#i haven’t seen many outsider tweets about mcyttwts behavior tho actually just ones meming ccs like dream lmao + callout/cancel threads
comradedreammoved · 3 years
i wonder what'll be the turning point for mcyttwt and other stan fanbases on Twitter. I'm kinda scared for the future, everyday I see posts going viral on local/gen-pop Twitter talking about the parasocial relationships, entitlement, and general delusion about activism that mcyttwt has with cc's, and I wonder what it will take for that to become a widespread consensus/opinion within mcyttwt. It seems like most normies and "non-stans" concur that stans' ideas of making cc's speak out on issues that they're not qualified or educated enough to speak about is unproductive and stupid. It's so frustrating to see how delusional mcyttwt drama and "issues" look from the outside, while simultaneously seeing dreams tl always be filled with people who are proud to constantly be "calling him out" or "on his ass". the sick entitlement that a lot of stan accounts have fuel some type of superiority complex they have for being endlessly "critical" of dream is a complete joke. he gets @'d in threads that get a couple thousand likes every single hour that come from the mcyttwt bubble. I see posts THREATENING dream to speak out, some giving him time limits of 2 days to tweet or else he'll be labeled as performative, antiblack, and ignorant to minority issues. the threads are made by chronically online 15 y/o's that expect him to somehow fix all racial microagressions on social media and mcyttwt by making a probably pretty uneducated thread of tweets on his ~main~ account. i don't understand how these stans can consistently tell antis' that it doesn't matter what dream says and that he doesn't control the actions of his entire fanbase (there's always gonna be people who send dt's), but then turn around and claim that a statement from him on Twitter is gonna somehow solve all the antiblackness within the community. AND additionally it's a COMMUNITY problem, idk why everyone is so dead-set on making dream into the mouthpiece for every issue, while also criticizing him for trying to be the mouthpiece for everything?? of my 7+ years on Twitter, I've never seen a community so hypocritical, apathetic, and disillusioned. my life on Twitter has essentially just become me hate scrolling through my timeline, watching all the insanely ridiculous, awful threads go bye, hoping that dream deletes the app.
idk why i just wrote an essay, but i had to rant
i honestly dont have much to add u said it all 💀 i have been thinking about what the turning point could be though, and i guess it’d have to be by the ccs cuz even respected third party hasan called their threads performative and it didn’t change anything LMAO. either that or quarantine lifts and ppl become less terminally online and/or the fandom loses popularity and becomes easier to manage. idk if it can be solved from inside the fandom anymore cuz there’ve been a LOT of threads and essays from reddit/tumblr i’ve seen gain traction, but then something always seems to make them take a step back and then we’re back to square one.
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