#i have one more week of break before classes come back and its oe week to get a strong daily guideline for my days
fireflysummers · 6 years
An ABOT Attic AU One-Shot 
At age five, Tsubomi learns to keep a secret.
At age ten, she learns the cost of lying.
At age fourteen, she learns how not to get caught.
But most important of all, Tsubomi knows how not to forget.
I...really love Tsubomi? We didn’t get nearly enough screentime with her in-canon, so I wanted to explore her a little bit in this AU of an AU, without altering the set timeline.
Also, I think ther’es something important and incredibly powerful about somebody remembering you, even when they don’t have to. Even when it would be easier to forget.
TW: Mention of kidnapping, abuse, character death (abot and attic au specific events). Extreme helicopter parenting and pressure.
I’m piggybacking off the work of @phantomrose96​ @sandflakedraws​
ABOT Attic AU Masterpost
At age five, Takane Tsubomi meets Kageyama Shigeo on the playground of the local daycare they both attend. Years later, she barely remembers that first meeting—only that he was odd, despite looking nearly identical to a dozen other little boys like him. Before long, she becomes accustomed to him quietly shadowing her, not quite left out but certainly not a part of the conversations she held with the other children.
It’s almost a month before she learns at least one reason he stands apart from the mob. It had started with a game of kick the ball, which Shigeo is admittedly awful at. After making his team lose a third time in a row, some of the meaner boys steal the football and toss it over the fence, as if to communicate once and for all that they were done playing.
“We can tell the teacher to get it for us,” Tsubomi says, honestly expecting her strange, sort-of friend to walk away dejectedly, or maybe even start crying. She knows she might have, if she weren’t already too stubborn. But instead, Shigeo stares balefully at the ball on the other side of the fence, as though willing it to return.
And then, it does.
Almost of its own volition, the ball picks itself up off the ground, and soars gently into Shigeo’s outstretched arms, just as the teacher calls the students in from recess.
“Can balls fly?” Tsubomi asks her mother that evening, after playing vaguely with her dinner for several minutes.
“Depends how hard you hit them,” her dad pipes in, voice jovial despite the not-joke being astoundingly unfunny. “You thinking of following in your old man’s footsteps, going out for the baseball team?”
Without ever answering her question, her parents begin down a tangent about signing her up for baseball when she gets old enough, about summer camps and sports teams. A conversation about her without ever once looking her way. Tsubomi oes back to playing with her food while her parents drone on, their lack of answer for some reason answering her question anyways.
At age five, for no other reason than spite alone, Takane Tsubomi learned how to keep a secret.
The natural drifting away from Shigeo happened so slowly that Tsubomi was almost unaware that it happened. Somewhere down the line, he had gone from Shigeo-chan to Mob-kun, an almost friend to a sort-of stranger. Years later, she realized that he always seemed to exist in those twilight spaces—not quite right, but certainly not wrong either.
They attended the same elementary school, sometimes sharing classes, more often not. It didn’t take long until Mob was at the back of her mind. He was, after all, so easy to lose in a crowd.
At age ten, though, they share a class in the spring semester. She’s already learning to balance sports and grades and pretending to like all the other girls and boys in the class, just as her parents expect her to, and this keeps her so preoccupied that it takes her time to notice Mob at all.
She catches him by the shoe racks after class one day, though. He’s struggling with a backpack that’s just a little heavier than it should be, trying to coordinate between the backpack, his shoes, and his jacket.
“Hello Mob-kun,” she greets. He glances up at her, obviously delighted that he’s being acknowledged at all. For a moment, Tsubomi feels a brief pang or regret that she’s put her old friend so far out of mind. Instead of dwelling on it, she pushes the conversation forward. “Are you going somewhere today?”
“Yes,” Mob nods, solemnly, “I’m going to meet my shishou today.”
“Your shishou?” she prompts, when it’s clear he’s not going to be more forthcoming.
“Yes,” Mob says again, shoes and jacket now on, backpack slipped over it shoulders. “He teaches me cool tricks. Like. Um. Do you remember the dog?”
