#i just know the second someone uses the pepper emojis that their first introduction to smut was through SJM or collen hoover or something
eggcatsreads · 7 months
my bookish red flag is I don't trust you if you use a 🌶🌶🌶 "spice" scale for a book because I've been reading fanfic since I was like 12 and what you consider to be super kinky and what I consider to be super kinky are in different ballparks
(I saw a tiktok where someone was saying that a "spicy book reader" was like "omg don't even look at this unless you read spicy books because it's too much!" And you know what was too much? DP. That's it. DP is practically vanilla to me, lmao, it just means we've solved the love triangle nonsense. )
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