#i immediately sent this ask to discord back when i first saw it like LMMMMMAAAAOOOOOOO
widdlewow · 5 months
there is an interview with the s2e2 director, and he talked about Ke being surprised about the widdlewow bubble happening:
"What was one of the biggest surprises about the experience of directing this episode?
Something I’ll always try to do on any other show that I direct: It was the openness to collaboration that Kevin Wright had, particularly encouraged by Tom Hiddleston and his experience in the theater. As the scripts were getting closer to being done, we would invite all the directors to come in for their different episodes. All the actors would come in. The writers are there. And we had a week-and-a-half, two weeks where we went through every single script, and just rehearsed them and played with them and made them better. It was just this wonderfully creative moment on the show. Once we got shooting, we had a really good idea of what we wanted to do. Ke [Huy Quan] sat next to me. He saw it all happening, Owen and Tom playing with lines. He leaned over and he’s like, “Is this normal?” I’m like, “It’s normal for them!”"
help i didn’t realize we didn’t already answer this cause the phrase “it’s normal for them” had me laughing so bad i think i passed out
to quote nora: god those two really are the funniest combo like they somehow got two people who are both known for just really getting along with their costars and playing off them and now they've created a monster
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