“Of course!” she says, as though that were something that could be forgotten easily. This gets another soft, delighted smile from the other boy, as though he’s relieved that one of his peers actually remembers his existence. “Could you show me what you’ve learned?”
“Oh…,” he says, shuffling his feet and glancing at the door, as though aware that he was losing time. “I have to go, I think though. He wanted me to be on time today. But maybe I can show you the new tricks later?”
“Okay,” she agrees, suddenly aware that she has piano lessons before long, and also needs to get going. “Later then.”
And although her thoughts are quickly consumed with piano practice and then extra tutoring and on and on and on. And yet, this time, the other boy did not drift out of her mind completely. She can’t recall the last time she’d actually told one of her classmates that they would have to meet again later, and actually meant it.
There is, however, no ‘later’ for her.
That night, Mob’s face is broadcast across every television screen in the city.
The first day, Tsubomi tries to convince her parents to let her help, even in some small way.
“I saw him!” she tells them, “Before we left school yesterday! I can help!”
Her parents look at each other, and then back at her.
“Lots of people saw him yesterday,” her mother says, voice gentle to the point of brittleness. “I’m sure that there were others—we can’t…you can’t get caught up in this. It may be dangerous.”
For all her stubbornness, Tsubomi is smart. She knows when she has no chance to argue against her parents, and that one of those times has arrived. In addition to their regular strictness, there’s an odd note in both their voices.
Fear, her mind supplies. And suggests that maybe, she too, should be afraid.
But all she feels is anger.
The next few weeks bleed into each other. Tsubomi is squirreled away in the safety of her own home. Normally, this would be a welcome reprieve from the onslaught of school and social and lessons. Instead, though, she’s left listening at the door as her parents whisper, trying to keep the panic out of their voices.
She doesn’t even bother asking her parents directly about it anymore. She already knows what sort of answer she’ll receive.
Instead, Tsubomi fetches the newspaper out of the trash, after her father is finished with it, carefully clipping out articles, then disposing of it as inconspicuously as possible. These articles, she keeps tucked in the inside of her math book, since she’s long suspected her mother of snooping in her personal diary. She pores over these, in moments she’s certain she’s been left to her own devices, making notes, trying to connect pieces.
She tries to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach, when the steady flow of articles slows to a trickle, and the reporters begin referring to “the body of Kageyama Shigeo” rather than Mob himself.
The breaking point arrives almost three months after Mob vanishes, seemingly into thin air. She’s since been allowed to return to school, to her lessons, most likely because her parents are concerned that too much free time will give her…odd ideas.
More than once, Tsubomi considers reaching out to Ritsu, who she also considers a friend. But if she thought her parents grip was tight, it was nothing compared to the invisible cage the Kageyamas had constructed around their remaining son.
Ritsu, for the most part, kept his head down. A lot of people spoke about his heartbreak, but Tsubomi couldn’t see where they saw broken. All she can see is rage.
She doesn’t manage to stick around long enough to see if broken ever arrives to Kageyama Ritsu. Her own breaking point arrives, and she hates that it comes in the most mundane fashion.
After school one day, between cram school and dance lessons, Tsubomi trips on the backpack that she’d thoughtlessly left on the floor. She can only watch in horror as her books slide out, newspaper clippings escaping their secret place. Can feel the coldness in her mother’s gaze that freezes her where she stands, as her mother examines the months of clandestine investigation.
At age ten, three months after the disappearance of Kageyama Shigeo, Tsubomi learns the cost of lying.
By the age of fourteen, Takane Tsubomi has not only mastered the art of lying—she has, more importantly, mastered the art of not getting caught.
If it hadn’t been for her last, fateful encounter with the police, and for her parents rage at discovering her own investigation into things, she would perhaps have let the matter die. Let it sink into her memory as a tragedy that was easier to simply…forget. All the other students did. He was, after all, so easy to lose in a crowd.
But she didn’t forget. There was nothing much she could do, but she tried to do more than not forgetting. She remembered.
It took her a while to recollect all of the articles her mother had disposed over, and even longer to recompile her notes. But by the time she was through, she’d also added any and all details about that strange, shadowy boy that was so, so easy to forget. Notes on his mannerisms, memories of childhood playdates, even a crude sketch of what he’d worn the day of his disappearance.
