#i have a carrd but i'm better at code now than i was when i made it and i NEED my carrd to reflect my current skills
vaazel · 9 months
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danganfan42069 · 11 months
Why i hc Chihiro as transfem (but also think that nb and transmasc hcs are pretty neat too!)
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A few warnings first, since you're here to read it I recommend reading these paragraphs extra to avoid stress for you and me :)
To be honest I'm not posting my opinion with the intention of changing someone's opinion or starting some kind of debate, I just want to express my opinion and that's all. It's like a public diary, it's one of the definitions of a blog after all ^_^
This isn't exactly a theory or an attempt to change anyone's mind and I know that none of this is canon and most likely not intended as I see it. I'm just want to talk in more detail about my headcanons and my lines of thoughts on them.
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I already made a post with a carrd and article about transfem Chihiro and I also made a post about what I disagree with, now I would like to make a post that would be the parts that I agree with carrd and more other opinions of mine about it. (I will mostly use she/her for Chihiro since I hc her as transfem)
I see a lot of people talking that they think Chapter 2 had great critics about gender stereotypes and... I have to disagree.
In my interpretation I understood that Chihiro thinks that feminine = weakness, fragile lack of strength and that's it. And then she wants to become strong by running away from everything feminine.
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This thought was never refuted and it was never explicitly established that women can also be strong, we have Sakura but she is seen as an exception and still doubted that she is a (cis) woman.
About this part, it seems to me that the writers simply have this transphobic mindset and see trans people as insecure with their own gender (this art could explain it in better words) or think that trans people are lying to everyone about their gender (when in reality is opposite, we feel like we are lying when we are in the closet and saying we identify with agab)
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Just like I said before, it feels like the transphobic mindset where trans people are lying and insecure and being "just a phase"
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And Mondo is a great ally (yes he killed her but it wasn't out of transphobia but an attack of anger and stress) and tried his best to keep Chihiro's secret
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One thing I see a lot is people saying that hc Chihiro as transfem is erasing her entire backstory but it's important to remember that her backstory is completely fictional and nothing like this has ever happened in real life. Chihiro doesn't exist, but the people (mostly trans) who relate to her (the transcoded part of the character, I mean) exist.
This is why many people "reclaim" or hc Chihiro as transfem, transmasc and/or nonbinary. Chihiro is a very transcoded character, whether intentionally or not.
Despite not having Chihiro's hc be non-binary or transmasc, I understand where they're coming from. I can only remember the song Am I a Girl by Poppy for the non-binary headcanon. And for transmasc it's a cool interpretation too (still has the problem but feminine=weak but I'm sure whoever has this hc re-imagines that part in a non-sexist way) where Chihiro kinda comes out of the closet in chapter 2 to Mondo and wants to be himself. As I said before, Chihiro is a very trans coded character, like it or not, then every interpretation that trans people have about this character is valid. People can relate to this in a lot of very different ways and that's ok.
To me, anything is more interesting and makes more sense than a cis man in the closet. This is too nonsense to me. I know there are many things in the game that are also nonsense but I have my personal limits like everyone else (Ps: Not saying that whoever has the hc of Chihiro being a cis man is invalid because this is canon lol, its just not my cup of tea)
In summary, I have this headcanon of her being transfem because from the beginning she is presented as a woman and in all the merchs she continues to be treated as such, so that's what makes the most sense to me. Maybe if it was established that feminine doesn't equal weakness, maybe she would stay the same. And just look at the picture of her with her dad! He supports her unconditionally! It's a very beautiful thing to see and makes me happy.
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I like to look at this scene as if someone were misgendering her, she wouldn't mind.
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Edit: I found an excellent post that makes some great points too, here are some highlights:
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antonballdeluxe · 2 years
My Woes on Carrd
It's not too rare for a piece of anything made for professional adults to consume is eaten up by a disproportionate percentage of fourteen year old girls.
But what if it was a website instead, made for businesses, and again, used mostly by the fourteen year old girls of the web? That's Carrd's reputation for you, other than as anyone's extended twitter about me page, a replacement for tumblr about autobiographies, it's the new and hip way to introduce yourself to the web.
Easy to use, drag and drop, place, write, style, done. That's your page! Kinda like a very easy version of Neocities. And again, this was made for...businesses. Professionals. People with things to do, products to sell. And then Twitter came along, realized that unlike their site, Carrd has no precious character limit to describe every bit of your personality and life and market yourself as a niche micro celebrity, and went at it. That's what Carrd is now, the about me's, the kinlists, the do not interact if pages.
