#i hate that kink related tags were the first to show up while typing that trigger warning. jesus fucking christ
dyketubbo · 3 months
Its especially fucking crazy when people try to deny what came out against wilbur because. He literally responded. Sure, he played down what he did and made a terrible apology but he was responding TO SHELBY. How could anyone deny that he did it when HE admitted he did it by making a response. Even the abuser himself isn't saying he didn't hurt them, yet certain people are??
the thing is ultimately many people just.. will always believe the abusers word over the victims. it doesnt matter that it says a lot that he didnt even actually say sorry, that multiple people who knew him confirmed he was horrible to them and scared them into silence, that its on camera that he treats physically hurting his friends as a joke and normalizes it as being playful and just a trait of his so no one speaks up, it doesnt matter that even people who considered him to be like family to them dropped him in support of shubble because they believed what she said.
because wilbur said he thought they were both having fun. because people will both sides abuse and manipulation to the ends of the earth in order to avoid having a fucking backbone. shubble could have had video evidence of how hard he would bite her and it wouldnt matter to these people because wilbur wont properly own up to his abuse and as long as he has an excuse it doesnt matter what it is that hes excusing.
not to mention how people only focus on the physical part of it all. he still practically treated her like a fucking mommy to him and constantly excused his behavior as "just who he is" and stating that he would never change or get better (a big part of why shubble spoke up, because they wanted people to know that he does know hes horrible and just sees it as inherent to who he is). emotional abuse is still abuse.
its just willful ignorance all around. they dont want to believe wilbur could be a horrible person, so they wont. not for anything
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
Commander Bacara relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
Here are some headcanons nobody asked for!! 
Note: There are no gifs of him on this hell site. The only one I found is of his fucking boots. If you don’t know what this hottie looks like please look him up 
Bacara is the strong silent type 
He’s also seen as a loner 
He will not talk to you unless he has to. So getting this man to just talk to you is a challenge 
When you first hear his voice you’re surprised that it’s deeper and rougher than other clones
But! Bacara is a Marine! This means he’s very cocky(Just like Marines here in America! No offense, but I’m right)
This means if you challenge Bacara, or ask him about something badass he did, he’ll talk to you 
Bacara especially loves to be challenged in fitness and such 
We all know Bacara has railguns, so he can probably bench press you plus a lot more  
He’s beefier than some other clones, and it’s all muscle. He weightlifs a LOT. 
If you watch him workout he shows off, but he won’t admit it
That’s how he flirts. He shows off. He will not flirt in any other way
When he’s shirtless you get a good view of his tattoo sleeves. 
The tattoos are  wavy and spider web like as they run down his arms, with very detailed patterns in them. They connect at his shoulders and turn into a tattoo that traces his spine
Most of his tattoos are death related, so that says a lot about his personality. One of his tattoos is a shattered clone trooper helmet with the skull visible, a droid head beside it. 
You also quickly notice that both of his ears are pierced twice, with black studs 
If you do somehow get Bacara into a relationship with you it’ll be hard 
He seems generally disinterested in everything, so reading him is difficult. 
He doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck about anything, so you didn’t know if he actually liked you at first 
Bacara isn’t a fan of the streets of Coruscant. He’d much rather be sleeping or lifting weights 
When he does get time for leave he hates leaving the barracks, but he will come over to your place 
Once you invite him over once he officially lives there. It’s like when you feed a stray cat once, they instantly becomes yours 
This means a fully armored Bacara will show up at your door at anytime, just because he can 
You don’t mind because he’s an amazing cook 
One time you walked into your apartment and Bacara was cooking dinner, wearing a dumb bright pink apron that said, “Kiss the cook.” 
Bacara has that odd sense of humor. You know where he’ll do something absolutely hilarious while keeping a bemused look on his face. 
It’s always surprising and hilarious when he does something like that
You asked him how he can cook and he said he taught himself, because he hates ration bars 
Bacara is also very neat, you’re pretty sure he has mild OCD 
If you touch his stack of armor he slaps your hand and stares at you till you back away
Your date nights are never going out somewhere fancy, it’s usually you two relaxing at your place 
Sometimes he’ll make dinner, or you’ll just have a movie night. No matter what, Bacara will make sure the date is perfect and rememberable 
You’ll have to buy him comfy clothes to sleep in because he doesn’t own any 
Soft pajama pants?? Bacara loves them. 
Bacara loves cuddles. He won’t admit it, even as he crawls on top of you to rest his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat
He has pretty high maintenance hair that he takes pride in. 
His hair is snow white and in the typical clone haircut, but with purple(Or whatever color his armor has on it) patterns shaved in on the sides
Bacara always has a five o'clock shadow, but never an actual beard 
If you volunteer to help Bacara with his hair it becomes your permanent job. 
He melts as you wash his hair. This leads to you two taking a lot of bubble baths together 
Once you two have been in a relationship for a while he still isn’t talkative
Bacara never wants to talk about his issues, he keeps his PTSD and other issues buried deep down 
He really enjoys killing, like his brother Neyo. He won’t ever tell you that though 
He also seems rather cold sometimes, but he’s rarely cold around you 
Bacara can be kind of mean sometimes though. He’s never aggressive or abusive, he can just be mean with his words
When he’s pissed off you know it though. His jaw clenches and he gets very tense 
Bacara cusses like a sailor when he does talk, so when he’s pissed it gets worse 
Calming him down is like calming down a pissed off and spooked horse. He’s big and scary, and very mad. It takes a few minutes to get him to relax 
Being a Galactic Marine, he may be away for longer times 
He always makes up for being gone though! 