Tsubomi even went so far as to ask Mezato Ichi, from the next class over, for advice under the guise of potentially joining the journalism club. Mezato didn’t fall for it, she knew, but Tsubomi was a tough nut to crack—she’d ensured that. By now, there were layers on the layers until not even her parents could tell the difference between her true face and the masks she wore to fool the world.
(Had they ever known the difference?)
And so, at age fourteen, Takane Tsubomi was perhaps the only person to note when one Isari Tetsuo, primary investigator on the Kageyama Shigeo case file, vanished. Admittedly, there was very little said about it, and after bribing Mezato with an inside interview with the school’s tennis team, she’s learns that it is (most likely) a cases of infidelity.
Still, she adds it to her notes.
In the middle of her second year of middle school, Tsubomi finds herself uprooted without warning. Her first thought is that her investigation has once again been discovered, and is relieved to learn that it is merely her parent’s usual nosiness.
They’d noticed something off about her. Not in her grades or her sports or her social life. By all accounts, those were flawless. (Tsubomi had ensured that.)
But she seemed troubled, most likely by the string of violence surrounding the local delinquent gangs. They worried that it was disturbing her studies and pursuits, and besides, they’d found a middle school that would properly prepare her for the gold star high school she would be admitted to.
(They didn’t ask her thoughts on the matter, and Tsubomi knew better than to offer them.)
Almost overnight, it seemed, Tsubomi was swept from her childhood home into a completely foreign area.
It could be a good thing, she reasons. New students. New school. New beginning.
But no. The show must go on.
And for the first time in four years, she tries to let Mob slip from her mind.
Over a year later, Tsubomi has almost convinced herself to forget Mob. Almost, multiple times, thrown away the dozens of notes and newspaper clippings she’s compiled. Almost, but not quite.
That small, stubborn part at the core of her soul refuses to let go. Not yet.
And then, just like that day five years prior, Kageyama Shigeo is on the news again.
When she first hears the report, she freezes, blood running cold. She knows in her heart that Mob is dead. There’s no way he could possibly be alive—what would the point have been? She’s steeled herself time and again for the day she hears that they have found his body. Hates herself for all the times she’s imagined him, buried in a shallow grave in some out-of-the-way abandoned lot.
She thinks she’s prepared herself for every possible outcome.
She has not prepared herself to hear that he is alive.
Certainly not alive and well, but alive.
For the first time in months? Years? She can’t remember anymore. But for the first time in a long time, she feels tears welling up in her eyes, and does not fight to push them away.
She has her own smart phone by now, and while it is regularly checked by parents and heavily restricted in its general network access, she has long since learned how to avoid her parents suspicion. That said, her initial searches did not bring much to light—the news world seemed just as baffled as she is by the sudden turn of events.
She hears everything from kidnapping, to possession, to corrupt cops working the case. It takes time to sort through all the conspiracy theories. Even after the mainstream has let the case rest, and let the Kageyama have a little peace, it’s difficult to piece together exactly what happened.
Despite the rush of guilt that comes with it, she cannot help but feel vindicated to learn of the discovery of Officer Isari’s body, that his disappearance was, in fact, connected to his long running case. She sees the face of his widow on every report she reads, recounting his bravery and her relief to finally have a place to lay her husband to rest properly.
And even there, the facts don’t seem to add up. She checks and checks her notes, but cannot reconcile the length of time between Officer Isari’s disappearance, and the reappearance of the long-lost boy.  But, the press likes to tie things up with a pretty little bow. She knows this from her time spent in the company of Mezato. Some part of her tells her that she should be satisfied with this. It is, after all, a happy ending.
It isn’t enough though. If it was….well, she wouldn’t be Takane Tsubomi.
The next day, for the first time in her entire life, Tsubomi skips school.
Without asking permission, she instead catches the train back to the only place she calls home.
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Most of the authors are correct with what they are trying to point out in thier masterpiece. Do you still remember The Road Not Taken by Frost from your 7th grade? I hope you do, because i took that road, been taking that beautiful road.
