#i have an au where frisk meets them if anyone wants to hear abo(gets struck down by divine intervention)
sixoclockuty · 1 month
What do you think would martlet, starlo and ceroba thoughts on finally seeing the surface and on frisk?
anon ily for letting me talk abt this …
i think before the barrier would be broken but after frisk falls in that they definitely get the news that there’s a human around. and i think they all get together and collectively agree to stay as away as possible because they don’t want a repeat of last time; they loved clover and their death took a TOLL on them. they don’t want to go through that again.
and then the barrier is broken. joy.
martlet to start out i think she’d be fairly eager to see the surface. i mean it’s the SURFACE so like that’s cool! and having more room to fly about would also be nice i think. as for frisk…
frisk reminds her of clover— and frisk reminds all of them of clover really but martlet takes it in a sense where she probably accidentally calls frisk ‘clover’ by accident sometimes. she really doesn’t mean to it’s just !! it’s just how it is. and therefore she’s a lot more open to frisk than she would’ve been had clover never came through (and obviously she would’ve been open, but i mean like. moreso.)
starlo is probably disappointed at first that he can’t actually ‘ride into the sun’ but that is VERY quickly overshadowed by the fact that HOLY FUCK THATS THE SUN!!!!!! and its a star!?!?!?? and also i think he’d be shocked that the surface isn’t like the movies. but its alright. he can jsut head over to texas or something.
he’s similar to martlet in the regard that frisk reminds him of clover but he acts different than her. instead he’s more like, hes friendly and all but he isn’t like all up trying to be best friends or anything. he sees the traits clover had in frisk and it’s really bittersweet. probably really lost on how to feel about it entirely though bc come on. who would know??
ceroba is probably the most reluctant to go to the surface— because like, her family never gets to see this but she does? she doesn’t know how fair that is but i think she does go up anyway because you know, she has more life to live and stuff with her friends and whatnot. so that’s the surface
as for frisk…… she’s definitely dead set on they’re going to die at first. and then she’s not. and then she doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t want to get attatched to this random ass child but then the random ass child frees monsterkind?? it’s definitely confusing and she definitely tries to keep her distance at first but eventually i think she’d warm up to frisk :)
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