It's basically a more lame, watered down, and sensitive as fuck Neocities.
So why does Carrd piss me off?
Well, it's mostly the ones who use it who piss me off, but there's so many things I could discuss involving the site itself. For one, there's a definite lack of freedom, as with all code-free drag n' drop editors of websites or games or whatnot. They're easy for normies to use, but at the cost of freedom. You have plenty at the disposal, sure, but the general layout and look of the site means that with what they give you, there's only a few designs that will look good, pleasing, or bring the eye towards the guy who made it. And you've probably seen them everywhere. Oh, look at it, it's just like a file viewer and a window, except pastel mint! And there's a Korean girl in the upper left corner! Sooooo pleasing, I guess. Oh, what about roman numerals instead of any descriptor to your pages? Now I'm sure to see what anime boy is literally you before finding if you want me to follow you or not. And don't get me started on the disaster known as scenecore or any -core for that matter. Webcore carrds are genuinely ironic.
But what if you want to do more than this? What if you...wanted a custom cursor? Or things falling in the background? Music on the page? More than 50 drag n' drops on your bio? Well, better coin up, sucker. Carrd Pro time. That's their subscription services that the cool and edgy kinnies use and share accounts with their friends and groomers to get all of that done, because simply embedding cool fancy code is paywalled. And having more than three sites. And not having a "Made with Carrd" thingadoo on the bottom of everything. And uploading content over 2MB or whatso. There's still a file size limit, even on the biggest tier. Fuck, even having a favicon is paylocked. And all of this comes for about twenty dollars a year, or if you want to get really fancy and go for an even bigger plan with bigger files and more sites and even more ways to build a website that you could learn from 2-4 hours on W3Schools, fifty a year. Some of this is useless knickknack for bragging rights, but some of it is literally just how websites should work. You can't download your Carrd without hucking up the fifty, by the way.
So basically, get limtied to a few styles because nothing else sucks, and pay 20 a year to have little sparkles when you click. What a wonderful way to make money.
Go back to why people who use it suck, Lobst.
So, about the people who use Carrd. The entire brain process of using Carrd to explain who you are has lead to an epidemic of forgetting your elementary-middle school internet safety lessons, and now, oversharing is the norm. I've seen people use NOT oversharing on your Carrd as a bullet point on a call out, mostly dealing with race, which is as expected knowing that I read Twitter callouts for fun. I've gathered a few examples here of the new norm of "who am I online?", where instead of introducing via talent and hobby, it's your identity points.
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Notice how none of these really have a catch, a reason to be mutuals. Of course, they're on another page, but it still feels sad and silly that the first thing you see is enough information to doxx a few of these individuals. Did you know that you only need one's age, state, and first name to wittle down the results to around ten or so individuals. Swap around a few of those for other basic identifiers, you can still get a close view at a doxx. That's bad, to say the least.
Not to mention the sheer amount of non-identifying personal information in these bios. Using mental illness as a standpoint, a personality trait, a way to paint one in a romantic sadness, has become all too common. Hell, I did it a year ago, I'm still growing out of all of it, I'm anonymizing myself once more, disconnecting, and it's more than freeing.
But what if I still want to use Carrd?
Well, for one, share as little information as possible about yourself. Your basic information should only really be what you want to be called, and an age approximation. Do not make yourself vunerable to those who can take advantage of that. Fill it up with things you enjoy, so you can easily be found by others that share your hobbies or favorite bands. And for that matter, make sure your page is readable.
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Peak example of what to not do with a carrd. Oversharing, nobody needs to know that you wrote that fanfic, because that's disgusting, what the hell do your homework. And about the layout, even taking these screenshots made me need to get an Advil. I'm serious. The background is flashing neons, everything is a gif, sparkles, it's so ugly. There's more to it, and for the faint of heart, here it is. It's become an inside joke within my group.
As a small wrap-up, Carrd isn't to blame as a platform for a lot of the glaring issues with it, well, except the pricing plans, because that's bullshit. Most of the problems with Carrd falls on the user, and if you can avoid those problems, feel free. Or just make a Neocities for that extra freedom, and for a lot of effort. Actually, no, just make a Neocities, gives you great bragging rights as well.
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