I am writing this not because im stucked in Enhanced Community Quarantine due to Corona virus pandemic, but because someday i want to read what i amariting and will be writing from today and the days forward. Idont know where is this going and how im gonna put into words everything what's on my mind. Though education graduate, i am not good at narrating and remembering things just so you know everything im gonna right here from letters a-z means speacial to me, and to my boyfriend. Yes you read it right. I hope youre not a sexist and will continue reading after digesting what you have just read.
The beginning.
It was June 2019 when I was hired. Been so excited since this is my first job. Though there are no clsses yet, The institution wants us to be present all the days of June just to make acquaitance and sort of trainings as well. In the first few weeks, it was only me,Teacher E,Teacher I, Teacher J and Teacher J. But as the days goes by, the faculty members gets bigger. There was only 4 male teachers in the group and one was added on the third or fourth week of June. Im not sure. I've told you that in my opening statements. (I thought you just need some validation.lol) and after letting him sit near in the group, i knew what is his name, J. J,as a psychology graduate, has been very keen and i knew that day he doesnt like me. i tried to be one of his friends but the universe was making me not to like him anymore....as a friend.( just making evrything clear.) There was this moment that i asked him about something i totally have forgotten. Good thing is he answered my open-ended question which was answerable by yes or no but he disnt take a pause but he keeps on walking. Atleast he answered. That day i realized that i shouldn't let myself be treatd that way by someone i just met. That incident broke my heart a little. The feeling of being ignored cannot be easily taken away. But hey, its just a one person, I still have the other teachers i mentioned a while ago. You shouldn't let someone treat you like your nobody. If you tried and you think its not really gonna work, leave them. Don't be afraid to lose people in your life.
Teacher's day 2019
It was an adventure with me,J Teacher E, which companied by her boyfriend, P and his bestfriend,ATe five of us. Do not wonder why I didnt mention Irish. That bitch ditch us. She was drunk and spend money for alcohols. Well shes not the only one who was drunk thatroning, Also Jbut he made it anyway. And that is what makes no-to-indianan E real mad, as she is really hot headed.
We made it to Enchanted Kingdom!!! We really enjoyed each other. We ate in a cheap restaurant, we laughed, we told stories, we had the chance to know each other. Remember A? Esbestfriend. Oh good. The bery first day i met him, i know I had a crush on him. not because of his body figure but because of his height,look and porma.
After K and i broke up for less than 3 weeks, i started talking to someone and his name is A. Well, he is nice. We added oirselves on facebook so ofcourse we talked about anything. After weeks or a month of talking , i followed him on instagram but never followede me back. I waited for a notification, but there was none. I knew from that moment its going no where, so we stopped.
After days or a month, (I AM NOT SURE AGAIN THOUGH I CAN STILL REMEMBER THE DETAILS I JUST COULDNT REMEMBER WHEN EXACTLY) Jervin and I became friends. We told about anything about ourselves gradually and clearly finding out what we truly are. There were so many times we stayed and slept at home but i will never forget the moemnt i was laying on his lap and holding his hand and biting it sometimes. I also couldnt forget how shiny and smooth his hair was as i run my fingers through his hair. It was memomorable. It was the beginning of everything.
First bottle
It was November 3, 2019 when i finally visit bim on his house and guess what, he was alone that time. Despite of the paper works waiting for us, which was the reason why i went there, we managed to buy oe bottle of red horse. After just one bottle, We both dizzy, and so we decided to sleep....together since i couldnt sleep alone in a house i just visited. Guess what drunk people do in a house without anyone who can see if things get hotter? To cut the story short, we kissed and sucked each other's nipple. Though we don't want what just happened, we still slept together. The day after that, we were not talking. It feels like it was the day one with someone you know could be the one. The emotions getting enormous and so my heart couldnt bear it. And the rain falls from the tio of my eyes. So i talked to him, we are both not in a calm emotional state. And so we cried.
