#i know i am anti-endo but this post sits firmly into anyone can interact as long as i didn't block you
thestarseersystem · 11 months
Systems, you can do whatever you want, forever. I don't care anymore. And if I care later, that's someone else who pilots this meat body.
Syscourse is stupid. I may scroll through the tag of my own curiosity and outrage, but getting mad over how another system does or doesn't operate is stupid.
I do the following:
Roleplay and make picrews and do silly videos with my alters and dress up
Romanticize my symptoms as a coping mechanism because that's all I got
Edit my shit and constantly fight in my head, because who's actually right here
Take shit personally. Hey what the fuck you looking at??
Thinking about committing and constantly threatening violence. Because evil alters are poggers actually
Half of the system is hypersexual. Including the littles. I've been hypersexual since I was bodily 5 years old. Whatcha gonna do, give me therapy about it? I need it.
Have a lot of problematic behaviors. So what. Who doesn't. You aint pure, bitch
Using names that I wasn't born with. Because apparently people get mad about that. I'm not elaborating. Y'all just wanna trigger ppl with OCD all day, huh.
Etc etc etc.
I'm unpalatable. DID, OSDD and other dissociative disorders aren't pretty or happy or easy to deal with. It's dark and dirty and grungy and sucky and I become an asshole sometimes.
Stop expecting systems to be perfect or having perfect labels and perfect names or perfect existences. We had to do whatever we could to survive, and that means doing morally questionable shit. That means taking up space. That means stop judging people when they do something you don't like. Because they probably are not in recovery or in therapy or getting the right treatment or wanting to get treatment or needing everything you needed.
Systems have no set way to be. Yes, I'm mainly anti-endo and do think all systems come from trauma, but do you know what I'm not gonna do? Go and harass people about it. I block people, constantly. I constantly question if I should block people on my side of things because of their stupid fucking opinions. I stay in my fucking lane and try to mind my own business.
But sometimes I'm a nosy bitch, sometimes I'm curious about what's going on. Because there's no positive or neutral system content most of the time. But there's always some crazy drama going on. And that's what I assume some of y'all are doing when looking at this post.
So, just take a step back and ask yourself, are you willing to die on this hill and keep shitting on other fucking randos on the internet, for shit you have no right to question, or are you going to log off and touch some fucking grass? Because honestly, I don't care anymore, and you shouldn't either.
Live authentically, even if that means being a little punk ass bitch or mauling a stranger.
I'm done with keeping up appearances and masking in this community. I don't need a crumb of validation or acceptance, I'm just throwing this out there to anyone in the trenches. Don't give a shit for a moment. Eat some grass instead of being online.
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