Sometimes he might bring you something he thought was cool from one of his missions 
Like a pretty rock. He brings you rocks. 
But other than that he never really gives you presents. 
He spoils you with forehead kisses and cuddles though!
Bacara will fall in love with you pretty quickly, but he won’t say it for a while 
He eventually says it while cuddling you after some intimate sex 
He’ll love you till the end of his days, and that’s a promise. 
You wouldn’t think Bacara would have much experience, but you were wrong 
Bacara makes you cum almost immediately, and that’s how you learned Bacara knows his stuff
He can read you like a book, so after a time or two he’ll know exactly what makes you scream
He’s still the strong silent type in bed. The only way to get him to be vocal is if he's tied up and being teased 
Bacara will give you short one word orders though. His rough voice sending shivers down your spine 
He loves being in control. But sometimes he will let you take the reigns
He’s a brat when you’re domming him though 
Bacara is a very very patient man, so he’ll tease you and drag orgasm after orgasm from you 
He loves seeing you writhe and moan underneath him
He doesn’t care how you two fuck. He’ll go fast or slow, rough or gentle. It all depends on both of your moods 
Bacara will not talk about his kinks, but if you bring up yours he’d listen
He’s pretty kinky, but you’ll always have to bring up something new for you two to try 
He’s surprisingly eager to try new things
You quickly learn that he loves spanking, both on you and himself
(He drinks his respect women juice so pegging)
He also loves choking
Bacara also loves to give oral, he is addicted to your taste 
He often wakes you up with his very skilled mouth 
The first time you give him oral he is very unsure at first
He quickly learns that he loves being in your mouth 
All the clones have a breeding kink, but his is dialed down because he hates kids 
So he doesn’t care if he cums inside of you or on you
His cock is very big, just like the rest of him
He loves it when you trace his muscles, most of which are covered in tattoos 
Bacara is up for quickies, especially before he has to leave for a long mission
With aftercare he usually takes a hot shower or bath with you
Sometimes he will just clean you both up with a hot rag before passing out beside you 
Aftercare depends on what you two do and how much energy you two have left 
He loves it when you fall asleep in his muscular tattooed arms
Tags: @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @valkyrieofthehighfae @peacelandbread
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lilmooncat · 7 years
I was tagged by lovely @southsideserpentine Thank you!
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: green tea
2. Phone call: my mom
3. Text message: “perfect”
4. Song you listened to: “Never Endind” by Rihanna
5. Time you cried: two days ago
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: no 
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes and very often
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no thank you
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12.-14. marsala, mustard and white
IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: almost :D
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your friends are: that happened not in the last year but not while ago
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: don’t have FB :D
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: don’t have FB 23. Do you have any pets: yaas, my beautiful cat named Laska
24. Do you want to change your name: no, I like mine ^^
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I spend it on a sea beach with my mom
26. What time did you wake up: 7:30 I guess
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: was just about to fall asleep but didn’t succeed till the early morning
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Riverdale Season 2! and Comic Con! and my trip to Europe
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: few hours ago
31. What are you listening to right now: The National – Morning Dew
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: haha no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: snore. I HATE IT
34. Most visited website: Tumblr.
35.-37.  This didn’t have any question next to it! Who knows……
38. Hair colour: natural dark blond
39. Long or short hair: medium
40. Do you have a crush on someone: hell yeah, Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart baby
41. What do you like about yourself: maybe sardonic humor as my way of relating to the world
42. Piercings: 2. 1 on each ear. definitely want more
43. Blood type: first positive
44. Nickname: Nastya, Scherbatsky
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: Virgo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: right now Riverdale for sure. it consumed me when I didn’t expect it at all. but I have a lot. for example, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left handed: right
51. Surgery: same with @southsideserpentine (oral surgery to have my wisdom teeth taken out)
52. Piercing: someone has a kink on it :D
53. Sport: badminton
55. Vacation: I want to visit Amsterdan again so bad
57. Eating: right now candies
58. Drinking: right now none
59. I’m about to: I really want to sleep but have a lot to do first
61. Waiting for: Riverdale Season 2 and Comic Con 
62. Want: fall in love 
63. Get married: one day for sure. but not any time soon
64. Career: I don’t think I have any aptitude to work anywhere. I couldn’t care less about career. I just want to travel so that’s probably will be part of my future job
 65. Hugs or kisses: definitely hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: in the middle
68. Older or younger: younger
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
What happened to 71??
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker but not so trouble
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yeah…
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so
80. Had your heart broken: yeah, but not necessarily romantically
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah…
84. Yourself: not always
85. Miracles: more no than yes but who knows 
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: no and never did
88. Kiss on the first date: yes 
89. Angels: no 
90. Current best friend’s name: the same as mine - Nastya
91. Eye colour: hazel
92. Favourite movie: “Elvis and Anabelle”
i tag @stilinsk1 @sprouseharts @hotsforbughead @bugheadotp @bughead-is-life @fiendfyrx @rarecolesprouse @bliggyy @darkjuggie @r-ivertales @ju-gg @thatsadbreakfastclub @lilis-reinhartt @riverdalili @blueberryaltavista@eaaortiz21 @gershwinn @fxyeahriverdale @sprouseharttrash @jughead-wuz-here i’m sorry if you already answered this or don’t want to 😌
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