Jervin, nust like me is a player too,but he is an expert. In the beginning of out friendship, he told stories about asking for load from someone hea flirting. And that day that i was crying at home texting him, my heart breaks a little and the rain became a storm. Wanna know why?because he was telling that this was gonna be his last message and he ran out of load. The level of sadness i felt that day wasnt measurable. And i feel like the feeling of betrayal brought by my kalandia in the past cane back. But after praying, I got welll. You know when you know your worth, Its awesome. You are awesome. But pfcourse at some point , things happen because soehow you let it happen.
The confusion
You know you can be together but there was soemthing that holding you back. Weve been getting to know each other since that day. We checked each other. We glanced at each other even during classes. We walked each other's home. We visited eache other's home. We did the late night talks while walking or by sitting in a dark area in Lakfront so people couldnt notice us that easily. We talked about everything and its just feel right. Christmas is cumming and we were both lloking for answers. When people say wait for perfect place and perfect timing, believe them.
The day!
It was in December 22,2019 when we finally said pur relationship is official. We were both happy. Everything is just fine. A usual landian moments of a new couple is what we did. Since its only 3 days before Christmas, i have to go back to Batangas. And so saud goodbye to each other for the meantime with a promise of coming back on 2020.
But as a malanding boyfriend who wants to see his boyfriend, I bought a Yem cake for him which was my utang from my cousin. The plan of surprisinf him at night of December 28,2020 was successful. i saw his eyes swollen as soon as he see me. He let me stay in his house for the meantime and after 30minutes or an hour weeent to oir house and made love.
Reasons why him
1. A pysch graduate- He knows wht i feel. He knows like everything im feeling. He is always there for me.
2. Giod looking- he is one of campus hearttrob. May students admire him. I admire him too. I love him more when gis smiling wearing a stripe shirt.
3. Genius- He is a person who can teach you things he knows. Like hacks on how to manually dry a cloth using a bath towel is what i couldnt forget. (You try it,you figure it out yourself how to dru clothes with a towell)
4. Attitude- When he says he dont like soemthing or someone, dont force him to like it. I have that attitude too. But the fact that loves me now is pricelss.
5. Clingy- never did i taighy that i would love someone who is clingy because never did i thought that i would be that clingy to him. He likes hugs,kisses on his body and canton. You read it wrong, read it again.
Idont where to put this but im gonna write it here. He told me he never like surprises, but as i surprise him with beverages like Delight,his favorite, it made hime smile. The favt that he loves when im surprisinf him what makes me stay and appreciated.
Memorable moments
There are thousands of memorable moments we enjoyed. And here are the following:
1. I run my fingers through his hair.
2. Thousands of times we hangout.
3. Walking and enjoying each other company at night.
4. Street food scenarios.
5. We foughtover buying a lots of Julie's bread.
6. We knocked doors even during classes to deliver foods.
7. He gave me a perfume. I make the box of it a pen holder.
8. Date at Mcdonalds.
9. I fetched him hahen he hangout with Ram and other girl.Iwaited an hour outside Mcdonalds
10. The clinic kisses.
11. The new building kisses.
12. The cumming with no hands.lol
13. The cumming from sofa to refrigirator.
14. We bought his Iphone and stripe shirts at Divisoria
15. The holding hands🥰
As of today, June 20,2020, were still together. There were moements of breaking up with him,but we are both fighting against the world. I always bear in my mind whathe is and what he truly deserves. And that is what holding me to oir relationship. Wee havent seen each other for almost four months but its okay. We dont wanna add up to health risk. Though there were times we experienced LDR problems, we are trying to reach and hear eachothers side before madness. Though i admit i easily get irritated because he is usually mad these days, i undrstand because we are in a LDR . Im not gonna be bias so im gonna tell this. One of the things that makes him mad is that i sleep early without notice and and i couldnt update him that much since theres a lot to do when your stuck in your hoise with your family.(please consider im the youngest in the family.)
Lat night, i slept early. Today, 3:43am , im still awake drinking coffeee. And he didnt notify me if he was eeping ir what. His last message was he was goint to take a bath but it was four hours ago. Maybe my bebe boy is taking a revenge. Goodnight!
- [ ]
June 20,2020
Hes becoming dry. Im hvjng thoughts he is no longer interested. Lets see if my emotion will change as it changes minute after minute.
