this medley in London over a year ago and neither me or my friends felt like it was him taking a swipe and Hugh and Zac. It was just an honest, but humerous re-enactment of how his time working on The Greatest Showman went.
Second, one of the things said was that he was bitter about a role he “didn’t even audition for”. SPARE ME, PLEASE. It’s not completely wild for actors to be cast in projects from workshops alone with no audition. I laughed so hard at this comment because Keala Settle (a queen) is literally right there. It doesn’t always happen, but it can happen. Another recent example I can think of from the top of my head is Carrie Hope Fletcher being cast in ALW’s Cinderella. She never auditioned for that, she only did the workshop and then they asked her to do the role. Sometimes the workshop... is the audition.
So it’s valid for him to feel like he stood a chance, and to then be disheartened by the fact he was never truly being considered. If I was in his position I probably would have wanted to be out of that room asap too. Imagine you’ve just done a not-so-great vocal performance because you’re ill and then overhearing that your journey with this project is over? Would you honestly stick around in that situation? I’d be feeling sort of embarrassed and demoralised. I doubt he just slipped out ungratefully without thanking people for the opportunity though as Pasek and Paul are friends of his. Plus, he’s been working in the industry long enough to know coming across as salty isn’t good for your reputation going forward. And he certainly was moping around in the behind-the-scenes video released on YouTube. Despite him feeling like he had given a terrible performance, outwardly he presented himself very enthusiastically like the true professional he is. Remember as well that they asked him to do the read-through and then he had to buy his own plane ticket even though they wanted him there.
Then, they posted a news article linking to a headline that said something about ‘Jeremy losing role to Zac Efron’. Do they think Jeremy personally controls what they write about his performance? I feel like no one should have taken that article seriously the moment it called him ‘Supergirl’s Jeremy Jordan’. We all know he is ‘Tony-nominated Broadway star Jeremy Jordan’ (although the article was correct in saying that Jeremy deserves to be in a major movie musical, let’s be real he’s talented af).
I need to point out (after checking out their blogs) these people are all hardcore Zac/Hugh fans. I feel like they’re just doing anything to make it seem like their fandom is being attacked, which I don’t really understand. It’s a shame they feel like they can’t enjoy this Greatest Showman content, if I’m honest. I’m also here as a huge fan of Zac and Hugh and would definitely not be taking any kind of slander against them... which is why I enjoy Jeremy’s Greatest Showman Medley... because it is NOT slander against them. Plus, if you’re truly a fan of The Greatest Showman then just be grateful Jeremy swooped in and sang all of Hugh’s songs even when he was ill himself for the read-through that got the movie greenlit. 
Sorry for the essay. I really hate arguing with people on this damned site but when you’re just scrolling through a tag and see some utter nonsense sometimes you have to respond. Anyway, enjoy the video above of Jeremy being great.
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beckinwndrlnd · 6 years
just sayin it right here, right now
I am fully aware of how historically inaccurate The Greatest Showman was with the depiction of P.T. Barnum and his relationship with the “freaks” and performers that were in his show. As someone who is deeply interested in the part of our culture’s history and has done much outside research into the freak show performers themselves as well as the entire reason that “Freak Shows” were popular worldwide throughout the turn of the century, I realise that they glamourised and twisted the whole relationship between P.T. Barnum and his performers and made him out to be this, almost, able-saviour to these people.
I am, however, willing to step back from that to also say that while the history behind the fiction is lacking, the fiction itself was well written. The aesthetics and costumes were immaculate. The songs..........oh my Gods the songs. I think that I have blared each song for a week on repeat since getting the full album. They were so well done. The casting was spot on. The cinematography was orgasmic.
And I enjoyed the film. That’s right. I enjoyed the film. I will be buying it when it comes out. I will be hoping that it wins some sort of Academy Award (for cinematography, costumes, music, acting...It’s not film of the year and shouldn’t get an award for the writing even though the fiction aspect of it was well written ). I was able to take my own historical knowledge and put it aside to enjoy a film that literally, at some points, left me in goosebumps.
Everyone has the right to have their own opinion and do with it how they please. However, please realise that not everyone has to hate something just because everyone else is saying it’s bad or hating on it. And don’t hate on the people who choose to like it just because they found it beautiful in different respects.
As I said before, I have done outside and personal research on this topic due to my own interest in the society, societal mindset, and culture that brought about this dark part of our world culture’s history. And I still loved the film. 
Not everyone who is knowledgable about it is going to immediately hate it. And not everyone who doesn’t have that knowledge is going to like it. It just depends on the person.
I guess I am making this long ass post because I have been afraid to come forward and say that I genuinely enjoyed The Greatest Showman. It took me close to a month to come to terms with the fact that I can enjoy this film. That I can say that I enjoyed it. And that if someone wants to peg me as a bad person, they can do so. I don’t care.
I got to see it in an empty theatre with just my sister at a 2300 showing. We got the whole place to ourselves to cry, yell at the screen, dance to the songs, and sing along. It is a memory that I’ll cherish. So it is a movie that I will cherish.
I will sing along to the songs. I will stare at the costumes and try to replicate them for cosplays. I will dance along to all the hits of the soundtrack. And I will genuinely hope that the film wins some award at the Oscars for the costuming, music, cinematography, or acting.
Cause it was a good movie. And it’s okay to say that.
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