#i have my own issues with kdin (mainly her own past racism lmao)
monarchisms · 9 months
very very sorry if you’ve answered this recently but what’s up with geoff……… have not heard about that man in Ages
honestly, me either lol
what i was referring to earlier was with everything that happened last october. like, you know how one of the many accusations kdin dropped was how the higher ups/rt as a whole back in 2020 chose not to address everything that happened in regards to how they fumbled the bag with the harassment mica faced when she worked there?
the final nail in the coffin for me was when before he set his twitter account to private, geoff was caught having his recent liked tweets under his apology reveal that said apology was disingenuous to begin with. him turning around and liking tweets against him and/or the company Certainly Didn't Help Him
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