June 22 2020
Nothing new. We barely celebrated monthsary as we go out when we hve time. And besides he dont wanna celebrate it. Its hard. Im wondering if hereally dint like to commomerate.
June 24,2020
We had chat. But he didnt chat me at night from 830 until now 1:25 am. I have sent kind words and i dont know whats gotten into him. I just hope and pray hes alriggt. Its OK for me for i know he has his own story he dont wanna tell and its cool. Di you want to know what on my mind right now? Let me tell you. So last month i guess He unfriended a lot of friends on facebook but eventually changed his accoint. So the converaations we had storires on hiw we started are on the first facebook accnt he used to have. And hes acting weird from what i notice and im thinking if im really the only one. I know and his friend how inlove he was with Paul,his past kalandian and a new character. Never did i tell that i can see his likes in Pauls accnt with his new account. Actually, he have two and since i got his password ofcourse he would like Paul's post with the pther facebook account. I also stalked Paul on Instagram and saw his likes again. Now that he used his NEW account i have no longer access to the first old one. I tried to log it in pero fcbk said wrong password. My ate and nanay have been friennds with J on Facebook and so i could use their accnt to heck if the old accnt has been deactivated. So before thinking wrecklessly im gonna find proof. And if he likes somebody else, who am i to stop his heart from loving someone who is surely better than me?
My hunches are wrong. I opened his facebook accnt and he hs been struggling the way people would see us together specially his realtives. Idontknow what todo. Universe truly gives shit and its hard.
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Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
We have a tendency to men are pretty vain creatures, irrespective of how much we have a tendency to insist to the contrary. When at the gym, we pay almost as abundant time checking our muscles out within the mirror as we tend to do lifting weights. We love the approach our muscles look, and work onerous to relinquish the muscles the “ideal” shape. Per the Adonis Golden Ratio program, it’s possible to induce the “good masculine physique” using the diet and exercise tricks taught in the book. Is it realistic? This Adonis Golden Ratio Review takes a look below the hood to search out out if the program delivers… What is Adonis Golden Ratio? The Adonis Golden Ratio program is designed to assist men get the “excellent” physique. The term “perfection” is outlined by the Adonis Golden Ratio as a formula for the body shape that will be most subconsciously attractive to women. It sounds sort of a fascinating concept, however I’m a touch hesitant to just accept it. The Minds Behind Adonis Golden Ratio: John Barban and Kyle Leon John Barban is the same man who contributed to the Venus Factor, which we tend to have reviewed exhaustive here… Per John Barban’s official website:     My formal education background may be a Masters In Human Biology and Nutrition from U of Guelph, where I spent three years as a varsity strength and conditioning coach for the ice hockey team.     I did more graduate analysis and taught exercise physiology at the University of Florida. I’ve taken a bunch of private coaching certifications, all the usual ones like the NSCA CSCS, ACE PT, CSEP, etc. He has worked with or taken half in the creation of brands like:     MuscleTech     NxLabs     Slimquick     ADS     BlueStar Nutraceuticals     Empowered Nutrition Products Kyle Leon is the person behind the Customized Fat Loss program, that we tend to have reviewed in depth here… He may be a fitness trainer that markets fitness products, and has definitely become well-known due to the projects on which he has place his name. He may be a nutrition specialist, a private trainer, and a fitness model – having appeared on the covers of a range of fitness magazines. He also serves on the fitness advisory board at BioTrust Nutrition, and acts as a spokesperson and senior product development consultant at a company named Blue Star Nutraceuticals. Of course, if you Google “Kyle Leon” or “Kyle Leon bio”, you find terribly very little info on him. Click here to view the video presentation of the product A Take a look at the “Adonis Golden Ratio” Package Naked upper body of a muscular man perofrming an exercise with an EZ Curl bar. Upon purchasing the Adonis Golden Ratio package you are sent a ZIP folder with nine PDF files. The Adonis Effect Index Manual This book is that the intro to the Adonis Golden Ratio program, and it gets you started down the road to “perfection”. It starts out by explaining what the “Adonis Golden Ratio” is, detailing how girls of various ages and from totally different elements of the globe will realize the identical body attractive. Per the book, anthropologists are looking out for the reason behind this perception of attraction for “years”, and it's a mathematical equation that governs this law of attraction. The mathematical equation is called the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio is one:1.618. What will this mean? Well, in keeping with the instance cited in the book, the space between your head and your navel is 1:1.618 of the distance from your head to the guidelines of your fingers. The Golden Ratio was employed by artists like Leonardo da Vinci and designers like Le Corbusier to define the perfect male body. Sculptures were created according to those measurements, and it's these measurements that women realize most attractive.     The purpose of the Adonis Golden Ratio books is to help you achieve that “perfect” ratio of broad shoulders, defined chest, a decent waist, and well-outlined arm and leg muscles. The book goes on to list the advantages of being attractive (a terribly shallow concept, in my view), as well as:     An easier time getting a job     Being happier     Attracting additional girls     Individuals’s perception of you changes The Three Adonis Index Nutrition Programs The book lists the three totally different programs used in the Adonis Golden Ratio package: Burn The focus of this program is on burning fat to the extreme, helping those that are very overweight to lose weight and obtaining in sensible shape. Build and Burn For those who would like to tighten up their muscles and obtain rid of those previous couple of pounds of fat, this is the option for them. Lean muscle is built, and maximum fat is burned. Build This program focuses on people who want to pack on the pounds of muscles, primarily hardgainers. It aims to push a high-calorie diet and fitness program that builds muscle mass. See which program you must go for Calculating Your “Good” Body Size Naked upper body of a muscular man performing exercises with two dumbbells. The next section of the book helps you calculate what your current body ratio is, also that program you're alleged to use. This is where things get a bit complicated. Initial, you employ the equation provided in the book to assist you work out what your current waist to shoulder ratio is. Then, you check the charts to work out which of the 3 programs you will use. You have to search out your waist ratio on the three charts, matching your height.     For example:     I am half dozen' half-dozen.         If my ratio is between 35.1 and 36.six, I would be on the BUILD program         If my ratio is between thirty seven.44 and 39.seventy eight, I would be on the BUILD & BURN program         If my ratio is between forty.56 and 43.68, I would be on the BURN program Once you find your house on the chart, you've got to decide on the proper program according to your height. Each of the three programs come back with 3 options, every for a different height class.     Option one is for those shorter than 5' seven?     Choice 2 is for those between five' 8? and vi'     Possibility three is for those taller than six' 1? Complicated, right? I know it took me a while to wrap my head around it, and it could take you a jiffy of careful reading to work out that program you belong in. The Adonis Golden Ratio Workout The workout program detailed during this program was really quite an interesting, distinctive one that fascinated me. The workout is essentially divided up into four rep ranges:     5 reps of very serious weights     8 reps of heavy weights     thirteen reps of moderate weights     twenty one reps of light weights This comes from the Fibonacci range, that is supposed to be the right variety sequence. Primarily, each variety is the sum of the two numbers before it. The sequence of numbers is as follows: 0, 1, one, 2, 3, 5, eight, thirteen, twenty one, 34, 55, 89, 14four… The workout uses these numbers because the “perfect” variety of reps for your workouts, though why they’re ideal is left unexplained. Whereas studying for my Certification as a Professional Trainer with The National Federation of Professional Trainers, I stumbled on this info:     White slow twitch motor unit failure is achieved through the four to 6 rep range. These are the muscle fibers that expand, and they're those that give you noticeable muscle definition.     Red slow twitch motor unit failure happens within the twelve to fifteen rep vary. These are the muscle fibers that provide you stamina and strength and some definition.     Red quick twitch motor unit failure occurs in the 20 to twenty five rep range. These are the muscle fibers that provide you endurance. The Adonis Golden Ratio workouts principally fall into this rep range, but the 8-rep workout arrange will not engage either the white or red slow twitch motor units properly–that means less definition and growth for both of those muscle units. There are some tips to assist you complete your workout properly, and you’ll notice that you can start with the workouts simply. Each of the 3 programs–BURN, BUILD, and BURN & BUILD–is intended almost exactly the same, with identical structure and content. The Workout Manual Each program comes with its own workout manual, complete with:     A list of exercises to do with each workout     A weightlifting workout to try to to 4 days of the week     A cardio intervals workout to try and do 2 days of the week     Advice on how several reps to do per workout, relying on the cycle you are looking     Three cycles–Growth, Lean Muscle, Definition–each lasting four weeks It’s a pleasant, complete fitness program, and you’ll find that it takes the mystery out of your daily gym session. Just print out the PDF file, and take it with you to the gym to understand EXACTLY what to do and how many times to do it. The Diet Guide All three programs come back with a diet guide to help take the mystery from how and what to eat. Right off the bat, you get three nifty tips to get you started. 3 Straightforward Rules to Live by:     Eat breakfast not more than thirty minutes once waking up     Eat every three to five hours     Eat your largest meal or have a protein shake immediately when working out The initial [*fr1] of the book is dedicated to an entire meal arrange consisting of 56 days’ worth of menus. The recipes are all incredibly straightforward, but are undoubtedly delicious. You’ll find that they all use ingredients that you'll be able to find anywhere, and anyone will prepare them no matter how restricted your skills within the kitchen might be! The book offers you a long grocery list, complete with everything that you'll need to arrange the meals on the menu. It even breaks down the grocery list by week, thus you'll be able to recognize exactly what to get and when. Positively taking the mystery out of the entire method! The book has you list the items that motivate you to get in form, and it’s kind of a fitness journal that you'll be able to fill out as you go. There’s a full section dedicated to serving to you discover your motivation, and therefore the content is very inspiring and positive. One terribly necessary section is the large Goals and Tiny Goals section. All folks set big goals, but it’s usually hard to reach the large goals because they’re simply so massive. The ebook helps you to interrupt it down into little, attainable goals, creating it easier for you to figure towards that large, overreaching goal. The ten Steps for Success We will’t offer you all ten steps, but here are a few:     Track your success     Use “Before” and “Once” photos     Set up ahead     Reduce temptation The information given are easy and easy to follow, but they’ll facilitate keep you on course to your fitness goals. The planet’s Most Standard Diets Grilled meat next to a cup of BBQ sauce. This can be an attention-grabbing section of the book, as it takes a examine standard diets like:     ZERO Diet     Atkins Diet     Low Carb Diet     VLCD Diets It explains why these diets don’t work, and the way you'll get better results via the Adonis Golden Ratio program. Additional Information The books offer a heap of helpful information, such as:     The science of how fats, protein, and carbs are digested and employed by your body     The truth behind smart and bad fats     How water, vitamins, and minerals play a important role in your health     How insulin and glucagon affect your blood sugar levels     How fat affects your appetite hormones     Tips and tricks for cooking     and a lot of more… Truth be told, the Adonis Golden Ratio program is fairly complete and comprehensive! Click here to see what’s in the program What We have a tendency to Think of the Adonis Golden Ratio Program I was a touch skeptical once I started reading the program, however at the completion of my review, I notice myself with a a lot of a lot of positive outlook on Adonis Golden Ratio. While there are a few things that I’m not sold on, overall the program looks like one that's price the cost. We have a tendency to’re Not Fond Of The Complicated Program It took me a whereas to work out the program, and it’s fairly difficult to perceive till you reconsider it some times. For people who wish a quick-fix program, this one definitely takes a heap more reading to perceive. Lack of Clarification of the Adonis Golden Ratio Why is that the program laid out the method it is? The diet arrange is made clear, however the workout isn’t as clear. There’s no rationalization as to why the specific variety of reps were chosen, and there may be a touch a lot of data as to why the program helps to build the “ideal” body. We tend to Love The Complete Info The Adonis Golden Ratio program takes you from begin to end, and you get all the assistance you need in every area of your life. From diet to workout to lifestyle, this is a complete program. Comprehensive Program You have a diet menu with fifty six days of half-dozen meals, plus a 12-week workout program with half-dozen days of workouts per week. That’s a heap of comprehensive data laid out and simple for you to absorb. Conclusion All in all, the Adonis Golden Ratio program seems to be a tight program. Considering what you pay for a complete lifestyle guide, it’s worth it.
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